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Hizbullah SG: STL Will Face Something More Difficult Than Wikileaks

Hizbullah SG: STL Will Face Something More Difficult Than Wikileaks
folder_openReports-2010 access_time14 years ago
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Nour Rida

Hizbullah SG: STL Will Face Something More Difficult Than Wikileaks

On the tenth evening of Ashura on Wednesday, Hizbullah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah appeared on the giant screen from the Sayyed Al Shuhada complex that held in every night of the ten-day Ashura those faithful to Imam Hussein, who came to take part in the ceremonies.

But unlike all the other nights, on the tenth night, Sayyed Nasrallah did not focus on the school of Karbala, but discussed the political issues, including two major topics, the "Israeli" enemy and the STL, indictment.

Starting with the "Israeli" issue, Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that all the schemes and plans taking place in the region are related to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, and to the Arab-"Israeli" conflict.

"A set of ideas have come to an end for "Israel", and today, there is nothing called a plan for a "Greater Israel" anymore," SAyyed Nasrallah said. He noted that the Zionist entity's project, and the "Greater Israel" came to an end because of steadfastness, resistance, and sacrifices, and not because of "Israelis" qualities have improved. He added that the base of this achievement is owing to the efforts of the resistance movements and those who support them, starting from the 1948 occupation of Palestine, reaching the 25 may liberation of Lebanon which hammered the last nail on "Israel's" project.

The "Great Israel", which all countries used to fear has come to an end, Sayyed stressed, adding that its image, which threatened the peoples of the region earlier, no longer scares even little children. What damaged "Israel's" grand image, according to His Eminence were the victories of the resistance movements during the July and Gaza wars, emphasizing that "Israel" can no longer achieve what it wants.

Yet, Sayyed Nasrallah said we have to remain realistic, and understand well that "Israel" is not weak or frail, it still has its elements of strength, but it is no longer the same old "Israel" people feared.

"Israel" is seeking to rebuild its strength and readiness, but the dangerous thing is that due to" the developments in the region "Israel" decided to accelerate the judaization of Al Quds (Jerusalem) by imposing the "Israeli" identity on the Palestinians." Sayyed said.

He highlighted this judaisation is embodied in the procedures and restrictions imposed on the issues of nationality, the threats to the 1948 Arabs, the destruction of schools and mosques, the indicts issued by Rabbis against the Arabs and Palestinians.

Sayyed also said that the division of the West Bank continues. He further added ""Israel" is seeking to benefit from its experiences during the July and Gaza wars by developing its weapons and espionage tools, and what happened today as to unveiling "Israeli" spy devices on Lebanese territory was a great achievement."

Sayyed pointed out that today, Lebanon witnessed the uncovering of two espionage rings in Barouk and Sanine regions east of the Lebanese capital, which were exposed owing to the "golden formula" which is the cooperation between the Lebanese army and the Resistance. On this note, Resistance leader addressed the brethrens in the army who worked since the early morning hours in order to dismantle the devices.

Three options "Israel" has, Sayyed Nasrallah said. The first is the negotiations and settlement, which aims at nothing but wasting time, and not reaching a solution.
"The "Israeli" doesn't want the peace process to reach a result since his scheme is not reaching an independent Palestinian state, but rather a torn apart state in Gaza and the West Bank, without reaching a solution regarding Al Quds (Jerusalem)," Sayyed added.

The second option, Sayyed said was war, which means that "Israel" engages in war with Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Gaza, or even with all of them, which according to His Eminence is not reasonable especially in the current situation.

The second option to "Israel" is difficult, but not impossible Sayyed Nasrallah said. "Israel knows well that engaging in any war on any front is a big jeopardy in case its results were not guaranteed, decisive, quick, and victorious. All the uproar and threatening is a psychological war," Hizbullah leader said.

As for the third option, Sayyed Nasrallah said "The third option is that the situation remains as it is, without any negotiations or settlement, awaiting regional and international changes that might help "Israel" to either engage in war or head to settlement. "Israel" today prefers the third option, so that it would benefit from time to accomplish all its steps of judaizing Palestine and retrieve its elements of strength.

