Islamic Resistance Attacks Enemy Force on Al-Ahmadieh Hill in West Beqaa, March 1, 1993
On March 1, 1993, the Resistance heroes attacked an enemy force on al-Ahmadieh Hill in West Beqaa. In a statement, the Resistance has declared that while a Zionist motorcade was progressing towards al-Ahmadieh Site in an-Na'meh District in West Beqaa at 4 p.m., the Islamic-Resistance fighters heroically counterattacked it with a barrage. The fighters killed two Zionist soldiers, wounded three others, and completely burned a Merkava tank.
Enemy Motorcade Targeted on Markaba-Tallousseh Main Street, March 2, 1993
The Islamic Resistance targeted an enemy motorcade on Markaba-Tallousseh Main Street, burning and demolishing a Merkava tank and wounding or killing all crewmen on board. A Zionist militant spokesman acknowledged the operation. Typically, however, the spokesman didn't declare the casualties, the graveness of which was exposed by the hysterical reaction of the enemy and its agents, whereupon they cannonaded the liberated villages and the ones by the occupied borderline.
Islamic Resistance Ambushes Enemy Patrol near Aramta Barracks, March 3, 1993
It didn't take the Islamic Resistance long to seek vengeance for the southern people and to counterattack the Zionist enemy, whereupon the fighters performed a new operation on March 3, 1993. The Islamic Resistance has issued a statement declaring, "The group of the captivated hero, Ziyad Silmi, who is a fighter of the Islamic-Jihad Movement (a Palestinian resistance movement), ambushed a Zionist-Lahd patrol in occupied Aramta Town, near the barracks of the enemy and agents. Using firearms and artillery, the fighters immediately struck the patrol and killed a number of its members. Consequently, a half-hour clash took place, during which the enemy had to put its cannonade and tanks into action.
The Resistance fighter, Hassan Jawad Nasrallah, was martyred. On the same day, the Islamic Resistance declared in another statement, "The Lahd-Militia recruits, Muhammad Monther and Ahmed Dakeek, have surrendered to the Resistance that is in charge of them now. Monther and Dakeek are from Markaba Town, and they used to serve at Alman-ash-Shumarieh Site." The Resistance again called "the misled agents of the Lahd Militia to quit and surrender to the Resistance before it's too late. The Resistance shall protect them and help them normalize their lives; however, the ones insisting on selling themselves to the coercive Jewish devil will be severely punished."
Islamic Resistance Attacks Enemy Sites in Shkief Fort, Al-Borj, Ad-Dabsheh, Ali At-Taher, March 22, 1993
The Islamic Resistance performed unique operations, targeting Zionist-Lahd sites. In a statement, the Resistance declared, "On the second Monday of March, 1993, at 12:30 p.m., the Islamic Resistance carried out a wide, thorough attack against several targets belonging to the Zionist enemy and the Zionized collaborators.
The operations targeted Shkief Fort, in addition to the sites of al-Borj, ad-Dabsheh, and Ali at-Taher; whereby the Resistance set several ambushes, within the occupied Arnoun Town, for a Zionist motorcade heading towards Shkief Fort. A half-track was burned, and its eight crewmen were either killed or wounded.
Another group attacked the motorcade, too, killing or wounding most of the remaining members. Four motor trucks, a Mercedes car, and a half-track burned in the operation zone. Having suffered this painful coup and the great number of casualties, the enemy put its helicopters into action in order to cover the evacuation of the dead and the wounded.
person Akbar Hussain
continouing as possible
Asia is generally ,south asia especially muslim countries with Hizbullah and against their enemy.
13 years ago
13 years ago
14 years ago