Sayyed Nasrallah’s Full Speech on the Conclusion of Ashura March

By Al-Ahed News, Hezbollah Media Relations
The Speech of Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah at the conclusion of the great Ashura march organized by the party in the southern suburbs of Beirut on July 17, 2024
I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan. In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon our Master and Prophet, the Seal of Prophets, Abi al-Qassem Muhammad Bin Abdullah, and his good and pure household and his good and chosen companions and all the prophets and messengers.
Peace be upon you, O my master and my chief, O Abu Abdullah, and upon the souls that gathered in your courtyard. Peace of Allah be upon you from me forever as long as I am existent and as long as there are day and night.
May Allah not cause this (visit) to be the last of my visit to you (all). Peace be upon Al-Hussein [Imam Hussein (AS)], upon Ali ibn Al-Hussein [AS], upon the sons of Al-Hussein [AS], and upon the companions of Al-Hussein [AS].
May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you all.
At the beginning of this speech, we offer our condolences to the Greatest Messenger of Allah, Muhammad, may Allah bless him and his household. Let us recite excerpts of the Ziyarah: Peace be upon you, O Allah’s Messenger. Peace and Allah's mercy and blessings be upon you. May Allah console you satisfactorily regarding your son Al-Hussein [AS], peace be upon him. Peace be upon you, O Abu al-Hassan, the Commander of the Faithful. Peace and Allah's mercy and blessings be upon you. May Allah console you satisfactorily regarding your son Al-Hussein [AS], peace be upon him.
Peace be upon you, O Fatima, O daughter of the Messenger of the Lord of the Worlds. Peace and Allah's mercy and blessings be upon you. May Allah console you satisfactorily regarding your son Al-Hussein [AS], peace be upon him. Peace be upon you, O Abu Muhammad al-Hassan. Peace and Allah's mercy and blessings be upon you. May Allah console you satisfactorily regarding your brother Al-Hussein [AS].
Peace be upon the souls of the believing men and women, both the alive and the dead. Peace and Allah's mercy and blessings be upon them. May Allah console them satisfactorily regarding their chief Al-Hussein [AS].
We add: Peace be upon, O master and lord, O Patron of Age. Peace and Allah's mercy and blessings be upon you. May Allah console you satisfactorily regarding your grandfather Al-Hussein [AS],
Brothers and sisters gathered here and in all the places watching this speech, I address you with peace. Peace be upon your martyrs and the families of your martyrs. You have been offering martyrs and making sacrifices for ten months.
Peace be upon your martyrs and the families of your martyrs. Peace be upon your wounded and the families of your wounded. Peace be upon those who are steadfast in the towns in the south and on its front lines. Peace be upon those displaced from their homes, the patient and the steadfast. Peace be upon the Mujahideen and the steadfast resistance fighters and their families waiting for them. Peace be upon this honorable, nurturing environment. Peace be upon every supporter and backer. Peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you, the most honorable, the purest, and the most generous people.
On the tenth day [of Muharram], the day of sacrifice, redemption and pride, the first thing that eyes, hearts, and minds turn to is Gaza, the people of Gaza, and the resistance fighters of Gaza.
We tell them: Peace be upon Gaza and its patient and steadfast people, the examples of patience and steadfastness in this age. Peace be upon its men, women, and children. Peace be upon its martyrs, wounded, and prisoners. Peace be upon its brave fighters, those with great determination, the heroes, the knights. Peace be upon its [Gaza’s] hunger and thirst. Peace be upon its blood and remains. Peace be upon its demolished homes, and peace also be upon its pride. Peace be upon its heroism and miracles.
Brothers and sisters, on this day, on the martyrdom anniversary of Al-Hussein [AS], the master of martyrs, and the events of Karbala, we recall the positions on which we build our path and our lives.
We learn from Al-Hussein [AS], to refuse injustice and to reject humiliation and the surrender to tyrants, arrogant people, conspirators, and occupiers. To those who want us to recognize this usurping, criminal, murderous, savage, aggressive, occupying, racist entity and normalize relations with it, we tell them what Al-Hussein [AS], said to those who told him to submit to the rule of Yazid and Ubayd Allah bin Ziyad from the heart of the siege – i.e. to submit to the rule of a tyrannical, oppressive, aggressor, sinful, and murderous criminal.
What did Abu Abdullah Al-Hussein [AS], tell them while he was in the heart of the siege, thirsty, and facing death? “I shall not give my hand in yours like the giving of one disgraced, nor shall I flee away like the fleeing of a slave!”
