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Al-Ahed Telegram


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The following are the Islamic-Resistance operations that took place during the month of March in 1999...

Islamic-Resistance Performs 111 Operations in March 1999

Among 142 operations performed by the resistance squadrons against the occupation forces and agents, the Islamic Resistance performed 111, "the Lebanese Brigades for Resisting the Occupation"* 24, and "the Amal Movement" 6. No side declared responsibility for the remaining operation, however.

The Zionist enemy acknowledged 5 soldiers were wounded, claiming 3 of them had been wounded in the collision of a Lahd vehicle and an "Israeli" one in Sojod-ar-Rihan Sector. The enemy also acknowledged 6 Lahd militiamen were wounded.
On the other hand, the Islamic-Resistance sources declared 3 Zionist soldiers and 7 Lahd militiamen were wounded.

The Resistance also announced an Islamic-Resistance fighter was martyred.
Furthermore, on March 18, 1999, Kfarfalouse-Jezzine Crossing Point was reopened as a new gate leading to the crossing point was made in the square of Roum Town. The crossing point had been closed for two months and a half. Besides, the three cement barriers obstructing the road between Sfaray and the gate to al-Mashnaqa Crossing Point were removed, and agent Joseph Karam, nicknamed "Alloush", became in charge of the crossing point. Now traffic could move in both directions: from the east of Saida to Roum-Jezzine and from Roum-Jezzine to the Lebanese checkpoint in Kfarfalouse. As the Lebanese Army got deployed in that region, the crossing point wasn't closed again.

Lebanese Brigades Perform Operation Series, March 10, 1999

Several groups of "the Lebanese Brigades for Resisting the "Israeli" Occupation" attacked the enemy sites of ad-Dabsheh, as-Suweidaa, Sojod, and Beit Yahoun. The groups as well clashed with the garrison of Haddatha Site for 15 minutes, so the enemy helicopters had to interfere with the battle to back the site. Thence, the Lebanese-Brigades Fire Backup Unit bombarded the site, too. The Brigades as well bombarded the enemy sites of Blat and Teir Harfa.

Operation Kroum el-Arz, March 11, 1999

On March 11, 1999, the Islamic-Resistance Sniping Unit shot two Lahd militiamen at the Lahd Kroum el-Arz Site. The Lahd Militia acknowledged the injury of only one militiaman, however.

Operation Bir Kallab, March 23, 1999

On March 23, 1999, an Islamic-Resistance group blasted a Lahd motorcade en route to Bir Kallab Site. Thus, an M-113 troop carrier was demolished, and its crewmen suffered casualties.

Operation Wadi el-Hjeir, March 26, 1999

On March 26, 1999, the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Jamal Shehemi blasted an "Israeli" infantry patrol in the surroundings of Wadi el-Hjeir. Though the infantrymen suffered serious casualties, the occupation forces acknowledged the injury of only an officer and a soldier.
Operation Blat, March 31, 1999

On March 31, 1999, the group of martyr Muhammad Tahini and Hassan Balhas, corresponding to the Islamic-Resistance Fire Backup Unit, attacked Blat Site with artillery. The group hit a Merkava tank positions at the site, damaging it.
One Islamic-Resistance Fighter Martyred in March 1999
Hussein Abdullah Moghnieh: He was martyred on March 1, 1999 while confronting the occupation forces.

**"The Lebanese Brigades for Resisting the Occupation" was founded by the Islamic-Resistance and has been specialized for all patriots concerned about fighting the "Israeli" occupation.

