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The following are the Islamic-Resistance operations that took place during the month of August in 1994...

Islamic Resistance Performs Forty-Eight Operations in August, 1994

In spite of the continuous Zionist threats and US attempts to restrict the resistance against the coercive Zionist entity, the Islamic-Resistance fighters have sustained their heroic, tactical operations.
This August, the fighters have forcefully counteracted after the massacres and crimes the enemy committed against the patient people.

This, in fact, has overwhelmed the "Israeli" occupation forces and Lahd agents.
In its monthly report, the Islamic-Resistance Operation Chamber said 48 operations were performed as such: 17 attacks, 11 cannonades, 4 artillery strikes, 9 explosive bombings, 6 ambushes, and a confrontation.

The Resistance's counterattacks are significant in regard to the number of operations, the varied operation zones, the targets, and the enemy's losses. The fact that only one confrontation has taken place reveals that the fighters now dominate the battle field. This also reveals that the enemy can no further make any progress upon fearing the Islamic Resistance.
Such a fact explains why the coward enemy is shelling the residential villages.

Resistance Barrage Strikes Lahd Radar-al-Bayyada Site, August 3, 1994

After the malicious Zionists assailed the southern towns with their hellish shells, horrifying women and children, the Islamic-Resistance Fire Backup Unit targeted the Lahd agents' Radar-al-Bayyada Site with concentrated fire on Wednesday, August 3, 1994, at 4:50 a.m. The site suffered immediate and definite casualties.

Resistance Bombards Zionist Radar Site, August 5, 1994

Sustaining its sacred jihad path, also reacting to the Zionist aggressions against the steadfast people, the Islamic-Resistance Fire Backup Unit bombarded the Zionist enemy's Radar Site on Friday, August 5, 1994, at 5:07 a.m. The fighters caused the site severe casualties.

Resistance Artillery Strikes Zionist Nahariya Settlement, August 5, 1994

The Zionist enemy performed an air strike, targeting a residential building in Deir az-Zahrani. Several children were martyred. Thus, the Islamic Resistance reacted to the assault by performing heroic operations against the enemy in the occupied lands.
The Resistance proved to the enemy that massacres can neither overwhelm the fighters nor make the people renounce the resistance path. As regards its operation series, the Islamic Resistance has issued the following detailed statement:

"To the steadfast, free, honorable, and beloved people of Sheikh Ragheb and Sayyed Abbass, the Resistance vows to go on. The Resistance will change the people's injuries to triumph.

Commemorating the martyrdom of Messenger Muhammad (Peace be upon him and his Household), also counteracting after the terrible Zionists supported by the US massacred civilians, particularly children in Deir az-Zahrani, the Islamic-Resistance Brigades of Deir az-Zahrani Martyrs and the Brigade of Ain Kowkab Martyrs performed a series of jihad operations against the Zionist enemy.

Using artillery, the group of martyr, Haj Monther Hassan Rammal bombarded the Zionist Nahariya Settlement on Friday, August 5, 1994, at 9:00 p.m. That caused the enemy severe casualties.
The Resistance reiterates the fighters shall go on with their jihad until they free the land and absolutely prevent the enemy from slaughtering the Lebanese people, especially children and women.

Resistance Performs Series of Heroic Operations against Enemy Sites, August 6, 1994

On Saturday, August 6, 1994, at 5:00 a.m., the Brigade of Deir az-Zahrani Martyrs perfectly ambushed an "Israeli" force at Dhoor el-Aychieh Region. The Resistance artillerists fiercely confronted the force.
Only a few meters separated the fighters from the enemy soldiers, who suffered the fifteen grave casualties.
Meanwhile, the group of martyr Hassan Ali Ibrahim bombed an "Israeli" vehicle with an explosive.

Every soldier on the vehicle was killed or wounded, and it remained on fire for a long time. The fighters' intense fire prevented the enemy from providing any relief to its frustrated forces in the operation zone.
In the meantime, the Brigade of the Captives' Sheikh Abdul Kareem Obeid attacked the enemy sites of as-Suweidaa, Sojod, Bir Kallab, ad-Dabsheh, and Ali at-Taher.
Martyr Hassan Saeed Msheimish's group struck Ali at-Taher Site, destroyed its fortifications, and set it on fire.

