The following are the Islamic-Resistance operations that took place during the month of March in 1994...
Islamic Resistance Performs Thirty-Five Operations in March, 1994
After the persistent Zionist aggressions against the residential towns, the Islamic-Resistance fighters intensified their heroic, stunning operations against the Zionist enemy and the Lahd Militia. The Islamic-Resistance Operation Chamber has mentioned what follows in its monthly report:
"In March, 35 jihad operations were performed as such: 10 explosive bombings, 10 ambushes, 9 attacks, and 4 cannonade bombardments. As well, the fighters clashed with the Zionist-Lahd patrols. In fact, these operations caused the Zionists a great number of casualties and destroyed their site mounds. One of the agents killed was agent Abdunnabi Bazzi. As for agent Akel Hashem, he almost lost his life in an operation.
On the other hand, seven Islamic-Resistance fighters were martyred either during the heroic operations or during the brutal enemy's assaults. They have joined the martyrs' brilliant path."
Resistance Perfectly Ambushes Zionist Infantry En Route to ad-Dabsheh Site, March 1, 1994
The Islamic-Resistance has issued a statement declaring: "Marking "the Grand Badr Battle"*; also feeling the Ummah's pains inflicted by "the Massacre of the Cave of Prophet Ibrahim (Pbuh)"** and by the Zionists' aggressions, the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Muhammad Qatbay perfectly ambushed a Zionist infantry patrol en route to ad-Dabsheh Site on Tuesday, March 1, 1994, at 9:25 a.m. The artillerists shot the patrol with a barrage, killing and injuring a number of infantrymen.
Besides, some groups of Martyr Mustapha Haidar's Squadron launched missiles against the Zionist sites of Sojod, Bir Kallab, and at-Tohra after the sites had shelled the liberated areas.
On the same day, martyr Wa'el Darweesh's group attacked a Zionist patrol lurking at Bir Kallab in the occupied borderline. The peace heroes violently clashed with the malicious invaders. Using firearms and artillery, the fighters caused the Zionist patrollers many casualties."
During the violent combat, two heroic fighters joined the path of the martyrs and the righteous people - the path of Imam al-Hussein (the third Imam of Messenger Muhammad's Household (Pbut)).
The operation was performed to offer condolences for the martyrdom of the dear martyrs of "the Massacre of the Cave of Prophet Ibrahim (Pbuh)"** in occupied Palestine. The operation as well aimed at consolidating with the Palestinians and maintaining the will of Allah's Messenger Muhammad (Peace be upon him and his Household) - just like the martyrs of Islam did in the blessed "Grand Badr Battle".
In a statement, the Islamic Resistance has announced the martyrdom of two of its martyrs:
"To the Awaited Savior Imam al-Mahdi (the twelfth Imam of Messenger Muhammad's Household (Pbut); May God hasten his noble reappearance) and to the Muslim's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei (May God keep him), the Islamic Resistance proudly announces the martyrdom of two fighters, Mortada Ahmad Rammal and Ramzi Deifullah Abu Saleem, who were martyred during the attack the Resistance carried out against a Zionist patrol in Bir Kallab.
Here below is a résumé of martyr Mortada Ahmad Rammal's life:
He was born in Dweir Town and was the brother of martyr, Haj Nayef Rammal. He joined the Military Recruitment of Hizbullah years ago, underwent many training sessions, and participated in many unique jihad operations, the most significant of which were Operation Bir Kallab, Operation as-Suweidaa, Operation Sojod, and Operation ar-Rihan.
And here is a résumé of martyr Ramzi Deifullah Abu Saleem's life:
He was born in Braachit Town in 1972. He was known for his early religious commitment even before the age of puberty. The martyr participated in several unique Islamic-Resistance operations in the South, among which was Operation Tallousseh."
A Zionist militant spokesman claimed that an "Israeli" soldier was killed in the South near the occupied Taybeh Village "once the transmission device he was carrying contacted a high-voltage cable". Actually, the enemy often claims fake reasons beyond the death of its militants to conceal the real number of fatalities after every Islamic-Resistance operation.
