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Loyal to the Pledge

Loyalty to Resistance Bloc Calls for Cleansing Telecoms Sector

Loyalty to Resistance Bloc Calls for Cleansing Telecoms Sector
folder_openLTRB access_time14 years ago
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Local Editor

The Loyalty to the Resistance parliamentary bloc held its regular meeting on Wednesday, headed by MP Mohammad Raad.

In a statement it released, the bloc discussed the political developments in Lebanon and the region, the US persistence on supporting the Zionist state, harmonizing with the scheme against the Palestinian cause, eliminating rights of the Palestinians, and making use of the state of complicity and feableness of the official Arab regimes.

The bloc, in its statement, considered that the resistance in Lebanon, Palestine, in addition to Syria and Iran, form the major barrier before the scheme that aims at legitimizing the Zionist occupation and normalize ties with it.

The statement went on to say that the ongoing readiness of the resistance and the increasing popular support to its choice in face of the occupation and the continuous "Israeli" threats, constitute a barrier before the enemy and its schemes that aim at taking control of Lebanon.

The statement reiterated that the July war, the espionage rings, the "Israeli" control of the Telecoms Network, and seeking sedition and strife are nothing but tools of a scheme to take over Lebanon.

In this context, the bloc called for four major issues:

1- The need to uncover and execute individuals charged with spying for the "Israeli" enemy.
2- Thoroughly cleansing the telecommunications sector and restructuring it in a way that would guarantee the security of the citizens and prevent "Israelis" from infiltrating it.

3- Warning of attempts to falsely accuse the Resistance and its fighters in favor of cheap political interests that only serve the Zionist enemy.

4- Special fraternal ties with Syria are translated through strategic cooperation that would encompass security, military, and diplomatic fields to confront "Israel", therefore, the recent agreements that were signed between Lebanon and Syria need further follow up.
