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Al-Ahed Telegram


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The following are the Islamic-Resistance operations that took place during the month of November in 1995..

Islamic Resistance performs 64 operations in November, 1995

In November, the Resistance squadrons performed 81 military operations against the enemy and agents in the South and West Beqaa. Among these operations were 64 ones performed by the Islamic Resistance, whereas the other 17 operations were performed by the other Lebanese and Palestinian squadrons. The Islamic-Resistance fighters performed several unique operations, the most significant of which were:

Resistance Breaks Into Bsirri Site, November 1, 1995

The fighters performed 13 operations against the occupation sites and patrols in Bint Jbeil and Jezzine. The fighters broke into Bsirri Site and posted Hizbullah's standards onto its fortifications after some garrison soldiers had escaped and others wounded or killed.
These operations resulted in wounding five Zionists, killing three militiamen, and wounding two other militiamen. After these operations, Bsirri Crossing Point was shut, and the militiamen retreated from this site to rear ones.

Fighters Blast Zionist Motorcade En Route to Sojod Site, November 1, 1995

At the dawn of Thursday, November 16, 1995, the Islamic Resistance blasted a Zionist motorcade patrol en route to Sojod Site, directly hitting it and killing or wounding a number of its soldiers.
The agents' sources admitted the occurrence of the operation, saying that two Zionists had been wounded in the blast. The sources then pointed out that the wounded occupation soldiers were five.
Still, at 4:30 p.m. on the same day, the Islamic Resistance monitored and shelled Zionist troops at Alma Site, causing the site grave casualties.

Islamic Resistance Breaks Into Bsirri Site, Kills Site Garrison, November 1, 1995

It hasn't taken the fighters long to react to the enemy's crimes and assaults, the last of which was the assassination crime of Doctor Fatehi Shiqaki, the former Secretary General of "the Islamic Jihad Movement".
Despite the state of alarm the occupation forces have declared, the fighters have stunned them with new operations. The enemy has actually been planning to inflict revenge on the Resistance after "Operation al-Aychieh" and "Operation al-Qatrani".

In addition to the heroic operation that three Islamic-Resistance fighters performed in al-Oyoun Valley, the Islamic-Resistance groups of martyr Imad Akel, martyr Hani Aabed, and martyr Salah Shaker attacked the agents' sites in eastern Saida and the occupation's Braachit Site. The attack resulted in a big number of casualties among the occupation soldiers and agents.

The details show that on Wednesday, November 1, 1995, at 5:40 a.m., groups of Islamic-Resistance fighters attacked Bsirri Site and Bsirri Crossing Point.
Five minutes after the beginning of the battle, during which the fighters used different firearms and artillery, they were able to free the Crossing Point, break into Bsirri Site, perfectly dominate both of them, and kill or wound each of their mercenary agents.
As well, the fighters posted the Islamic-Resistance standards in Bsirri Site. Holding the sites of Annan and al-Mashnaqa under control, the fighters destroyed a number of mounds and fortifications and caused several casualties to the garrisons of both sites.

Thirty minutes after the fighters' control over Bsirri Site, a counter force progressed towards Bsirri Crossing Point. Thus, the fighters lay in ambush and clashed with it, destroying an M-113 half-track at Annan curb and causing the counter force several casualties.
In the meantime, the enemy's cannonade emplacements at Thahr ar-Ramla interfered with the battle to back the enemy's defeated forcers, so the Islamic-Resistance Fire Backup Unit razed the emplacements and perfectly ceased their fire.

Still, other Islamic-Resistance groups attacked Braachit Site at 5:50. The groups destroyed the site fortifications and struck a Zionist patrol en route to the site, causing it several injuries and the death of a Zionist soldier.
Exactly at 6:55, a relief force was on its way to Braachit Site; hence, the Islamic-Resistance fighters blasted it and caused it six casualties.
At 10:55, the fighters monitored counter soldiers and vehicles in Kassaret al-Oroush Region; consequently, the Fire Backup Unit opened fire on the counter forces and caused them direct casualties.

