Sayyed Nasrallah’s Full Speech at the Honoring Ceremony of Leader Martyr Fouad Shokor

Translated by Al-Ahed News, Hezbollah Media Relations
The full speech of Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah during the at the one-week anniversary of the martyrdom of the esteemed leader Sayyed Fuoad Shokor [Sayyed Mohsen] on Tuesday, August 6, 2024.
I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan. In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon our Master and Prophet, the Seal of Prophets, Abi al-Qassem Muhammad Bin Abdullah, and his good and pure household and his good and chosen companions and all the prophets and messengers.
May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you all.
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. {Among the believers are men who have proven true to what they pledged to Allah. Some of them have fulfilled their pledge 'with their lives', others are waiting 'their turn'. They have never changed 'their commitment' in the least.} God Almighty has spoken the truth.
Today, we meet at a memorial service to honor one of these men, the men of God who were true to their pledge with God, and who lived a long life as a mujahid, resister, leader, and fighter. I would like to point out at the beginning that the enemy may resort during the celebration or now during the speech to break the sound barrier over Dahiyeh [the southern suburbs of Beirut] [this shows how childish they are] to provoke or frighten the attendees. If that happens, it will be responded to, God willing, with the appropriate slogan, such as, “Never to humiliation!”
At the beginning, as is customary, I must offer my condolences and congratulations to the families of the martyrs, today's martyrs and the martyrs of the past days. Most of today's martyrs are the sons of Hezbollah cadres and officials as well as the sons of martyrs.
This indicates the nature of the generation that continues the path of the fathers, and we are not only talking about the fathers and grandfathers as well.
Thank God, today we have sons and grandsons of the first generation who are present on the resistance fronts, in the resistance formations, fighting and advancing to the arenas of martyrdom.
This spirit was expressed a short while ago by the martyred leader Sayyed Fouad Shokro’s son, Sayyed Mohammad, and all the sons of the martyrs who carry the spirit of their fathers, meaning the spirit of Al-Hussein [AS], the spirit of Abu al-Fadl al-Abbas, peace be upon him, the spirit of Ali al-Akbar, peace be upon him, the spirit of al-Qassem bin al-Hassan, peace be upon him.
The secret behind our strength lies in continuity and that harming the leaders, elders, and martyrs will not affect our will, our morale, our presence, our strength, our determination, or our resolve to continue the way.
My speech today or my talk today will be divided into two parts. The first part is about the person we are remembering, and the second part is about the general scene in the region occupying everyone's mind and the recent events, developments, and expectations.
First part:
I do not want to repeat what you heard from me and my brothers during the funeral and what you saw in the current report to avoid boredom and repetition, but I want to add to some of the titles mentioned. Certainly, I do not want to talk about the personal relationship between me and the martyred brother, the leader Sayyed Mohsen, on this occasion because this is another discussion. Everyone in Hezbollah knows the nature of this relationship and the depth of this relationship. I would like to add to some points and emphasize on others
The martyred leader, as mentioned and I emphasize, belonged to the founding generation, when we are talking about the entire generation, the founding generation of the resistance. In addition, he was also among the founding leaders.
In other words, there is a founding generation, and there are founding leaders, elites, mujahideen, fighters, and individuals of varying productivity, ability, or influence. We call them the founding generation.
Sayyed was one of the founding leaders of the resistance, the resistance groups, the beginnings of the resistance, and the resistance formations, even when we talk about forming structures, formations, groups, factions, and units in capacity building from the beginning. In other words, Sayyed started out as a fighter and his leadership talents quickly emerged even in capacity building. He started out as a weapons transporter; he was 21 years old and had the ability for certain reasons to collect weapons from here and there.
And you know there were lots of weapons that were left on the roads and many abandoned warehouses with no owners. He used to collect the weapons and transport them to the south. These beginnings are the simplest form of capacity building to the level of current capacity building that you have heard about in the various qualitative fields.
He was always present in all the resistance battles. He wasn’t in all the operations but in all the resistance battles, the main battles, including the war of the prisoners in the eighties, July 1993, April 1996, the 2000 liberation, and now the July War. In all the main battles of the resistance, Sayyed was present in the position of leadership and action. In the qualitative operations, I was thinking of talking about some details, but it may be in the interest to leave the details for the future. Sayyed Mohsen was connected to the qualitative resistance operations, especially the martyrdom operations, in planning, on the field, in setting booby-traps, reconnaissance, and management. There are many things that neither I nor my brothers will be able to talk about concerning Sayed Mohsen, as is the case with our brothers, the martyred leaders, who have passed away. These will be left for the future.
He was one of the main leaders who created victory in 2000. In the July War, the main operations room was under his care and responsibility. For 33 days, he did not leave for a single minute. Day and night, he and the brother leaders remained in the same room. After the July war, the main and major role was in building capacity and completing capacity building because we knew the nature of the enemy and its essence as well as his project and goals and the dangers it posed to Lebanon, Palestine, the holy sites, and the region.
We were preparing ourselves for the future. From the first day of the Al-Aqsa Flood, i.e. in the morning when the news came out, we communicated. It is true that we started the operations on the 8th and not the 7th, but from the 7th, he started, attended, and arranged. From October 8th until the last moments before his martyrdom (the phone call between me and him was at six o’clock, less than an hour before his martyrdom or about an hour), he was following up. Day and night, for the past ten months, Sayyed Mohsen was present in the operations room, following up, leading, managing, and continuing work and communicating with me. Of course, what was required in managing this battle, managing the Lebanese support front, more than any other battle, was presence of mind, calm nerves, deliberation, wisdom, courage, firmness, and precision because we work in complex and specific circumstances, and he was fit for all of this type of leadership.
