Hizbullah Slams Nilesat’s Unjust Decision to Suspend Al-Manar

Local Editor
Hizbullah issued the following statement:
Hizbullah strongly condemns the unjust decision taken by the Egyptian Organization for Communications to stop broadcasting al-Manar satellite channel on Nilesat.

It views this move as a flagrant violation to the freedom of opinion and expression. It further considers it as an attempt to mute the voice of the Resistance and right that is embodied in this channel, which carries a clear logo: The Channel of Resistance and Liberation... The Channel of Arabs and Muslims.
This denounced action by the Egyptian Organization for Communications is far away from what is expected from Egypt at this stage. In parallel, it is far from the Egyptian capital's role in straitening the course of events in this stage. It reflects Cairo's blind compliance with the onslaught that some Arab regimes are waging against the Resistance in all its fields, including the media sector.
In this context, the party insists that the pro-Resistance media in Lebanon and Palestine was and will remain the sound of right. It will continue to be the defender of rejecting the injustice.
This unjust action will neither succeed in suppressing this sound nor silencing it.
In addition, these media outlets will find means to overcome the prohibition and prevention measures, as they owe the qualifications that guarantee to keep their voice loud in all squares and fields.
As we in Hizbullah condemn these unjust decisions taken against al-Manar TV, we urge the officials in the Egyptian Organization to reverse them immediately; in line with the right to freedom of expression and with the laws that regulate the relations between the company and the media firms that deal with it.
We also call the Egyptian authorities to move towards canceling these decisions, which the Egyptians know before others that they serve the "Israeli" goals and demands.
Source: Hizbullah Media Relations, Translated and Edited by website team
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