Meanwhile, martyr Anwhar Sukkar's group bombed a Lahd infantry patrol en route to Beit Yahoun-Kownine. Each of the infantrymen was killed or injured.
As for the Islamic Resistance, it offered a fighter, martyr Muhammad Kamel Dreige (Military name: Abu Saleh), who was martyred and arose to the Almighty Creator.
Furthermore, at 12:40 p.m., the Islamic Resistance foiled a Zionist force's progress towards the deserted Lebanese-Army Barracks in Nabatiyeh, whereby the Islamic-Resistance fighters clashed with the force. Using firearms and artillery, the fighters caused the force several casualties and forced the enemy, thus, to launch smoke grenades and retreat.

The enemy's channel broadcasted a statement of a military spokesman of "the Northern Command"; the spokesman admitted that 4 "Israeli" soldiers were wounded, 3 among whom suffered middling wounds.
As for agents' channel, it tried not to unveil the agents' casualties, mentioning during a morning newscast that only two site members were wounded; however, the channel later acknowledged the two militiamen were killed and three others were wounded, two among whom were suffering a very critical situation and were transferred to Ram Bam Hospital in Haifa.

Still, international news agencies confirmed the death of one of the wounded militiamen; hence, the dead militiamen were three: Sharbel Salamah from al-Meidan Town, Wissam el-Haj from Qatalah Town, and a third one who died because of his wounds and who had been one of the three wounded militiamen: Kameel Mansour, Fouad Salamah, and Wissam Mansour.
In fact, the Islamic Resistance has displayed a video tape of the operations, showing how the fighters broke into Bsirri Site and exterminated its agents.

Islamic Resistance Attacks Toumet Niha Site, November 2, 1995

"The Islamic Resistance continued delivering its painful coups to the Zionist enemy and agents. On Thursday, November 2, 1995, at 1:40 p.m., the group of martyr Khodr Obeid and martyr Ne'mah Hseiki attacked Toumet Niha Site in West Beqaa and clashed with the site garrison. Using firearms and artillery, the Resistance destroyed the site mounds and fortifications.

In the meantime, the Islamic-Resistance Backup Unit was targeting Zemrayyah and Kfarhouna Sites, causing direct casualties to the Zionist soldiers at the first site and to the constructions and mounds of the second one."

The Resistance statement has continued:
"The Islamic Resistance greets the fighters of "the Islamic Jihad Movement" in Palestine and congratulates them for their unique operations in occupied Palestine. The Resistance also reiterates its determination to keep resisting the Zionist occupation, side by side with all honorable fighters.

Moreover, at 4:30 p.m. on the same day, the Islamic Resistance monitored Zionist troops marshaled at Zemrayyah Site; consequently, the Fire Backup Unit shelled them, causing them direct casualties.
Upon the statement of security sources, the enemy's channel has pointed out there's been an obvious escalation of directed operations against the occupation forces in the occupied Lebanese regions, particularly "Operation al-Aychieh" and "Operation al-Qatrani" that killed 9 soldiers.
The operations along the borders of the occupied regions have increased and caused 6 casualties to the "Israeli" forces and 14 casualties to the Lahd Militia.

Fighters Attack "Israeli" Patrol near Braachit Site, November 3, 1995

On Friday, November 3, 1995, at 11:20 p.m., the Islamic-Resistance group of Palestine's martyrs attacked an "Israeli" patrol near Braachit Site. Using firearms and rocket shells, the fighters demolished a Merkava tank and killed or wounded each of its crewmen. The tank was seen burning in the operation zone, and several explosions inside it were heard.
The Lahd Militia's channel has acknowledged that two "Israeli" soldiers were wounded. The channel pointed out that the agents' site in Sojod was bombarded by the cannonade of the Islamic Resistance.

Islamic Resistance Attacks Braachit Site, November 4, 1995

Performing the operation series of martyr Fatehi Shiqaki, the group of the martyrs of the heroic combat of al-Oyoun Valley attacked Braachit Site on Saturday, November 4, 1995, at 9:50.
The fighters struck the Zionist force at the site, using firearms and artillery, directly hitting the site, and killing or wounding many of the garrison soldiers.
At 12:30 on the same day, the Islamic Resistance monitored a Merkava tank progressing towards Kassaret al-Oroush in Mount ar-Rihan. At once, the Fire Backup Unit targeted it and directly hit it.

