LTRB Slams Crippling the Parliament, Calls on Forming Unity Gov’t

Local Editor
The Loyalty to the Resistance parliamentary bloc (LTRB) called Thursday to form a national unity government in which the "political participation must match with the parliamentary representation". It also slammed crippling the parliament on the grounds of constitutional causes.
Following its meeting, the bloc issued a statement in which it congratulated the Lebanese and all the Muslims in the world for the holy days of Adha and Ghadir.
The statement first condemned the targeting of Beirut's Dahiyeh (Southern Suburb) by car bombs and Baalbek-Hermel region by rockets, in an attempt to sow death and destruction among civilians. It noted that such aggression requires national confrontation to shun its danger, especially that the involved and their bases are well known.
The statement, then congratulated all the Lebanese as well as the families of Aazaz freed abductees for their release after 17 months of abduction in which they suffered different forms of terror, blackmail and tyranny, noting the fruitful efforts that were exerted on all levels, especially the General Secretary of the Security General Maj. Gen. Abbas Ibrahim.
"The bloc fully supports the efforts to release the two bishops and all the tortured abductees," the statement went on to say.
It also emphasized that deactivating the parliamentary sessions on constitutional grounds will leave grave consequences on the country.
The bloc asserted that March 14 is carrying out these foreign policies, without noticing its serious disadvantages.
The Bloc pointed out that the Ministerial Statement of the new cabinet must include the national constants, including primarily the resistance which has been stressed by all the Lebanese governments since Ta'ef agreement.
The statement called on all the Palestinian factions to unite in confronting all the critical events and the "Israeli" aggression that threatens al-Aqsa mosque and extend the Zionist settlements in al-Quds and the West Bank. It called on all the factions to adhere to the choice of resistance until liberating all the Occupied Palestinian lands without retreat or subjugation.
Moreover, on the occasion of the UN General Assembly holding its 68th session, the bloc assured its full solidarity with the vulnerable peoples worldwide to regain their freedom and protect their countries from the threats of invasions, occupations and sieges.
In this context, the bloc stressed its support for the UN draft resolution to condemn the US embargo against Cuba and its people, calling on the immediate lift of this embargo as it consists severe violation against humanity.
Source: Al-Ahed News
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