In addition to the qualities that we usually talk about in martyred leaders and martyrs in general was Sayyed Fouad’s strategic. He was not an excellent tactical person, but he also possessed a strategic mind and way of thinking. We used to joke with him in our sessions and meetings because “the motor in his brain was working with tremendous force.” He had many good ideas and suggestions, and we would say to him, “Sayyed, you have to be patient with us; we cannot catch up with you.” Sometimes he would present ideas, and we would say to him that we are concerned with the Islamic resistance in Lebanon and the region, but you, praise be to God, think about the entire nation.” That’s really how he was.
He had many ideas and a high ability to plan. He was the one who was in charge of preparing drafts on the concepts of war, the general war plan, the required amendments in light of developments, what new weapons the enemy possesses or new strategies or problems. Of course, in this context he was creative; he presented new ideas, new proposals, new projects.
On the mental and intellectual level, he had a broad religious education, especially in the last ten years. He was greatly interested in religious education, including the interpretation of the Qur’an, doctrinal and moral issues and problems.
He also had plenty of general knowledge. We used to joke with him. Sayyed talked about everything, whatever you wanted, physics, chemistry, astronomy, economics, politics, security, military, management. He has knowledge about everything.
He had a very good ability to express an idea. If he wanted to explain an idea, he did not get tired. He could talk for long hours without taking a breath and without using a paper. There was a presence of mind and leadership.
He was also a teacher and educator. This is a quality that not all leaders have. Some leaders lead those who are present, but he made men. He was influential in the environment he worked in. You saw in the report the subject of the martyrs. The martyred leaders were his students and many of the martyrs and self-sacrificing martyrs were his students in every sense of the word. He raised them. He held their hand until they got into the car or truck, etc.
When it comes to personal qualities, Sayyed had a high morale. He always had a high morale, no matter how difficult the calamity was and no matter how harsh the circumstances were. He provided you with the correct information and did not deceive or give incorrect information, even if the information he was providing may negatively affect the morale of the other party. However, he’d add from his morale, spirit, and courage to change the situation. As a result of this high morale and this strategic mind and this rich thought and creativity, he raised the problem and also proposed solutions.
People might come to us with problems and it’s up to us to find and think of solutions. However, he was not like that. He’d raise the problem and come up with 20 solutions. (Catch up if you can!)
In adversity and difficulties, he was like some of the leaders I talked about. Hajj Sayyed Mohsen was a mountain. He was a mountain range that you can lean on in difficult circumstances, adversity, earthquakes, and tribulations.
In any case, no matter how much we talk, we will not be able to give this great leader his due. I said at the funeral and in speeches commemorating our leaders that one is torn between two things during such occasions – between doing right by this martyred leader and by not exaggerating or highlighting the enemy’s achievement who is waiting to laugh and gloat.
Brothers and sisters, in such events, the martyrdom of Sayeyd Fouad and that of the leaders before him, including Sayyed Abbas, Sheikh Ragheb, Hajj Imad, Hajj Qassem Soleimani, Hajj Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, Sayyed Zulfiqar, Hajj Zahedi [it’s a very long list], we acknowledge pain and sadness because we are normal human beings. This was a remarkable character.
However, we combine sadness over separation with joy. We are happy that these leaders were sealed with martyrdom and achieved what they had hoped for.
We acknowledge the magnitude of the loss and our loss with [the martyrdom] of Sayyed Mohsen was very big, but this does not affect us at all. This is a realistic description, but it has no repercussions. This does not shake us at all. It does not weaken us, does not make us hesitate, and does not stop us, and the proof is the continuation of the operations today and in the past few days.
The units that Sayyed Fouad was leading are the ones that are continuing to work, developing their work, and moving forward. There have been successful operations and new targets in the past few days – new military bases, new settlements, and new depth. You have the operations these days; because they are special, the settlers and some of the enemy’s media were saying that they are the response to Sayyed Fouad [his assassination]. Our brothers tell them that we are still in the normal context, and this has nothing to do with the response to [the assassination of] Sayyed Fouad. This is the case in the resistance movements.
There is no doubt that the martyrdom of leader Ismail Haniyeh is a great loss for Hamas, the Palestinian resistance, the Palestinian people, and the axis of resistance. It necessitated pain and sadness, but also joy. But it also does not shake them, deter them, or weaken them. The proof is the continuation of the resistance and the escalation of the resistance in the Gaza Strip and in the West Bank, and more successful, strong, and beneficial work.
I will suffice with this amount about our martyred leader to move on to the general situation.
Second part:
In the general situation, I have two titles.
The first title: The main scene of the ongoing battle. It is important that we must return to the main scene.
The second title: The subject of assassinations, responses, expectations, and what everyone is waiting for.
1- The main scene of the ongoing battle, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank are its first and central field. The support fronts are added to them. We will recap the scene so we can start from there and head to the position.
In the past few days and weeks, events have occurred, decisions have been made, and circumstances have developed that help to clarify, explain, and understand the true goals that Netanyahu's extremist, criminal, and brutal government is seeking.
Let us take, for example, as evidence of this yesterday's statement by the Minister of Finance, who is not a marginal minister in Netanyahu's government and who describes himself as a key minister.
Listen to what he said. “No one will allow us to starve to death two million people in Gaza.” He has no problem starving to death two million people in Gaza, but his problem is that the world will not allow him to do so, even if he was allowed to do so.
“No one will allow us to starve two million people, even though that might be just and moral until they return the hostages.”
This means that if the 120 prisoners held by the resistance factions in Gaza are not returned, it is fair for Smotrich to kill two million people in the Gaza Strip. This is the mindset in the government today.
Of course, this is not unusual when it comes to the “Israelis” and the Americans. The anniversary of the nuclear bombs that the United States dropped on the Japanese cities in Hiroshima and Nagasaki is being marked these days, and this is evidence while the world is silent.
