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Sayyed Nasrallah Live From Raya Stadium: We Will Not Bargain Syria for Gov’t Portfolios

Sayyed Nasrallah Live From Raya Stadium: We Will Not Bargain Syria for Gov’t Portfolios
folder_openReports-2013 access_time11 years ago
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Nour Rida

On the second day in a row, Hizbullah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah appeared among the people rather than via video-link, where he assured that the Resistance will remain to exist, strong and firm as long as the "Israeli" threat and other menaces exist in the region.

On the Thursday procession of Ashura, Hizbullah Secretary General appeared at the stage at the Dahiyeh's rallies, thanking the people for their presence en mass, and for defying all threats looming in the horizons. He noted that such huge presence reflects the people's love and sincerity towards Imam Hussein and his household.

Sayyed Nasrallah Live From Raya Stadium: We Will Not Bargain Syria for Gov’t Portfolios

"Just as yesterday, I would like to thank you for your large presence here. Peace be upon you, peace be upon Hussein and the sons of Hussein. We gather today here just like we do every year, to renew our pledge to Imam Hussein, Master of the martyrs and resistance fighters," Sayyed Nasrallah expressed among the loud cheers people launched.
Praising the people as true supporters of Imam Hussein, Sayyed Nasrallah said the people were genuine supporters of Imam Hussein and Prophet Mohamad (pbut) who are not afraid of death, quoting Imam Hussein "Are you threatening me with death? Death is many thousands of times better than the dishonor to an enemy of Islam."

"I would like to announce on Ashura our attachment to the resistance, its power, its weapons and capabilities, as means to maintain the security and dignity of our nation and our people.

Sayyed Nasrallah went on to say "It is true the Resistance has liberated the land, yet the enemy is still there, still exists. And as long as there is a reason for the Resistance of Sheikh Ragheb [Harb], Sayyed Abbas [Moussawi] and Haj Imad [Moghnieh] to remain, it will not cease to exist and will confront the current threats. As long as the "Israeli" enemy is still standing, our resistance will remain to challenge it."

Sayyed Nasrallah Live From Raya Stadium: We Will Not Bargain Syria for Gov’t Portfolios

Pointing to the major cause of the nation, Sayyed Nasrallah accentuated that all Muslims should stand firm by the Palestinian people.

"No one, whatever the circumstances, should give up the cause of Palestine. All Muslims should stand by the Palestinian people and extend a helping hand," he underlined.

Touching on Syria, the Resistance leader said "The presence of Hizbullah fighters on Syrian soil aims at defending Lebanon, the Palestinian cause, and Syria, which in its turn defends the resistance.

"As long as there is a purpose for our presence there, we will remain there," he elaborated, adding "Those who speak of Hizbullah's withdrawal from Syria as a condition for the formation of a government are proposing an impossible condition."

Sayyed Nasrallah highlighted that everyone knows the Resistance is not in a position to bargain Syria for a government, stating "Everyone knows we do not bargain the existence of Syria and the Resistance axis for a few ministerial portfolios."

Additionally, His Eminence called on the other political side, urging them to be realistic in their demands, also emphasizing that the Resistance does not need a cover from them for its presence in Syria.

"We assure our national unity and co-existence as Lebanese people, and call on finding an atmosphere of harmony in our country in such a way that guarantees an honorable life to the people."

As for the Takfiri terrorists and the danger they impose, Sayyed Nasrallah assured the Takfiris target Muslims and Christians. He stressed that the problem of Takfiris is with all Muslims, Sunnis and Shiites alike, stressing that all should unite to combat them.

Concluding the speech, Sayyed Nasrallah iterated "We renew the pledge like each year to Imam Hussein with the words "At your service O Hussein".

Source: Al-Ahed news

