The following are the Islamic-Resistance operations that took place during the month of February in 1994...
*"The Ten Days of Dawn" is also named "Operation Mersad". It began in Iran on July 26, 1988 as Iran confronted a military incursion from Iraq.
Islamic Resistance Performs Thirty-Five Operations in February, 1994
The Islamic-Resistance fighters intensified their jihad operations against the Zionist-Lahd sites, agents, and patrols, causing them grave casualties. The US-"Israeli" threats failed at overwhelming the fighters, who continued to perform their heroic operations. A report has stated that in February, the fighters performed 39 operations against the Zionists and Lahd agents. The operations resulted in 21 casualties:
The "Israeli" military suffered the fatality of five soldiers, among who was an officer, in addition to the injury of eight others. As for the Lahd Militia, it suffered the fatality of two soldiers and the injury of six others. Besides, eighteen militiamen escaped from the Lahd-Militia sites; thus, the command of the Lahd Militia chased the escaping militiamen, imprisoned them, and punished their families.
On the other hand, the monthly report issued by the Islamic-Resistance Operation Chamber stated that in February, the Islamic-Resistance fighters performed 35 operations against the enemy and the agents; whereby the operations were as such: 3 bombings, 6 ambuscades, 14 cannonade bombardments, 6 missile bombardments, 5 attacks, and a sniping operation. These operations have caused about 40 casualties to the Zionist soldiers and Lahd agents, in addition to the demolition of vehicles and site fortifications.
Two Islamic-Resistance fighters were martyred during combat with a motorcade on Sojod-ar-Rihan Route. The martyrs joined the Heavenly Firmaments.
Islamic-Resistance Sniping Unit Guns Soldier Down at ad-Dabsheh Site, February 4, 1994
On February 4, 1994, the fighters performed new operations, shelling enemy troops gathered at Alman Site and gunning a soldier down at ad-Dabsheh Site. The Islamic Resistance has issued the following statement:
"Exactly at 10:15 a.m. on Wednesday, February 9, 1994, martyr Ali Jahjah's group of the Islamic-Resistance Sniping Unit gunned a soldier down at ad-Dabsheh Site.
At 1:45 p.m. on the same day, the Islamic-Resistance Fire Backup Unit razed a Zionist troops gathered at Alman Site and ceased the cannonade that had been assailing the towns of Zawtar el Charkiyeh (Literally: East Zawtar) and Zawtar el Gharbiyeh (Literally: West Zawtar)."
Operation Series "Ten Days of Dawn", February 4, 1994
On February 4, 1994, the Islamic Resistance carried out a series of concentrated attacks against the enemy and Lahd agents at al-Bayyada Site, al-Herdoun Site, and Beit Yahoun-Braachit Route. The Islamic Resistance has issued the following statement regarding these operations:
"The Islamic Resistance sustains the resistance path, which has been set by the sacred Imam Rouhullah al-Moussawi al-Khomeini. As well, the Resistance reiterates its choice of struggling with the enemy and the Lahd militiamen until it perfectly liberates all occupied Lebanese lands.
Marking "the Ten Days of Dawn", the memory of the blessed Islamic Revolution's triumph in Iran, the gallant Islamic Resistance carried out a series of attacks against the enemy and Lahd agents on Friday, February 4, 1994.
The Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Muhammad Hazimeh and martyr Zuheir Hazimeh ambushed a Lahd patrol en route to al-Bayyada at 7:35. The fighters bombed a military Willis vehicle with an explosive, demolishing it and causing casualties to the four militants on it. Meanwhile, martyr Abdullah Qassem's group carried out a striking attack against al-Hamra Crossing Point and al-Bayyada Site and al-Herdoun Site.
As well, the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Muhammad Kamal Shehab attacked a motorcade on Beit Yahoun-Braachit Route at 11:30. The motorcade, on which several security officials were, belonged to the Zionist intelligence and Lahd agents, and it consisted of two half-tracks and a car. Striking it with machine guns and artillery, the fighters caused several casualties to the motorcade.
On the same day, an Islamic-Resistance group bombed with an explosive a Lahd patrol. A statement issued by the Resistance has explained the operation details: "Marking the triumph of the blessed Islamic Revolution of Iran, the Islamic Resistance continues its Operation Series "Ten Days of Dawn". Hereupon, the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Hussein Haidar (Military name: Abu Jaafar) bombed with an explosive a Lahd motorcade on Friday, February 4, 1994, at 3:25 p.m. The motorcade, which consisted of two common cars and a Willis jeep, was directly hit; the fighters confirmed five soldiers had been wounded."