Resistance Perfectly Ambushes Zionist Motorcade at Shkief Fort, March 1, 1994
The fighters have sustained their heroic, strategic operations against major Zionist sites locations. This actually allows the Lebanese fighters to keep in touch with the Palestinian ones. Admiring the jihad and blessed Intifada of the Palestinian fighters, also defending them against bloodshed, the Islamic Resistance has pledged to offer a gift of jihad to the Intifada fighters on Eid ul-Fitr (the Lesser Bairam).
Hereupon, the Islamic-Resistance fighters performed an operation against a Zionist motorcade, causing it grave casualties. The Islamic Resistance issued the following detailed statement:
"On Tuesday, March 15, 1994, at 5:00 p.m., the Islamic Resistance group of martyr Muhammad Qatbay perfectly ambushed a Zionist motorcade at the gate of the occupation's Shkief Fort. Once the motorcade reached the ambush spot, the Resistance artillerists struck it with a barrage. A Merkava tank exploded, and none of its crewmen survived. The artillerists as well machine-gunned a Land Willis, on which were two senior Zionist officers.
The attack also demolished a reservoir truck, as well as a Reo truck, which flipped to the valley and burned. This operation drove the Zionists really hysterical, whereby they launched smoke grenades to obscure the fighters' vision and evacuate the deceased soldiers and the burning vehicles. Some helicopters heavily bombarded and combed the surroundings of the operation zone to facilitate the evacuation of the motorcade's remains."
The Islamic Resistance has announced the martyrdom of three fighters during a heroic confrontation with the enemy in the occupied borderline. The statement has been as follows:
"To the Awaited Imam al-Mahdi (May God hasten his noble reappearance), to the Martyrs' Master Imam al-Hussein (Pbuh), to the Muslim's Supreme Leader, Sayyed Ali Khamenei (May God keep him), and to the resistant, generous Ummah, the Islamic Resistance proudly announces the martyrdom of three of its heroes.
The martyrs are fighter Hussein Kamal Younes (born in Markaba in 1973), fighter Jamal Ali Shehemi (born in Markaba in 1973), and fighter Ismail Hamzah (born in Jmayjmeh in 1966; married and has a child).
They joined Messenger Muhammad and his Household (Pbut) in the Heavenly Firmaments. The martyrs were martyred while the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Khodr Wahab was performing a jihad mission inside the occupied borderline, whereby the group encountered a Zionist force and clashed with it. The Resistance artillerists caused the force several casualties."
Furthermore, the Islamic Resistance has offered two other pious fighters martyred during the Zionist aggression against Iqlim at-Toffah (Literally: The Apple Region). They are martyr Moussa Ali Adib (born in Qana Town) and martyr Hashem Mhanna (son of Sheikh Abdul Men'em Mhanna; born in Siddikine. The Islamic Resistance has offered these résumés:
"Martyr Hashem Abdul Men'em Mhanna:
He was born in Siddikine in 1972 and joined "the General Recruitment of the Deprived People" in 1985. The martyr also participated in many military sessions and unique operations.
Martyr Moussa Ali Adib:
He was born in the southern Qana Village in 1972. He had joined the scouts since his childhood and participated in several military sessions, getting well-qualified for the performance of the Divine duty. Afterwards, he participated in several operations inside the occupied borderline, among which was that of agent Abu Darraj's execution. Besides, the martyr took part in many confrontations with the Zionist enemy and the Lahd agents.
He would position at Muslim's havens in Mount Safi, Iqlim at-Toffah, and West Beqaa. Because he was lovable to everyone, he was loved; still, he loved God even more, so he joined the Heavenly Firmaments while he was performing a jihad mission on the day of his engagement."
Islamic Resistance Fairly Punishes Agent Abdunnabi Bazzi, March 7, 1994
The Islamic-Resistance fighters have made a new, heroic epic, marking the blessed Hijri month of Ramadan, also responding to the call of Imam Khomeini (May God keep his secret sacred) to commemorate "al-Quds (Jerusalem) International Day". Thus, the fighters have performed a series of unique jihad operations against the Zionist enemy and Lahd agents.
