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Ramadan 2025


Sayyed Nasrallah’s Full Speech During Memorial of Hajj Abu Taleb

Sayyed Nasrallah’s Full Speech During Memorial of Hajj Abu Taleb
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Translated by Al-Ahed News, Hezbollah Media Relations

The full speech of Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah at a memorial for Hajj Taleb Sami Abdallah [Hajj Abu Taleb] on 19-6-2024.

I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan. In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon our Master and Prophet, the Seal of Prophets, Abi al-Qassem Muhammad Bin Abdullah, and his good and pure household and his good and chosen companions and all the prophets and messengers.

Peace, mercy, and blessings of God be upon you all.

First of all, I welcome the honorable attendees in Aadchit, Tebnine, and here in the southern suburbs of Beirut [Dahiyeh], in the Imam al-Mujtaba complex.

We start by congratulating and extending our condolences to the families of the martyrs that we’ve lost. It is only appropriate that we mention their names as I deliver this speech. The martyrs are Hassan Al-Mujtaba Youssef Ahmad from the town of Rchaf, Hassan Mohammad Ali Saab from Yaroun, Jihad Ahmad Hayek from Aadchit, and Wehbi Mohammad Ibrahim from Kfarkela. We ask God Almighty to accept them all as martyrs.

To their honorable families and the families of those martyred in the past few days and weeks, we extend our condolences and congratulate them.

We are gathered here today for the memorial of martyred leader and brother Hajj Taleb Sami Abdallah [Hajj Abu Taleb] and his comrades who were martyred with him during the recent aggression against the town of Jouaiya.

First, we must thank all those who telegraphed, issued statements, or called from Lebanon, the Palestinian factions, from Yemen, Iraq, Iran, Syria and many places. We thank them for their sympathy and consolation.

On behalf of all of them, I address the family members of martyred leader Hajj Abu Taleb, one by one. I congratulate them on the martyrdom of this loved one and console them on his loss.

As we always say, we congratulate them for their loved ones obtaining the divine medal and console them for the loss of those loved one. We also express our condolences to the families of the brothers who were martyred with him in this attack, including martyr Mohammad Hussein Sabra [Baqer], martyr Hussein Qassim Hamid [Sajed], and martyr Ali Salim Soufan [Kumail].

These brothers are from Hajj Abu Taleb’s team and were always with him. Therefore, it was only logical that they share in the martyrdom of their leader and brother Hajj Abu Taleb.

By the way, we are talking about families who have already given martyrs. The family of martyred Hajj Abu Taleb had already given a martyr, martyr Mahmoud Abdallah. Mahmoud Sami Abdallah was martyred in 1989 in the Iqlim Al-Tuffah during an “Israeli” aggression.

Martyred brother Hussein Qassim Hamid was the brother of two martyrs who were martyred in the July 2006 war, namely martyr Ahmad Qassim Hamid and martyr Hassan Qassim Hamid.

But the general situation is the honorable position of the families of the martyrs; this acceptance, this satisfaction before God Almighty, this contentment, pride, and the declaration of determination to continue the resistance and make more sacrifices. Ibn Abi Talib is one of the role models expressing this position.

I would like to start from here, from the culture of martyrdom. I will say a few words and talk about how we view the martyr and his rank.

In the Islamic understanding, martyrdom is life, not death and annihilation.

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. {Never say that those martyred in the cause of Allah are dead—in fact, they are alive! But you do not perceive it.}

Martyrdom in Islamic understanding is happiness and good news.

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. {Rejoicing in Allah’s bounties and being delighted.}

Martyrdom, in the Islamic understanding, is divine selection and refuge from God.

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. {Choose martyrs from among you.}

Therefore, in the Islamic understanding, martyrdom is a great victory and a decisive victory for every individual who obtains it. God Almighty says this after speaking about the reward of the Mujahideen with money and lives. {That is ‘truly’ the ultimate triumph.}

The Commander of the Faithful, Ali [PBUH] is our role model and example. When the sword of Ibn Muljam struck him in the Kufa Mosque, the first words that Ali shouted and echoed throughout history and will continue until the Day of Resurrection was “I have achieved success, by the Lord of the Ka'ba.”

