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Al-Ahed Telegram


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The following are the Islamic-Resistance operations that took place during the month of December in 1995..

Islamic Resistance Performs 76 Operations in December, 1995

The resistance squadrons performed 103 military operations against the enemy and agents in January. Sixty-seven operations among these were performed by the Islamic Resistance, whereas the other thirty-six were performed by the other Islamic-Resistance squadrons and the Palestinian ones.

The Islamic Resistance performed several unique operations against "Israeli" and Lahd patrols and chief agents. Here are the most significant ones:
On December 19, 1995, the Islamic Resistance bombed an explosive bomb while the Brigadier General of Jabal Hameed Brigade Ali Hassan Hameed was on his car on Beit Lif-al-Kawzah Route.
The brigadier general was severely injured. Besides, on December 22, 1995, the Islamic Resistance executed two senior agents, Samir Georgi (so-called the "Jewish") and Yusuf Roumieh. This took place after a group of fighters had ambushed them inside a Lahd security center near Kfarhouna Site.

Furthermore, on the 29th and 30th of December, 1995, the Islamic Resistance launched two sets of Katyusha rockets against the Zionist settlements in the north of occupied Palestine; that was in reaction to the enemy's assails against the civilians of the villages by the occupied region, whereby a citizen of Kabrikha had been martyred.
During these operations, 8 Zionists and 6 Lahd militiamen were killed, and 30 Zionists and 7 Lahd militiamen were injured.

This month, it was obvious that the enemy illogically kept its casualties secret, among which were three Merkava tanks shot by the Islamic-Resistance fighters and shown on the local televisions and the enemy's.
The pictures show the casualties that resulting from the operations. As for the Islamic Resistance, three of its fighters were martyred this month.

Resistance Foils Lahd Infantry's Progress to Hill 1007 in West Beqaa, December 1, 1995

On Friday, December 1, 1995, at 9:05 a.m., the Islamic Resistance monitored a Lahd infantry force that was attempting to progress towards the Hill 1007 in West Beqaa. At once, the Islamic-Resistance Fire Backup Unit targeted the force, using proper weaponry, shooting it directly, and defeating it.
At the same time, the Fire Backup Unit targeted other troops marshaled at Toumet Niha Site, making them suffer serious casualties.

On the same day, at 12:30 p.m., the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Ibrahim Hariri, of martyr Alam Suweidan, and of martyr Nadeem Skeiki monitored Zionist infantrymen marshaled and a Merkava tank at Kassaret el-Oroush. The fighters opened fire and immediately hit the tank.

Islamic-Resistance Foils Zionist Force's Mission in Nabatiyeh, December 3, 1995

On Sunday, December 3, 1995, at 10:15 p.m., the Islamic Resistance monitored a Zionist force sneaking towards the deserted Army Barracks in Nabatiyeh. At once, the Fire Backup Unit targeted the spot where the counter force lay, directly shooting the soldiers.
The Islamic Resistance has announced the martyrdom of fighter Hassan Abbass Yasseen, who was martyred while confronting the Zionist enemy.

Islamic Resistance Attacks Zionist Forces at Zemrayyah Site, December 5, 1995

On Tuesday, December 5, 1995, at 6:40 a.m., the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Khodr Obeid and Ne'mah Hseiki attacked with firearms and rocket shells Zionist forces at Zemrayyah Site, causing them grave casualties.
In the meantime, the Islamic-Resistance Fire Backup Unit targeted Ain Qania Site, al-Ahmadieh Site, and the Headquarters of the Lahd Thirtieth Battalion in Zaghleh, directly hitting them.

Media sources have reported that the Resistance used direct 106-mm cannons as it bombarded the sites of Zemrayyah, Zaghleh, and Abu Qamha Valley. The naked eye could see a number of projectiles being dropped into Zemrayyah Site and fire smoke arising from the inside.

Resistance Strikes Zionist-Lahd Troops at Kfarhouna Site, December 5, 1995

On Tuesday, December 12, 1995, the Islamic Resistance monitored Zionist-Lahd troops marshaled at Kfarhouna Site. Immediately, the Fire Backup Unit opened fire on them, causing them direct casualties.

On the same day, at 11:30 a.m., the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Muhammad Atiyeh (ad-Dahnoon) blasted a Lahd Zionist vehicle on al-Heidab-Sidon Route, damaging the vehicle and killing or wounding each of the Lahd militiamen on it.
While a Lahd-Zionist enginery force was implanting mines and fencing off the fields surrounding Beit Yahoun Town, the Islamic-Resistance Fire Backup Unit targeted the mentioned force. That was at 1:10 p.m. The Resistance artillerists foiled the force's mission.

