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The Following are the Islamic-Resistance operations that took place during the month of July in 1993...

Islamic Resistance Performs Heroic Operation against Sojod Site, July 6, 1993

Among the operation series of the month of Muharram, the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Ali Mortada attacked on Tuesday 6, 1993, at 5:50, a Zionist infantry patrol in Rab'at al-Jabal in Mount ar-Rihan, bombarding it with a barrage. Two soldiers were killed, and another was wounded. Six minutes later, two helicopters interfered with the battle to rescue the Zionist patrol.

Enemy backup forces headed to the place from ar-Rihan Barracks. A half-track evacuated the casualties. At 7:00, the enemy cannonaded the operation zone. As a Zionist patrol was about to enter Sojod Site, it was trapped in another ambuscade set by the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Imad Yasseen. An M-113 half-track and a Land Willis vehicle were burned. Fearfully, even hysterically, the enemy soldiers escaped from them.

In the meantime, the Islamic-Resistance squadron of martyr Ali Mathloum attacked Sojod Site and destroyed its mounds; whereas martyr Sami Taksh's group attacked as-Suweidaa Site, killing three site members and destroying a vehicle, a 120-mm emplacement, and site fortifications and constructions. A depot at the site could be heard exploding and seen burning. At 7:00, martyr Muhammad Suleiman's group attacked ash-Shumarieh Site. The operations resulted in grave losses and casualties.

Two "Israeli" helicopters interfered with the battle; thus, the Resistance ground fighters counterattacked them, forcing them to retreat from the zone.

Islamic Resistance Attacks Lahd Center at Khazen Place near al-Aychieh Town, July 8, 1993

On Thursday, July 8, 1993, the Islamic-Resistance group of martyr Wehbi Wehbi and martyr Haidar Haidar attacked a Lahd-Militia center at Khazen Place near al-Aychieh, whereby the group bombarded the center with a barrage, causing casualties to its members.

Helpless against the Islamic Resistance's attacks, the Zionist enemy could only act maliciously against civilians - even innocent children; brutal sniping operations targeted Shakra Town, where child Yusuf Muhammad ran to his father, complaining about the terribly painful bullet in his chest - before he dropped dead. Likewise, a phosphorous shell killed the four-year-old child, Ibrahim Farhat, and the nine-year-old child, Rehab Moussa.

Islamic Resistance Operation Kills Officer, Two Soldiers, July 9, 1993

In the morning of Friday, groups of Islamic-Resistance fighters were fully ready to strike the enemy by performing a unique, stunning operation along three axes at close time periods:

The first axis: targeted a patrol with an infantry and a motorcade on Sojod-ar-Rihan Route.

The second axis: targeted Sojod Site and Bir Kallab Site.

The third axis: targeted the enemy and the Lahd agents in al-Aychieh; they were attacked by a group of resistance fighters and the brigade of Sheikh Abdul Kareem Obeid - the Captives' Sheikh.

The resistance fighters caused grave losses to the sites and their garrisons. A Zionist military spokesman has acknowledged the death of the three soldiers, "Today afternoon, two soldiers and an officer were killed, and five others were wounded." Brutally and revengefully, the enemy shelled the residential towns by the operation zones.

Upon the statement of a source of UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Forces in Lebanon), the French Press Agency (AFP) reported that the occupation forces had launched 100 projectiles against Lebanese regions and that the Islamic Resistance counteracted by launching thirty missiles. Still, the agents' channel acknowledged that 120 projectiles and 25 missiles were launched against different sites. A security source in Marjeyoun acknowledged that twelve missiles had been launched against the region of the Zionist command center in the occupied borderline. The source also mentioned that an "Israeli" vehicle center at Sahl al-Khiyam (Literally: al-Khiyam Plain) had been shelled.

An-Nahar Newspaper reported, on July 17, 1993, that the enemy's Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin miraculously escaped death after the Islamic Resistance's fire had almost reached him; three missiles struck Marjeyoun Barracks - instants after his departure. Rabin had been holding a meeting with a number of occupation officers and Agent Provocateur Lahd's officers.

Islamic Resistance Captivates Lahd Recruit, Mustapha Ahmad Lubani, July 21, 1993

In a statement the Resistance issued on July 21, 1993, it announced that one of its patrols captivated a Lahd recruit, Mustapha Ahmad Lubani from Deir Syriane Town, while he was wandering near one of Agent Provocateur Lahd's sites in the West Sector.
Reiterating that nothing can stop the Resistance's determination and insistence to liberate its land, an Islamic-Resistance group carried out a stunning attack against Braachit Site on the first day of the Seven-Day War (called "Operation Accountability" by "Israel"). The group clashed with the site garrison, causing a lot of casualties. At 7 a.m., another group attacked Beit Yahoun Site, using firearms and artillery. A third group attacked three enemy sites in Haddatha, burning a tank at the town entrance. The naked eye could see the tank burning.

Massive Attacks Target Zionist-Lahd Sites of Sojod, Bir Kallab, Kfarhouna, Barracks of Ar-Rihan, Aramta, July 22, 1993

Thursday, July 22, 1993, was a long jihad day; the Islamic Resistance counteracted after the enemy had threatened to invade Lebanon. Actually, the Resistance invaded the Zionist-Lahd sites and barracks in the occupied regions. Thus, at 10:00 a.m., some Islamic-Resistance fighters commenced executing massive attacks against the Zionist-Lahd sites in Sojod, Bir Kallab, and Kfarhouna. The fighters also attacked the Zionist barracks in ar-Rihan and Aramta.