Have you heard anyone comment on Smotrich’s words that it is just to kill. This is coming from a key minister in the enemy government. That is why, he brought it up in the context that any aid should be prevented from reaching the people of Gaza until they die of hunger. No one commented or spoke against this, and the world is somewhere else.
Of course, you remember at the beginning of the Al-Aqsa Flood events. The Jewish Heritage Minister in Netanyahu’s government, early on called for striking the Gaza Strip with a nuclear bomb, meaning killing two million, 200 thousand or 300 thousand people, more than half of whom are children and women. (So, what, if he was a minister, can he say this?)
One of the important developments, and I also want to build on this, is the Knesset's rejection. When Netanyahu gathered them before he traveled to America, they decided to reject the establishment of a Palestinian state. This means that the principle of the establishment of a Palestinian state is rejected. This is not the government but the Knesset. The majority, even those who were absent, if they were present, they would have voted. There was an “Israeli” consensus on rejecting a Palestinian state. If I want to be on the safe side, I’d say there is a semi-consensus. Someone from the left-wing group that is weak and marginal can meet and have another opinion.
But there is at least a semi-consensus in the enemy entity on rejecting the establishment of a Palestinian state, regardless of its nature or whether or not it has borders, an airspace, an army, or sovereignty. Basically, discussing the [establishment of a] Palestinian state is rejected.
This is an important development. An important development for whom? For all those in Palestine, in the Arab world, in the Islamic world, or in the world, who are still betting on a negotiated path to resolve the Palestinian issue. This is a slap in their face. First and foremost, it is a slap in the face of all the Arab countries that adopted the Arab Peace Initiative in Beirut in 2008 and the ones chasing after the Jews and the “Israelis”.
The principle of establishing a Palestinian state is basically rejected. Now, its translation has appeared in the procedures.
When we find such a culture, one tells you to strike Gaza with a nuclear weapon, and another tells you let us starve two million Gazans until they surrender, in addition to the Knesset and the “Israeli” political decision rejecting a Palestinian state, you understand the nature of the ongoing battle and where they want to take it.
When you look at the procedures, it is clear that Netanyahu does not want a ceasefire or to stop the war in the Strip. In all the prisoner exchange deals that are being proposed, he insists on the condition of no ceasefire and not stopping the war. He wants a written American commitment that in the second stage, he can launch a war in Gaza. Why? Because he has a project in Gaza. What is the project in Gaza? Uprooting the people of Gaza if possible, throwing them into Egypt, throwing them into the sea, killing as many of them as possible. That is why there is no caution – they hit UNRWA schools, tents, and people collecting aid and killing as many as possible or at least, subjugating Gaza, and absolute control over it. Why? Just for barbarism! No, there is a political goal behind what we were saying before that the “Israelis” do not accept a Palestinian state, even if it was in Gaza.
Even if the Palestinian people said that their future Palestinian state will only be in the Gaza Strip, it is still not acceptable. Establishing a Palestinian state is not acceptable. Basically, these people see it [a Palestinian state] as an existential threat, even if it is an internationally recognized Palestinian state or even if it is in Gaza. This is clear from the practices. This is in Gaza.
As for the West Bank, the project before the Al-Aqsa Flood was to put more pressure on the people of the West Bank to displace them as time passed by killing and operations. Now, the West Bank is being bombed by the air force and drones. A large part of the “Israeli” army is present and fighting in the West Bank. What is the horizon? They have begun to withdraw from all the obligations related to the Oslo [Accords]. To whom did they officially hand over the administration of the West Bank? To Smotrich, who has this mentality and who says that Judea and Nazareth are basically “Israeli”. In other words, even the areas given to the Palestinian Authority will be re-annexed.
The project in the West Bank that is being worked on day and night includes expanding settlements, displacing the Palestinians towards Jordan, and later annexing the West Bank, to officially annex it. They are not afraid of anyone in the world. Here, the “Israelis” want to establish a [state of] “Israel” from the sea to the river.
Here, we’ve reached an absolute contradiction; on the one hand, there is a project that aims to establish [a state of] “Israel” from the sea to the river and says to all Arabs, Arab countries, and the international community not to waste time because there will be no Palestinian state in the West Bank or in Gaza or in any place in the land of Palestine historically.
On the other hand, a second project, which is the project of the real axis of resistance, is working to establish a Palestine from the sea to the river. Meanwhile, the other projects in the middle will dissolve because they have no future since they have no reality, no truth to them, no right, and no future and are unrealistic.
The “Israelis” have annexed the Golan Heights, and Trump, during his presidency, recognized the annexation of the Golan Heights. Therefore, they are behaving as if the Golan Heights are “Israeli” land. They also annexed the Shebaa Farms and the Kfarchouba Hills and consider them “Israeli” territory.
Do you remember the tent incident before the Al-Aqsa Flood? The “Israelis” considered that the resistance set up a tent on “Israeli” territory. Where does “Israel” want to go with this?
They want to say that this historic Palestine from the sea to the river is their, and the Golan is theirs, so are the Shebaa Farms and the Kfarchouba Hills; the “Israelis” annexed them. Meanwhile, the Lebanese are still discussing whether they are Lebanese or Syrian. The “Israelis” already took them and that's that; they swallowed them and ate them and consider them “Israeli” territory. Meanwhile, we are still fighting over this in Lebanon, and some people are arguing with us that the Shebaa Farms are Lebanese and not Syrian, and the Syrian leadership must give us a paper and sign it and what not!
This also means that the so-called Palestinian state does not exist. There is no Palestinian cause, there is no Palestinian people, there are no Palestinian rights, there are no Palestinian refugees.
