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Leader of Martyrs: Sayyed Nasrallah



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The following are the Islamic-Resistance operations that took place during the month of August in 1995..

Islamic Resistance Performs 49 Operations in August, 1995

The resistance squadrons carried out seventy-eight operations against the Zionist enemy and its agents in the South and in West Beqaa. Forty-nine operations among those were performed by the Islamic Resistance. The other Lebanese and Palestinian squadrons performed the remaining twenty-nine operations.

In fact, August has witnessed several confrontations with the Zionist enemy in Yohmor-Shkief and Abu Rashed in West Beqaa. Though enemy's aircraft performed airstrikes the same region in order to allow the progress of the enemy forces again, the Islamic-Resistance fighters foiled these forces' missions.
The Zionist enemy has acknowledged that 2 "Israeli" soldiers and 3 Lahd militiamen were killed and that 4 "Israeli" soldiers and 3 Lahd militiamen were wounded.
On the other hand, the Resistance has mentioned that 2 enemy soldiers and 5 Lahd militiamen were killed and that 4 enemy soldiers and 11 Lahd militiamen were wounded.
In fact, the Islamic-Resistance operations resulted in all casualties.

Resistance Ambushes Zionist Merkava Tank En Route to Sojod Site, August 5, 1995

On Saturday, August 5, 1995, at 10:45 a.m., the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Nimr Ali Ftouni lay in ambush while a Zionist Merkava tank was en route to Sojod Site. Once the tank reached the ambush spot, the fighters struck it with their firearms and artillery, damaging it and wounding its crewmen.
Meanwhile, martyr Fadi Hamedeh's group was attacking Sojod Site; as a result, several garrison soldiers were shot, and a number of the site mounds and fortifications were destroyed.

Resistance Blasts "Israeli" Infantry, August 11, 1995

Commemorating the birth of Muhammad (Peace be upon him and his Household), the Messenger of Humanity and Mercy, an Islamic-Resistance group blasted an "Israeli" infantry patrol en route to Mount ar-Rafie' in Iqlim at-Toffah on Friday, August 11, 1995, at 7:30 p.m. Thus, several infantrymen were injured or killed.

Resistance Artillerists Hit Zionist Troops at ad-Dabsheh Site, August 12, 1995

On Saturday, August 12, 1995, the Islamic-Resistance Fire Backup Unit's barrage hit Zionist troops marshaled at ad-Dabsheh Site, causing them grave casualties.
On the same day, at 2:30 p.m., the Islamic Resistance monitored enemy vehicles moving at Kfarhouna Site. As well, the garrison soldiers were seen mounding and constructing ramparts. At once, the Fire Backup Unit's artillerists struck the site and resulted in serious casualties.

Fire Attack Targets ad-Dabsheh Site, August 13, 1995

On Sunday, August 13, 1995, at 9:20 a.m., the Islamic-Resistance group of Khirbet Selem martyrs attacked ad-Dabsheh Site. Using firearms and artillery, the group destroyed several site mounds and fortifications.
Forty minutes later, some garrison soldiers tried to check the damages resulting from the attack. Right then, the lurking Resistance fighters shot the garrison soldiers with a barrage of firearms, causing them several casualties.

On the same day, at 6:30 p.m., an Islamic-Resistance group blasted an enemy patrol en route to at-Tohra. Each of the patrollers was killed or injured.
In fact, the occupation forces have acknowledged the occurrence of "Operation ad-Dabsheh" and have mentioned that three soldiers were injured, an officer among whom was in a critical situation and was, thus, transferred to Ram Bam Hospital in Haifa.

Resistance Fighters Blast Lahd Infantry on Remat-Sidon Route, August 14, 1995

Commemorating the birth of Imam as-Sadek (Peace be upon him), the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Abed Hashem blasted a Lahd infantry patrol on Remat-Sidon Route on Monday, August 14, 1995, at 7:40 p.m. As a result, several patrollers were injured.