The fighters targeted senior Zionist officers and agents. The Islamic Resistance has issued a detailed statement concerning the victorious operations:
"Marking the blessed Hijri month of Ramadan, also commencing the operation series of "al-Quds (Jerusalem) International Day", announced as the Ummah's day by sacred Imam Khomeini, the fighters performed a unique, heroic operation on Monday, March 7, 1994. The operation killed one of the senior Lahd militiamen led by the traitorous Agent Provocateur Antoine Lahd.
Actually, the Islamic-Resistance men have earlier pledged to inflict revenge on all Lahd militiamen. Again, the Resistance calls all agents to renounce the Lahd Militia; otherwise, they will be executed.
The people in the occupied borderline have been suffering the oppression of the Lahd agents and their Zionist masters; thus, the Resistance now offers this operation as a blessed gift of the Hijri month of Ramadan, reiterating that the Resistance will keep the pledge it has made and that the sun will shine after the dark, long night.
The corresponding details reveal that the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Muhammad Atwi (Military name: Abu Hassan) and martyr Ibrahim Makki (Military name: Abu Tha'er) perfectly bombed an explosive while a security motorcade was en route to Beit Yahoun. The explosion thrust one of the cars several meters up in the air, and the senior militiaman Abdunnabi Bazzi, nicknamed "al-Jalbout", was killed. Each of several agents escorting him was killed or wounded, too.
Still, on the same day, at 2:10 p.m., the group of martyr Ali To'me (Military name: Seraj) and martyr Ahmad Dbouk (Military name: al-Horr) bombed a big explosive bomb while Zionist-Lahd forces, including senior officers, thronged. The forces thronged in the zone after the operation the Resistance had performed against agent "al-Jalbout".
The throngs actually suffered grave casualties. The fighters could see many corpses and demolished vehicles were scattered all around the place.
This operation killed or wounded several Lahd-Militia officers of "the West Brigade". Among those were Deputy Chief of "the West Brigade" Akle Hashem, Chief of "the 80th Battalion" Marshal Yusuf Nassif, Chief of "the Special Force" Marshal Victor Nader, Brigadier General of "the West Brigade" Marshal Yusuf Zalghout, and another anonymous, senior officer. Other deceased agents included two from Beit Lif Town, another from Ainata, and a fourth from Ain Ebel.
Having performed these unique operations, the Islamic Resistance continued the operation series of "al-Quds International Day", performing a third operation so as to hail the people of occupied Palestine and offer them condolences for the martyrdom of the martyrs of "the Massacre of the Cave of Ibrahim (Pbuh)"**.
The artillerists of martyr Abdullah Shaito (Military name: Wahid) attacked a motorcade en route to Beit Yahoun Crossing at 2:25 p.m. The motorcade was heading to the place where the second explosive had been bombed to help evacuate the corpses.
The artillerists demolished an M-113 half-track and killed or wounded most of the motorcade soldiers."
Explosive Bombing Targets Agent Akel Hashem's Motorcade, March 11, 1994
The Islamic Resistance bombed a Lahd motorcade of civil cars, the passengers of which had been attending a deceased militiaman's funeral. The Islamic Resistance has issued a statement declaring:
"The Islamic Resistance abides by sacred Imam Khomeini's command to mark "al-Quds (Jerusalem) International Day" every last Friday of the blessed Hijri month of Ramadan... And as the faithful public is marking this sacred day in Beirut, the South, Beqaa, and occupied Palestine, the Resistance reiterates the choice of fighting the enemy until routing it.
In fact, the Islamic-Resistance fighters have marked this day by performing more daring jihad operations, and they dedicate them to the heroes of the blessed Islamic Intifada in occupied Palestine.
On Friday, March 11, 1994, exactly at 12:45 p.m., the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Tahseen Sharifa bombed an explosive while the motorcade of agent Akel Hashem and of the chief of "the West Brigade" was on Beit Lif-al-Kawzah Route. The fighters directly machine-gunned a white Mercedes, killing or wounding the Lahd-Militia Commander-in-Chief Akel Hashem and the chief of "the West Brigade".