Martyr Yusuf Nazeeh Ayoub's group attacked Sojod Site with firearms and artillery, destroying one of the site mounds and wounding the garrison soldiers.
As for martyr Khodr Wahab's group, it attacked Bir Kallab Site, directly hitting it and destroying a 12.7 mm machine gun.
Moreover, martyr Ahmad Hamdan's group attacked as-Suweidaa Site. Clashing with the site garrison for more than thirty minutes, the group demolished the site constructions.

Martyr Abbass Ali Ahmad's group delivered a coup to ad-Dabsheh Site, causing it great losses.
Exactly at 8:15, martyr Ali Yusuf Baalbecki's group, corresponding to the Fire Backup Unit, targeted the enemy command at Marjeeyoun Barracks, directly hitting it.
Exactly at 8:30, martyr Muhammad Hallal's group targeted the enemy's cannonade emplacements at az-Zaffata Site, setting the depot on fire.
The citizens of the neighboring villages saw smoke arising from the site.
At 8:00, the Resistance artillerists attacked a car that belonged to the "Israeli" intelligence while it was en route to al-Aychieh. The car was burned, and its passengers were wounded.

The Islamic Resistance reiterates the fighters will keep confronting the barbaric Zionist occupiers. The enemy is going to pay hard for every single blood drop of the martyrs.

The Islamic Resistance has offered another sacrifice at the altar of martyrdom, whereby a fighter has been martyred. A statement of the Resistance read:

To the Awaited Savior, to the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khaminai (God Keep His Eminence), to the oppressed people and glorious Ummah, the Resistance proudly announces the martyrdom of the brave fighter Hussein Ali Kareem (Military name: Abu Ali).
The martyr joined the Heavenly Firmaments on the martyrdom anniversary of Messenger Muhammad (Peace be upon him and his Household).
On Saturday, August 6, 1994, the martyr was martyred on Mount Amel, becoming a role model for all seekers of the path of dignity and freedom.

The enemy's channel has acknowledged the operations and the death of Lieutenant Aurn Aqshalom (24 years old) from Tabaraya and Corporal Yefghini Britslavski from al-Quds (Jerusalem). The latter had been promoted to a sergeant.
The channel has also acknowledged the injury of two other soldiers of the Givati Brigade (an infantry brigade functioning as the "Israeli" military's amphibious force).

Resistance Bombards Rchaf Site, August 8, 1994

The Islamic Resistance reiterates the fighters shall keep resisting the enemy until it is perfectly routed. The Resistance will not allow the enemy to keep terrorizing innocent civilians.
Therefore, the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Hassan Ali Ibrahim and the Islamic-Resistance groups of martyr Khalil Kamal, of martyr Hussein Borji, and of martyr Ali Moussa Abdul Kareem attacked Rchaf Site on Monday, August 8, 1994, at 5:30 a.m.

The groups used artillery and medium firearms, and they clashed with the site garrison for thirty minutes, during which the fighters demolished the site mounds and fortifications.

Fire Backup Unit Strikes al-Ahmadieh Site, August 10, 1994

On Wednesday, August 10, 1994, at 12:30 p.m., the Islamic-Resistance Fire Backup Unit's barrage struck al-Ahmadieh Site. The fighters ceased the fire sources that had been targeting civilians.

Unique Resistance Operation Targets Senior Lahd Officer Riyadh al-Abdullah, August 13, 1994

Sustaining its jihad, the Islamic Resistance made another unique plan, proving that the fighters could fairly punish the traitors wherever they were.
This time, the fighters targeted a senior agent, who was "loyal" to the occupation and tortured many people, Chief of al-Khiyam Region Riyadh al-Abdullah.

