Explosive Targets Zionist Patrol on Ar-Rihan-Al-Aychieh Route, June 6, 1993
The Islamic Resistance has declared that on June 6, 1993, it bombed with an explosive an "Israeli" patrol on ar-Rihan-al-Aychieh Route, causing a number of injuries.
Resistance Performs Operation against Zionist-Lahd Patrol on Alman-Ash-Shumarieh Route, June 7, 1993
The Islamic Resistance has sustained its heroic operations; thus, on June 7, 1993, an Islamic- Resistance group performed an operation against a Zionist-Lahd patrol on Alman-ash-Shumarieh Route, whereby the group shot it with a barrage, killing some patrol members and wounding others.
Explosive Targets Lahd-Zionist Patrol on Alman-Ash-Shumarieh Route, June 8, 1993
To commemorate the blessed al-Ghadir Eid (when Muslims paid allegiance to the Believers' Prince, Imam Ali (Peace be upon him)), Martyr Abdullah Soufan's group bombed with an explosive a Lahd-Zionist patrol on Tuesday, June 8, 1993, at 1:30 p.m. The bombing occurred while the patrol was combing Alman-ash-Shumarieh Route, where the Resistance had performed an operation on Monday. Thus, some patrol members were killed, and others were wounded. The enemy had barely taken a breath when another Islamic-Resistance group bombarded the Zionist ash-Shumarieh Site in West Beqaa, shooting it with a barrage. The operation also took place on Tuesday, at 3:05 p.m. The fighters burned a troop carrier, killing some soldiers and wounding others.
To bring its soldiers back to their spirits, the enemy brought its helicopters to evacuate the dead and the wounded from the operation zone, and it violently cannonaded the surroundings. As for the Resistance, it performed its duty as to counterattacking the enemy with different arms.
Explosive Targets Patrol on Beit Yahoun-Kownine Route, June 10, 1993
Among the series of al-Ghadir Eid operations and in reiteration to allegiance and fidelity to the Believers' Prince, Imam Ali Bin Abi Taleb (Peace be upon him), the Islamic Resistance bombed with an explosive a Zionist-Lahd patrol on Beit Yahoun-Kownine Route. The patrol suffered several casualties.
Among the killed patrol members was the so-called "Abu Harake", a chief of Agent Provocateur Antoine Lahd's Militia, the Resistance's sources have mentioned.
Islamic Resistance Attacks Zionist Enemy Gatherings in Bani Hayan-Tallousseh, June 11, 1993
In the morning of Friday, June 11, 1993, some Islamic-Resistance groups attacked Zionist enemy gatherings in the region of Bani Hayan-Tallousseh. For more than three hours, violent clashes took place. In order to cover its defeat, the enemy cannonaded many neighboring villages. For a while, it shelled the combat zone with smoke shells so as to evacuate the dead and the wounded. Fighter Ramzi Kamaleddine, a citizen of Srifa Town, was martyred, joining the journey of the martyrs and the righteous to Divinity.
Islamic Resistance Performs Operation Series against Zionist-Lahd Sites, June 17, 1993
Since the month of Muharram has begun and since the Islamic Resistance sustains its jihad operations to rout the Zionist enemy out of our holy land, the Islamic Resistance has announced that it performed a series of heroic operations.
On Thursday, June 17, 1993, at 1:05 a.m., martyr Ramzi Kamaleddine's brigade attacked the sites of the enemy and the Lahd Militia with firearms and artillery, whereby martyr Moussa Mouasi's group attacked a Zionist-Lahd site in Haddatha. As for the groups of martyr Saeed Mouasi and martyr Ibrahim Shehab, they respectively attacked Beit Yahoun Site and a Zionist-Lahd site in Braachit. Moreover, the groups of martyr Ibrahim Dakdouk, of martyr Hassan Zahwi, and of martyr Qassem Jaber respectively attacked the sites of Houla, Tallousseh, and al-Kantara, immediately hitting them; thus, several garrison members were wounded, and others were killed.
