"Israeli" Officials' Statements Imply Instability in February
It didn't take the Islamic Resistance long to commence its jihad operations, whereby the Resistance performed an operation against the Lahd Militia's Tallousseh Site. Likewise, the Resistance bombed with an explosive a patrol en route to the same site. Another heroic operation followed, targeting a patrol of the occupation forces on Alman-ash-Shumarieh Route. Following that was a striking attack against the site. This resulted in grave casualties; several soldiers were killed, nine were wounded, and a vehicle was damaged.
Islamic Resistance Performs Operation Series against Zionist-Lahd Sites, February 17, 1993
When the morning of Wednesday, February 17, 1993 came, the axes of South and West Beqaa witnessed wide, fierce military combats between the Islamic-Resistance fighters and the forces and agents of the occupation.
The Islamic Resistance has issued a statement declaring that under high-command supervision, the Resistance groups performed a massive attack against certain enemy sites at 6:10 a.m. Intense, concentrated fire targeted the following enemy sites: Shkief fort, az-Zaffata, Ali at-Taher, ad-Dabsheh, at-Tohra, as-Suweidaa, Sojod, and Bir Kallab. The Islamic-Resistance fighters perfectly dominated the sites of Sojod, as-Suweidaa, at-Tohra, and Ali at-Taher. They also broke into the sites of as-Suweidaa and at-Tohra, where they posted the flags of the Islamic Resistance and the pictures of the grand martyrs - Sayyed Abbas al-Moussawi and Sheikh Ragheb Harb, in addition to that of the Muslims' Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei (May God keep him).
The fighters also captivated the brigadier general of as-Suweidaa Site; yet, the wounded general died while being transported to a hospital outside the operation zone. Another result was that the brothers - the Resistance fighters - seized the ordnance they found in both sites.
This massive attack made the enemy suffer casualties among its Zionist soldiers and Lahd agents; at least ten were killed and twenty-five wounded. Meanwhile, other Islamic-Resistance groups were carrying out a wide, intense fire attack against the barracks of ar-Rihan and al-Aychieh, as well as Agent Provocateur Lahd's Headquarters and Ash-Sharifa Site. Shortly after the attack, the enemy tried to progress to the mill by as-Suweidaa River in an attempt to revenge for its defeat; whereby an enemy force's barrage struck most of the neighboring villages while enemy helicopters combed the operation zones. Certainly, the Islamic-Resistance groups counteracted, violently clashing with the enemy and preventing it from achieving its aims.
The Islamic Resistance has also issued another statement to announce that on the same day, at 4:30 p.m., an enemy force consisting of two tanks and a number of members progressed from al-Ahmadieh Site towards an-Na'meh Hill in West Beqaa. At 5:00, the Resistance artillery demolished one of the Merkava tanks with the crewmen on board. To evacuate the burning tank, the enemy cannonaded ad-Deidabeh Hill and its surroundings.
A Zionist militant spokesman acknowledged that the operations had taken place and that the enemy had suffered a number of dead and wounded soldiers; however, the spokesman didn't declare the real losses. The enemy shelled the residential villages in Iqlim at-Toffah and West Beqaa, in addition to the ones near the occupied borderline.
Islamic Resistance Counterattacks Zionist Force Sneaking to Wadi al-Oyoun, February 22, 1993
On Monday, February 22, 1993, the Islamic Resistance issued a statement to declare that an "Israeli" force had tried to sneak towards the region of Wadi al-Oyoun (Literally: "al-Oyoun Valley") and the outskirts of Serbine. That was after Hameed Site had started bombardment so as to provide backup. Therefore, an Islamic-Resistance group counterattacked the sneaking force and violently clashed with it. As a result, the force had to retreat, and the enemy bombarded the outskirts of Serbine, Kafra, and Yater. Consequently, the Islamic Resistance artillery counterattacked the bombardment sources and the enemy gatherings at Hameed Site, immediately hitting them.

13 years ago
13 years ago
14 years ago