There are some people in Lebanon who are wagering on an “Israeli” victory and wish that “Israel” will win. These people are the ones complaining about the file of the displaced Syrians and Palestinian refugees. These people are contradicting themselves because they are acting with hatred and not with reason and without the national interest in mind.
There is no place for Palestine in all this. “Israel” is a Jewish state. Those who are allowed by the Jewish state of “Israel” to remain on the land of Palestine from the Palestinians of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip are welcome as second-class citizens, as is the case with the Palestinians of 1948. There is no Palestinian Authority, no more, no Palestinian state, no Palestinian Authority, no Palestinian people, and no Palestinian identity. What does this whole narrative mean?
I will repeat and say the following. God forbid and God willing this will not happen, but if Netanyahu and his government as well as the Zionist-American alliance win [the war] against the resistance in Gaza, the West Bank, and the region, especially in Gaza and the West Bank, “Israel”, the tyrannical, criminal Jewish state that commits genocide and kills tens of thousands of women and children, will reign over the region. Everyone must submit to it and seek its favor. This was basically proposed in Trump’s Deal of the Century. I mentioned this point to remind you of the dangers and to pay attention to them.
In the same context, there is the ugly and shameless American hypocrisy, a strange and bizarre hypocrisy. This alone requires speeches, but I will give two or three examples.
- In 1993, the American administration was the one that sponsored the Oslo Accords. It was the sponsor and the guarantor between the PLO and the entity. What did America do later?
The PLO issued statements, delegations came and went, but nothing happened. Has there been any political progress in the past 30 years (from 1993 to 2024) 31 years? There has been no progress at all. The PLO has been contained so was the path of struggle and resistance that was prevalent in the Palestinian people before 1993, i.e. the Oslo Accords.
But, of course, God Almighty has blessed the Palestinian people with a different path of jihad. {He will replace you with another people.} This is a divine law.
Any people with a just cause, when a party, organization, group, or leadership abandons this right, God will replace it with another group. This is a divine law.
For 31 years, the Americans have been silent. They have been silent as the grave. However, in light of the massacres and the interaction of the world and even university students in America, the US administration has returned to talking about the Palestinian state and the two-state solution.
This is a lie; this is hypocrisy, and this is just talk for the sake of talk; there is absolutely no serious will behind it.
The evidence is that any approach to the idea of a Palestinian state in the Security Council is met by an American veto; any vote on a Palestinian state or a natural right for a Palestinian state in the United Nations is voted against by the Americans, who incite others to object.
They even say that the Palestinian state is dependent on negotiations between the Palestinians and the “Israelis” whose Knesset rejects the principle of a Palestinian state. Then the Americans tell you that the solution is two states and a Palestinian state.
This is hypocrisy and wasting time, deception, misleading. They are doing what they did with the Lebanese state and what we have seen recently.
- Another example of the strange and weird hypocrisy is that the Americans are not satisfied with what Netanyahu is doing and are demanding that he reduce the number of civilians being killed. Have you ever seen a decrease in the number? There are still 100, 150, 200, 80, and 70 martyrs daily and hundreds of wounded daily.
Who are they deceiving? Is America that weak? It can't even prevent him from stopping the war. They can't prevent him from stopping the massacres and the killing of children and women. ‘We told him [Netanyahu], and we hoped. When he met with Harris, we told him and spoke to him.’ This is empty talk.
On top of all that, now they have begun to provide them with tons of missiles, half a ton, which they said they withheld from the “Israelis” to pressure them. This is also a form of American hypocrisy. Now, in light of the talk about a response from Iran, Hezbollah, Yemen, or the entire axis, who is now mobilized to defend “Israel, which is committing massacres in the West Bank and Gaza, attacking southern Lebanon and killing civilians, attacked Dahiyeh and Tehran? Who is now flexing their muscles to protect “Israel”?
America, the US War Department, the US fleets. The commander of the US Central Command in the region is currently in the entity to coordinate steps to defend “Israel”. The messages they are sending are public and not secret – we will defend “Israel”, etc.
“Israel” is an aggressor, and “Israel” is the one who started the killing. “Israel” escalated. I will return to this in the last part [of the speech]. All of this is evidence of American hypocrisy.
By the way, this is one of the signs that call for optimism. This is evidence that “Israel” is no longer as strong as before. I do not want to say weak, which is inaccurate. It is no longer as strong as before. Its prestige is no longer as it was; its strength, its ability, and its defense capabilities are no longer as they were. The evidence is Iran’s Operation True Promise. Who defended the entity?
The Americans, the French, the British, the “Israelis”, and some Arab countries. Twice or three times, Biden held it over their head and told them if it weren’t for us, Iran would have wiped you out. Now, “Israel” is scared of the Iranian response, Hezbollah’s response, or the response of the axis of resistance. Even though it says that it is the strongest army in the region, it is seeking the help and assistance of the Americans, the Europeans, as well as the Western and the Arab regimes. Of course, everyone is helping it.
The proof is that today it is scared of the response of the Axis of Resistance and is seeking U.S. and Western help.
This is evidence of the decline of power, the decline of prestige, the decline of deterrence, the decline of “Israeli” capabilities, and this is a very important point. This is a very important strategic point. At a time when we all remember that in 1967 the “Israeli” army alone faced the strongest Arab armies, in 1973 it alone faced the strongest Arab armies. Today, there is only the axis of resistance. Yet, it is seeking the help of America and Western countries to protect it because it is unable to protect itself.
Do you want another indicator?
Today, in the north of occupied Palestine, the “Israeli” radars, “Israel’s” Iron Dome, David’s Sling, American, “Israeli” and Western satellites are at the peak of their alert. How far did the drones of the resistance reach today? To the east of the city of Acre. At this peak of great alert, as soon as the drones appear in the sky of southern Lebanon, they shoot them down. This is at the peak of alert. In any case, all this is American hypocrisy.