Fire Backup Unit Attacks Mash'aroun Site, August 16, 1995

Countering the continuous Zionist aggressions against the villages of West Beqaa and the South, the Islamic Resistance monitored Zionist-enemy troops marshaled at Tallousseh Site (Mash'aroun) on Wednesday, August 16, 1995, at 7:40 p.m.
Immediately, the group of martyr Muhammad Nassar and martyr Yahiya Qassem, corresponding to the Fire Backup Unit, targeted Tallousseh Site and caused it direct casualties. The site could be seen afire.
Furthermore, a spokesman for "the Phalanges of Black September 13" (established by a former PLO armed-force leader in Lebanon, Moneer Maqda) has declared responsibility for shooting an "Israeli" boat.

Maqda has said that a group of the Phalanges bombarded an ‘"Israeli" Hornet" war boat and shot it directly, setting it on fire. However, the boat combed the shore, wounding a citizen.
Still, the the Amal-Movement Operation Chamber has declared in a statement that one of its groups used firearms and artillery to attack the Zionist-Lahd al-Qasir Site.

Resistance Demolishes Merkava Tank, August 17, 1995

On Thursday, August 17, 1995, at 10:30 a.m., the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Abu Qassem Muhammad Mortada struck with artillery a Zionist Merkava tank at Sojod Site, shooting it directly.
In the meantime, the Fire Backup Unit bombarded Bir Kallab Site, causing it severe losses.
On the same day, at 6:05 p.m., the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Nimr Ftouni (Military name: Abu Mahdi) lay in ambush while a Zionist Merkava tank was on Sojod-ar-Rihan Route.

As soon as the tank reached the ambush spot, the fighters struck it with a barrage of firearms and rocket shells. Hence, the tank was destroyed and set afire.
In the meantime, the Islamic-Resistance Fire Backup Unit bombarded Sojod Site, ceasing the cannonade emplacements that had been maliciously bombarding the steadfast people's towns.

Islamic Resistance Attacks ad-Dabsheh Site, August 18, 1995

Commemorating the birth of Muhammad (Peace be upon him and his Household), the Prophet of Mercy and Humanity, the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Moussa Adib Fahs and martyr Yusuf Karim Yasseen attacked ad-Dabsheh Site on Friday, August 18,1995, at 6:00 a.m. Using firearms and artillery, the fighters made the site garrison suffer direct casualties. The inside of the site could be seen burning.
Moreover, at 8:10, the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Ali Saad targeted Zionist-enemy troops marshaled at ad-Dabsheh Site after the group had monitored them.

Islamic Resistance Combats Zionist Infantry En Route to Yohmor Shkief, August 19, 1995

On Saturday, August 19, 1995, at 6:30 a.m., the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Ali Saad foiled a Zionist infantry patrol's attempt to progress to Yohmor-Shkief Town.
For two hours, violent clashes went on. Only some meters away from Arnoun-Shkief Fort, the fighters opened fire. Since the enemy suffered several casualties, it called for relief helicopters.

On the other hand, fighter Ali Olleik was martyred during the confrontation; his soul has arisen to the Almighty Creator's Heavenly Firmaments.
The Islamic Resistance has issued a statement as such: "While an Islamic-Resistance group of fighters was patrolling inside the occupied region on Saturday, August 19, 1995, it encountered a big Zionist force. Only some meters away from the force, the fighters opened the struck the force with their firearms and rocket shells.

The violent clashes made the enemy suffer many casualties, so it called for armored rescue forces. However, the severe confrontation, the fighters' heroic steadfastness, and the graveness of the enemy's casualties made the enemy's war planes and helicopters take part in the battle. The aircraft intensively combed the operation zone and shelled it with internationally forbidden nail shells.

The ferocious battle, which lasted for more than two hours, martyred three Islamic-Resistance fighters: Sammer Bsharah, Abbas Hammoudi, and Joudat Qanso.
On the same day, at 8:20 p.m., the Islamic Resistance blasted a motorcade heading towards an ambush spot close to a site in Jeb el-Jama'a (Dhoor Mays). Consequently, the enemy's vehicles were demolished, and each of the patrollers was killed or wounded.

Resistance Foils Zionist Force's Progress towards Abu Rashed, August 24, 1995

The details show that on Thursday, August 24, 1995, at 9:50 p.m., a Zionist force attempted to progress towards Abu Rashed in West Beqaa.
Therefore, the Islamic-Resistance fighters confronted it. Violent clashes went on for four hours, during which different kinds of rocket shells, firearms, and artillery were used. In fact, the enemy soldiers suffered many casualties; thus, they had to retreat from the operation zone without accomplishing their mission.