Fire Backup Unit Targets Zionist Troops Marshaled at Kassaret el-Oroush, December 6, 1995

The Believers' Prince (Peace be upon him) has inspired the rebels and free-willed people, killed the Jews in Kheibar (the Jews that were the enemies of God's Messenger, Muhammad (PbuhahH)), and destroyed the idols (the statues that were worshipped by certain people in the era of Imam Ali and God's Messenger).
Inspired by his blessed birth commemoration, the Islamic-Resistance fighters performed a series of jihad operations against the enemy and agents in the occupied region.

The details state that on Wednesday, December 6, 1995, at 10:45 a.m., the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Allam Suweidan, corresponding to the Fire Backup Unit, struck Zionist troops marshaled at Kassaret el-Oroush, causing them severe casualties.
At 11:15, martyr Hassan Abbass Yasseen's group blasted a Lahd motorcade patrol on Sojod-ar-Rihan Route; hence, a half-track was destroyed and flipped to the side of the road, and the patrollers suffered five casualties.
In the meantime, the Fire Backup Unit was attacking a Zionist force at Zemrayyah Site, causing it direct casualties.

Furthermore, at 11:15, the group of martyr Khodr el-Haj and martyr Hussein Haidar ambushed for a Zionist motorcade patrol on at-Taybeh-al-Kantara Route, whereby the fighters struck it with a barrage of firearms and artillery.
The fighters violently clashed with the counter patrol, destroying a half-track, damaging another, and killing or wounding several patrollers. Ambulances were seen rushing to the place to evacuate the casualties.
On the same day, at 3:05 p.m., the Islamic Resistance monitored Zionist troops marshaled at ad-Dabsheh Site; at once the fighters opened their fire, causing the troops serious casualties.

International news agencies have confirmed that one of the three Lahd militiamen who were wounded in the explosion was transported on an "Israeli" helicopter to Occupied Palestine.
The agencies have also reported, upon the confirmation of security sources in the occupied region, that an enemy tank was destroyed.

Resistance Blasts Lahd Infantry on Kroom el-Arz-Jezzine Route, December 8, 1995

Using an explosive bomb, the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Rida Shmeis blasted a Lahd infantry patrol on Kroom el-Arz-Jezzine Route on Friday, December 8, 1995, at 7:20 a.m. Hence, each of the infantrymen was killed or wounded.
On the same day, at 1:45 p.m., the Islamic Resistance monitored a Lahd enginery force that was implanting explosives at a number of houses in Beit Yahoun Town. Immediately, the Fire Backup Unit targeted the gathering, causing it direct casualties.

Fire Backup Unit Targets Counter Force near Beit Yahoun Town, December 9, 1995

On Saturday, December 5, 1995, at 12:15 p.m., the Islamic-Resistance Fire Backup Unit targeted a counter force demolishing several houses and fencing off the surroundings of Beit Yahoun Town. The unit caused the group members serious casualties.

Fire Backup Unit Targets Enemy Troops at Deir Shakadif Site, December 14, 1995

On Thursday, December 14, 1995, at 12:30 p.m., the Islamic Resistance monitored enemy troops marshaled at Deir Shakadif Site in eastern Saida. Immediately, the Fire Backup Unit targeted them, causing them direct casualties.
Besides, in the afternoon of the same day, the Islamic-Resistance group of the martyred Haj Saeed Harb blasted a Zionist infantry patrol en route to Loubieh Site, causing the infantrymen several casualties.

Islamic Resistance Attacks Lahd Infantry near Sojod Site, December 16, 1995

The Islamic Resistance has continued to strike the Zionist-Lahd sites. Using firearms and artillery, the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Ibrahim el-Haj attacked a Lahd infantry patrol near Sojod Site, December 16, 1995, at 3:00 p.m.
Meanwhile, martyr Hassan Yasseen's group, corresponding to the Fire Backup Unit shelled Bir Kallab Site, causing the garrison soldiers several casualties.
On the same day, at 6:45 p.m., the Islamic Resistance blasted a Zionist patrol at Hafour-Daraya Region. Covered by incineration grenades, ambulances evacuated the casualties of the patrol from the operation zone.

Resistance Shells Enemy Troops in Daraya in West Beqaa, December 17, 1995

On Sunday, December 17, 1995, at 4:30 p.m., the Islamic Resistance monitored a enemy troops in Daraya Region in West Beqaa. The troops were actually checking the spot of an operation the Resistance fighters had performed a day earlier.
At once, the Fire Backup Unit targeted this gathering, causing its members definite casualties.

Fire Backup Unit Strikes Zionist Force at ad-Dabsheh Site, December 18, 1995

On Monday, December 18, 1995, at 2:25 p.m., the Islamic Resistance monitored a Zionist force at ad-Dabsheh Site. At once, the Fire Backup Unit targeted the counter force, making direct hits.