The Islamic Resistance issued a statement concerning the operation:
"The Islamic Resistance has always iterated that it shall not forgive the agents who have sold themselves to the Israeli devil and have become this devil's instruments for terrorizing the civilians of the liberated regions and the occupied borderline.

Therefore, in the evening of Saturday, August 13, 1994, the Resistance performed a perfect, unique operation that targeted Chief of al-Khiyam Region Riyadh al-Abdullah.
His father was Muhammad al-Abdullah, and his mother was Suheila Awada. He was born in 1957, and he terrorized the citizens of al-Khiyam and the surrounding villages. His purpose was to recruit the greatest number of those citizens in the Lahd Militia.

Besides, he supervised the organization of agent nets, the mission of which was collecting the information that mattered to the enemy regarding Beirut in general and Beirut Southern Suburb in particular. The nets were also supposed to bomb several loaded cars in Beirut Southern Suburb.
Bombings hadn't occurred in the years before since the explosives had been discovered. Al-Abdullah also recruited several Lebanese girls who worked as intelligence agents for "Israeli" officers.

The Islamic Resistance shall always be able to strike the enemy and the senior agents. Nothing will stop the Resistance from completely freeing the land and defending the Lebanese people until Allah the Almighty bestows the victory He promised on the Resistance."

The Islamic Resistance issued another statement as such:
"The Islamic Resistance announces that several groups infiltrated the enemy's lines in spite of the enemy's strict precautions applied in emergencies.
The groups of fighters reached the inside of the occupied borderline, where one of them was able to implant a big explosive at al-Khiyam Town and bomb the motorcade of agent Riyadh al-Abdullah.
Blessed, the groups of fighters returned safely after they performed the operation."

The agents' channel acknowledged that agent al-Abdullah's car was severely damaged because of the explosive that the Resistance men bombed. The channel added that some passengers were wounded.

Resistance Confronts Zionist Force Sneaking to Liberated Regions, August 14, 1994

A week had passed since the perpetration of Deir az-Zahrani Massacre. The enemy continued to besiege Yohmor Town and Arnoun Town and to bombard the liberated towns of Iqlim at-Toffah and Nabatiyeh.
As well, a Zionist enemy force attempted to sneak towards the liberated areas between Shakra Town and Braachit Town on Sunday, August 14, 1994, at 1:00 a.m.
Therefore, some Islamic-Resistance groups confronted it and clashed with it. The Resistance fighters shot the force with a barrage. The force had to retreat without achieving its goals.

Resistance Operation Series Targets Zionists, Agents, August 16, 1994

The fighters performed an operation targeting the security motorcade of the officer in charge of Zemrayyah Crossing Point.

A statement the Islamic Resistance has issued explained the details of the stunning operation as such:
"The Islamic Resistance has been devoted to defending its people and liberating the land from the desecration of the Zionists and their agents.
The Resistance heroes have made another great step, reiterating that the enemy shall be confronted by the powerful fighters who do care about their people.
After the heroic, unique operations that the Resistance performed in the occupied borderline this month, the fighters performed new, victorious ones; whereby they attacked Toumet Niha Site in West Beqaa on Tuesday, August 16, 1994, at 5:40 a.m.

Shooting the site with a barrage, the Resistance artillerists directly hit the site, killed a number of the garrison soldiers, and wounded others.
Besides, at 8:15, the groups of martyr Samir Melhem and martyr Ali Mortada performed a unique operation, blasting a big explosive bomb as an enemy security motorcade reached Zemrayyah Crossing Point.
The motorcade consisted of two Mercedes cars belonging to two Lahd chiefs, in addition to a Volks-Wagon truck transporting Lahd militiamen. The officer in charge of the Crossing point Adel Wahab was wounded. Many of the militiamen were killed or wounded, too.

The enemy acknowledged that three militiamen had been dead and that the others had been wounded.
Exactly at 11:00, an Islamic-Resistance group bombed an explosive while a Zionist vehicle was on Kfarhouna-Jezzine Route. The vehicle was destroyed."
The agents' channel acknowledged that three patrollers had been killed: Saeed Najib Amasha (from Hasbaya), Nayef Yusuf Shufi (from Shwaya), and Saleem Nayef Shufi (from Shwayya).

