Sayyed Nasrallah: Mideast Peace Talks Are ’’Born-Dead’’

Source: Al, 04-09-2010
Hizbullah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said on Friday that the so-called Middle East peace talks were stillborn and doomed, stressing that Al Quds (Jerusalem) cannot be the eternal capital of the illegal State of "Israel".
His eminence said that the "Israeli" enemy is facing a lot of challenges, emphasizing that the American-"Israeli" scheme has failed and that the one representing the Resistance has won although the conflict didn't reach its end yet.
While renewing commitment to the equation of "army, nation and resistance," Sayyed Nasrallah said that Burj Abi Haidar incident was tragic and individual, condemning the reactions of some Lebanese politicians who chose to exploit it for political purposes. His eminence also reiterated that Hizbullah is not concerned with the international tribunal or with the UN probe.
Sayyed Nasrallah was speaking through a large TV screen while commemorating Al-Quds Day in Sayyed As-Shouhadaa's complex in Beirut's southern suburb.
Hizbullah Secretary General began his speech in "the best day of the best month" by paying tribute to the Palestinian cause as a noble cause that needs to be always remembered. "We fear that some causes would go away with time," Sayyed Nasrallah said, while stressing that the nation could not ignore or forget the Palestinian cause "as it is a part of our religion, culture, civilization, ethics, values, history, present and future."
According to his eminence, Al-Quds Day is the day of confirming the values and principles, not the day of declaring them. "Our principles are already declared and known. Therefore, Al-Quds Day is the day in which we renew our belief, we confirm them and announce commitment to our goals."
"Today we say to the whole world that the challenges have not changed a single letter in our fundamental principles, although some fell in the middle of the road," his eminence said, recalling the principles which say that the whole Palestine is the right of the Palestinian people and that nobody has the right to abandon any part of it.
"We tell the whole world again and again that Jerusalem cannot be the eternal capital of the so-called State of "Israel", but is the capital of Palestine, the capital of heaven and earth," Sayyed Nasrallah stressed. "Not even one street of Jerusalem can be the capital of the so-called "Israel"," his eminence said, reiterating that "Israel" is an illegitimate state, inhumane which was built on the logic of massacres and killings. ""Israel" can't get legitimacy no matter who acknowledges it. This is the logic of Al-Quds Day, the logic of saying the right things without surrender."
Sayyed Nasrallah said that the so-called peace negotiations launched in Washington between the "Israeli" enemy and the Palestinians were "born dead."
While rejecting the negotiations as "silly," Sayyed Nasrallah highlighted the facts that the talks' use was clear. "The political need ahead of the Congress elections in the United States is clear, the "Israeli" need is clear, and the need of some of the Arabs is also clear. These negotiations were born dead"
However, Sayyed Nasrallah noted that the majority of the Palestinian factions have rejected the talks. "Some factions reject the simple principle of talking with the enemy. However, even the factions which do not discuss the principle, announced its rejection of the talks. All polls also showed that the majority of the Palestinian nation rejected the talks. Therefore, the talks are useless."
His eminence added that the attempts of those who participated in negotiations in the past point to great frustration. "Unfortunately, the negotiations with this "Israeli" enemy in particular, this arrogant and patronizing enemy which is supported by the US and the West, have no results apart from legitimizing this illegitimate entity."
Turning to the American withdrawal from Iraq, Sayyed Nasrallah read in it another proof of failure and defeat. "Not even one official in the US administration could speak about a victory. All their speeches were closer to defeat speeches. Even those who spoke about accomplishments did with modesty. They were seeking to justify their withdrawal."
While distinguishing between the Iraqi Resistance which used to target the US occupation forces in the country and other terrorist factions which sought to promote conflict among Iraqis, Sayyed Nasrallah noted that the Iraqi resistance was the main factor that contributed to accelerating the American humiliating withdrawal.
"Yet, there's another very important factor that made the withdrawal the only possible option for the Americans. It's the Iraqi nation's steadfastness. Since many years, there was a serious plot to push the Iraqi nation into civil war and sectarian strife. That's why we should salute the Iraqi nation after defeating all suspicious schemes. Who could bear such level of scaring daily explosions without being pushed into civil strife? Yet, the oppressed Iraqi nation was stronger than the plot."
Sayyed Nasrallah pointed to the "Israeli" potential role in Iraq. "If the level of the "Israeli" spying activities in Lebanon is so high, what can we say about the "Israeli" espionage in Iraq, amid an American occupation?" his eminence wondered. "All of us know that having a strong and unified Iraq is a red line for "Israel". That's why "Israel" believes it should word day and night to promote conflicts among Iraqis. Thanks God, and despite all massacres, "Israel" failed and Iraqis exceeded this stage. When the sedition choice falls, there's no choice other than withdrawal."
Hizbullah Secretary General then said that the Resistance axis was able during the last decade to achieve an exceptional and historical accomplishment at the level of the region, an accomplishment which would have repercussions worldwide.