Hereupon, the enemy sent its helicopters to relieve them, whereby the helicopters were seen landing down to evacuate the casualties into occupied Palestine.
Further striking the agents, the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Muhammad Nassar (Military name: Abu Qassem) and martyr Yahiya Qassem (Military name: Abu Saleh) blasted a Lahd security car in Houla Town.
Occurring at 12:00 p.m. on the same day, the blast damaged the car and killed or injured each of its passengers.

In a primary reaction to the Zionist assaults against West Beqaa, the Islamic-Resistance Fire Backup Unit bombarded al-Aychieh Barracks at 3:00 p.m. The Resistance artillerists caused grave casualties to the barracks.
Three Islamic-Resistance fighters, Rida Shmeis, Muhammad Qassass, and Muhammad Zreik, were martyred.
As for the enemy, it hasn't unveiled its casualties, claiming that only one soldier was wounded during the confrontations. Upon the statement of a Zionist militant spokesman, the international news agencies have reported that an "Israeli" officer was wounded during the clashes.

As for the agents' channel, it has acknowledged that a militiaman was killed during the operation the fighters performed in Houla Town. Yet, the agents' sources have pointed out that the blats hit a red B.M.W and, thus, its driver, a militiaman called Bassam el-Haj, was killed.

Islamic Resistance Performs Operation Series along Confrontation Frontier, August 29, 1995

On Tuesday, August 29, 1995, the Islamic Resistance performed an operation series along the confrontation frontier. The Islamic Resistance has confirmed the death of a Zionist soldier at Braachit Site, whereby the Sniping Unit gunned him down while Zionist troops were marshaled at the site.
Afterwards, the Fire Backup Unit's barrage struck the same troops, causing them more casualties.
Then, the group of martyr Muhammad Qassass, martyr Mohsen Zreik, and martyr Rida Shmeis attacked Kfarhouna Site. Using firearms and rocket shells, the fighters destroyed a tank and killed its crewmen.

At 8:00, martyr Abbas Hammoudi's group chivalrously attacked ad-Dabsheh Site. Using different kinds of firearms and artillery, the group destroyed some site mounds and shot several garrison soldiers.
Furthermore, at 10:00, martyr Ali Qanso's group, corresponding to the Islamic-Resistance Sniping Unit, shot a Lahd militiaman at as-Suweidaa Site.
At 11:00, martyr Ali Olleik's group and martyr Samer Bshara's group, corresponding to the Fire Backup Unit, shelled two Zionist-enemy forces marshaled at Alman Site and Deir Syriane Crossing Point, causing them serious casualties.

In the evening, the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Muhammad Qassass attacked Toumet Niha Site in West Beqaa, whereby the fighters used firearms and artillery to cause the site garrison several casualties. The Islamic-Resistance statement has stated:

"Concurring with this attack, the Fire Backup Unit's barrage struck Toumet Niha Site and resulted in great losses.
In the meantime, martyr Sammer Bsharah's group was striking Blat Site with artillery and caused the site great losses."
As ever, the Zionist enemy sources haven't unveiled the real casualties the last operations and confrontations resulted in; instead, the Zionist military censorship has created make-believe accidents to imply that the enemy soldiers were killed in places distant from the frontiers of confrontation with the Islamic Resistance.

Upon the statement of military sources, the enemy's channel has reported that while the occupation forces were "carrying out drills on the international borders between Lebanon and occupied Palestine", a Zionist soldier was killed.
Also, upon other sources' statement, the channel has reported that two soldiers were killed in the south of Lebanon, but it hasn't provided any information concerning their death circumstances.
On the other hand, the brutal Zionist airstrikes against Iqlim at-Toffah martyred three Islamic-Resistance fighters: Belal ad-Darnouh, Ali Shaib, and Fouad Aoun. The martyrs joined Imam al-Hussein (Pbuh) in Heaven.

Fire Backup Unit Targets Zionist Troops in Markaba, August 21, 1995

On Monday, August 21, 1995, at 2:45 p.m., the Islamic Resistance monitored Zionist troops marshaled in al-Qabe' in Markaba Town; thus, the Fire Backup Unit hit the troops, making them suffer great losses.