Martyr Abdul Mowla Ismail's group as well clashed with the Zionist-Lahd forces in the operation zone.
Likewise, the Islamic-Resistance groups of martyr Ramzi Abu Saleem and martyr Mustapha Rammal struck an enemy patrol near Beit Yahoun Site. The fighters directly hit their target, demolishing a tank and killing or wounding each of its crewmen."
Resistance Performs Series of Unique Attacks against Enemy Patrols, March 21, 1994
Further achieving its sacred purposes, the Islamic Resistance has carried out a series of unique attacks against Zionist-Lahd patrols, causing them grave casualties. A detailed statement has been issued regarding the operations:
"The Islamic Resistance is faithful in the Only Supreme God. As well, the Resistance has a firm right, undefeatable determination, and solid belief that the fighters' jihad and determination shall glorify and dignify the Ummah as they lead it to its uprising.
The Islamic-Resistance heroes are the followers of sacred Imam Khomeini. They have realized the greatness of their Creator; thus, they belittle whatever they offer to rout the Zionists and agents from the sacred land. The Resistance shall keep defending the innocent people and revenging from the Zionists and agents for the pure blood of every Lebanese or Palestinian martyr.
Hereupon, on Monday, March 21, 1994, the Islamic-Resistance groups performed a series of intensive, unique attacks against the enemy patrols as such:
Exactly at 12:35, the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Hashem Mhanna bombed an explosive while five Zionist-intelligence officers were on a car en route to al-Jarmak. The car was demolished, and the officers were killed, among whom was a senior Lahd officer, Marshal Fares Abu Samra.
Soon afterwards, two Zionist helicopters arrived in the operation zones to evacuate the corpses and the ruins of the targeted car.
In the meantime, martyr Moussa Adeeb's group bombed another explosive while a Zionist infantry patrol was en route to ar-Rihan. Then the fighters struck the patrol with different kinds of firearms and artillery. Extremely violent clashes went on, stopping after 2:00 p.m.
Exactly at 3:20 p.m. on the same day, the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Ismail Hamzah bombed a third explosive while a white Mercedes car was en route to Arnoun-Shkief. The car was destroyed, and each of the six Lahd militiamen on it was killed or wounded."
Resistance Attacks Zionist Motorcade En Route To al-Borj Site, March 22, 1994
The persistent Zionist assaults targeted our people in the South and in West Beqaa, the last of which was the horrifying massacre which targeted a school bus in Nabatiyeh; also during which three children were martyred and twenty-four others were injured.
Counteracting, the group of the martyrs of "the Nabatiyeh Massacre" attacked a Zionist motorcade escorting a military Zionist delegation en route to al-Borj Site in Nabatiyeh on Tuesday, March 22, 1994, at 3:30 p.m. Using firearms and artillery, the fighters caused casualties to the Zionist invaders.
Islamic Resistance Performs Operation Series after Nabatiyeh Massacre, March 25, 1994
After the barbaric Zionists had bombarded the school bus in Nabatiyeh, the Islamic Resistance has sought vengeance for the innocent children's body pieces scattered along with their books. The Resistance has also sought to offer condolences to the afflicted hearts of those children's mothers and the teary eyes of their fathers.
Offered providence and inspired by the Allah's Messenger Muhammad and his Household (Pbut), the Islamic-Resistance groups performed a jihad operation series entitled "the Divine Conquest". This operation series actually sought vengeance for the martyrdom of children: Zainab, Qassem, and Ali and for the wounding of their thirty schoolmates.
Hereupon, on Friday, March 25, 1994, at 5:00 a.m., the fighters attacked seven Lahd sites, wounding or killing their garrison members and demolishing their ordnance:
The Islamic-Resistance Brigade of Martyr Mustapha Haidar (Yasser) broke into Sidon Site and Deir Shakadif Site. The fighters actually did so after demolishing their fortifications and killing all garrison soldiers.