Resistance Blasts Car of Lahd Chief of Beit Lif-al-Kawzah Site, December 19, 1995

On Tuesday, December 19, 1995, at 3:00 p.m. the Islamic-Resistance group of al-Oyoun Valley martyrs blasted a car belonging to Agent Provocateur Lahd's chief of Beit Lif-al-Kawzah Site.
Chief Ali Hassan Hameed was passing on Beit Lif-al-Kawzah Route when the car was directly hit; thus, he suffered a severe injury. The agent militias have acknowledged that Ali Hassan Hameed suffered a severe injury and have pointed out that he was taken to "Ram Bam Hospital" in Haifa.

Resistance Fairly Punishes Agent Samir Georgi, Agent Yusuf Roumieh, December 22, 1995

On Friday, December 22, 1995, at 7:05 a.m., the Islamic Resistance monitored Lahd militiamen marshaled at Sojod Site. Thus, the Fire Backup Unit machine-gunned them, killing or wounding many.
Once again, the Islamic Resistance has proved its ability to take the initiative and select its targets and the right settings. The Resistance reiterates it shall punish the agents - wherever they hide - for their crimes against the innocent civilians.

At 8:00 p.m. on the same day, the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Samir Melhem and martyr Rida Sha'er set an ambush inside a security center of Agent Provocateur Lahd's Militia near Kfarhouna Site.
Once agent Samir Georgi and agent Yusuf Roumieh arrived, the group fairly punished them.

The Islamic Resistance has offered the following information concerning the executed agents:

Agent Samir Georgi:

- was born in Darb as-Seem in 1962; was so-called "the Jewish" because of his serious collaboration the Zionists.
- lived in Kfarhouna Town after he had forcibly occupied one of its houses.
- joined the militia of the "Lebanese Forces" and participated in many battles against the national forces in eastern Saida.
- killed martyr Rida ash-Sha'er at Kfarhouna Crossing Point in 1986
- lived in Beirut, starting with 1987 until 1990. Then he returned to the occupied area, where he joined the agents' militias and was in charge of several positions, the last of which was the charge of Bater-Jezzine Crossing.

- received military and security sessions under the Zionists' supervision in occupied Palestine
- had great security performance while he worked for the agents' militias; he would press the citizens of Kfarhouna Town and the passers-by of Bater-Jezzine Crossing Point, threatening them in order to oblige them to collaborate with the Zionists and to provide the Zionists with information regarding the liberated regions.
He would even threaten civilians to blast their houses in case they wouldn't cooperate with him.
- would secretly arrive in the liberated regions, using fake identity documents to collect information for the Zionists.

Agent Yusuf Roumieh:

- was born in Hawsh Hala in Zahleh.
- served the Lahd militias in Kfarhouna Town; so-called "Astro".
- was in charge of several military positions of the agents' militia, the last of which was the rank of officer at Jezzine Barracks which corresponds to "Battalion 20".
- received several military sessions instructed by Zionist officers inside of occupied Palestine.
- assailed many citizens; He would seize the lands of the citizens of Kfarhouna Town and use the lands for personal benefit.

The sources of the Lahd Militia have acknowledged that the agents mentioned were killed and have said that they were off service and were heading to Kfarhouna to visit someone when they got shot closely from the back of the car and died.
The agents' sources have mentioned that one of them was an officer and admitted that Annan Site was attacked and a militiaman was killed.
The Islamic Resistance has announced that the fighters Ibrahim Essa and Salem Abboud were martyred during the confrontations of the Resistance with the enemy on Mount ar-Rafie.

Resistance Kills Lahd Agent, Wounds Another at Sojod Site, December 23, 1995

On Saturday, December 23, 1995, at 11:05 a.m., the group of martyr Hassan Abbass Yasseen (Military name: Salman), corresponding to the Islamic-Resistance Sniping Unit, shelled Sojod Site, killing a Lahd agent, and wounding another.
Ten minutes later, the Islamic Resistance monitored the enemy's activity at the mentioned site. Immediately, martyr Ali Mestrah's group, corresponding to the Fire Backup Unit, shelled the site, causing it casualties.
At 4:25 p.m., the Islamic Resistance blasted a Lahd militiaman in Houla Town, killing him at once.

Resistance Ambushes Zionist Motorcade En Route to Shkief Fort, December 24, 1995

The Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Abu Salah Dreige struck a Lahd group setting an ambush in Annan Region in eastern Saida on Sunday, December 24, 1995, at 12:00 p.m. Using firearms and artillery, the fighters killed or wounded each of these Lahd militiamen.
In the meantime, the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Muhammad Atiyeh was razing Annan Site and al-Mashnaqa Site.
Marking the birth of the Martyr's Master and the Father of the Liberals and Fighters, Imam al-Hussein (Pbuh), the Islamic Resistance group of martyr Olleik perfectly ambushed a Zionist motorcade patrol en route to Shkief Fort on the same day, at 2:40 p.m.

