Sayyed Nasrallah on Fifth Night of Muharram: Martyrs Meet Death Peacefully, Bravely

Local Editor
On the fifth night of Muharram, Hizbullah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah said that martyrs meet death peacefully, as they believe they are moving from the dwelling of misery to that of the eternal happiness.
Sayyed Nasrallah, on a giant screen via video-link broadcasting from Sayyed al-Shuhadaa complex in Beirut's Dahiyeh (the southern suburb) said "Imam Hussein and his companions appeared in Karbala with peaceful hearts and bright faces as they believed that what they would meet was moving to the eternal, divine harmony and bliss.
"The Islamic Resistance martyrs had the same experience of tranquil transition from the world of bale to that of the God's felicity," his eminence added.
Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that the martyrs understand the reality of death, that it is a transition to the afterlife and hence they are not afraid of the concept at all. He noted "Based on this understanding, Imam Hussein, his companions and all our martyrs could encounter death courageously."
Source: Al-Ahed news
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