Resistance Strikes Enemy, Agents in ar-Rihan, February 7, 1994
The Islamic Resistance struck the enemy and agents in ar-Rihan, making the "Israeli" staff acknowledge that the fighters seized the military initiative; also making the staff acknowledge the death of four militants and the injury of others. The "Israeli" Chief of Staff Ehud Barak threatened to declare another war like that of "the Seven-Day War"**, saying, "The "Israeli" military is facing a real war. It is impossible for us to avoid suffering casualties."
Barak also pointed out that the Islamic Resistance had set the ambuscade carefully and that two groups of fighters had machine-gunned anti-armor rocket shells, attacking the "Israeli" armored vehicles and "the Paratroopers Brigade"***.
The Islamic Resistance has issued this statement concerning the heroic operation: "The Resistance is performing an operation series to mark the blessed Hijri month of Shaaban, also to commemorate the martyrdom anniversary of the Islamic-Resistance Martyrs' Master - the Grand Scholar, Sayyed Abbas al-Moussawi and the Islamic-Resistance Martyrs' Sheikh Ragheb Harb (May God bestow His everlasting peace on them).
Hereupon, several Islamic-Resistance groups of the Brigade of Martyr, Haj Samir Mattoot (Military name: Jawad), ambushed a Zionist motorcade in ar-Rihan in the occupied borderline on Monday, February 7, 1994, at 11:25 a.m. Martyr Adnan Farhat's artillerists machine-gunned the motorcade, which consisted of a Centurion mine-sweeper, a Merkava tank, several troop-carriers, and an infantry.
The barrage demolished several vehicles, among which was the mine-sweeper, in addition to the Merkava tank that had eight crewmen on. Besides, the attack killed or injured each of the seven infantrymen heading the targeted motorcade... Clashes actually lasted until 1:00 p.m.
In the meantime, martyr Ibrahim al-Haj's artillery was attacking Sojod Site. The artillerists perfectly held the site under fire, foiling its garrison's attempt to back the motorcade. Besides, the artillerists caused several casualties to the garrison and demolished several mounds, fortifications, and vehicles at the site.
Still, martyr Nasser al-Missmar's group was attacking Bir Kallab Site with different firearms. The fighters perfectly held the site under fire, and they destroyed some fortifications and mounds, damaged several vehicles, and caused casualties to the site members.
The fighters have also reported that while attacking the sites of Sojod and Bir Kallab, they demolished six medium machine guns. The Resistance's fierce attacks made enemy helicopters aerially comb the operation zone while warplanes intensively hovered at a low height.
This has been only one of the Resistance's unique accomplishments to free the land from the "Israeli" desecration. To the Muslims' Supreme Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenai and to the steadfast people, the Resistance announces it renews its adherence to defending the Ummah's rights. Again, the Resistance pledges to sustain the path of the righteous martyrs - the founders of the Ummah's brilliant future."
An official source of the Islamic-Resistance has stated more information concerning the unique operation: "During the clashes, the enemy was completely unable to back its troops. Reinforcements could only arrive 75 minutes after the fighters had withdrawn from the operation zone. Arriving at 12:45 p.m., some helicopters evacuated the enemy casualties, which had earlier been announced to be fifteen. The helicopters also hauled some demolished vehicles inside the occupied borderline, whereas ground haulers hauled the others.
An explosive bombing targeted an enemy patrol on the way to the same site, and another explosive targeted a Lahd-Militia patrol en route to Sojod." The Resistance's source has also reported that the Resistance shelled the site on Shreifeh Hill lying in the outskirts of al-Khiyam Town, where "Israeli" troops had thronged. Two shells were launched against the encampment, and an "Israeli" helicopter landed there about 30 minutes later.
Some other sources have reported that an M-113 half-track on al-Khardali Route was shot, and the occupation forces immediately hauled it to Marjeeyoun. Eye witnesses have confirmed that the Lahd-Militia site was bombarded with missiles.
Other security sources have mentioned that two Lahd militiamen, Rassem al-Qadiri and Walid Qassab, were injured during an Islamic-Resistance operation in "the Middle Sector" and died afterwards; whereas a Zionist militant spokesman has confirmed the death of the four "Israeli" militants, among whom was a lieutenant. The spokesman said as well that two of the five injured militants suffered critical injuries.
On the other hand, the Islamic Resistance has announced the martyrdom of fighter Mustapha Naeem Haidar (Yasser), who was martyred during the unique Operation ar-Rihan.