Islamic Resistance Performs Series of Operations against Enemy Sites, November 9, 1995

Performing the operation series of the martyred commander Fatehi Dhiqaki, the Islamic Resistance executed a series of daring operations against the occupation forces and their agents.
In the morning of Thursday, November 9, 1995, the fighters attacked the counter sites, using different kinds of firearms and rocket shells. The fighters actually caused many casualties to the site garrisons and destroyed a part of the sites' mounds and fortifications.

The operations were as such:

- At 5:00 a.m., the groups of martyr Muhammad Shehab, martyr Ibrahim Shehab, and martyr Bassam Hamzah attacked the sites of Haddatha, Beit Yahoun, and Braachit.
- At 5:55, martyr Ali Shkeir's group, corresponding to the Fire Backup Unit, targeted Suweidaa Site.
- At 6:00, martyr Ahmad Sharqawi's group attacked as-Suweidaa Site.
- At 6:10, martyr Hisham Salamah's group attacked Ali at-Taher Site.
- At 7:05, martyr Khodr Obeid's group attacked Toumet Niha Site as martyr Abdo Qahdah's group attacked al-Ahmadieh Site. Likewise, the Fire Backup Unit targeted Zemrayyah Site.
- At 10:30, the group of the martyred Haj Ali Hijazi (Military name: Abu Ra'ed), attacked Sojod Site as the group of martyr Ali Yasseen (Military name: Abd ar-Raheem"), attacked Bir Kallab Site.
Also the group of martyr Muhammad Moqalled (Military name: Yasser), corresponding to the Fire Backup Unit, struck both sites.

Resistance Foils Zionist Airdrop in Green Valley, November 11, 1995

Being constantly aware, the Islamic-Resistance fighters foiled a Zionist airdrop in Green Valley on Friday, November 11. 1995, at 12:00 a.m., whereby they shot the counter force with their firearms and artillery, making it retreat from the place.

Islamic Resistance Attacks Sites of Sojod, Bir Kallab, November 13, 1995

To commemorate the birth of Sayyeda Fatima az-Zahraa (Peace be upon her) and to sustain the series of operations after the enemy assassinated the Secretary General of "the Islamic Jihad Movement", Doctor Fatahi Shiqaki, the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Hassan al-Akhras struck Sojod Site with a barrage of firearms and artillery on Monday, November 13, 1995, at 12:50 p.m.
In the meantime, martyr Hussein Qobeisi's group attacked Bir Kallab Site. The fighters actually destroyed some parts of the mounds and fortifications of both sites and caused casualties to both garrisons.

Fighters Strike Lahd Troops at Bir Kallab Site, November 15, 1995

On Wednesday, November 15, 1995, at 12:15 p.m., the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Abdul Ameer Fadel and martyr Khalil Moussa Hammoud attacked Bir Kallab Site after the fighters had monitored Lahd agents marshaled at the site. Using firearms and artillery, the fighters caused direct casualties to the site.

Two Jihad Operations Stun Occupation Forces, November 24, 1995

Commemorating the birth of Imam Muhammad al-Baquer (Pbuh) and Imam Ali al-Hadi (Pbuh), the Islamic Resistance performed two jihad operations against the occupation forces.
On Friday, November 24, 1995, at 9:45 p.m., the Resistance monitored the moves of a Zionist force near Braachit Site.
At once, martyr Hussein Shalhoub's group attacked the aggressors, making them suffer injuries and deaths.

Sniping Unit Shoots Zionist Soldiers at Braachit Site, November 25, 1994

On Saturday, November 25, 1995, at 6:15 a.m., martyr Muhannad Fouani's group, corresponding to the Sniping Unit, targeted two Zionist soldiers at Braachit Site and shot them.
Besides, at 4:30 p.m., the Fire Backup Unit shelled enemy troops marshaled at Bir Kallab Site, making them suffer losses.
Exactly at 5:00 p.m., martyr Ibrahim Daqdook's group attacked occupation forces marshaled in Kassaret el-Oroush Region. Using artillery, the fighters directly hit the troops.

