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Sayyed Nasrallah: All Information and Data is at Hands of US, “Israel”…Enough Violations!

Sayyed Nasrallah:  All Information and Data is at Hands of US, “Israel”…Enough Violations!
folder_openReports-2010 access_time14 years ago
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Nour Rida

Hizbullah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah in a quick appearance on Al Manar television on Thursday, talked about the performance and behavior of investigators from a U.N. probe into the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

Hizbullah Secretary General before tackling the international investigation and the performance of its investigators, condemned what happened on Wednesday in Um Fahm, Palestine.

"Even though my speech is related to the performance and behavior of the international investigation committee, but at the beginning I find it my duty to highlight the huge incident that took place in (Palestinian) Umm Al Fahm village, and the brutal and savage Zionist aggression against our Palestinian brethrens, which is not a regular incident, but rather is part of the Netanyahu general policy which puts the 1948 Palestinians in serious danger. All the people of the world should be aware of this crime and should hold responsibility, yet this incident happened amid Arab and International silence."

Hizbullah SG Sayyed Nasrallah moved on to talk about the incident that took place in the clinic of Gynecologist Iman Sherara, the clinic which was violated by a team of international investigators. He assured that the visit of the investigators to the clinic constitutes a blatant violation as they demanded information from the files of patients of which all are women. "We have reached a sensitive point, which is related to our honor and dignity, the thing that requires us to have a different stance," Sayyed stated.

He further added that if it were not for the internal as well as foreign condemnations, he would not have talked on Thursday, referring to the internal and foreign reactions, reaching the US foreign Ministry which harshly condemned what happened in the Southern Suburb.

"I was stunned by the promptness of the STL prosecutor in opening an investigation into the Dahiyeh incident, while he has remained mum for years regarding false witnesses," Sayyed Nasrallah expressed with wonder adding "I have been informed that the U.S. is pressuring Bellemare to accelerate the issuance of the indictment before December."

Moreover, His Eminence noted that this ambiance assures American attempts to sabotage all Syrian and Saudi efforts that aim at maintaining peace and stability in Lebanon.

Sayyed Nasrallah touched on the violations in Lebanon in the different sectors, where all data base and information is at the hands of the US and its ally in the Middle East. In a brief reference to the different violations that took place in the Lebanese institutions, Sayyed Nasrallah mentioned a few demands of the investigation panel, such as students' files of all private and public universities in Lebanon since 2003 until 2006, all files related to telecoms data, finger prints of 893 Lebanese people, all DNA data base, as well as GIS data base. He reiterated that these are only examples of the many violations that have infiltrated all the sectors in Lebanon.

"We have been aware that the international community is violating everything in Lebanon, and they have been collecting information about Hizbullah that go beyond the goal of serving the investigation.

Everything the international investigators obtain reaches the hands of the U.S. and Israel," Sayyed Nasrallah noted.

Hizbullah leader clarified the reasons behind their silence up to date, "We've remained mum throughout this period out of consideration for the family of martyr premier Rafik Hariri, and so that no one thinks we're obstructing the investigation. We ask: what does the probe need our women's medical files for?"

Sayyed Nasrallah addressed the Lebanese people who are of an occidental society that enjoys religious and moral values, asking them "Who among you leaders, ministers, MPs, or citizens accept the idea of someone taking a look at the gynecology files of a mother, a sister or a daughter?"

"We have religious and moral values, not to mention that we've been told by more than one side that this thing is illegal," Sayyed continued.

Sayyed Nasrallah again questioned the need of the international investigation committee to files of a gynecologist. "Why would the committee ask a gynecologist whose patients are all wives and daughters of Hizbullah officials?"

Hizbullah Secretary General said that it is time to say enough is enough. "I call on all officials to do what their conscience and honor tell them. Enough violations," he pointed out.

"All cooperation with the investigators is a contribution to the assault on the resistance. We call on everyone to boycott these investigators, who in their turn give everything to the US and "Israel"".