Barely had the enemy taken a breath after suffering casualties when Martyr Ali Ammar's group bombed with an explosive a motorcade en route to Toumet Niha Site. The operation occurred on the same day, at 9:00 a.m. Several patrol members were killed, and others were wounded.
Sustaining the jihad path, which has confused the enemy and horrified its soldiers, the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Ali Shreim confronted the garrison of Sojod Site at 12:10. Firearms and artillery were used during the severely violent clashes which lasted for some time. The site garrison suffered a number of casualties. The enemy bombarded the operation zone, using 155-mm shells, so the Islamic-Resistance artillery counterattacked the fire sources.
Islamic Resistance Ambushes Motorcade En Route to Ash-Shumarieh Site, June 19, 1993
The Islamic Resistance has intensified its heroic operations. It has declared in a statement, "As Muharram is about to begin, martyr Ibrahim Olleik's group ambushed a motorcade en route to ash-Shumarieh Site on Saturday, June 19, 1993, at 4:00 p.m. The fighters bombarded the patrol with a barrage, destroying and burning a tank. They also wounded some crewmen and killed others."
Enemy Patrol Attacked near Beit Lif Site, June 20, 1993
The Islamic Resistance declared that on Sunday, June 20, 1993, exactly at 2:05 p.m., martyr Haitham Dbouk's group lurked near Beit Lif Site while some enemy soldiers were patrolling. The group attacked the patrol daringly, wounding some members and killing others. At 3:00 p.m., some "Israeli" helicopters flew in the operation zone, and the cannonade emplacements near Beit Lif and the sites of Blat, Yarine, and Hameed violently launched 155-mm shells against the surroundings of Kafra Town and the outskirts of Yater Town. Thus, the Islamic Resistance's artillery counterattacked the fire sources. "The Lahd Sites were bombarded with missiles and mortar shells," Reuters reported upon the statement of sources in Marjeyoun. The enemy channel acknowledged that the operation had taken place and emphasized that missiles had been launched at a two-kilometer distance from the borders.
Islamic Resistance Ambushes Motorcade on Beit Yahoun-Braachit Route, June 22, 1993
The Islamic Resistance and the Faithful Resistance cooperated to perform an operation, a statement concerning which has declared, "On Tuesday, June 22, 1993, at 11:10 a.m., the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Ramzi Kamal Eddine and martyr Adnan Qorra Ali, in addition to the Faithful-Resistance groups of martyr Ali Trabulsi and martyr Hamzah Nasser Eddine, cooperated to perform a series of operations against the Zionist enemy and its Lahd agents. The operations were as such:
One of the groups set an ambush for a Lahd motorcade on Beit Yahoun-Braachit Route, whereby the fighters bombarded it with a barrage. Meanwhile, another group was combating the garrison of Beit Yahoun Site, while a third group was attacking Braachit Site. The fighters used different arms, making the enemy suffer grave ordnance damage, injuries, and fatalities.
A Lahd-Militia chief was killed in "mysterious" circumstances, an "Israeli" security source in the borderline has emphasized. The chief, Muhammad Ahmed Shaker Shayth, had been a resident and the chief militant of Kfarkila Town.
The agent assassinated had been an officer in charge of ash-Shumarieh Site, where his leg had earlier been amputated during an operation the Resistance had performed.
The information source has emphasized that the agent chief was killed while he and one of his bodyguards were riding his olive-colored Mercedes 280, heading towards Marjeyoun from Kfarkila Town.
The car was set on fire while en route to Tel an-Nhass near a gambling club. He was killed at once, while his bodyguard was burned and is now in a critical situation. According to some information, there is a greater probability that the agent aforementioned was killed during the last operation that the Islamic Resistance performed against ash-Shumarieh Site, of which he had been in charge; it is significant that he died on the same day. Other information sources have reported that he was killed in the bombing of an explosive that the fighters had loaded his car with. An information source of his town has stressed that his corpse was torn into pieces, of which none could be found. In fact, the "Israeli"-occupation forces have prevented his family from opening his empty coffin.