The channel also acknowledged two others had been wounded: Hani Monther from Ebel as-Saki and Fares Alameddine Malie from Hasbaya.
For its part, the French Press Agency (AFP) reported that among the deceased patrollers was a Lahd security chief.

Resistance Targets Lahd T-54 Tank En Route to Jezzine, August 17, 1994

Commemorating the birth of Messenger Muhammad (Peace be upon him and his Household), also making use of the Zionists' and Lahd militiamen's frustration that the fighters have caused them, the fighters performed a new, daring operation.
The Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Muhammad Salman bombed an explosive while a Lahd T-54 tank was en route to Jezzine on Wednesday, August 17, 1994, at 10:30 a.m. The explosive bombing turned the tank over to the end of the road. The crewmen suffered several casualties.

Fighters Chivalrously Confront Enemy in an-Nakoura, August 18, 1994

In reaction to the persistent Zionist shelling against the residential villages of Teir Harfa, Zibqeen, al-Azieh, and al-Mansouri, the Islamic-Resistance Fire Backup Unit targeted a center where Israeli enemy forces had marshaled on Thursday, August 18, 1994, at 5:20 a.m.

The center, located at the Radar Site in the West Sector, was directly shot.
The fighters didn't stop here, achieving a victory after another and honestly performing what they had sworn to do. The fighters chivalrously confronted the enemy soldiers and defeated them.
The fighters inflicted pain on the enemy soldiers after the enemy had massacred innocent children.

The Islamic Resistance has issued the following detailed statement concerning its new operation series:
"As such are our brave fighters: They never rest as long as the coercive occupiers step on our sanctified land. Here are the fighters, chasing the Zionist enemy and its soldiers and delivering harsh coups to them.
Commemorating the birth of the Messenger of Humanity Muhammad (Peace be upon him and his Household), supporting the people of the blessed Intifada, and saluting them for their victorious operations in Palestine, the Islamic-Resistance groups of martyr Abu Ali Hussein Shreim and martyr Abu Mustapha Hassan Ibrahim performed a stunning operation on Thursday, August 18, 1994, at 1:30 p.m.

The groups bombed an explosive while an "Israeli" convoy was en route to an-Nakoura, at a close distance from the borders.
The Resistance artillerists clashed with the convoy, which consisted of seven infantrymen and two half-tracks. Each of the fifteen convoy soldiers was either killed or wounded.
Meanwhile, the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Monther Rammal bombarded Teir Harfa with artillery, whereas martyr Hussein Baz's group bombarded the Radar Site with artillery.

Blessed, the fighters caused severe casualties to both of the site garrisons and destroyed a number of mounds.
After this successful operation, the Islamic Resistance emphasizes that it shall not let the enemy rest on the holy land, also that the Resistance will not stop defending the steadfast people. This way the Resistance will maintain its oath and perform its duty."

The Islamic Resistance has announced the martyrdom of a righteous fighter during the heroic confrontation. Here is the statement:
"The Resistance fighters are martyred for the sake of liberating the land and defending sanctities.
To the Lord of the Era and Time Imam al-Mahdi (May God hasten his noble reappearance), to the Supreme Leader Sayyed Ali Khaminai (Long live His Eminence), and to the Ummah, the Islamic Resistance announces the martyrdom of a righteous fighter: Haj Abbass Deeb al-Wezwaz.
Martyr Abbass Deeb al-Wezwaz (Military name: Darweesh) was born in Mays el-Jabal in 1972, and he was a bachelor.

The martyr participated in many Islamic-Resistance operations against the Zionist enemy. He would often get positioned at the Muslims' havens in the West Beqaa and the South.
He was martyred while taking part in combating Zionist soldiers on an-Nakoura Route near the international borders on August 18, 1994. Each of fifteen enemy soldiers was killed or wounded then."
Hizbullah's Central Media Unit has offered extra details of "Operation an-Nakoura". The Media Unit has declared that a Zionist patrol of fifteen infantrymen and two half-tracks was bombed with a big explosive the fighters had implanted. This happened once the patrol approached the explosive.

