Fighters Attack Zionist Convoy between Arnoun Town, Shkief Fort, April 4, 1993
Going at disrupting security in southern Lebanon, a Zionist force was trying to progress to the surroundings of the towns of Zibqeen and Majdal Zoun on April 4, 1993; thus, Islamic Resistance counterattacked it.
Having suffered grave casualties approximately after a four-hour combat, the enemy force had to retreat. In a statement, the Resistance has declared it stunned the enemy, pointing out that the fighters attacked, successively with the combat, a Zionist convoy of seven vehicles between Arnoun Town and Shkief Fort. The fighters destroyed a Merkava tank and a Reo half-track. Later on they bombed with an explosive some enemy soldiers who had gathered around the burning vehicles. Three Zionist soldiers were killed.
Feeling disabled, the enemy cannonaded the residential villages in southern Lebanon, destroying properties and wounding citizens. The next day the Islamic Resistance performed a heroic operation, which targeted a Zionist-Lahd site in Blat. All of the site mounds and fortifications were destroyed. Among the successive operations of the Islamic Resistance was bombing with an explosive a Lahd patrol on the route between al-Kantara and at-Taybeh. This important operation killed two agents and wounded another.
A state of confusion and panic overwhelmed the occupation forces and their agents after the fighters had performed the daring operations, comers from the borderline stated. At least eight Lahd recruits from eight different villages had been killed, and several others had been wounded during Operation al-Kantara, which the Islamic Resistance had performed, the comers pointed out.
Others also emphasized that the depot in occupied Teir Harfa had been immediately hit and that grave casualties had been caused; however, the Zionist-Lahd sources didn't acknowledge that.
The Islamic-Resistance actually cannonaded the mentioned depot after the Zionists and the Lahd Militia had bombarded the southern towns.
Three Paratroopers Killed, April 13, 1993
On April 13, 1993, Islamic Resistance performed another operation in the same region. The Resistance has declared in a statement that it performed a heroic operation against a Zionist force on al-Kantara-at-Taybeh Route. Three soldiers of the Paratroopers Brigade were killed.
A Zionist militant spokesman acknowledged that the operation had taken place and that several occupation soldiers had been killed.
Besides, the spokesman pointed out that the "Israeli" Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin had moved to the north of occupied Palestine and that the command of his forces had informed him of the military situation and the operation details.
In its statement, Islamic Resistance declared that an hour after the bombing of the patrol with the explosive, a group of fighters attacked an "Israeli" infantry patrol heading towards the operation zone. Using their firearms and artillery, the fighters violently clashed with the occupation soldiers. Several enemy soldiers were killed, and others were wounded. Overwhelmed by the consequent state of confusion and horror, the enemy had to use its helicopters to evacuate the dead and the wounded from the operation zone.
Islamic-Resistance Fighters Ambush Agent Motorcade on Alman-ash-Shumarieh Route, April 17, 1993
After the massacre which the enemy had perpetrated against unarmed citizens in Yater Town, groups of the Islamic Resistance and the Amal Movement cooperated to perform a double operation against the occupation forces and agents. Before noon on Saturday, April 17, 1993, the fighters set an ambush for a Lahd motorcade on Alman-ash-Shumarieh Route, bombarding it with firearms and artillery. A chief agent and his two bodyguards were killed at once, and the chief agent's car was demolished.
Meanwhile, the fighters attacked ash-Shumarieh Site and bombarded Alman Site with firearms and artillery. As soon as "Israeli" backup forces reached the operation zone, the fighters counterattacked them. Using firearms and artillery, the fighters clashed with the backup forces. An M-113 half-track was destroyed and was seen burning. Its crewmen were wounded, too.
Islamic Resistance Performs Operation against Sojod Site, Bir Kallab Site, April 20, 1993
The fighters performed an operation against Sojod Site and Bir Kallab Site on April 20, 1993, whereby an Islamic-Resistance group attacked both sites with firearms, artillery, and mortar cannonade. Violent clashes went on. The enemy and its Lahd Militia Have acknowledged that two recruits were killed during the operation.
Lahd Agent Eely Nicolas Abu Kasm Captivated, April 21, 1993
Since the "Israeli" enemy occupied large parts of southern Lebanon, the Islamic Resistance has been proving its strong ability to strike this enemy. In a statement, the Resistance has declared that the fighters captivated Eely Nicolas Abu Kasm, who belonged to Agent Provocateur Antoine Lahd's Militia. The fighters captivated Kasm while they were in combat with a Lahd-Militia patrol on Aramta-ar-Rihan Route on Tuesday, April 21, 1993.
The statement has added that the Lahd recruit served in al-Ghezlan Site. In spite of the intensive security encirclement, the search, and the combing tours which the "Israeli" occupant forces and their militias carried out, the fighters were able to get Kasm out of the place. The statement of the Islamic Resistance has stated, "The heroes of Sheikh Muhammad Remlawi's group performed a daring operation against a Zionist-Lahd patrol on Aramta-ar-Rihan Route and directly combated with the enemy patrol, during which they captivated one of its militants, agent Eely Nicolas Abu Kasm."
The statement has added, "By captivating this agent, the Islamic Resistance reiterates that it shall constantly and perfectly practice its right and duty as to retaining the occupied Lebanese lands and punishing the coercive enemy."
Source: moqawama.org

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