For us, martyrdom is triumph; it is victory, it is not defeat and death. This is the strength of this resistance and the resistance fronts and its arenas. Today, the most dangerous thing this entity faces in the ongoing battle in all arenas is that whoever fights in these arenas believes in this culture, thought, faith, and vision.

Therefore, we find this patience and satisfaction among the families of the martyrs. For example, the world is amazed when it sees the remaining family members of a family whose father, mother, and relatives were martyred in Gaza say, ‘Praise be to God; to God we belong and to Him we shall return. God is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs.’ Of course, this causes amazement – for a person to have patience and contentment in the face of this great loss.

Therefore, we find this patience among the families of martyrs because they truly believe that their dear one has passed through martyrdom to eternal life and true happiness. They are reassured, calm, satisfied, and proud. Why? Simply because they trust the promise of God Almighty and what He told us about the martyrs beside Him.

Our march also has this ability to endure. When we talk about the families of the martyrs, we are talking about collectively, in the resistance, in the environment of resistance, among the supporters of the resistance, all believers and fighters. Our march also has this ability to endure despite losing martyrs. It continues and goes on. Our banner does not fall; we do not abandon our posts, and weakness does not creep upon us.

With this culture and faith, 15-years-old Abu Taleb joined the resistance and its front lines at an early age. He was the son of a religious and a faithful household. Like the leaders before him, he began his resistance career as an ordinary fighter and an individual Mujahid.

Then, he began to advance rapidly due to his jihadist spirit and personal fitness. He became a member of the special operations group in the resistance and then head of a group of resistance fighters in the Seddiqine axis.

At the young age of 22, he became the head of the Seddiqine axis confronting the occupation. If you remember, between 1985 and 2000, we had an occupied border strip. It was a security belt. The resistance had divided this entire line from the sea to Jezzine, the Western Beqaa, and Rashaya into axes. The officers heading each axis were responsible for offensive and defensive operations.

In his early youth, Abu Taleb was a leader and the Seddiqine axis officer. In 1992, he was part of the jihadi cadre that left for Bosnia.

From 1992 to 1995, he was far away from his family and relatives. He and a group of brothers, who were martyred while some are still alive, went to Bosnia. For example, one of them was the well-known martyr Hajj Alaa Al-Bosna and martyr Ramzi Mahdi. The brothers went there to help in training, rehabilitation, managing operations, and defending the oppressed in Bosnia, whom were being subjected to horrific massacres.

These people [in Bosnia] were Sunnis. There were no Shiites. There were none at the very least when this group of brothers left Bosnia. Our cadre and leaders stayed there for years, enduring the cold, the snow, and estrangement.

After that, he was in charge of the Bint Jbeil axis in the last few years before the liberation in 2000. When the liberation took place, as you saw in the report a moment ago, Hajj Abu Taleb was responsible for the Bint Jbeil axis in the resistance’s operations.

He was also in charge of an axis during the July 2006 war. We usually talk about this after the brother’s martyrdom. During his lifetime, all this remain hidden. After that, he was an operations officer. We made new arrangements in the south. We now had a group of geographical units, including the Nasr Unit. Hajj Abu Taleb was deputy unit officer and operations officer of the Nasr Unit until 2016, when he became head of the Nasr Unit until his martyrdom.

When I talk about brother Hajj Abu Taleb today – I’ve written this so that we can benefit from the time – I am giving a personal account about him because I know him closely. I knew him not when he became an officer, but rather I got to know him when he was a fighter with no responsibilities based on the organizational ranking. His brothers and I knew him as a religious and a pious person, with good morals, good companionship, humility, and interested in the spiritual aspects.

He thought a lot about his afterlife and worked for it. We found many of the qualities that we read about in sermons and narrations were found in Hajj Abu Taleb. For example, his face radiated with happiness. He was always smiling. His happiness was in his face, and his sadness was in his heart. Some people think that a religious person must be frowning, i.e. preoccupied and concerned about the afterlife, knowing that among the qualities of the devout is that his happiness is in his face, and his sadness is in his heart. He keeps his sadness to himself, between him and God Almighty.