In the meantime, the Islamic-Resistance Brigade of Martyr Wa'el Darweesh attacked al-Borj Site, whereby the fighters destroyed its fortifications and held it under control.
Still, the fighters attacked the Site of Salem's Castle, destroying its mounds and fortifications and killing or wounding each of its garrison soldiers. Besides, the fighters clashed with the garrison of Sojod Site, destroyed a 12.7 machine gun emplacement, and set the site on fire.
The fighters also attacked the Zionist Kfarfalouse Site, directly shooting it and causing its garrison s several casualties.
Furthermore, the fighters ambushed the reinforcements the enemy sent to the battle field, and they completely burned a T-55 tank en route to al-Borj Site. The fighters destroyed another T-55 tank, too, en route to Kfarfalouse-Salem's Castle.
Exactly at 5:30 a.m., the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Jamal Shehemi bombed an explosive while the enemy reinforcements were en route to Haytoura. The Resistance artillerists demolished an M-113 vehicle and killed or wounded each of its crewmen.
Exactly at 5:35 a.m., martyr Hussein Younes's group attacked a counter T-55 tank on Remat-Deir Shakadif Route, directly hitting it.
To continue the operation series of "the Divine Conquest", the group of martyr Muhammad Hamedeh (Abu Saleh) bombed an explosive while a Mercedes 230 was on Haytoura Route. The car was directly demolished, and each of the passengers was killed or wounded.
Verily proudly, the Islamic Resistance announces the martyrdom of Haj Hussein Mohsen Nasser (Military name: Haj Mahdi "Erkei"). Haj Mahdi Erkei was martyred during the operation series of "the Divine Conquest" that the Islamic Resistance performed against the Zionist-Lahd sites.
The Resistance has offered a résumé of his life:
"Martyr Hussein Mohsen Nasser (Mahdi): He was born in Erkei in 1967, and he joined "the Recruitment of Hizbullah" ever since Hizbullah commenced its jihad.
He underwent several training sessions and participated in many unique jihad operations of the Islamic Resistance, the most significant of which were "Operation Grand Badr", "Last Operation of Beit Yahoun", "Operation Braachit", "Operation Ali at-Taher", "Operation Kafra", "Operation Yater", in addition to "Operation Sidon", during which he was martyred."
The agents' channel, "Sout al-Janoub" (Literally: "The Voice of the South"), has acknowledged that several Lahd sites were attacked with firearms, artillery, and mortar shells.
The channel has as well acknowledged that two Lahd militiamen were wounded, confirming that the Resistance violently bombarded the Lahd sites in Jezzine, Marjeeyoun, and al-Aychieh.
For its part, the enemy's channel has pointed out that three Lahd militiamen were killed and that two were captivated.
Islamic Resistance Attacks Tallousseh Site, March 27, 1994
Continuing the operation series of "the Divine Conquest", also marking the week of the martyred schoolchildren of Nabatiyeh, whose soft bodies had been torn by the shells of the malicious Zionists and Lahd agents, the Resistance has acted as such:
At 5:15 a.m. on Sunday, March 27, 1994, the Islamic-Resistance artillerists of martyr Ismail Hamzah, of martyr Jamal Shehemi, and of martyr Hussein Kamal Younes machine-gunned Tallousseh Site. Hence, the fighters demolished the site fortifications and mounds and completely held the site under control. Thus, each of the garrison soldiers was killed or wounded.
At 12:32 p.m., the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Hashem Mhanna bombed an explosive while a counter infantry patrol was en route to Tallousseh Site. The fighters made the infantrymen suffer casualties, among who was a Lahd operation officer called Abdul Kareem Mansur.
On the other hand, the Islamic Resistance has announced the martyrdom of fighter Muhannad Ali Ne'mah Fouani, who was martyred during the operation against Tallousseh Site. The Islamic Resistance has offered a résumé of his life:
"Martyr Muhannad Ali Fouani: He was born in Shakra in 1973. He joined "the Recruitment of Hizbullah" in 1987, whereby he underwent many military sessions and began his work with the Islamic Resistance in 1991.