Let us conclude the first point. Hence, the region today is facing real dangers. Everyone must understand the dimensions of the current battle and its dangers to Palestine. If this (“Israeli”) government wins the battle in Gaza and the West Bank, there will be no Palestine, no Palestinian people, no Palestinian refugees. This means more settlements, no holy sites, not even the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which Muslims say is our first Qibla.
The Al-Aqsa Mosque will be in grave danger. This experience showed the “Israelis” that even though they slaughtered the Palestinians, starved them, launched a war in the region, killed, assassinated, and oppressed, most of the Arab and Islamic countries as well as the international community remained silent, and two billion Muslims showed no concern for the Al-Aqsa Mosque. So, we put an explosive device in it and bring it down to the ground.
I have clarity regarding this matter. God forbid the resistance was defeated in Gaza – it will not be defeated. Hypothetically, like when the brothers in Al-Manar prepared a documentary about the July War, if Hezbollah and the resistance in Lebanon were defeated, what would have been the situation in the region in 2006? Do you remember the new Middle East called for by the US Secretary of State?
There will be no Islamic and Christian holy sites, no more Al-Aqsa Mosque or the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. These will be a thing of the past.
In any case, there will be threats to Palestine and Lebanon, its security, water, oil, gas, and sovereignty. There will be threats to Jordan and primarily on the current Jordanian regime because the real project of Netanyahu, Ben-Gvir, and Smotrich is to find an alternative homeland. This means that a Hashemite Arab kingdom or the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan will become a thing of the past.
We are talking about the current threats, not the threats in the coming decades. There will be threats to Syria. They annexed the Golan Heights. There will no longer be any hope or horizon for restoring the Golan, even inside Syria.
“Israel”, which will reign over the region, will resume work on the project of the one who rules Syria being its friend, one of its tools, and one of its agents. We saw this with some of the Syrian secular opposition. The Islamists said no, we were not like this. The difference is you being an agent for “Israel” or an agent for the Americans. It makes a little difference!
There are even threats to Egypt and all the countries of the region. “Israel” will move to a very dangerous stage after it crossed all the red lines and broke the law in front of the entire world. Now, we are hearing about Deir Yassin. Where is Deir Yassin?
The massacres of that time, the 1984 and 1967 massacres, were committed in front of the whole world. “Israel” did what it did, and the world remained silent, except for this group of honorable mujahideen and resistance fighters in the axis of resistance and some countries and some peoples who interacted and moved.
Therefore, this is a grave danger that is not faced with fear. Now, let's move on to confrontation.
It is not faced with fear, and it is not faced with burying one's head in the sand. It is not faced with saying let's see how we can get through this stage. It is not faced with bowing to the storm because it will not only uproot heads but also feet and roots. This is because it is fighting without rules, without controls, and without red lines.
The first responsibility is confrontation and resistance and not submitting, fearing, and hesitating. Everything we’ve talked about in the past ten months is a human, moral, religious, legal, national, and patriotic duty. Worldly and otherworldly interests require every free and honorable Muslim and Christian in this region, at the very least, to stand up, confront, and set a goal.
I am not saying the goal of this battle is to eradicate “Israel” from existence now; the goal of this battle is to prevent “Israel” from winning, from eliminating the Palestinian resistance, from eliminating the threatened Palestinian cause.
This should be the goal. If “Israel” succeeds in this goal, the entire region, as I mentioned a moment ago, will be in danger. First is the duty. Someone might say, Sayyed, we get it. It is a humanitarian, religious, and legitimate duty. However, this is not enough. The second should be the horizon. Yes, this confrontation has a horizon – a great victory, a historic victory that should not be covered up. Let me tell you something. There is no debate that “Israel’s” assassinations of martyred leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran and our martyred leader Sayyed Fouad Shokor in Dahiyeh are “Israeli” achievements.
Some might say this is a failure. No, this is not a failure; this is an achievement, but it is not an absolute victory. This is not a victory in the entire war; this is not even a victory in the daily battle. They kill and are killed; this is the nature of the battle.
These two achievements should not throw dust in people’s eyes as Netanyahu wants. Of course, in “Israel” the dust of the issue has ended. They have woken up now. We will talk about the issue in a little while in the last part.
But it should not throw dust in people’s eyes as if “Israel” is powerful and victorious and has begun to break the axis and win the war.
Slow down a little. Some Arab satellite channels and some Lebanese ones promoted what the “Israelis” did not say. “Israeli” leaders said that it is true that this is an achievement, but it does not change the course of the war, nor does it decide the outcome of the battle, nor does it get us out of the circle of threat and danger.
Some Arab satellite channels celebrated the “Israeli” victory because they wanted “Israel” to win from the start. If we go back to the nature of the ongoing battle, we find that “Israel” is in a difficult situation. Even after the killing and assassination of martyr Ismail Haniyeh and martyr Fouad Shokor, they say that their situation is difficult and has become even more difficult. We will talk about this in the end.
Nothing has changed. The prisoners have not returned, and the resistance in Gaza has not been eliminated. On the contrary, its operations and the number of dead among the enemy soldiers and the wounded in the elite forces are increasing. The operations in the West Bank have escalated. The reverse migration is increasing.
The exhausted and tired army is becoming more exhausted and worn out. The screaming in the north is getting louder. There are financial and economic losses. The stock market in Tel Aviv has declined and is still declining.
Hence, there are financial, economic, moral, and psychological losses. There is social and political rupture. In terms of the human losses in the “Israeli” army, there are dead, wounded, and psychologically disabled soldiers. Nothing we’ve talked about in the past 10 months has changed. The martyrdom of the two martyrs Haniyeh and Shokor did not change anything.