Today, from here, from the Imam Hussein square in the southern suburbs of Beirut [dahiyeh], we say to those who threaten us with death, killing, and war, and want us to surrender, submit, and remain silent in the face of the terrible injustice committed by the Zionist enemy in Palestine, especially Gaza, and southern Lebanon the words of Al-Hussein [AS], on the tenth of Muharram, when they put him between two options, between drawing sword and humiliation.
We tell them his immortal word that will continue to shake the world until the Day of Judgment: “Beware! Now this illegitimate son [Ubaydallah] of the illegitimate father [Ziyad b. Abih] has stationed me between two things: Between unsheathing the sword and bearing humiliation, and we will never accept humiliation!”
To those asking us to stop supporting the oppressed and the assaulted in Gaza, even inside Lebanon, and to those threatening us with war with the enemy, let them see our decision, will, and determination through your faces and fists, repeating the words of Al-Hussein [AS] again. “Beware! Now this illegitimate son [Ubaydallah] of the illegitimate father [Ziyad b. Abih] has stationed me between two things: Between unsheathing the sword and bearing humiliation, and we will never accept humiliation! Verily God, His messenger, the sacred and pure laps [mothers] which have nursed us, and dignified souls, all have refused choosing obedience to the ignoble men over an honorable death.”
Brothers and sisters, the essence of Karbala and Ashura is to stand up for the oppressed and for the rightful owner whose right has been violated. Here, we stand up for Palestine, for the oppressed Gaza Strip, for the West Bank, and for our people who are being attacked in Lebanon for 76 years.
We stand in support of all the peoples of our region who have been attacked and occupied by this usurping entity for 76 years. They faced and still are facing occupation, massacres, aggression, and threats. There are three Arab countries that are still suffering directly from the “Israeli” occupation, aggression, terrorism, killing and assassinations. These are Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria. Meanwhile, the nation of two billion Muslims suffers from humiliation and degradation due to the enemy's crimes and daily massacres against our people in Gaza, its occupation of Al-Quds [“Jerusalem”] and Al-Aqsa Mosque, the first Qiblah of Muslims, without the majority of this nation lifting a finger.
We in Lebanon since October 8, 2023 have entered a different phase and are fighting a different battle. We clearly announced that we have opened the Lebanese support front in the Palestinian Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, which is the battle of the entire nation, in support of the oppressed, besieged, and resistant Palestinian people.
The Yemeni support front and the Iraqi support front were also opened. Alongside us are the two main supporters of the resistance movements since the beginning, the Islamic Republic of Iran and the resistant Syria.
We believe that what the resistance did in Gaza on October 7, 2023 is its full right. Unfortunately, there are those who still denounce what the resistance did and insult it.
In light of the suffering of thousands of Palestinian prisoners and their pain in prisons, torture, and intimidation, in light of the siege of more than two million people in the Gaza Strip for nearly 20 years, in light of the threats to which Al-Aqsa Mosque is exposed, in light of the dangers of creeping settlement with Simoritch, Ben-Gvir and the extremists to the West Bank, and in light of the world’s silence and disregard for the Palestinian cause, the cause of a people half of whom live under occupation and the other half in the diaspora, we find ourselves today completely in harmony in our support front, completely in harmony with our belonging to Al-Hussein [AS], through this battle, in which it is natural for us to make sacrifices, including martyrs, wounded, the displaced, and the destroyed homes.
Brothers and sisters, for the first time in its history, the Zionist entity is experiencing its worst conditions and days, on every level, as its political and military leaders admit.
For the first time, its leaders, elites, and even the public are talking about the destruction of the “Third Temple”. What is meant by “Third Temple” here is this “third entity”, this third state, which came after the “two states and two temples” that were previously destroyed in history.
For the first time, they are talking about collapse, the end, the disappearance, and the 80-year complex that is indicated by many real and realistic evidence.
For the first time, “Israel” appears incapable after 10 months of fighting of achieving its goals. It is covering up its failure by committing heinous massacres against civilians in Gaza, including women and children, and the massive destruction of buildings.
For the first time, “Israel” is suffering in everything, in its army, in its security apparatus, in its government, in its parties, in its society, in its social fabric, in the interior – there are displaced persons and reverse migration abroad – in its security, in its economy, in its self-confidence, in its people's confidence in it, in the world's view of it.
All of this is the result of this fighting and this steadfastness in Gaza, in the West Bank, and in the multiple support fronts.
What I want to add today to what we’ve talked about on previous occasions about the enemy's strategic losses and its human and material losses are some additions based on the enemy's admissions, so that we know what is the benefit of this battle, what the achievements are, and what the results are.