The martyr was born in Arab Salim (Literally: The Apple Region) in 1973, and he participated in many unique operations, the most significant of which were the Operation as-Suweidaa, Operation Bir Kallab, Operation Sojod, and Operation Grand Badr Battle****.
The martyr was married and was known for his courage, great morals, piousness, and martyrdom adoration. He was martyred on Monday, February 7, 1994 during the heroic Operation ar-Rihan.
Islamic Resistance Attacks Sites of Sojod, Bir Kallab, ar-Rihan, February 8, 1994
Some Islamic-Resistance groups attacked the enemy sites of Sojod, Bir Kallab, and ar-Rihan while a Zionist military delegation was touring the place. A statement of the Resistance has declared:
"Marking the Islamic-Resistance Week, on Tuesday, February 8, 1994, at 11:35 a.m., the Islamic Resistance monitored a senior Zionist military delegation that was inspecting the damage and casualties at the sites of Sojod, Bir Kallab, and ar-Rihan, which had earlier been targeted by the fighters. At once, the Islamic-Resistance artillerists of Martyr Muhammad Moqalled's Squadron attacked the mentioned sites with artillery, forcing the delegation to escape from the place and causing more damage to the enemy's ordnance."
Explosive Targets Zionist Patrol En Route to Sham', February 14, 1994
On February 14, 1994, the fighters bombed an explosive while a Zionist patrol was en route to Sham'. The Islamic Resistance has issued a statement declaring: "Marking the blessed Hijri month of Ramadan, an Islamic-Resistance group bombed an explosive while a Zionist patrol was en route to Sham' on February 14, 1994, at 9:00 a.m., causing it several casualties."
Another fighter has joined the martyrs' path. He was martyred as the Zionist assailed Mount Amel. The Islamic Resistance has issued the following statement:
"To God's Messenger Muhammad (Peace be upon him and his Household), to the Awaited Imam al-Mahdi (May God hasten his noble reappearance), to the Muslim's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khaminai (May God keep him), and to the resistant, steadfast Ummah, the Resistance proudly announces the martyrdom of brother and fighter Hassan Salman Kareem, who joined the path of the veracious martyrs at this blessed time of the month of Ramadan, which concurs with the Islamic-Resistance Week - the week of the grand martyrs, Sayyed Abbass al-Moussawi and Sheikh Ragheb Harb (May God bestow His everlasting satisfaction on them).
The martyr joined the Heavenly Firmaments as the Zionists assailed the southern towns on Tuesday, February 15, 1994.
He was born in Jibchit Town, and he underwent Islamic-Resistance-General-Recruitment training sessions.
As the Islamic Resistance announces the martyrdom of this martyr, who is the nephew of martyr, Sheikh Ragheb Harb, it announces that the Resistance is absolutely content with its resistance choice and is indeed devoted to it. The Resistance shall continue this path - no matter how great the sacrifices are."
Islamic Resistance Attacks Zemrayyah Crossing Point, Toumet Niha Site, February 16, 1994
On February 16, 1994, the Islamic Resistance carried out a series of jihad operations. At 4:00 a.m., the Resistance artillerists clashed with the garrison of Toumet Niha Site. The artillerists demolished a 12.7 mm-machine gun emplacement, and burned a half-armored vehicle.
The Resistance has issued a statement concerning the details of these operations:
"Marking the Islamic-Resistance Week and the martyrdom anniversary of the grand, resistant scholars, Sayyed Abbass al-Moussawi and Sheikh Ragheb Harb, who founded the Islamic Resistance to confront the Zionist enemy, the fighters perform, anew, a daring operation.
Thus, the Resistance iterates that no Zionist aggressions or political threats and maneuvers can devastate the Resistance's will or make the fighters renege their sacred choice of freeing the land and expelling the coercive occupants.
Exactly at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, February 16, 1994, the groups of martyr Wa'el Darweesh and martyr Mustapha Haidar, relative to the Brigade of Zemrayyah Martyrs, bombarded Zemrayyah Site and Zemrayyah Crossing Point.
While martyr Mustapha Haidar's group was attacking "Zemrayyah Site" and destroying some site fortifications, martyr Wa'el Darweesh's artillery was machine-gunning a patrol at Zemrayyah Crossing Point. The fighters actually destroyed the patrol consisting of two cars and a half-armored vehicle. The patrollers suffered twelve casualties, too.
The fighters held the crossing point completely under control.