He helped a lot and had little provision. Abu Taleb was very helpful to his family, his people, his country, and his resistance. He was not a burden on anyone. Colloquially, we call such a person “light-hearted.” Abu Taleb never burdened anybody or troubled anybody.

His affairs were easy; he was religious; he was not a complicated person. Sometimes you get confused what to say to some people. You think about how you will say it and what you will say. You also think about that person’s mental state – what he can or cannot bear. However, talking to Abu Taleb was easy. You talk with about anything at your own pace.

Even though he was easy to talk with, his faith was strong. His love and his compassion for his brothers and for the people was one of his qualities. For example, during these eight months he was a military officer in charge of axes, a front, fighters, weapons, ammunition, missiles, drones, etc. But his heart was with the people, even though this was the responsibility of other brothers. He inspected those who are steadfast. He asked about the displaced, and sometimes intervened to help provide some of the things that were missing.

He was known for his good management, efficiency in leadership, ability to absorb and deal with difficult events and situations, and he combined knowledge, work, experience, and expertise.

Abu Talib also had high morale, even in times of adversity. When some experience hardship, fear, danger, bombing, and death, they are shaken and frightened. As for Abu Taleb in times of adversity, he was dignified, courageous, steadfast, and brave. He belittled difficulties and obstacles, no matter how great they were. No matter how big a problem was, he’d tell you, it can be solved. We’ll deal with it and find a solution for it. He never gave up in the face of difficulties.

He was of high determination who never knew tiresome or boredom. He was an initiator who offered solutions and ideas. To him, everything was easy. He was truly a man of the field and the front lines. He was always on the front lines, from the beginning until martyrdom. Even during those eight months, he took risks and sometimes approached the border in some operations.

In a short, he was the leader who, wherever he was, filled your heart with reassurance, confidence, and certainty. In other words, when Abu Taleb was present at the front with Nasr Unit, your heart was filled with reassurance, confidence, and certainty that you had a mountain to lean on, a lofty mountain to lean on. You were confident in his judgement, understanding, diagnosis, courage, and management. You were confident in the achievement that will be achieved by him.

There is no doubt that his loss and the loss of his brothers who were martyred with him is great. We do not say when our leaders are martyred that we do not suffer, do not grieve, or are not affected. No, we human beings who grieve and are affected by the loss of all our loved ones, our youth, women and children, fighters, and civilians.

But our consolation is that they died as martyrs and attained their most precious desires. They also left behind them brothers, comrades, students, children, and grandchildren, who have the same spirit, faith, mindset, will, and determination and will continue on the path.

Therefore, the resistance’s response to the assassination in Jouaiya was big and very strong, especially from the Nasr Unit, which was led by the martyr Hajj Abu Taleb. It was intended to tell the enemy that this unit, whose leader you killed and a number of its senior cadres, has its resolve and determination to combat the enemy and confront it increased. It’s solidity and strength are inspired by the spirit of its leader, martyr Abu Taleb, who will remain present in this unit and all resistance units.

He will remain present as a leader, a symbol, an inspiration, and an icon of insight, faith, courage, steadfastness, giving, daring, unlimited sacrifice, certainty of the coming victory and the divine promise, and faith in this battle.

Over the past eight months, Abu Taleb was fighting at the front out of not only obedience to the leadership’s decision or his Taklif, but also out of faith. He believed in this battle; he believed in this front; he believed in what we are all doing in the context of the major confrontation currently taking place, especially since October 7.

That is why, since October 8, when we opened our front and his front [i.e. the Shebaa Farms axis, according to our geographical division, it belongs to the Nasr unit, led by Hajj Abu Taleb], Hajj Abu Taleb was the first field commander who opened the front in support of Gaza, its honorable people, and its valiant resistance. He continued to bear the responsibility of leading operations day and night until his martyrdom that night.

From here, I delve into our Lebanese front. On more than one occasion, I said, God willing, I will talk about our Lebanese front on later dates, but then another incident happens and does not help.

I will talk about our Lebanese front, focusing on it and referring to the current climate, the threat of war, the existing mediations, and the required position, as part of the general scene that we are talking about, God willing.