On the Yemeni front, the country and its honorable people were able to prevent ships from crossing the Red Sea to occupied Palestine and impose a siege on the port of “Eilat”. Yesterday, officials in the port of “Eilat” admitted that the port is bankrupt and that it had only received one ship in recent months. The Yemeni resistance raised the price of shipping to the usurping entity. The prices rose between 200% and 300% a few months ago. This has major, dangerous and important repercussions on the entity's economy and on the high prices in it. This is the first addition. All of the entity’s attempts to hide its human and material losses, especially those related to its army, whether in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, or the southern Lebanese front, have also begun to appear successively in the past few days.
We will add two more things. The first is what the Rehabilitation Department in the relevant ministries announced and issued. In other words, this announcement was made by more than one party. It was also made by the former head of the enemy government, [Yair] Lapid. Here, we are not talking about the enemy's media or press sources. This is the head of a large party and a large bloc in the Knesset.
He based what he announced on official statistics. He is not talking about the total number of wounded. No, he is talking about those who were wounded and were permanently out of service. The “Israelis” used to say before that the number was 2000, 3000, 1500, and 1700. As for the number of those who were injured, many of whom may not have been out of service, is in the thousands.
Official recognition of those who were completely out of service is 9254 individuals and officers, including 3000 amputated limbs [a hand, a leg or both], 650 paralyzed in wheelchairs, 185 completely blind, several thousand with severe and dangerous psychological shocks.
This confirms the accuracy of what was reported by some “Israeli” media outlets in the first months, commenting on the official announcements of the army and its official spokesperson, known as a liar in “Israel”, when they said that the numbers were 3 times and 4 times. Today, this is officially revealed to the public. Of course, some Arab satellite channels will not talk about these numbers.
The second addition is that the “Israeli” army admitted for the first time that just as it suffers from a shortage of fighters and leaders who were injured or killed in battles, it also suffers from a shortage of tanks due to their damage on the battlefronts in the Gaza Strip and the north.
The “Israelis” said this shortage is in the Gaza Strip and the north, but some Arab satellite channels said this is in the Gaza Strip and omitted the north.
This shortage is in the Gaza Strip and the north. These tanks are being taken out of service and cannot be used in the field again or even in training. This is in addition to the shortage in ammunition. The number of tanks currently available is not sufficient for the current war effort [and they want to wage a war on Lebanon!] in Gaza and on the northern front. It is not sufficient for training, and what is currently available does not meet the needs of the war.
Let me comment on this. If your tanks come to Lebanon and southern Lebanon, you will not suffer from a shortage of tanks because you will have no tanks left.
In the current situation, we call for and emphasize the following:
First, America bears full responsibility for the crimes and massacres committed by the “Israeli” enemy through full political, moral, material, and military support and through supplying the enemy with weapons, bombs, missiles, and tons of explosives.
Second, we call for the solidarity of the nation and the free and honorable people of the world with Gaza, the people of Gaza, and the resistance in Gaza. Whoever has not done anything so far can make up for it because the battle is still ongoing.
Third, we call on the Palestinian people not to listen to those ugly voices that are trying to stab the resistance in the back and to hold the resistance responsible for this battle. The resistance was left with no choice after the Palestinian people have tried all the options. The Palestinian people are required with all their movements and resistance factions and with all their political and popular parties and forces to unite today in the battle of resistance that is shaping the fate of Palestine, rather the fate of the entire region and the fate of the nation.
Fourth, the support fronts will continue their jihad, fighting, and work. This is what our brothers in Yemen and our brothers in the Islamic Resistance in Iraq always declare.
Fifth, on the Lebanese front:
A - Our front will not stop as long as the aggression against the Gaza Strip, its people, and its resistance continues in its various forms. The threat of war has not frightened us for ten months when “Israel” was at the height of its power, as they say, when “Israel” did not suffer from a shortage of leaders, soldiers, tanks, or ammunition.
For ten months, we were threatened with war, but we did not hesitate, did not retreat, and did not stop. Today, on the tenth day, we reiterate and confirm that our support front will continue as long as the aggression against Gaza continues, and we will not stop at all.
B - The enemy has persisted in targeting civilians in the past few days. In the past few days, there have been two civilian martyrs; two civilian martyrs in Kfar Kila, three martyrs, a brother and his two sisters, in Bint Jbeil, two civilian martyrs [Syrian nationals] between Arnoun and Kfar Tibnit, and three children martyrs in Umm al-Tut, a village near the border. The resistance responded to this persistence last night with dozens of rockets, approximately 120 rockets. It targeted “Kiryat Shmona” and many settlements [six or seven] at night. Today, I want to tell the enemy that persistence in targeting civilians will push the resistance to launch rockets and target new settlements that were not targeted before.