Furthermore, Martyr Hassan Medlej's Squadron, relative to the Islamic-Resistance Fire Backup Unit, razed the Zionist militant governor's headquarters in Zaghleh, as well as Ain Qania Site and the cannonade emplacements of Abu Qamha Site. The sites suffered damage and had to cease their fire."
The Lahd Militia's channel has acknowledged that the agents' sites in Zemrayyah, Zaghleh, and Ain Qania were shelled. It has also stated that the sites of Tallousseh, al-Hamra, and al-Bayyada in Marjeeyoun Sector, in addition to Toumet Niha Site in West Beqaa, were bombarded with different kinds of arms. A militiaman was injured, the channel has pointed out.
Islamic Resistance Attacks Bir Kallab Site, February 18, 1994
The Islamic Resistance has performed an operation against Bir Kallab Site and has issued a statement declaring: "To mark the blessed Hijri month of Ramadan, the Islamic Resistance attacked Bir Kallab Site on Friday, February 18, 1994, at 3:00 p.m. The fighters launched rocket shells against the site, destroying some mounds and killing or wounding many garrison soldiers."
Islamic-Resistance, Amal-Movement Operation Targets Lahd Patrol, February 19, 1994
Since the choice of resistance is the only mean to free the occupied Lebanese lands, the Islamic Resistance and the Amal Movement performed a common operation against a Lahd patrol en route to al-Kantara. A common statement has been issued to declare the operation details:
"The Islamic Resistance iterates that the resistance choice is that of the public including different, active, and resistant forces. Thus, the people of this land insist on freeing it no matter how great the sacrifices are, for they are confident in Allah the Exalted in Might.
Hereupon, on Saturday, February 19, 1994, at 1:35 p.m., the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Ramzi Kammaleddine (Military name: Abu Reda) and the Amal-Movement group of martyr Muhammad Haidar (Military name: Aseer) carried out a common attack against a Lahd motorcade headed by an infantry en route to al-Kantara. Using firearms and artillery, the fighters directly shot the patrol, killing four Lahd militiamen. The fighters could see them dead."
Islamic Resistance Attacks Lahd Motorcade En Route to Alma-al-Qasir Crossroads, February 22, 1994
On February 22, 1994, the Islamic Resistance performed a series of daring operations against some Zionist-Lahd patrols and sites. The Resistance has issued the following statement:
"Marking the blessed Hijri month of Ramadan and commemorating the martyrdom anniversary of the Islamic-Resistance Martyrs' Master - His Eminence Sayyed Abbass al-Moussawi - and the Islamic-Resistance Martyrs' Sheikh Ragheb Harb (May God bestow His everlasting satisfaction on them), the Resistance is again stunning the Zionist enemy. Disregarding the enemy's threats and maneuvers, the Resistance confirms its determination to chase the enemy no matter in which "dens" the enemy soldiers hide.
God willing, the Islamic Resistance performed a series of daring attacks against the occupation forces and agents. The attacks were as such:
On Tuesday, February 22, 1994, at 2:45 p.m., the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Muhammad Qatbani (Abu Qassem) attacked a Lahd motorcade en route to Alma-al-Qasir Crossroads. Shooting the motorcade with a barrage, the artillerists demolished a tank and wounded all of its crewmen. The artillerists could see the tank burning with the crewmen on.
Meanwhile, martyr Hassan Kareem's group was bombarding Alman Site with rocket shells. The fighters made the site garrison suffer casualties, and they destroyed several fortifications.
As well, the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Fouad Madani bombarded ash-Shumarieh Site. Using different kinds of firearms and artillery, the fighters killed or wounded a number of the garrison members and destroyed some site fortifications and mounds."
Two Islamic-Resistance Martyrs in February, 1994
The Islamic Resistance has offered two fighters, who were martyred during an operation against a motorcade en route to Sojod-ar-Rihan. The martyrs, who have joined the Heavenly Firmaments, are:
- Martyr, fighter Mustapha Naeem Haidar (Yasser)
- Martyr, fighter Hassan Salman Kareem
**"The Seven-Day War" began on July 25, 1993 and was named "Operation Accountability" by "Israel".
***The Hebrew name for "the Paratroopers Brigade" is "Hativat Hat Zanhanim"; it is also known as "the 35th Brigade".
****"Operation Grand Badr Battle" was named after "the Grand Badr Battle" when Messenger Muhammad (Peace be upon him and his Household) and the Muslims fought the atheists on the 17th of the blessed month of Ramadan in the 2nd year of the Hegira in the Hejaz Region.

12 years ago
12 years ago