As for his uncle, agent Ahmed Abdul Jaleel Shayth - a security chief, he had a nervous breakdown, upon which he was transferred to Marjeyoun Hospital. None of the occupation forces attended the assassinated agent's burial ceremonies. The information source has emphasized that the occupation forces postponed the news of his assassination; instead, they said he had been killed during a "mysterious car accident" upon their fear of arousing the villagers' rage and of losing control over the situation in town; that is, the mentioned agent's assassination had concurred with a series of sudden arrests in the town itself, whereby twenty-one villagers were forcibly recruited.
The agent aforementioned has been the twelfth Lahd townsman assassinated.
Explosive Targets Middle Sector Security Chief's Car on Houla-Al-Abbad Route, June 25, 1993
Not only have the jihad operations of the Islamic Resistance targeted the military patrols of the enemy and its agents, but also they have struck the senior Lahd militants serving the enemy in the occupied borderline. The Islamic Resistance has declared that on Friday, June 25, at 5:45 p.m., martyr Amthal al-Hakim's group bombed with an explosive a white Mercedes car on Houla-al-Abbad Route.
The car passengers were the security chief of "the Middle Sector", Mahmoud Abdurraouf Ayoub - a resident of Houla - and the chief's bodyguard, Muhammad Shreim. Both men were killed. Agent Ayoub had been working for "security system 504". The Resistance has also called the agents to surrender before being hunted down by the fighters devoted to Imam al-Hussein (Peace be upon him). This operation has incited a state of horror and confusion among the Zionist soldiers and the Lahd militiamen, mainly because the assassinated agent was a senior of the enemy intelligence. Consequently, the occupation forces surrounded occupied Houla, broke into houses, arrested a number of young men, and interrogated the villagers, among who were agents and recruits of the Lahd Militia.
Islamic Resistance Executes Two Lahd Militiamen, June 27, 1993
On June 27, 1993, the Islamic Resistance executed two Lahd-militia members. In a statement, the Resistance has declared that on Saturday, June 26, 1993, at 9:00 p.m., martyr Essa Shouman's group broke into the agents' houses in occupied Deir Syriane Town and executed the mercenary agent Hassan Muhammad Nasser (Abu Alaa), who had been famous for his crimes and actions at al-Khiyam Concentration Camp; he had caused harm to most detainees, prisoners, and captives. On Sunday, June 27, 1993, the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Anwar al-Meer executed agent Muhammad Hassan Fakih, the Lahd-Militia chief of at-Tiri Town.
Taking place on the occupied Lebanese lands, the execution was witnessed by the steadfast, kindhearted citizens who had always suffered the agent's oppression and torture.
Furthermore, the Resistance's statement has called, anew, all the misled agents serving in the occupied borderline to surrender to the fighters since the Resistance has determined to hunt them down one by one; the Resistance has accurately identified them, and they won't be able to escape. Therefore, their only choice will be resorting to the Resistance in case they want to find security and safety. None of their sites, fortifications, or tanks will protect them. They must think twice and repent their sins before it's too late.
To further pressure the enemy and counteract as persistent Zionist assaults target the southern people, the Islamic Resistance has targeted the Jewish settlements in al-Jalil (Galilee) Strip, bombarding Keryat Shmuna Settlement (Literally: "The Eight Villages Settlement").
Moreover, the Islamic Resistance has issued a statement, declaring that on Sunday, June 27, 1993, approximately at 4:00 p.m., the fighters confronted Zionist enemy soldiers, who were trying to progress to Ali at-Taher Grove from ad-Dabsheh Site. Shooting the soldiers with their arms, the fighters caused them casualties and forced them to retreat from the place. Clashes lasted until the late night.