C - In the event that the aggression stops, and the negotiating delegations come to negotiate the future of the south:
First, the party negotiating on behalf of Lebanon is the Lebanese state, and we informed everyone who contacted us that the party concerned with negotiating and providing answers is the Lebanese state.
Second, everything that is being circulated about an agreement being ready to be placed on the southern border is incorrect. No agreement has been reached yet. There are drafts, ideas, and proposals. This is left to time.
Third, the future of the situation in the south will be decided in light of the results of this battle, in which the resistance fronts will be victorious, God willing.
Fifth, regardless of the support the Lebanese state will provide to our people in the southern villages, especially in the border villages, we assure our people, whose homes have been completely or partially destroyed, that we will work with you hand in hand and shoulder to shoulder. With all clarity, we promise you this, as we did previously. We will rebuild our homes and houses; we will build our border villages as they were and more beautiful than they were because all of our border villages, including their people, their men, their women, their children, their walls, their courtyards, their squares, their ponds, and everything in them are a symbol of our honor, dignity, resistance, and steadfastness.
On our Lebanese front, we must repeat and salute this honorable, patient, faithful, aware, insightful, and determined environment that the resistance relies on. Your presence today, this large presence here and in the rest of the regions and throughout the past nights and days is nothing but a clear expression of this faith, this commitment, this awareness, this determination, this patience, and this readiness to continue on the path, regardless of the discouragement and despair that others are spreading. This is because we trust in God, in His promise, and in His victory for the believers, the mujahideen, and the resistance fighters.
Today, we join our voice to the voice of our brothers in Yemen and Iran yesterday, today in Lebanon, Iraq, and Syria and all the rest of the countries, we join our voice to confirm our continuation on this front. From here in Dahiyeh, we renew our allegiance to Al-Hussein [AS], to the grandson of Al-Husayn, the Patron of the Age, peace be upon him, to his deputy, Imam Khamenei, to the line of Imam Khomeini, to the line and approach of Imam Musa al-Sadr, to our martyred leaders, including Sayyed Abbas, Sheikh Ragheb, Hajj Imad, Hajj Qassem, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis and all the martyred leaders in our fields and squares.
We tell them and tell Al-Hussein [AS] [and with everything that Al-Hussein [AS] represents in terms of cause, position, support for the truth, defense of the oppressed, rejection of falsehood, refusal of oppression, rejection of humiliation] today at the conclusion of our Ashura march, we will not leave you, O Hussein. We have never left you, O Hussein!
You know, and the whole world knows that our proof is our martyrs, fathers, mothers, wives, and children of our martyrs. Our proof is the wounds of our wounded, our destroyed homes, our patient people, our brave, heroic, valiant fighters at the borders.
We say to you, O Abu Abdullah, in everything you represent today, O Abu Abdullah, By Allah! If we knew that we would be killed and then be burnt alive and then scattered and then be revived and killed and then be burnt alive and then scattered and then be revived, and that would be done to us a thousand times, we would [still] not leave you, O Hussein!
To Hussein, who is present today on all fronts of the struggle between truth and falsehood, his values, his position, the religion of his grandfather, the nation of his grandfather in Gaza, in the West Bank, in Palestine, in Yemen, in Iraq, in Lebanon, on the front of southern Lebanon, on all fronts, in all squares, and in all fields, we tell him: We would not leave you, O Hussein!
To Hussein, who called out on the tenth day of Muharram in the year 61 AH and called upon those in the loins of men and in the wombs of women to support Islam, the oppressed, the nation, the weak, and the tortured and whose words “Is there anyone to support me? Is there anyone to help me?” echo in the hearts, minds, and souls until the Day of Resurrection, we tell him: Always and forever, we are at your service, O Hussein!
Peace be upon you, O my master and my chief, O Abu Abdullah, and upon the souls that gathered in your courtyard. Peace of Allah be upon you from me forever as long as I am existent and as long as there are day and night.
May Allah not cause this [visit] to be the last of my visit to you [all]. Peace be upon Al-Hussein [AS] [Imam Hussein (AS)], upon Ali ibn Al-Hussein [AS], upon the sons of Al-Hussein [AS], and upon the companions of Al-Hussein [AS].
May Allah reward you greatly, thank you for your efforts, accept your efforts, and illuminate your faces in this world and in the Hereafter, God willing. May Allah gather you with the grandfather of Al-Hussein [AS], the father of Al-Hussein [AS], the mother of Al-Hussein [AS], and the family of Al-Hussein [AS]. May the prayers and peace of Allah be upon them all.
May Allah’s peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you.