The details were reported upon the statement of many witnesses who were in the region:
The "Israelis" had stopped aside tens of civil cars that wanted to pass the crossing point - a precaution the "Israelis" took anytime their patrols or convoys passed there.
Once the dust of the explosive bombing cleared, several bloody corpses of occupation soldiers were seen scattered on the ground, and one of the half-tracks was burning.

In the blink of an eye, martyr Abbass al-Wezwaz rushed to the operation spot and commenced shooting all of the corpses. He was doing that with quick, confident motion while the rest of the fighters were providing him with distant, intensive fire coverage.
He swiftly moved between the corpses, stepping on them. The rest of the "Israeli" soldiers had lain behind the rocks and the water channel by the road. All they could do was shooting a few bullets in the air.
All of this was happening in front of the eyes of many people who happened to be in the operation zone. Some citizens even tried to show martyr al-Wezwaz the places where the enemy troops hid.

Ten minutes had passed when an "Israeli" war boat facing the operation spot began to shoot heavy fire at the fighters' fire sources and at martyr al-Wezwaz, whose shoulder was wounded.
Thus, he sheltered beyond a near rock and kept shooting fire until he was martyred. Although he had been bleeding severely, he didn't try to rescue himself or withdraw from the operation spot.

Consequently, three Zionist helicopters arrived in the operation zone, whereby one of them combed the area, and the other two evacuated the corpses of the enemy soldiers.
The enemy has acknowledged the operation, the wounding of two soldiers, and the "slight shock" that five others suffered, because of which they spent the night at the hospital.

Resistance Bombards Enemy's Cannonade Emplacements, August 20, 1994

After the Zionist assails targeted innocent people in Arab Salim Town, killed a citizen, and wounded several others, the Islamic-Resistance Fire Backup Unit bombarded the Zionist enemy cannonade emplacements at ar-Rihan Barracks, al-Aychieh Barracks, and Bir Kallab Site on Saturday, August 20, 1994.
The Fire Backup Unit's barrage directly hit these sites.

The Islamic Resistance will continue chasing the traitorous agents who haven't responded to the repeated calls of the Resistance. As long as they do not renounce the Lahd Militia, they won't be able to avoid the coups of the Resistance that can strike any agent wherever he/she hides.

Hereupon, the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Abbass al-Wezwaz, the hero of "Operation an-Nakoura", bombed a white Mercedes car with an explosive, on which some Lahd intelligence officers were. The car was bombed on a sideway in Beit Lif Town in the occupied borderline on Saturday, August 20, 1994, exactly at 7:40 p.m. The explosive bombing destroyed the car and wounded all passengers. The Islamic Resistance has renewed its call for the agents as to renouncing the Lahd Militia. The Resistance has also reiterated that it won't save any effort as to punishing the traitors conspiring against the steadfast people.

Fire Backup Unit Attacks Dahr el-Jamal Site, August 21, 1994

Marking the Islamic-Unity Week (which Imam Khomeini (Sacred is his secret) called for), also commemorating the birth of Messenger Muhammad (Peace be upon him and his Household), the Islamic-Resistance Fire Backup Unit targeted Dahr el-Jamal Site on the borders with Palestine.
That took place on Sunday, August 21, 1994, at 12:45 p.m., while the Zionist enemy was carrying out an exchange process at the sites.

After a Toyota van with many soldiers on had entered the site, the Islamic-Resistance artillerists shelled the site, directly hitting it. The site, used by the enemy as a headquarters, was set on fire.
Besides, the fighters' barrage caused the occupation soldiers several casualties, who were transported by helicopters to the occupied lands.
On the same day, at 4:15 p.m., the Islamic-Resistance Fire Backup Unit bombarded al-Aychieh Barracks.
The Resistance artillerists caused the Zionist soldiers severe casualties.

