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Sayyed Nasrallah: Resistance Will Be Stronger Than Ever in the Future

Sayyed Nasrallah: Resistance Will Be Stronger Than Ever in the Future
folder_openReports-2013 access_time11 years ago
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Nour Rida

On the eve of Ashura commemoration, Hizbullah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah appeared among the people in Sayyed al-Shuada complex, delivering a speech in which he stressed that the Resistance is going to be stronger and enjoying a better status on the domestic and regional levels following an Iranian-International agreement on the nuclear file.

Sayyed Nasrallah stressed this year's commemoration of Ashura differs from all past years with all the security threats it carries, stressing "nothing should prevent us from taking part in the procession of Ashura and paying pledge to Prophet Mohammad and his martyred grandson Imam Hussein.

Sayyed Nasrallah: Resistance Will Be Stronger Than Ever in the Future

The Resistance leader also underscored that "Israel" is worried about the future, and has been pushing the region into more war.

Starting with the Occupying entity in the region, Sayyed Nasrallah stated that undoubtedly, "Israel" is pleased to observe what is happening in the Arab and Islamic world; to see the killing and the disputes between nations, inside each country and each society.

""Israel" is pushing towards this situation," he iterated.

He went on to say that ""Israeli" PM Benjamin Netanyahu has become an expert on Shiite-Sunni affairs, which is "Israel's" project in the region: to have all nations weak and divided on sectarian or ethnic basis, meanwhile it remains the most powerful regional power that dominates and imposes its conditions over all states in the region."

Sayyed Nasrallah explained that through such reality, "Israel" imposes its presence in Palestine and normalizes its presence in the region, by being an ally to some Arab countries through which it enforces its conditions.
"There is also no doubt that "Israel" is worried about the future, because the future is vague and things can get out of control, the region could reach a stage of which international powers cannot take control. Per se, those who create the chaos will become its victims one day."

In addition, Sayyed Nasrallah pointed out that "Israel" does not want any agreement that would prevent war to take place. "Israel" is pushing towards a war and is not looking for peace, tranquility or assurance. It is looking for war," he accentuated.

When the September 11 events took place, Israel and the Zionist lobby employed all its political and security potentials to encourage the U.S. to occupy the region and while the U.S. said al-Qaida was behind the attacks, Israel accused Hizbullah.
According to the Hizbullah leader, ""Israel" has used all its power to prepare an attack on Syria. Also today while the P5+1 are negotiating with Iran, Netanyahu gets furious and tries to obstruct an accord and reaches out to his Arab allies."
He went on to say that "Israel" wants a war that secures its power and security; it wants the US to occupy Iraq, attack Syria, Afghanistan and Iran to preserve its security.


Sayyed Nasrallah: Resistance Will Be Stronger Than Ever in the Future


Sayyed Nasrallah regretted the fact that some Arab countries are acting just like "Israel" and rejecting a political solution in Syria and any international accord with Iran.

He noted that despite the fact that American officials said the substitute to a political solution is war, the American people do not want war. But "Israel" is still pushing for a war. 

Addressing the Arab countries, Sayyed Nasrallah wondered "Where would a war in the region lead to?"
""Israelis" know very well they can start a war anywhere, but they cannot limit it to a certain region." 

Moreover, Sayyed Nasrallah said it is unfortunate that "Netanyahu has become the spokesperson for several Arab countries and it is also unfortunate to hear Livni saying the "Israeli" cabinet has received messages from Arab cabinets demanding "Israel" to stick to its negative stance on the Iranian nuclear file, and this is not news."

"All nations in the region, among them the Lebanese people, must know who is looking for war and who is looking for political solutions and settlements that preserve the rights of Arabs and Muslims. We should all know as well that those pushing for war will fail in their plans just like they have been failing since 1982," Sayyed Nasrallah further elaborated. 

Concerning the domestic affairs, Sayyed Nasrallah stated that Lebanon was always under "Israeli" threat and the Lebanese must know that everything, from phone calls to material shared on the internet, is spied on by "Israeli" intelligence.

He underscored that Lebanon should pay attention to taking control of all its waters, and its petroleum resources, stressing "This is a matter that does not only concern the Resistance but rather all the Lebanese, who must stand beside the state while dealing with these issues. We should explore into a formula to face these issues and we are ready to discuss any proposal."

Sayyed Nasrallah assured that the state should act concerning the "Israeli" espionage, iterating that the resistance is ready in this respect to offer the state what it needs. He further clarified that when the state is incapable of doing anything, the resistance will not give up its responsibility.
He touched on Hizbullah's telecommunications network, highlighting that it prevents spying and it is a guarantee for the resistance.

Commenting on the US Secretary of State Kerry's statement that he does not want Hizbullah to determine Lebanon's future, Sayyed Nasrallah said some Lebanese factions were happy to hear so. Yet Sayyed Nasrallah declared "Kerry and Obama's statements do not change anything and this could be considered an acknowledgment that we are a main component in Lebanon." 

Calling on all Lebanese factions, Sayyed Nasrallah said the only option left for them is to cooperate and determine together Lebanon's future, not the US or John Kerry.
Moving on to the government formation issue, Sayyed Nasrallah specified that caretaker cabinet has been filling the gap but cannot prevent the collapse of the state's institutions and end the vacuum.

"We want a 9-9-6 council of ministers that preserves the rights of everyone," he declared, pointing out that "There is a Saudi decision that calls on the March 14 alliance not to form a new cabinet.

"All facts indicate that things are heading towards a direction that is not desired by Saudi Arabia. All those waiting for a victory in Syria to form a cabinet, we tell them you will not win in the Syrian war."

As for the Iranian file, Sayyed Nasrallah said "there are negotiations over Iran's nuclear program as Iran meets with the P5+1. If things head towards a war everyone must be worried, but others must be more preoccupied. But if an accord was made, Hizbullah will become stronger and with a better presence locally and regionally."

Talking about Iran and Syria, Sayyed Nasrallah accentuated that these two Resistance allies have never, and will never abandon the Resistance nor stab it in the back.

"When negotiations take place, usually allies of the communicating poles get worried but we are not. Our allies do not worry us and we have two allies only; Syria and Iran that have never abandoned us."
Last but not least, Sayyed Nasrallah said the day of Ashura coinciding on Thursday the 14th of November is a day to renew the pledge for Imam Hussein and Prophet Mohammad (pbut).

Sayyed Nasrallah thanked the Lebanese Army and Security forces for all the effort they have been exerting to safeguard Lebanon, especially in light of the security threats. "I used to tell you that nothing should prevent you from taking part in the procession of Ashura, neither heat nor cold, neither hunger nor thirst. Tomorrow, no explosion, bloodshed, or booby-trapped cars will stand between us and Imam Hussein," Sayyed Nasrallah concluded. 

Source: Al-Ahed news