Still there remains a problem according to the "Israelis" as this option gives more time to the honest "enemies" of "Israel" to become stronger and tougher." "The only solution that can pull "Israel" out of its strategic dilemma is strife, which the governments that support "Israel" are working hard to achieve.

The second problem the "Israeli" is facing is the possibility of the persistence of the current situation, since the might of the U.S. and NATO is diminishing in our region and Western nations are occupied with their economic problems," Sayyed argued.

Also on the same note, Hizbullah SG referred back to what Shaul Moffaz (head of Knesset foreign affairs) had warned the Arab wold a few days ago, against what he called the Shiite "Epidemic".

Moffaz called for alliance between the Zionist entity and those he calls moderate Arabs to stand against Shiite danger, Sayyed reminded, questioning if Moffaz has forgotten what he had done to the Sunnis. Sayyed further noted the massacres that took place in the Occupied Palestinian territories were against the Sunni people and the thousands of detainees in "Israeli" prisons are Sunnis too.

Hizbullah leader said we should be aware of what "Israel" and the US are planning for this region. "Shiites and Sunnis alike share the responsibility to stand up to this threat. This requires accuracy and understanding of the background of what has been happening in the region and the world. "Israel" and the US do not care about the Christians in the east; they only care about their interests. I tell some Christians in Lebanon who imagine that Sunni-Shiite strife would give them power in Lebanon, that they are mistaken," His Eminence continued.

"In this context, we understand what lies behind the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) and the indictment being prepared to accuse Hizbullah members or leaders in martyr Rafiq Hariri's assassination," Sayyed further added.

His Eminence assured that "The resistance is training and raising its competence, assuring that just like you wagered on the resistance in the past you can do so in the future."
Sayyed Nasrallah pointed out that since the year 2006, news reports declared that the international investigation aimed at accusing Hizbullah in the murder.

"In 2008, I was directly told about this; it is not a secret. However, we did not take any action because we are concerned and care about this country," the Resistance leader added, noting that when he received a request for a one-year truce, he understood that such an indictment was in process.

"Never did we seek any justification to take over the country, topple the regime or turn against the Taef Accord. If we had wanted such justification, we had one since 2008. The indictment issue has become serious and it constitutes the foundation of a plot against Hizbullah and the resistance in Lebanon," His Eminence added.

His Eminence leader of the Resistance noted it is expected in the coming few days that an indictment be issued against the resistance, as sources say it will be issued between the 15th and 20th of December. In this context, Sayyed assured "it is illogical to stay silent until the issuance of the indictment. I am sure that this STL as well as all those conspirators will face something more difficult than Wikileaks."

Sayyed Nasrallah further elaborated "We have been explaining the situation for the past few months, as our obligation stipulates that. We presented our given and evidences, we indicated that the investigation is politicized because the investigators insist on ruling out the "Israeli" involvement assumption and rejected all what we presented."

"We do not want tension in the country, but we also have to defend Lebanon and the resistance. Our duty is to defend the resistance and the country because the target is sabotaging the country." Hizbullah Secretary General said.

Sayyed Nasrallah assured "Some parties belittled the evidences we presented, and these were neglected. In addition, the leaks of the investigation prove it is no longer on the right track."
We also went for discussing the matter on the judicial, constitutional and technical levels, and then we demanded that the false witnesses' prosecution but they said this is the concern of the international tribunal and the government refused referring the file to the Justice Council."

Sayyed Nasrallah also asked "How can it be that those who want the truth and justice accept such an investigation and ignore all other hypothesis and ignore the false witnesses?" adding "Therefore, the STL protects the false witnesses because Mehlis and Leeman (heads of the investigation panel) are partners in fabricating the false witnesses. There are political and security leaderships that fabricated false witnesses, these (leaderships), the government is protecting them, as we witnessed tonight."

He further discussed scandals in the Special Tribunal such as the fact that Mehlis' aide Lehmann asked for a million dollars in return for providing us with all investigation documents, but the resistance refused.

Hizbullah SG, after discussing further details on the STL and its indictment, concluded that the resistance and its people have arrived to a new challenge, reiterating that the participation in the Ashura ceremony on Thursday expresses commitment to protecting the country and resistance, and to defeating the "Israeli" enemy.