The Resistance fighters also dominated Aramta Barracks, completely demolishing it, killing or wounding the soldiers inside it, and destroying two vehicles that were close to it. The Resistance fighters also dominated Kfarhouna Site and wounded its soldiers, and they attacked Bir Kallab and Sojod Sites, completely destroying their mounds, arms, and tanks, and killing or wounding the soldiers at both sites. The Resistance fighters posted, too, standards of Imam al-Hussein Bin Ali (Peace be upon him).

Furthermore, the Resistance set ambuscades for the enemy and Lahd patrols trying to rescue the soldiers of the destroyed sites in the operation zone. The resistance fighters were able to target most of the backup forces; thus, the forces suffered a big number of casualties. The gallant, honorable Resistance fighters dominated the combat; therefore, the backup forces were unable to rescue the garrisons of the sites.

The Resistance was also able to destroy Agent Provocateur Lahd's main telecommunication center in Jezzine Region, disconnecting the telecommunications between all relative units. Besides, the Resistance bombed with an explosive a Zionist patrol en route to Bir Kallab while it was trying to enter the site, and they carried out a heavy fire attack against the Zionist gatherings at Bir Kallab-Aramta-ar-Rihan Crossing Point. Until 12 p.m., the Islamic Resistance had completely dominated the sites of Sojod and Bir Kallab. Once helicopters tried to rescue the devastated enemy forces, the Islamic Resistance counterattacked them with ground-based antiaircraft artillery, preventing them from achieving any aim. Clashes persisted until 5 p.m. Although the enemy acknowledged only the death of a Zionist soldier, the wounding of five agents, and the loss of two others, some security sources emphasized that the enemy suffered great losses, but it was afraid of acknowledging that; earlier, the enemy had announced "the "Israeli" forces' perfect readiness to strike."

Likewise, the enemy's Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin acknowledged that he was unable to confront the Resistance even though the "Israeli" military depended on high military techniques. Rabin said, "No wide-range military operation can put an end to "terrorism" in Lebanon. Our illusions have cost us a lot until now; neither Operation Litani* nor the Lebanese Civil War (1975-1990) has put an end to the Resistance's operations."

Islamic Resistance Attacks Braachit Site, July 26, 1993

The Islamic Resistance has continued to strike the enemy and has declared that martyr Mohsen Melhem's group carried out a stunning attack against the entrance to Braachit Site on Monday 26, 1993, at 4:10 p.m. Using firearms and artillery, the group destroyed and burned a tank. It also destroyed mounds and fortifications and caused a number of casualties among the enemy soldiers. At 5:45, some Islamic-Resistance groups struck, anew, the enemy sites in Braachit, Beit Yahoun, and Haddatha, causing more casualties among the enemy soldiers.

The night earlier, the Islamic Resistance had also carried out two attacks against ad-Dabsheh Site and ash-Shumarieh Site and had proceeded with an attack against at-Tohra Site. The enemy sites' fortifications and mounds suffered great damage and losses.

Resistance Attacks Ad-Dabsheh, Ali At-Taher, Haddatha, Braachit, Sojod, Al-Kantara, Tallousseh Sites, July 29, 1993

The Islamic Resistance performed heroic operations; martyr Hassan Ramadan's group used firearms and artillery to attack ad-Dabsheh Site on July 29, 1993. Meanwhile, martyr Abbas Zehri's group and martyr Jamal al-Juni's group were respectively attacking Ali at-Taher Site and at-Tohra Site. These attacks led to the destruction of the sites' constructions and mounds and ceased their fire. On the same day, martyr Khodr Wahab's group and martyr Ramzi Kamaleddine's group respectively attacked Haddatha Site and Braachit Site. Meanwhile, martyr Khalil al-Bazzal's group, martyr Muhammad Shokr's group, and martyr Muhammad Rabah's group respectively carried out striking attacks against the sites of Sojod, al-Kantara, and Tallousseh.

Resistance Bombards Toumet Niha Site in West Beqaa, July 30, 1993

The Islamic Resistance declared that martyr Samir Melhem's group attacked Toumet Niha Site in West Beqaa in the afternoon of Friday, 30 July 1993.The group destroyed the site mounds and fortifications and wounded a number of its garrison members. Another group attacked Tallousseh Site, destroying its mounds and causing immediate casualties among its members.

Resistance Strikes At-Tohra, ad-Dabsheh, Ali At-Taher, Al-Borj, Sojod, Bir Kallab Sites, July 31, 1993

The Islamic Resistance has announced that its fighters simultaneously carried a series of attacks starting at the dawn of Saturday, July 31, 1993, which was the last day of the Seven-Day War (called "Operation Accountability" by "Israel"). The Islamic Resistance's attacks targeted the sites of at-Tohra, ad-Dabsheh, Ali at-Taher, and al-Borj. The Resistance fighters violently clashed with the site garrisons; thus, the enemy's equipment was damaged, and many soldiers were killed. As for the site mounds, which had been partially destroyed two days earlier, they were now totally demolished. Meanwhile, another Islamic-Resistance group was attacking Sojod Site, while a third was striking Bir Kallab Site; whereas a fourth was distracting the enemy soldiers at ar-Rihan Barracks.

*"Operation Litani" was the name "Israel" used as it invaded Lebanon in 1978.