Islamic Resistance Strikes Zionist Troops on Mount ar-Rihan, November 27, 1995

On Monday, November 27, at 1:05 p.m., the Islamic Resistance monitored Zionist soldiers marshaled on Mount ar-Rihan, particularly at Kassaret el-Oroush; thus, martyr Ramzi Deifullah Abu Saleem's group and martyr Mortada Rammal's group, corresponding to the Fire Backup Unit, took the initiative, shelling the troops and making them suffer casualties.
At 2:20, the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Nasrallah Dhaher again targeted the Zionist troops in the same region, causing them more casualties.

Resistance Launches Katyusha-Rockets Sets against Zionist Settlements, November 28, 1995

The Islamic Resistance countered the Zionist assaults against the civilians, using Katyusha rockets to target the settlements.
The Resistance has issued a statement as such:
"Our honorable families and our proud people, our dear South and West Beqaa have recently suffered from the savage aggressions of the Zionist-occupation forces.

The Zionists have escalated their aggressions, reaching the outskirts of the capital, Beirut, killing and injuring a number of civilians there, and destroying several houses in an-Na'meh Town.
Concurring with that was the launching of thousands of shells, among which were internationally forbidden ones as fission and nail projectiles.

Hence, the bombardment intensity reached what could be estimated as a wide-range war against our villages and steadfast families, the last stage of which was represented by the violent bombardment against Zawtar Town and the worship centers and houses in Braachit Town.
The Zionists also bombed and demolished a big number of houses in Beit Yahoun and Kfartibnit's outskirts.

Nearly since a year, the Zionist occupation has imposed a maritime siege on the fishermen, preventing them from earning their livings.
The occupation went on with its tyranny and aggressions, whereby it has abducted several fishermen and has created a no-fishing zone, excluding only a narrow area that isn't enough to make a living. Consequently, this has brought great harm to the fishermen's families."

The Resistance statement has added:
"The Zionist aggression has obliged the Islamic Resistance, which has always been honored to defending the civilians and sanctities, to make a counterstrike.
In the morning of Tuesday, November 28, 1995, the Resistance launched several sets of Katyusha rockets against the Zionist settlements in the north of occupied Palestine, accurately hitting the targets.
The Islamic Resistance that has undertaken the honor of jihad warns the enemy from going on with its aggressions. The Resistance iterates that it will not stand still as the enemy commits aggressions.

The Resistance will practice its right and will strike the enemy's settlements as long as the enemy threatens the security of people and towns."
International news agencies have reported, upon the statement of a medical officer in Keryat Shmuna Settlement, that the first rocket launchings caused injuries to four "Israelis" and caused a shock to thirty others, who had to be treated.
A Zionist militant source has pointed out that sixteen persons were injured in Keryat Shemona-al-Khalsa Sector.

As for the enemy's police, it has mentioned that the rockets caused severe damage to the buildings and cars in this sector, and therefore, traffic was not allowed. One of the settlement groves was set on fire, too.
The enemy's channel has added that the rocket launching against the settlements of al-Jalil caused 32 casualties in the settlements of Keryat Shemona and Nahariya.

On the same day, at 1:00 p.m., the Islamic Resistance monitored three bulldozers of the Zionist enemy that were sweeping the olive orchards in Beit Yahoun Town. At once, the Fire Backup Unit's barrage hit the bulldozers and stopped them from continuing their aggressive work.
At 1:45, the Fire Backup Unit shelled ad-Dabsheh Site, causing it serious casualties.
Exactly at 5:00 p.m., a Zionist military delegation was checking ad-Dabsheh Site; hence, the Islamic-Resistance Fire Backup Unit opened fire on the site, causing it direct casualties for the second time in four hours.

On the other hand, the coward enemy again resorted to its treacherous methods it has always followed, particularly against the Resistance heroes.
The enemy implanted an explosive bomb in the car of brother and fighter, Saeed Muhammad Harb, whose sacred soul arose to the Creator. The Islamic Resistance has announced this hero's martyrdom in the following statement:
"The Islamic Resistance sees that fighter Saeed Harb's martyrdom iterates the principle of jihad against the enemy and considers that the way he was martyred clearly demonstrates the enemy's confusion. The enemy is unable to confront the Resistance, resorting to any mean to bring its devastated soldiers back to their spirits.