On the contrary, the scene is still the same, and the “Israelis” are aware of that. All the strategic and tactical losses still exist. Therefore, there is a horizon in this battle. Today, even after the martyrdom or assassination of the two martyrs Haniyeh and Shokor, many in the enemy entity are telling Netanyahu: “Where are you taking us? You are rushing us to ruin and to the unknown.”
These are big and dangerous steps that have unknown repercussions for them at the very least because there is uncertainty. So, we are fighting a battle with a horizon. We are not banging our heads against the wall; we are fighting a battle with a horizon.
We are in the same situation as Sayyed Mohsen and his young brothers and comrades were in 1982. It was clear to them that they were fighting a battle with a horizon, when some thought that Lebanon had entered the “Israeli” era and would never leave it. The nature of that battle lasted until the year 2000. It did not last long. In 1985, the “Israelis” withdrew from Beirut, Dahiyeh, the mountain, Sidon, Tyre, Nabatiyeh, and a large part of the western Bekaa and Rashaya. The only thing we had left was the border strip in 2000.
This battle has a horizon. The opportunities in it, its capabilities, capacities, as well as the strengths and weaknesses on the resistance front and on the enemy front are clear and obvious. Therefore, we are fighting a battle with a horizon.
Based on all of the above, from a position of partnership in blood, jihad, resistance, destiny, future, pain, and joy, we call on the resistance in Gaza and the West Bank, the resistance fighters and honorable men and women, whose legendary historical steadfastness we highly appreciate, which has become an example, to be more patient and steadfast.
We call on the support fronts in Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq, despite the sacrifices, the martyrs in Hodeida, and the martyrs a few days ago in Jurf al-Sakhr, to continue working as we continued together during the past months.
We once again call on the Arab and Islamic countries to wake up and reconsider their position, performance, and behavior in the face of the dangers that threaten the region. Of course, Iran and Syria showed their steadfast and firm position.
Iran was obligated to fight after the bombing of the Iranian consulate. And now it finds itself obliged to fight after the assassination of the martyr Haniyeh in Tehran.
But based on the nature of the battle and the perception of the resistance axis and the resistance front in fighting, Iran is not required to enter into a permanent fight. Since some are mentioning Syria, I add that Syria is not required to enter into the fight due to its internal circumstances. I mentioned this more than once. Its armed forces are still deployed on a line hundreds of kilometers inside Syria in the face of the other project that still has its eye on Damascus.
What is required of Syria and Iran in this battle is what we in the resistance movements have requested – moral, political, material, and military support and facilities. Despite all the pressures and threats that these two countries are exposed to, they remained steadfast and firm and have not changed their position.
We, in Lebanon, also realize these dangers. Today, as we commemorate our great martyr leader, who had penetrating insight, I call on the Lebanese people to understand the magnitude of the current challenges, seeing as the fate of the entire region is being decided. There are still people who do not get what is happening. They are still after details and sensitive Lebanese partisan and sectarian conflicts.
Some in Lebanon say that they are afraid if the resistance wins. I tell them they should be afraid if “Israel” wins, not if the resistance wins. The resistance won in 2000 and did not pose a threat to anyone. At that time, it was asked: To whom will the resistance dedicate its victory? It dedicated it to all the Lebanese. In 2006, it was also said, ‘God knows what will happen if the resistance wins.’
Today, the same thing applies. We said that we are not going to use any victory of the resistance over the Zionist entity in politics in the country. This is old talk, and there is no need to explain it again. Do not be afraid of the victory of the resistance; you must be afraid of the victory of the enemy. You must understand the magnitude of the dangers of what is happening in the region.
Therefore, whoever supports, let him support. Whoever does not support, we do not tell them to support us, back us, fight with us, and defend us. Rather, we tell them: At the very least, do not stab the resistance in the back; do not participate in the psychological warfare that the enemy is waging against the resistance community in Lebanon and against the resistance environment in Lebanon, as some Arab and Lebanese satellite channels are doing now.
Let me give you an example. A few days ago, calls were made. What's happening? There is a decision by Hezbollah to evacuate Dahiyeh. This is a lie, slander, deception, and terrorism. Whoever does this kind of thing is engaging in terrorism, like some idiots who tell you in the end that they were joking. In the south, someone calls a house or building and tells the residents, “I am so-and-so, the house must be evacuated because it will be bombed by ‘Israel’.” This created a state of terror. Do you know this? If I were the judiciary and I am not the judiciary, this is causing corruption on earth. Whoever does such a thing is causing corruption on earth. Corruption on earth is not someone carrying weapons and scaring people with them.
Today, the media is a weapon more terrifying and frightening than holding a gun in people's faces. There are many people who are not afraid even if you hold a gun in their faces. But with these practices, they become afraid.
Some Arab satellite channels say that Hezbollah evacuated the Shura Square in Haret Hreik, and the news spreads like wildfire. But there is nothing in reality. This is an example, and there are many more. I will not want to talk about all the examples.
Let me give you another example. “Israel” assassinated martyr Haniyeh in Tehran. Some Arab satellite channels said that it was an explosive device and was inside the guest house, and that dozens of Iranian officers and generals from the IRGC and the Ministry of Security have been arrested. All of these are lies and falsehoods. But this news spreads because it is dissiminated by powerful media outlets, and social media sites take the news from them and spreads it.
I call on you not to stab the resistance in the back and do not be partners in the psychological warfare. You don't have to support it; it doesn't even need your support, but just have a bit of humanity, decency, and patriotism and keep quiet. This is our call. In the last part, I will talk about where we are now.
After the assassination of the martyr leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, Iran finds itself obliged to respond, and the enemy is waiting with great fear and confusion.
So if you see in the media, and this is one of the means of intimidation that happened, that the Americans toured the region and made contacts and said something terrible was going to happen in the past 48 hours.
