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Loyal to the Pledge


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The following are the Islamic-Resistance operations that took place during the month of December in 1998...

Islamic Resistance Performs 141 Operations in December 1998

This December, the resistance squadrons performed 166 operations against the occupation forces and the Lahd Militiamen in West Beqaa and the South. So in this month there were 5 more operations than in November. The Islamic Resistance performed 141, the Amal Movement 19, the Lebanese Brigades for Resisting the "Israeli" Occupation 3, and the Cyclone Organization 1.

3 Zionist soldiers, 16 Zionist settlers were wounded; the 3 Lahd militiamen were killed, the enemy acknowledged. Some Zionist military sources also said an "Israeli" first sergeant was killed and 4 "Israeli" soldiers and a Lahd militiaman were wounded "in different accidents".

On the other hand, 3 Islamic-Resistance fighters were martyred.

Operation Roum, December 1, 1998

On December 1, 1999, the Islamic Resistance blasted a Lahd patrol on Roum-Jezzine Route. Lahd militiaman Jean Mkhayber was executed. The fighters blasted another Lahd patrol, too, while it was on Dahr ar-Ramleh Route, near Roum Town. A Lahd militiaman was injured.

Furthermore, the Islamic Resistance issued a statement declaring the fighters perfectly blasted a Jeep and a Mercedes on al-Homsiyeh-Dahr ar-Ramleh Route. The blast demolished the jeep and killed or wounded each of the Lahd officers on it.

Resistance Artillery Strikes Zionist Settlements, December 23, 1998 

On December 23, 1999, the Islamic Resistance again fulfilled its pledge as to defending its people and homeland. The occupation forces had bombarded Janta Town in Beqaa, martyring a mother and her 6 children.

Counterstriking the enemy, the Islamic Resistance launched its Katyusha rockets against several settlements in the north of occupied Palestine: Nahariya, Keryat Shemona, Kfar Yalon, Zarait, Shelomi, and Georgine.
16 settlers were wounded. An industrial plant, a mall, and 250 apartments were damaged, the enemy acknowledged.

The Resistance's quick counterstrike actually overwhelmed the occupation command and put a match to the Zionist bickering as to the point beyond staying in South Lebanon. Some voices called for escalation; whereas others called for withdrawal from South Lebanon. In the meantime, the Zionist settlers stayed in shelters.

In Beirut, the Prime Minister Salim al-Hoss warned any "Israeli" escalation would bring about serious outcomes. Al-Hoss reiterated his call that Lebanon's envoy to the United Nations act fast, contact the UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, and ask "the Watch Committee on the April Agreement" to consider Lebanon's complaint.
The information sources said Lebanon informed the United States and France the Resistance had acted in accordance with standard of "the July Agreement" as to the crime of harming civilians.

After the Katyusha strike, the "Israeli" Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu headed a meeting of the miniature ministerial council and threatened "Israel" would counterstrike Lebanon. Some voices in the council said it was about time for "Israel" "to unleash its reactions", and some others spoke about "annulling "the July Agreement"" and fiercely counterstriking Lebanon, the correspondent of the "Israeli" channel said, adding that conflict regarding counteraction means existed between the Zionist military institution and the political one. For its part, "Haaretz" reported Prime Minister Isaac Mordechai had sent "his apologies" to the Lebanese government and the Syrian one; Mordechai said the house in Janta, Beqaa had been bombarded "by mistake".

Occupation Soldiers Clash with Lahd Militiamen on December 4, 1998

Since the occupation soldiers and Lahd militiamen were quite frustrated, two accidents happened this month. On December 4, 1998, a Zionist force clashed with a Lahd force in al-Majidiyeh. Two "Israeli" soldiers and a Lahd militiaman were wounded.

In the details, a shepherd of Halta Town in Hasbaya District realized a force was drilling at the foot of Mount ash-Sheikh, on the side of al-Majidiyeh. Thus, the shepherd hurried to town and informed the Lahd agents, who dashed to the place and clashed with the Zionist force.
The Lahd Militia tried not to make a big deal of the incident, saying the Lahd militiamen thought they had monitored Resistance fighters, so they clashed with them.

