Sayyed Nasrallah: STL, Indictment Conspiracy Will Be Gone With The Wind Like Earlier Conspiracies

Paying homage and condolences to the Prophet and His Household is the beginning of every ceremony of Ashura, a beginning that has no time and no place, as every land is Karbala and every day is Ashura.
And just like all the Tenths of Muharram, Hizbullah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah addresses the hearts and minds of loyal people, from the land of devotion, patience, perseverance and resistance.
"At the beginning, I address you all, and thank you for your presence and participation, for your effort which represents some support and response to Imam Hussein's call (PBUH)," his eminence addressed the tides of people all in black through a giant screen from the Raya stadium in the Southern Suburb.
Sayyed Nasrallah talked to the people emphasizing the importance of their presence "Your presence in this place and at this time is evidence to the victory of Imam Hussein, who sacrificed for Islam and the well being of the Ummah. Today hundreds of years after the martyrdom of Imam Hussein, you all proved to answer the call of Imam Hussein, which will remain to be answered forever, and until resurrection day."
Hizbullah leader highlighted the lessons we grasp from the school of Imam Hussein "Hussein taught us to defend our rights, whether personal or public," adding "however, there are rights that can never be let down; the rights of the Ummah, its dignity, and its sanctities. No one has the right to abandon one jot of the land, one drop of water, or a piece of our precious sanctities. Today, Palestine and Al Quds are the big title of rights. The Ummah must support it. Many Muslims and Christians fell martyrs on the road to regaining Al Quds. The conflict cannot end unless Al Quds returns to its rightful owners, to the Ummah, and this is the option and the definitive right."
Sayyed Nasrallah reminded that the Gaza Strip this week, despite the blockade the warplanes hovering in its sky, they (the Palestinians) stood firmly and assured they will not let go one inch of their land. He said the resistance, today from the steadfast Southern Suburb that was subject to aggression and attacks, the Lebanese carry on with what their Palestinian fellow brothers started. "As long as there is blood in our veins, we will never acknowledge the state of "Israel", and we shall not let go one grain of sand of our dear land.
Sayyed Nasrallah added that as long as there are the oppressed and as long as there are aggressors, the resistance will remain to defend the rights, to resist.
His Eminence urged the supporters to support Palestinians and the resistance there and end Gaza's blockade, reiterating that no one should give up the right of return to Palestine.
He lauded the Arab committee for admitting that negotiations are fruitless, yet noting they were late to discover that. "Today on Ashura day, we call on the Ummah to walk the path of dignity, pride and resistance. Settlements and negotiations are dead," Sayyed Nasrallah added.
He addressed those who refuse this reality "Tell your people the truth, that the only option to regain the land and dignity is resistance. We ask you to support Palestine and the resistance people, stand by them, and lift the blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip. Support the Palestinians who live abroad so that they can return, support the Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip and in the West Bank economically and morally, so that they can stay despite the dire conditions. Support this dear Palestinian people and help them put an end to all divisions."
Hizbullah SG urged the Ummah to unite in one stance for only a week, and see how the entire world would come crawling to ask for resolving the matter "If our Ummah takes a united position for just one week, and declare an end to negotiations, you will find the whole world crawling towards you and asking for a chance to resolve the matter. This opportunity should not be wasted."
Sayyed Nasrallah tackled the latest "Israeli" threats to Lebanon that have been increasing lately, noting "Today, on your behalf and in your name, we declare to friends and foes that these threats do not scare us and cannot weaken our will. The times when you could scare and threaten us are over. Today, we stand in the position of realizing victory.
""Israel" that is threatening the resistance was defeated by this same resistance in 1993, in 1996, in 2000, and in 2006. The resistance has defeated all of your generals and will defeat you again in the future. These threats are a failing psychological war that can never have any effect on our hearts and minds," Sayyed Nasrallah added.
His Eminence reiterated the importance of stability in the country, "Today, in this ceremony, we reassure our concern about our country and about realizing a healthy relationship between the different parties and sects. We declare our rejection to any strife among the Muslims, as it is an "Israeli"-US Scheme targeting our Ummah."
In a few words, Sayyed Nasrallah described the latest scheme on Lebanon as a scheme of an international title, which is the Special Tribunal for Lebanon and the indictment. "We reject any unjust indictment and we will fail the aims of this indictment. We will fight the objectives of the accusations in the tribunal's indictment and we will protect our resistance and country against attempts to stir strife." Hizbullah leader assured that this is but another conspiracy that will fade just like all previous conspiracies that were prepared for Lebanon and the region were gone with the wind.
At the end of the speech, and as in every Ashura day, Hizbullah Secretary General declared that we hold Imam Hussein's aims in reviving the truth, maintaining the Islam, preserving the dignities, defending the divine beliefs, and assisting the tyrannized, and we give in our blood for the sake of your path. He, on behalf of all the supporters, renewed the pledge to Imam Hussein and His Grandfather on the day of the victory of the oppressed over the oppressor, to keep resisting and defending the land, dignity, and all rights.