The Americans thought that Iran would respond at dawn Monday, but this turned out to be untrue. The brothers in Iran made the decision at dawn on Monday, and we did not decide at dawn on Monday.
If there is something real, a leak, or knowledge, we say. But there was nothing. There was no intention to respond at dawn on Monday, but they considered that even Trump in his speech (I don’t know where he said it) that he has information that at dawn on Monday or at night the entity will face a response.
After the assassination of the martyred leader Sayyed Fouad, Hezbollah also finds itself obliged to respond. Iran will respond, and Hezbollah will respond, and the enemy is waiting and watching. It thinks that every attack on it is the response, just like what is happening in the past days.
After the bombing of Hodeidah, Yemen fimds itself obliged to respond and will respond. What is important here on these three fronts is that there is determination, resolution, and resolve.
Second, I assure you that the ability also exists. Third, as I mentioned at the funeral, acting calmly, slowly, and also with courage, not with emotion. They attacked us, so let us attack them. Let us take it slowly.
We used to say that the “Israelis” are standing on a leg and a half. I read two days ago that they are on a leg and a quarter, meaning they raised the leg a little. Basically, the Israeli wait for the response is part of the response and the punishment. It is part of the battle because the battle is psychological, moral, and military. The waiting is part of the punishment.
In the past, the enemy stood on a leg and a half at the border with Lebanon. Do you remember? In other words, they are 2 km, 3 km, 5 km away from the border. It happens that from Hezbollah’s side, the threat is different. At the same time, martyr Haniyeh was assassinated in Tehran. And if Yemen to respond, it would not attack the north, but the center or the south of occupied Palestine.
That is why, today, all of “Israel”, this may be the first time, all of “Israel” is standing on a leg and a half from the south to the north, to the center. Its government, army, society, settlements, and settlers are waiting, and as if they are saying, “get it over with!”
Let’s joke a little, even though it is the memory of a martyr, a leader, a beloved, and a dear one, and if he were here now, he would’ve been joking like me. You know, in the axis, we joke with the Iranians and tell them you kill with cotton. Now, the Iranians are killing with cotton, and the axis has also begun to kill with cotton like them. Therefore, the “Israelis” today are saying, “Come on, get it over with!For God’s sake, get it over with!”
This state of waiting today is part of the battle and leaves extensive and dangerous shadows over the entity. If we only talk about the north, there is the evacuation of the bases. For example, the two-thirds of the Ramat David Airbase, which Sayyed Fouad made the Hoopoe video, has been evacuated. Ramat David is the main airport in the north after Haifa. Many factories and everything that has explosive incendiary materials are being evacuated. The situation in the entire north to a depth of 40 and 50 kilometers is tense psychologically, morally, economically, and practically.
Today, when the drones went towards Acre, the whole north became tense. They break our sound barrier. Sayyed Fouad, may God have mercy on him, told me, “I have an idea. Let us us break their sound barrier.” Of course, he had an idea, but I will not say it now. Let’s leave it for another day. I used to say to him, ‘Delay it, Sayyed. We are already breaking “Israel’s” most important sound barrier when we launch a drone or a missile, and the sirens go off in all the settlements.’
And you know, these people are cowards and are afraid; they have no morale, and they collapse. We know what happens to them. This is the most important sound barrier that we are breaking with respect to the “Israelis”.
In any case, two days ago, I read a study by a Lebanese economist saying that in the north alone there are chemical factories worth $31 billion. There are tech factories. You know that “Israel” is one of the most developed countries in the world in the tech industry. The tech factories are worth $76 billion, power plants are worth $9 billion, and food factories are worth $12 billion. Food for all of Palestine comes from the north. It took 34 years to build them. All of this can be destroyed in one hour or half an hour. If we add them up, the sum of what he counted would be $130 billion. This is just in the north, and we are not talking about what is beyond the north.
In any case, there is no doubt that this wait is a stressful wait. The Tel Aviv Stock Exchange has been in a state of decline for a week and is still in decline. The measures taken are known and significant. Today, all these delegations are putting pressure on Lebanon and Iran. There are communications. There is no doubt that everyone is under pressure today.
When we talk about the situation in the region, everyone is, of course, watching and waiting, and there are many people who are worried, and this is normal and understandable. But I want to say something new.
For past 75 years, we were the ones who were being displaced. From 1948, the southerners were being displaced. From 1948 and in all the wars that happened later, in the seventies, in 1978, in 1982, and even in 2006, they were not displaced. They stayed in their settlements in the north.
We were always the ones that were displaced, and they stayed in their settlements. Our houses were demolished, but their houses remained intact. Our factories were destroyed, but their factories stayed.
Many people were martyred and wounded, but none of them were killed. They didn’t even get scratched; nothing happened to them except a little.
Foreign nationals would leave our country but remained in the entity. Beirut airport would stop working, but Ben Gurion Airport would not. Foreign airlines would stop coming to Beirut but not to Tel Aviv. Our economy would be harmed, but their economy would not, even though their economy is huge and if it is harmed it would show, and you know Lebanon’s economy.
All this has changed today; all this has changed today, and you are watching. Airlines stop coming to Beirut and Tel Aviv. Foreign natiionals leave Lebanon and the entity. The southerners in border villages are displaced, and 270,000 settlers in northern Palestine are displaced. Our homes are being demolished, their homes are being demolished; our factories are being burned, their factories are being burned. Our people get scared, their people get scared. This is thanks to what?
They have to take everything into account. The “Israelis” strike Dahiyeh and sends a message to the American that I have stopped. What do they mean they have stopped? They said they have stopped, why? Because war has its calculations.