Resistance Shells Lahd Troops Marshaled at Toumet Niha Site, August 22, 1995

On Tuesday, August 22, 1995, at 1:00 p.m., the Islamic Resistance monitored Lahd troops marshaled at Toumet Niha Site in West Beqaa. Immediately, the Islamic-Resistance Fire Backup Unit struck them, causing them serious casualties.
At 4:00 p.m., the Fir Backup Unit retargeted Toumet Niha Site, causing it severe casualties. At the same time, the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Ali Olleik used a big explosive to bomb a Lahd common car on Kounine-Braachit Route. As a result, the vehicle was destroyed, and each of the Lahd agents was killed or injured.

Upon the statement of a Zionist military source, the international news agencies have reported that two Lahd militiamen were killed in the bombing. This has contrasted the denial that a Militia source has made to the agencies as regards any deaths.
Another Militia source has acknowledged the operation, saying that an explosive bomb was bombed while a military truck was en route to the site of the "Israelis" on Braachit Hill. Two militiamen, Jamal as-Suweid and Khodr el-Hindi (from Bint Jbeil), were killed, the source has added.

Resistance Ambushes Lahd Motorcade En Route to Sidon-al-Borj, August 23, 1995

On Wednesday, August 23, 1995, at 12:20 p.m., an Islamic-Resistance ambushed a Zionist motorcade patrol en route to Sidon-al-Borj Site. Once the patrol reached the required spot, the fighters struck it with firearms and rocket shells, causing its soldiers several casualties.
Meanwhile, another group was attacking a tank positioned at al-Borj Site. Using artillery, the fighters immediately shot the tank.
Likewise, the Islamic-Resistance Fire Backup Unit targeted the sites of al-Borj and Sidon, causing both sites serious casualties.

In fact, two Islamic-Resistance fighters were martyred and joined the Heavenly Firmaments: Commander Adnan Ashmar (Military name: Abu Meitham) and martyr Muhammad Atiyeh.
As for the "the Faithful Resistance" (the Amal Movement's previous name), it issued a statement declaring that the Sniping Unit of Martyr Issam Mattar gunned an agent down at as-Suweidaa Site.
The statement has added, "countering the Zionist assails against the residential villages, the Artillery Unit raze as-Suweidaa Site with mortar shells. The site suffered grave losses."

Anew, the Islamic Resistance heroes led an honorable confrontation in West Beqaa; whereby the fighters foiled some enemy forces' progress although the enemy forces were backed by warplanes.
The Islamic Resistance has issued a statement regarding the incidents of the confrontation: "The Islamic Resistance has heroically confronted the occupation soldiers along the confrontation frontier in West Beqaa."

Islamic Resistance Attacks Zemrayyah Site, August 26, 1995

On Saturday, August 26, 1995, at 6:20 a.m., the Islamic Resistance group of martyr Muhammad Qassass attacked Zemrayyah Site. Using firearms and rocket shells, the fighters destroyed some site mounds and caused the site garrison several casualties.
In the meantime, the group of martyr Rida Shmeis and martyr Mohsen Zreik was targeting the same site, in addition to Kfarhouna Site. Both sites suffered immediate casualties.

Actually, some correspondents that were in the region have confirmed that they could see thick smoke arising from the site. Also, the correspondent of a local newspaper has reported the Lahd Militia acknowledged the operation. The correspondent has added the fighters attacked the agent's sites of Kfarhouna and Zemrayyah.

Twelve Islamic-Resistance Fighters Martyred in August, 1995

This month, the resistance squadrons offered 14 martyrs, 12 among who belong to the Islamic Resistance. Seven of the Islamic-Resistance martyrs were martyred during confrontations with the enemy, two others in the ambush of Sidon-al-Borj, and three others during Zionist shelling and airstrikes against Iqlim at-Toffah. The Islamic-Resistance martyrs are:

- Martyr Sammer Bsharah
- Martyr Abbas Hammoudi
- Martyr Joudat Qansoh
- Martyr Rida Shmeis
- Martyr Muhammad Qassass
- Martyr Muhammad Zreik
- Martyr Ali Olleik
- Martyred commander Adnan Ashmar (Military name: Abu Meitham)
- Martyr Muhammad Atiyeh
- Martyr Belal Ad-Darnouh
- Martyr Ali Shaib
- Martyr Fouad Aoun