Islamic Resistance Targets Zionist Troops at al-Aychieh Barracks, August 23, 1994

Sustaining its jihad path and defending the innocent people and steadfast villages, the Islamic Resistance monitored Zionist enemy troops marshaled at al-Aychieh Barracks on Tuesday, August 23, 1994, at 4:45 p.m.
Instantly, the Islamic Resistance Fire Backup Unit cannonaded these troops, causing them severe casualties.

The Islamic Resistance has announced the martyrdom of another hero: fighter Samir Ahmad Akeel. The Resistance has offered a résumé of his life:
He was born in 1967. He was married and had two children.
The martyr participated in many military operations against the Zionist enemy.
He was wounded then martyred as the malicious Zionists shelled the South.

Resistance Operation Series Strikes Enemy, August 25, 1994

Planning well, the Islamic Resistance performed a new series of victorious operations and attacked a number of Zionist-Lahd sites and patrols. A statement the Resistance has issued explained the details of these operations as such:

"Commemorating the birth of the Messenger of Mercy Muhammad (Peace be upon him and his Household), who has been a herald for all people, also sustaining his course of his combat with the Ummah's enemies, the Resistance has achieved a new victory.
Again, the Resistance has vowed it shall always be allegiant to its Supreme Leader Sayyed Ali Khamenei and to its generous people.
On Thursday, August 25, 1994, at 5:45 a.m., the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Hussein Ali Hashem attacked Kfarhouna Site, destroying its fortifications and mounds.

Meanwhile, the group of martyr Ridwan al-Anqooni, corresponding to the Islamic-Resistance Fire Backup Unit cannonaded Marjeeyoun Barracks.
For its part, martyr Sameer Melhem's group razed Toumet Niha Site.
At 6:00 a.m., the group of martyr Ayman Baalbecki (Military name: Alaa) attacked the Lahd Sojod Site. Blessed, the group caused the site severe damage and destroyed its fortifications. The site remained on fire even after the end of the operation.

In the meantime, the group of martyr Ali Shehadi (Military name: Baquer) attacked a motorcade en route to Sojod, directly hitting it.
Meanwhile, martyr Samir Akeel's group razed the mounds and fortifications of Bir Kallab Site, and the group of martyr Ali Mistrah (Military name: Jaafar) razed al-Aychieh Site. Both sites suffered grave casualties."

In a statement, the Islamic Resistance has announced the martyrdom of another fighter:
"Continuous are the sacrifices of martyrdom. Such sacrifices are inspired through the teachings of the Grandest Prophet (Peace be upon him and his Household). The sacrifices are offered in hope for a close victory and liberation of the land and sanctities.

To the Awaited Savior Imam al-Mahdi (Literally: "The Guided Imam"; May God hasten his noble reappearance), to its Supreme Leader Sayyed Ali Khaminei (Long live His Eminence), and to the Ummah, the Islamic Resistance proudly announces the martyrdom of fighter Nimr Ali Hameed (Military name: Mahdi).
He was from Bint Jbeil Town but was born in Beirut in 1970.
He joined the Resistance while still being high-schooled in 1989, and he participated in many unique operations against the Zionist enemy.
He was martyred during the heroic operations that the Islamic Resistance performed on Sojod-ar-Rihan Route on August 25, 1994."

Islamic Resistance Shells Alman-ash-Shumarieh Site, August 27, 1994

The Islamic Resistance has shown perseverance to liberate the land from the Zionist-Lahd desecration, performing operations against the Zionists and their agents.
Marking the Islamic-Unity Week, also commemorating the birth of the Grandest Messenger Muhammad (Peace be upon him and his Household), the Islamic Resistance monitored Zionist troops marshaled at Alman-ash-Shumarieh Site on Saturday 27, 1994. The troops was preparing for further assaults against the residential villages.

Consequently, some Islamic-Resistance groups performed a sudden attack against the site. Using firearms and artillery, the fighters clashed with the site garrison and wounded or killed several troops.
Further counteracting, the Islamic-Resistance Fire Backup Unit's barrage accurately targeted Alman-ash-Shumarieh Site. The site suffered losses.