"Israeli" Settlements Bombarded, November 28, 1995

The Islamic Resistance launched several Katyusha rockets against the Zionist Settlements of Keryat Shmuna and Nahariya in the north of occupied Palestine. This took place after "Israel" had escalated its aggressions against the liberated regions and used internationally forbidden shells. Bombarding the settlements, the fighters caused 32 casualties to the settlers.
The Islamic-Resistance operations resulted in the death of two "Israelis" and 3 agents and the wounding of 46 "Israelis" and 3 Lahd militiamen. In fact, the Islamic-Resistance operations resulted in the majority of the Zionist-Lahd casualties.

Furthermore, two agents from Braachit Site Brigade surrendered to the Islamic-Resistance fighters.
Two Islamic-Resistance fighters were martyred this month. The other resistance squadrons offered two martyrs as well.

Marjeeyoun Blast, November 29, 1995

The Islamic Resistance bombed an explosive bomb in Marjeeyoun, 400 meters away from the south of Marjeeyoun Barracks by the borders with occupied Palestine.
The bomb, which was implanted on the way to Marjeeyoun Barracks, targeted a Lahd patrol, ridiculing all "Israeli" security measures.

Fighters Blast Lahd Patrol on Qlai'a Route, November 29, 1995

While the Resistance's supporters were escorting the martyred Haj Saeed Harb to his final resting place in Jibchit Town, the Islamic Resistance quickly reacted to his assassination:

On Wednesday, November 29, 1995, at 11:15 a.m., martyr Saeed Harb's group blasted a Lahd patrol on Qlai'a-Marjeeyoun Route at the heart of the occupied region, 400 meters away from the south of Marjeeyoun Barracks' entrance (near the borders with occupied Palestine).
Hence, the patrol was directly hit, and each of its members was injured or killed.

At 1:15 p.m., martyr Saeed Harb's group blasted a Zionist intelligence motorcade in the same place, definitely causing several casualties to its members.
Performing a series of jihad operations presented to the soul of the martyred fighter, Haj Saeed Harb, the group of martyr Yahiya Qassem (Military name: Abu Saleh) and martyr Muhammad Nassar (Military name: Abu Qassem) blasted a Zionist infantry patrol at a side of Houla Town, hitting the patrol and wounding or killing a number of its infantrymen.

In the meantime, the Islamic-Resistance fighters confronted a Zionist force at a side of Shakra Town. The force, which was attempting to sneak towards the liberated regions, was forced to retreat from the place.

Islamic Resistance Performs Series of Attacks against Zionist Enemy, November 30, 1995

On Thursday, November 30, 1995, at 6:30 a.m., the Islamic-Resistance Sniping Unit targeted a number of the garrison soldiers of Braachit Site, causing them definite casualties.
At 6:35, the Islamic-Resistance Fire Backup Unit targeted Haddatha Site, using firearms and artillery and causing the site direct casualties.
Besides, at 11:25 a.m., the Islamic Resistance monitored Zionist soldiers marshaled at Kassaret al-Oroush; at once the group of martyr Ibrahim Hariri, martyr Nadeem Skeiki, and martyr Allam Sweidan, corresponding to the Fire Backup Unit, machine-gunned the troops, causing them serious casualties.

Still, at 8:30 p.m., the Islamic-Resistance monitored a Zionist force sneaking towards Ghandour Castle in Nabatiyeh el-Fawka. At once, martyr Hussein Mansour's group, corresponding to the Fire Backup Unit, machine-gunned the sneaking force and foiled its attempt.
The enemy sources have acknowledged that the operations were performed, saying that two Zionist soldiers were wounded during "Operation Braachit". The sources have also acknowledged the attack of the Resistance against Haddatha Site.

The information reported at the occupied region has confirmed the Islamic Resistance's last counterattacks hit a Zionist half-track, flipping it to the road side on Mount al-Jama'a near Bint Jbeil. Its crewmen suffered casualties, too.

Five Islamic-Resistance Fighters Martyred in November, 1995

Martyr Muhammad Kamel Dreige (Military name: Abu Saleh)
Martyr Ibrahim Abdul Hassan Hariri (Military name: Abu Zeinab)
Martyr Nadeem Hassan Skeiki (Military name: Belal)
Martyr Allam Muhammad Suweidan (Military name: Moa'then)
Martyr Saeed Muhammad Harb