Do n ot allow anyone to intimidate you, brothers and sisters, with war. I do not deny it, but I tell you that the enemy’s calculation for going to an all-out war is difficult and complicated. It is not an easy decision. Things are not that simple, and when it wants to go to war, it will not need an excuse. What we did today, yesterday, and the day before yesterday, and what we have been doing for the past 10 months, if Netanyahu’s project was to go to war with Lebanon, he would have gone to war with Lebanon. He does not need an excuse. Take the Majdal Shams issue, for example. What happened today?
I took a lot of your time. It's all right. The situation and the circumstances need clarification. According to the media, our drones reached the east of Acre, and the target was a base for the Golani command, the Golani Brigade. One of the interceptor missiles was launched to intercept one of the drones in the sky of Nahariya. Of course, it failed to intercept it, so where did the missile fall?
It fell in the heart of Nahariya. You saw this on TV. On the highway, there were cars in front of it and behind it. Until now, the enemy's media is talking about 19 injuries in Nahariya. At first, what did they say? They said that these casualties and attack – in their words – on Nahariya were by a Hezbollah drone.
But a little while ago, the “Israeli” army spokesperson admitted that it was an Iron Dome missile that failed to intercept the drone. Before the spokesman came out, the mayor of Nahariya was calling for war because Hezbollah struck Nahariya.
Of course, here I want to take advantage of this incident to say that the enemy army is obligated to clarify in Nahariya because if it turns out that Hezbollah is the one that struck Nahariya and struck civilians and the city center, it is obliged to reac, and that will bring the region to war. Also, these are “Israelis”. There is no sedition project here.
While in Majdal Shams, no one dares to tell the truth to our Syrian Arab people, the honorable and noble Druze monotheistic sect, because there is deception and a sedition project there. There is a search for an excuse.
In any case, today the delegations come, put pressure, and talk. Some of these delegations are from impudent parties. They did not condemn or denounce the attack on Dahiyeh and the killing of civilians, including women and children.
If you do not want to condemn the killing of Sayyed Mohsen and consider him a terrorist, that's fine. But what about the women and children?
They did not denounce or condemn the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, the martyred leader, in the heart of Tehran, which is an attack on Iran, which is recognized as a sovereign state. They do not condemn or denounce, but when we are killed, they talk to us about self-control and calm and tell us to pay attention to the region, etc. You did not denounce or condemn or do anything with Netanyahu who is killing Palestinian women and children and committing massacres every day before your eyes and ears.
This is not logical and not normal at all. You come and tell us to be patient and to endure, etc. What are the Americans saying now? They are asking Iran, Lebanon, and everyone to be patient with them and give them time. ‘We are working to stop the war in Gaza. Isn't your goal to stop the war in Gaza?’
Yes, our goal is to stop the war in Gaza. We’ve paid all this heavy price. Yes, costly! These martyrs are the most precious people to us. They are the most precious people, the leaders, the martyrs, the men and women. These are the most precious people.
Yes, the goal is to stop the aggression on Gaza and the war on the Palestinian people. But can we trust the Americans?
It’s been 10 months of deception, hypocrisy, and lies to the entire international community, the peoples of the world, and the countries of the world. They say they we want to stop the war, while they continue providing the “Israelis” with weapons, money, shells, missiles, and billions of dollars, and they send them fleets and destroyers.
Therefore, brothers and sisters, our response is coming, God willing. This is first. It will be alone or with the axis. These hypotheses exist. We can all respond at the same time, or it may be in the interest of the axis that each one of us responds when we want, the way we want, and choose the target we want. We will either respond alone or within the framework of a comprehensive response for the entire axis.
This is a great battle. Precious and dear blood was spilled. It was a dangerous targeting. Regardless of the consequences, the resistance cannot let it [the assassination] go unpunished.
Therefore, as I said at the funeral, today I did not give an enthusiastic speech to motivate you and make you chant and say slogans, no. We speak with logic, reason, and responsibility. We want to build a future together. With all our patience, endurance, and trust in God, with the blood of our martyrs, with the burdens placed on our country, on our homeland, on our people, on our environment, we must continue.
Brothers and sisters, there are some people in Lebanon who bear responsibilities. 10 months ago, we set a limit and a ceiling, although you know that there are many in the world and even from our Palestinian brothers demanding from us to raise the ceiling, expand more, and escalate more.
However, we were always looking after what was between the support front and the situation in the country. In the past 10 months, there has been a front, martyrs, and funerals of martyrs. The other part of Lebanon was seeing festivals, entertainment and people living their lives and dining in restaurants. The hotels are full, and the airport is receiving expatriates and tourists.
We were managing the battle in this way, of course, by coordinating with state officials regarding the internal issue.
We did escalate, even when our dear leaders were killed. When the “Israelis” killed martyr Abu Talib, we engaged in limited escalation. When they killed martyr Abu Nimah, we engaged in limited escalation. Even when they killed civilians, we targeted soldiers and did not kill civilians.
But no one in Lebanon that saw the aggression on Dahiyeh with the same eye see the issue with a different eye. The “Israelis” are the ones who chose this escalation with Lebanon. Iran did not open a front. Iran supports us politically, financially, militarily, and with weapons, but it did not open a front of fire. The “Israelis” attacked so that Iran opens a front.
Hence, in Lebanon, we are very keen on our people and on the infrastructure. We do not want many people to be affected. That is why we bear this burden directly, especially our immediate environment. However, no one in Lebanon or outside Lebanon should ask us to treat Tuesday’s aggression as being normal in context with the current 10-month-long battle.
Therefore, our response is coming, God willing, and it will be strong and effective. There are still days and nights between us and them, and we are waiting for the battlefield.
For the soul of our martyred leader, for all the martyred leaders, for all the martyrs, our pledge and promise is to continue on the path to preserve your trust and your blood and to achieve your goals.
May peace and God’s mercy and blessings be upon you all. Until we meet again.