Once the patrol reached the required place, the fighters struck it with a barrage of firearms and artillery, killing or wounding each of the patrollers.
During this time, martyr Fadi Taweel's group, corresponding to the Fire Backup Unit, was razing the Sites Shkief Fort and Ali at-Taher, causing serious casualties to both sites.

Resistance Targets Zionist Military Delegation at ad-Dabsheh Site, December 27, 1995

On Wednesday, December 27, 1995, at 6:50 a.m., the Islamic Resistance monitored Zionist troops at Haddatha Site; hence, the Fire Backup Unit targeted them, making them suffer losses.
At 12:00 p.m., the Islamic Resistance monitored a Zionist military delegation at ad-Dabsheh Site; the delegation came to check the Site after the victorious operation the Resistance had performed against it.
Therefore, the artillerists targeted the delegation, and forcing it to withdraw immediately upon panic and confusion.

Besides, the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Salam Abboud attacked a Merkava tank at Sojod Site on the same day, at 3:47 p.m. Using artillery, the fighters destroyed it and killed or wounded each of its crewmen.
At 4:10 p.m., martyr Ibrahim Essa's group targeted Sojod Site, accurately hitting the targets.

Islamic Resistance Bombards Zionist al-Herdoun Site, Settlements of al-Jalil Strip, December 29, 1995

Reacting to the repeated Zionist aggressions against the people and towns of the South and of West Beqaa, the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Hussein Mansour attacked the Zionist al-Herdoun Site on Friday, December 29, 1995, at 7:15 a.m. Using firearms and artillery, the fighters destroyed some site fortifications and mounds.
Exactly at 8:05 a.m., the group of martyr Asadullah az-Zein, corresponding to the Islamic-Resistance Fire Backup Unit, targeted al-Kantara Site, which had lately received Zionist reinforcements. The fighters caused the site definite casualties.

The Islamic Resistance adheres to the pledge of defending the honorable people, iterates its sacred right to counter the Zionist aggression against civilians, and believes that power and fire are the only mean to stop the enemy and aggressions.
The Islamic Resistance has proved, anew, that it maintains the security of people and sanctities, that it is trustworthy, and that nothing can stop it, no matter how great the sacrifices are.

After the tyrannical enemy treacherously bombarded Kabrikha and caused the injuries or martyrdom of a number of people there, martyr Ali Ibrahim Mansour's group, corresponding to the Islamic-Resistance Fire Backup Unit, launched a set of Katyusha rockets against the enemy's settlements in al-Jaleel (Galilee) Strip at 11:30 in the evening of the same day.

Resistance Conducts Series of Attacks, December 30, 1995

The Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Yusuf Fakih (Military name: Karbala') attacked the Zionist Sojod Site on Saturday, December 30, 1995, at 7:10 p.m. The fighters caused direct casualties to the garrison, mounds, and fortifications of the site.
Commemorating the blessed anniversary of Kheibar Conquest, the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Abdullah Hussein Qassem and martyr Ahmad Mahmoud Mahdi set an ambush for a Zionist force on the same day, at 3:05 p.m.

The Zionist force, which consisted of an M-113 vehicle and a Centurion tank and which had a number of Zionist officers on, was heading towards the ambush spot on Bint Jbeil-at-Tiri Route.
Shooting the vehicles with a barrage of firearms and artillery, the fighters burned the Centurion tank and demolished it and wounded or killed each of its crewmen. Two Zionist helicopters were seen landing down in the operation zone to evacuate the casualties.

Another force of ten soldiers, supported by a Merkava tank, attempted to progress to Shkief an-Naml Hill near Haddatha Site in order to back the targeted Zionist force. Hereupon, the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Ali Badawi counterattacked it and caused it serious casualties.
Furthermore, the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Hussein Nasser razed Haddatha Site and Hill 17 Site. The group destroyed some mounds at both sites and ceased the counter fire.

Resistance Artillery Strikes Force at Sojod Site, December 31, 1995

On Sunday, December 31, 1995, at 8:40 a.m., the Islamic-Resistance Fire Backup Unit targeted a Zionist force marshaled at Sojod Site, causing it direct casualties.

Likewise, at 4:15 p.m. on the same day, the Islamic Resistance monitored a Zionist force marshaled at Toumet Niha Site.
Immediately, the Fire Backup Unit razed the site, resulting in serious losses.

Three Islamic-Resistance Fighters Martyred in December, 1995

The Islamic Resistance offered three martyrs in December:

- Martyr, fighter Hassan Abbass Yasseen
- Martyr, fighter Ibrahim Essa
- Martyr, fighter Salem Abboud