Islamic Resistance Groups Confront Infantry Commando Unit, June 28, 1993
Some Islamic-Resistance groups encountered an infantry commando unit in West Beqaa. In a statement, the Resistance has mentioned, "On Monday, June 28, 1993, at 3:30 p.m., a Zionist commando force was progressing towards ad-Deidabeh and Bir ath-Thahr; thus, several Islamic-Resistance groups confronted it. Violent clashes went on, and different kinds of guns and artillery were used. The Resistance fighters caused severe damage to the enemy's ordnance; as a result, the enemy was forced to retreat from the place.
The details are as follows: An infantry commando force of thirty-five "Israelis" marched for three kilometers outside of the occupied borderline, starting with Zemrayyah Hill in the north of Hasbaya, climbing ath-Thahr Mountains, and then reaching ad-Deidabeh Hill, where the counter force ambushed a group of the Resistance fighters. Only a few meters separated the fighters from the counter force. Now cross cannonade lasted from 5:30 p.m. until 11:00 p.m., when the counter force retreated from the combat zone to the sites in Zemrayyah and al-Ahmadieh.
Security sources have mentioned that the Chief of "the Northern Command" Yitzhak Mordechai, in addition to Chief of "the Liaison Unit to Lebanon" Lieutenant General Gabi Ashkenazi, had supervised the operation performance as they had come to the front sites. Zionist officers, who had also been there, had positioned a backup force in al-Ahmadieh and Zemrayyah. Furthermore, the sources have declared that enemy helicopters had been ready to interfere with al-Ahmadieh Site and Marjeyoun Barracks, but the Islamic Resistance spoiled the enemy's procedures and devastated its aims.
During this heroic encounter, fighter Imad Ahmed Hussein - a citizen of Yohmor Town - and fighter Sayyed Ali Mortada - a citizen of Tamneen at-Tahta (Literally: Lower Tamneen) - were the martyrs whom the Islamic Resistance offered in the course of liberation. To these martyrs, the Resistance vows it shall sustain the path of jihad and Islam until the fulfillment of perfect liberation.
Islamic Resistance Strikes Zionist-Lahd Sites, June 29, 1993
The Islamic Resistance has intensified its jihad operations against the sites of the enemy and the Lahd agents. It has issued a statement announcing that on Tuesday, June29, 1993, at 7:30 a.m., it carried out a large attack against four sites of the enemy and the Lahd agents, whereby martyr Ali Shehab's brigade attacked al-Hamra Crossing Point, where a number of enemy members would usually be. The fighters used firearms and artillery, causing several injuries to the enemy garrison. In the meantime, martyr Tahseen Shareefa's group and martyr Hassan Salman's group were respectively attacking al-Bayyada Site and al-Herdoun Site.
Still, other Islamic-Resistance fighters were attacking the Radar Site, whereby martyr Ibrahim Daqdook's group clashed with the site garrison, causing it grave casualties. Violent combat took place, mainly at al-Hamra Crossing Point, where Zionist helicopters tried to drop an intrusion force; thus, they were counterattacked by the Islamic-Resistance groups.
The clashes even became more violent at 9:15 a.m., when the fighters counterattacked a force attempting to enter the crossing point. The clashes gradually declined after the remaining garrison members had fled to an-Nakoura. Furthermore, at 10:30 a.m., the group of martyr Imad Ahmad Hussein and martyr Sayyed Ali Mortada bombed with an explosive a Zionist patrol on al-Aychieh-ar-Rihan way. The patrol's first half-track was destroyed, and its crewmen were wounded. The second half-track was damaged, too.
At 4:40 p.m., some Islamic-Resistance groups attacked an alternate motorcade that had been serving at al-Ahmadieh Site. At 6:15 p.m., an Islamic-Resistance group attacked Toumet Niha Site in West Beqaa, whereby the fighters clashed with the site garrison, wounded some of its members, and killed the others. The fighters perfectly held things under control. Though Kfarhouna Site backed Toumet Niha Site, other Islamic- Resistance groups counterattacked the garrison of Kfarhouna Site and clashed with it.
Source: moqawama.org

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