He participated in many unique operations: "Operation Bir Kallab, Operation Tallousseh, and Operation ar-Rihan". He also participated in all of the operations performed in Houla, Beit Yahoun, and al-Kantara.
He was martyred while attacking Tallousseh Site on March 27, 1994."
Islamic-Resistance Martyrs in March, 1994
- Martyr Mortada Ahmed Rammal: He was born in Dweir Town and was the brother of martyr, Haj Nayef Rammal. He joined "the Military Recruitment of Hizbullah" years ago, underwent many training sessions, and participated in many unique jihad operations, the most significant of which were "Operation Bir Kallab, Operation as-Suweidaa, operation Sojod, and Operation ar-Rihan".
- Martyr Ramzi Deifullah Abu Saleem: He was born in Braachit Town in 1972. He was known for his early religious commitment, even before the age of puberty. The martyr participated in several unique operations of the Islamic Resistance in the South, among which was Operation Tallousseh.
- Martyr Hussein Kamal Younes, who was born in Markaba in 1973.
- Martyr Jamal Ali Shehemi, who was born in Markaba in 1973.
- Martyr Ismail Hamzah: He was born in 1966 in Jmayjmeh Town and was married and had a child.
- Martyr Hashem Mhanna (son of Sheikh Abdul Men'em Mhanna) whose birth place was Siddikine. He was born in 1972 and joined the "General Recruitment of the Deprived People" in 1985. The martyr also participated in many military sessions and unique operations.
- Martyr Moussa Ali Adib: He was born in the southern Qana Village in 1972. He joined the scouts since his childhood, and he underwent several military sessions, getting well-qualified for the performance of the Divine duty.
Afterwards, he shared several operations inside the occupied borderline, among which was that of agent Abu Darraj's execution. Besides, the martyr participated in many confrontations with the Zionist enemy and the Lahd agents.
He would get positioned at Muslim's havens in Mount Safi, Iqlim at-Toffah (Literally: "The Apple Region"), and West Beqaa. Because he was lovable to everyone, he was loved; still, he loved God even more, so he joined the Heavenly Firmaments while he was performing a jihad mission on the day of his engagement.
-Martyr, Haj Hussein Mohsen Nasser (Military name: Haj Mahdi "Erkei"): He was martyred during the performance of "the Divine Conquest Operation Series" that the Islamic Resistance performed against the occupation sites and agents.
Haj Mahdi was born in Erkei in 1967, and he joined "the Recruitment of Hizbullah" ever since Hizbullah commenced its jihad.
He underwent several training sessions and participated in many unique jihad operations of the Islamic Resistance, the most significant of which were "Operation Grand Badr", "Last Operation of Beit Yahoun", "Operation Braachit", "Operation Ali at-Taher", "Operation Kafra", "Operation Yater", in addition to "Operation Sidon", during which he was martyred.
-Martyr Muhannad Ali Fouani: He was born in Shakra in 1973. He joined "the Recruitment of Hizbullah" in 1987, whereby he underwent many military sessions and began his work with the Islamic Resistance in 1991.
He participated in many unique operations: "Operation Bir Kallab, Operation Tallousseh, and Operation ar-Rihan". He also participated in all of the operations performed in Houla, Beit Yahoun, and al-Kantara.
He was martyred while attacking Tallousseh Site on March 27, 1994.
*"The Grand Badr Battle" was fought by Messenger Muhammad (Peace be upon him and his Household), his uncle al-Hamzah (Pbuh), Imam Ali (Pbuh), and the Muslims against the atheists in the Hejaz Region in 624 AD, on the 17th of the Hijri month of Ramadan in the second year of the Hegira.
** "The Massacre of the Cave of Prophet Ibrahim (Pbuh)" (1994) is also known as "the Massacre of the Cave of the Patriarchs". It was perpetrated by Baruch Goldstein, an "Israeli" far-rightist. Goldstein shot unarmed Palestinian prayers in "the Mosque of Abraham" at "the Cave of the Patriarchs" in the West Bank.

12 years ago
12 years ago