Sayyed Nasrallah: Ghiyyeh’s Assassination Very Dangeous

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Hizbullah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah condemned on Tuesday the assassination of Islamic Action Front official Sheikh Saadeddine Ghiyyeh in Tripoli.
He further urged the Lebanese authorities for dealing with this case in the same manner the mosques' bombings issue was handled. "Tripoli's bombings are a dangerous path, Dahyieh's bombings as well as the latest assassination are also dangerous. The issue is not related to the number of martyrs or the nature or size of the bomb."
"We urge the state to deal with the assassination of Ghiyyeh similarly to its treatment of the Tripoli and Dahiyeh's bombings," Sayyed Nasrallah stated in his speech on the ninth night of Ashura.
In parallel, His Eminence described the assassination as "an attack against the resistance and its supporters."
"This is an indication of the Takfiris' targeting of those with whom they disagree," he said, and questioned "some political factions' overlooking of this dangerous incident."
Moreover, Sayyed Nasrallah warned that this assassination is a dangerous turn of events in Tripoli in particular, and Lebanon in general.
"This targets everyone who has the courage to express a view that is different than the ideas of the Takfiri groups of Lebanon and the region," His Eminence added.
The resistance leader added: "Such flagrant assassination targets every unitary thinking and rapprochement among Muslims.. It also targets every national status keen on co-existence among the Lebanese."
Source: Al-Ahed news
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