Resistance Perfectly Ambushes Zionist Infantry Patrol, August 29, 1994

Reiterating that the fighters will keep striking the enemy and agents until the land is freed from their desecration, the Islamic-Resistance groups of martyr Ayman Baalbecki, martyr Nasrallah Dhaher, and martyr Hassan Saad bombed an explosive while a Lahd infantry patrol was on Aramta-ar-Rihan Route on Monday, August 29, 1994, at 9:30 a.m. Each of the infantrymen was killed or wounded.
Striking the enemy hasn't exhausted the Islamic-Resistance fighters but has strengthened their determination to chase the enemy and agents anywhere on the occupied land.

Thus, the fighters have achieved another victory, offering sacrifices for the sake of the Ummah.
In contrast, the occupation has been stunned by a series of heroic operations the Islamic-Resistance fighters have led.
The Resistance explained the details of these operations in this detailed statement:
"The Islamic Resistance has always defended the steadfast people's towns against the Zionist invaders.

The Resistance reiterates that its martyrs' blood shall conquer the enemy and save the sanctities.
The fighters have as usual achieved a new victory, stunning the enemy with their operations and fiercely confronting the enemy troops.
On Monday, August 29, at 9:45 p.m., the group of martyr Abbass al-Wezwaz and martyr Nimr Hameed perfectly ambushed a Zionist infantry patrol between al-Borj Site and Ali at-Taher Site. The patrol consisted of two groups, and each group consisted of eight infantrymen.
Since the patrol was in a terraced region, the fighters killed all patrollers of the first group in a violent clash. The fighters launched grenades since they were only a few meters away from the patrol.

Then the fighters attacked the second Zionist group as the patrollers of the first group lay motionless.
The dear brother Hassan Hayek was martyred in this fierce confrontation.
Meanwhile, the Islamic-Resistance backup group of martyr Samir Akeel clashed with a Zionist backup force that was trying to rescue the targeted Zionist patrol.
Though the enemy sites bombarded the zone where the backup group spread, the fighters prevented the Zionist backup force from interfering and forced it to retreat.
The Zionist bombardment martyred two dear heroes, fighter Yusuf Abdul Kareem Yasseen and fighter Moussa Habeeb Fahs.

Earlier, the Islamic Resistance clashed with the garrisons of the sites of al-Borj, Ali at-Taher, and ad-Dabsheh after the Zionists had violently shelled the liberated regions. The fighters caused casualties to these sites and ceased some of their cannonades.
The Islamic Resistance has iterated that it won't save any effort to accomplish its duty. As well, the Resistance is proud of its chivalrous martyrs and reiterates that it is determined to sustain the jihad path until the occupation is routed.
To its Leader and martyrs, the Islamic Resistance vows that it shall go on until the Ummah is freed from the Zionist defilement. Only the Lord can bestow victory on the Resistance.

Here are the résumés of the lives of the three martyrs: Hassan Kamal Hayek, Yusuf Abdul Kareem Yasseen, and Moussa Habib Fahs, who were martyred while confronting an "Israeli" patrol on al-Borj-Ali at-Taher Route. (Sixteen Zionist soldiers were wounded then.):

- Martyr Hassan Kamal Hayek:
Fighter Hassan Hayek was born in Kfartibnit in 1971.
He underwent high military sessions and was offered an encomium by the Islamic-Resistance Operation Chamber.
He participated in the unique "Operation Arnoun", "Operation al-Aychieh", and other ones.
He was martyred on August 29, 1994.

- Martyr Yusuf Abdul Kareem Yasseen:
He was born in Kfartibnit in 1973 and was the brother of martyr Ahmad Abdul Kareem Yasseen, who had been martyred four months earlier while taking part in an Islamic-Resistance operation.
Martyr Yusuf joined the Islamic Resistance in 1987 and underwent several high military sessions.
Besides, he participated in many operations, some of which were "Operation Alman", "Operation ash-Shumarieh", "Operation Ali at-Taher", "Operation al-Borj", and "Operation ad-Dabsheh".
He was martyred on August 3, 1994.