His eminence recalled of the "New Mideast" theory raised by the Americans who came to the region with the aim to impose a humiliating compromise on Arabs. "After the September 11 attacks, the neo-conservatives came to the White House with a plan for the entire regime called 'the great Middle East.' The essence of the plan was stabilizing "Israel's" status and strengthening it though a "shameful agreement" which would be imposed on the Palestinians with a comprehensive Arab agreement. They came with the goal to destroy the entire resistance - military, political and cultural."
"They wanted to delete the Resistance from Palestine to Lebanon and Iraq, not only the armed Resistance but even the political and popular one. They wanted to impose a humiliating compromise and were not ready to face any Resistance. They also wanted to topple the resistance regime in Syria, absolutely dominate Iraq. They wanted to isolate Iran and end its Islamic regime."
"I can say that this scheme was strong. Yet, the Resistance axis could achieve victory, despite the difference in competences and capabilities. The other scheme was defeated. But this doesn't mean that the conflict has ended. We turned to another form of the conflict. The United Nations is not launching wars in the region not because it has modified its norms and ethics, but simply because it's unable of launching new wars following its defeat."
"Why did we succeed? It's mainly thanks to the steadfastness of the Resistance in Palestine and Lebanon, the steadfastness of the political will in Lebanon, the steadfastness of people in Syria and Iraq. Today, we're invited to continue the path. We feel that we're closer than ever to the victory. Mighty "Israel" is gone. "Israel" today is facing a lot of challenges. We need to strengthen our unity and coherence. We are concerned more than ever to provide support for the Palestinian resistance. It's the only way to liberate Al-Quds and Palestine."
Turning to Lebanon, Sayyed Nasrallah renewed commitment to the golden equation of "army, nation and Resistance."
His eminence raised the anniversary of the disappearance of Imam Mussa Sadr and his two companions. "Imam Sadr is the Resistance's Imam. He's our leader and father. He was the one who taught us how to love Al-Quds and how to fight occupation. We know that he was in Libya when he disappeared. Speaker Nabih Berri spoke on Tuesday about this issue. I won't repeat but I will confirm every word he said in this issue at all levels."
According to Sayyed Nasrallah, the justice should assume its responsibilities. "We did not take the issue of Imam Moussa Sadr's disappearance to the International Tribunal. We say it out loud: Imam Sadr and his two companions are being held in Libya and they should be released."
In another topic, Sayyed Nasrallah said he will not respond to requests by Special Tribunal for Lebanon Prosecutor Daniel Bellemare because the Resistance group is not concerned with the Special Tribunal for Lebanon. "We are not concerned with the International Tribunal and, therefore, we will not respond to Bellemare's requests," Sayyed Nasrallah said.
"In case the Lebanese judiciary had some questions and requests, we're ready. But in case, the role of the Lebanese judiciary was only to mediate between Hizbullah and Bellemare, then we're not ready because we're not concerned with the STL Prosecutor. If the Lebanese judiciary was interested in interrogating spies and false witnesses, we're ready for every possible cooperation. But, it's the last of our concerns whether Bellemare is interested or not."
Hizbullah Secretary General then turned to the second part of the equation: the army. His eminence renewed calls to provide the national army with advanced weapons. "We already submitted a proposal to ask Arab States for help. We renew our proposal. It's their duty to help Lebanon. Lebanon is the reason making Arabs proud of their Arabic identity. We have to urge them to provide us with their unused weapons. We also said we're ready to help in calling for Iranian aid. Iranians said they were ready."
Turning into the Burj Abi Haidar incident, Sayyed Nasrallah said the incident was really tragic. "I told our brothers that we didn't only lose two martyrs in this incident. We actually lost three. It is a tragic, individual incident that has no political overtones. It's a complete loss for us at all levels, humanly, morally and politically."
Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that the incident was an individual one which developed in a very sad way. "But I can assure you the incident has no political backgrounds. All what you heard of political analyses is not true. I can assure all those claiming that the incident was a reflection of a so-called Syrian-Iranian conflict; Syrian-Iranian ties are stronger than ever."
Sayyed Nasrallah, meanwhile, said the media over-estimated and amplified the incident. "There's also the exploitation. We stayed silent for more than three days because we were injured. But what did they do? Despite seeking to prevent sedition as we did with the Ahbash, they did absolutely the opposite. This is a very dangerous exploitation that threatens security and stability. This is not how we should deal with very dangerous and sensitive issues. This is not how statesmen and party leaders should work."
Meanwhile, Sayyed Nasrallah criticized the fact that some politicians made use of the incident to open huge topics such as the weapons file in Lebanon. "This is a long methodology. It's impossible to solve such a file in two or three days. There are weapons in every house in Lebanon. It's a very complicated file and therefore, it needs time and wisdom. That's why I call for a consensus on putting a methodology to administer the country's files, far from reactions."
To conclude, Sayyed Nasrallah raised the issue of the rights of the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. "What happened at the Parliament needs discussion. What happened is good, but not enough. The refugees were not satisfied, but at the same time, there are legal and justifiable worries. There should be serious discussions to think of a way to unify the worries and the rights and needs."
In conclusion, Sayyed Nasrallah said that the Resistance feels that it's closer to Al-Quds than ever. "The issue with the Zionist scheme is only a matter of time," his eminence said, renewing that the Zionist entity is entitled to "vanish" sooner or later.