Also on December 29, 1998, two Zionist forces of "the Golani Brigade" clashed with each other by mistake.
Lahd Militiamen Leave Sfaray Crossing Point, Annan-Jezzine Check Point
Significantly, this month the Lahd militiamen serving at Dahr el-Mashnaqa Crossing Point in Sfaray-Kfarfalouse, also at Annan-Jezzine Checkpoint (west of Kfarfalouse, at the entrance of Roum Town), withdrew from both points. Though Lahd-Militia sources claimed this step was "a tactical evacuation", it was revealed that the Lahd militiamen serving at both points had refused to stay in service; they feared the Islamic-Resistance operations.

Security sources declared this withdrawal confirmed the Lahd Militia was collapsing. The Lahd agents withdrew from an area of 5 km²: from Dahr el-Mashnaqa Gate in Sfaray-Kfarfalouse until the entrance of Roum Town. The Lahd militiamen also got evacuated from Annan Town, where some residents revolted against the Lahd Militia after their recruitment by the Militia. 

Thirty-three Islamic-Resistance Fighters Martyred in 1998

Karim Ma'rouf Atwi and Muhammad Hussein Hammoud were among the first martyrs of this year.

Muhammad Mounif Ashmar and Al-Horr Kaamel el-Beiruti were martyred in January.
Both fighters were martyred on January 16, 1998 while confronting the occupation forces in Sojod Town.
Ahmad Moussa Salmaan: martyred on January 23, 1998 while confronting the occupation forces in Sojod Town.
Mustapha Kaamel Amin Nathar: martyred on February 1, 1998 while on a jihad mission
Akram Mustapha Khatoun, Fouzi Abu Daya, and Ali Hussein Sbeiti were also martyred in February.

The three fighters were martyred on February 7, 1998 while confronting the enemy forces in Blat.
Qassem Ali Hamdaan and Hani Hassan Obeid were both martyred on February 24, 1998 while on a jihad mission.
Hassan Ahmad Shamma and Moussa Muhammad Abu Ta'am were martyred on February 26, 1998 while confronting the enemy forces in Slouki Valley.
Hassan Maalek Harb: martyred on February 27, 1998 while breaking into Bir Kallab Site.
Baasem Muhammad Qashakes and Muhammad Nimr Alawiyeh were martyred in March while on a jihad mission.

Habib Ahmad Hejazi: martyred on March 17, 998 while on a jihad mission
Hassan Hussein Balhas: martyred on April 6, 1998 while confronting enemy forces in the surroundings of Sojod Site.
Hasaan Hassan Ghamloush: martyred on April 9, 1998 in Akmata.
Rameh Hussein Mahdi: martyred on April 27, 1998 while performing an operation on ash-Shumarieh Heights.
Muhammad Abdul Hussein Missilmani: martyred on May 5, 1998 while on a jihad mission.
Muhammad Ali Ghazi el-Husseini: martyred on May 20, 1998 while confronting the enemy in the surroundings of Sojod Site.

Ibrahim Muhammad Fakih: martyred on May 26, 1998 while participating in at-Tiri unique confrontations.
Hassan Abdul Lateef Qassem: martyred on June 3, 1998.
Muhammad Hassan Bashir: martyred on June 12, 1998 while on a jihad mission.
Belal Ahmad Zay'ur: martyred on June 21, 1998 while on a jihad mission.
Hadi Mahmoud Msheimish: martyred on July 2, 1998 while participating in "Unique Operation Haddatha".
Hassan Ahmad Hammoudi: martyred on August 5, 1998 when the Zionist artillery bombarded the car he was driving on Zibqeen Main Road.
Haitham Ghamloush: martyred on November 15, 1998 while confronting "Israeli" enemy forces.
Ghassan Muhammad Za'tar: martyred on November 20, 1998 while confronting enemy forces in the surroundings of Bir Kallab Site.
Wafik Zahwi Zahwi and Abd ar-Rassoul Ridwan Beidoun were both martyred on December 18, 1998 while confronting enemy forces in the surroundings of Mash'aroun Site.
Zahi Naeem Haidar Ahmad: martyred on December 28, 1998 while on a jihad mission.