- Martyr Moussa Habeeb Fahs:
Fighter Moussa Fahs was born in Jibchit in 1972.
He underwent high military sessions and joined the Islamic Resistance in 1989.
He participated in several operations, some of which were "Operation ar-Rihan" and "Operation Tal Nhass-Alman".
Martyr Moussa was well-known for his courage, firm belief, and good reputation.
He was martyred on August 29, 1994.

Once again, the fighters' jihad has attracted the attention of observers, for these operations have undoubtedly proved that the Islamic Resistance is able to reach any target it wants. The operations also show how capable the Resistance is to break through the enemy's defenses, reach very critical areas as al-Khiyam, Shebaa, and ar-Rihan, and implant explosive bombings at very difficult points."

Seven Resistance Fighters Martyred in August, 1994

The Islamic Resistance has proudly announced the following fighters' martyrdom. Being loving followers of Imam al-Hussein (Pbuh), they have joined the Heavenly Firmaments.

- Martyr, fighter Hussein Ali Kareem (Military name: Abu Ali):
Fighter Hussein Ali Kareem's martyrdom concurred with the martyrdom anniversary of Messenger Muhammad (Peace be upon him and his Household). That was on Saturday, August 1994 on Mount Amel. The martyr became a role model for the seekers of dignity and freedom.

Martyr Abu Ali was born in the town of jihad, Khirbit Selem on Mount Amel on September 9, 1965.
He joined the Islamic-Resistance groups at the very beginning of the Resistance. He was in charge of many unique operations against the Zionist occupation and participated in many others. He was married and had three children.

-Martyr, fighter Abbass Deeb al-Wezwaz:
Martyr Abbass Deeb al-Wezwaz was born in Mays el-Jabal in 1972, and he was a bachelor.
The martyr participated in many Islamic-Resistance operations against the Zionist enemy. He would often get positioned at the Muslims' havens in the West Beqaa and the South.
He was martyred while taking part in combating Zionist soldiers on an-Nakoura Route near the international borders on August 18, 1994. Each of fifteen enemy soldiers was killed or wounded then.

- Martyr, fighter Samir Ahmad Akeel:
He was born in 1967. He was married and had two children.
The martyr participated in many military operations against the Zionist enemy.
He was wounded then martyred as the malicious Zionists shelled the South.

- Martyr, fighter Nimr Ali Hameed (Military name: Mahdi):
He was from Bint Jbeil Town but was born in Beirut in 1970.
He joined the Resistance while still being high-schooled in 1989, and he participated in many unique operations against the Zionist enemy.
He was martyred during the heroic operations that the Islamic Resistance performed on Sojod-ar-Rihan Route on August 25, 1994.

- Martyr Hassan Kamal Hayek:
Fighter Hassan Hayek was born in Kfartibnit in 1971.
He underwent high military sessions and was offered an encomium by the Islamic-Resistance Operation Chamber.
He participated in the unique "Operation Arnoun", "Operation al-Aychieh", and other ones.
He was martyred on August 29, 1994.

- Martyr Yusuf Abdul Kareem Yasseen:
He was born in Kfartibnit in 1973 and was the brother of martyr Ahmad Abdul Kareem Yasseen, who had been martyred four months earlier while taking part in an Islamic-Resistance operation.
Martyr Yusuf joined the Islamic Resistance in 1987 and underwent several high military sessions.
Besides, he participated in many operations, some of which were "Operation Alman", "Operation ash-Shumarieh", "Operation Ali at-Taher", "Operation al-Borj", and "Operation ad-Dabsheh".
He was martyred on August 3, 1994.

- Martyr Moussa Habeeb Fahs:
Fighter Moussa Fahs was born in Jibchit in 1972.
He underwent high military sessions and joined the Islamic Resistance in 1989.
He participated in several operations, some of which were "Operation ar-Rihan" and "Operation Tal Nhass-Alman".
Martyr Moussa was well-known for his courage, firm belief, and good reputation.
He was martyred on August 29, 1994.


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