This battle on the Lebanese front, thanks to God Almighty, has played a major and very important role within the framework of this major confrontation. Since we declared it a support front, it has continued operations and inflicted human, material, moral, and psychological losses on the enemy. Psychologically, they must remember the hoopoe [Hodhod drone] incident yesterday and what it did!

Also, sacrifices are the clearest evidence. I do not want to argue with anyone regarding their value and feasibility. This is behind us. But the context of the conversation takes us here to say that one of the clearest pieces of evidence of the extent of the effectiveness, influence, and strength the Lebanese support front is the frustration of the enemy’s military and political leaders, the leaders of the settlements in northern occupied Palestine, and everyone who stands with this enemy.

This frustration, wailing, threats, and intimidation. If what is happening on the southern front is a normal thing that can be easily tolerated and has no effect, why are they screaming to this extent? They are issuing threats, and the world is intervening to stop the Lebanese front and separate it from the Gaza front!

This in itself is enough evidence. Let them go and look for details. I reviewed the statements of senior enemy officials whom I want to cite because they are the ones bearing the brunt of the Lebanese front. They have nothing to gain in providing this assessment.

In any case, you know that since the beginning of the Al-Aqsa Flood Operation, a massive global media machine has been employed to understate what the resistance in Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq are doing and to belittle the great heroics in the Gaza Strip and what is happening in the West Bank.

When senior “Israeli” officials present this reading, which I will briefly summarize for you, this clears us. Of course, we agree with this assessment, but let them say that it is the enemy saying this, and not only us.

They are talking about achievements. In other words, they are using the phrase “accomplishments of the Lebanese resistance in the battle of the northern front.”

There are many examples:

1-            The resistance has tied down more than 100,000 “Israeli” forces, including officers and soldiers, at a time when the “Israeli” army needs troops in Gaza and the West Bank and forces to resolve the battle in Rafah, which they said would be decided in two weeks. How long has this battle been going on for? Now, they are talking about three to five weeks. The Chief of Staff is demanding the recruitment of a division and that reserve forces that were demobilized some time ago be called back.

One of the senior commanders said that ‘if it were not for this front, the “Israeli” army would have at least had several divisions capable of inflicting massive losses on the resistance in Gaza.’

Of course, he used a phrase that showed exaggeration and said that Hamas would have been crushed in Gaza. We do not want to say that, but we certainly say that they are preventing these forces from taking part – a large part of these forces are elite forces and regular forces – because there is a real fear among the enemy that the resistance will storm the Galilee, and this is a possibility. In any case, it remains an option should a war be imposed on Lebanon.

2-            These forces are being depleted materially, morally, and psychologically. For eight months [I will talk about their deployment] summer, winter, heat, cold, frost, and snow. You know, the area there – deployment in the forests and in the desert, changing places, dead and wounded. Of course, the “Israeli” are keen to hide their dead and wounded on the northern front. In Gaza, in general, they admit that. There is a reason they do that, but now is not the time to explain it.

On the northern front, they rarely admit their losses. One reason is because they do not want to turn the northern front into a front that pressures the “Israeli” government, the enemy government, and Netanyahu, who considers his absolute priority to be absolute victory in Gaza. Hence, they hide the losses, the dead, and wounded so they are not under pressure.

However, there is something pressing them that they cannot hide – the tens of thousands of displaced people. In any case, this was useful. We’ve become more compelled to document and film to provide evidence to the world. In the end, if the “Israelis” do not acknowledge their dead and wounded, this psychologically and morally affects some people who cite the enemy’s numbers and say, ‘you kill 25 people and wounded 30 or 40 others.’ A media outlet in Lebanon, said that the resistance killed 18 soldiers even though the “Israelis” said 25. The outlet decreased the number.

This is part of the enemy’s policy of its media and psychological warfare. We know and present to the world every day the documentaries broadcast by the military media about the armored vehicles, tanks, troop carriers, hummers, regular vehicles, gatherings and tents that are being destroyed. Sometimes the settlers themselves help us; they follow and film where we have no cameras present. In any case, we are exhausting the enemy.

3-            Displacing tens of thousands. Someone said a hundred thousand. Netanyahu said a hundred thousand. Someone else said one hundred and twenty thousand. One of the Lebanese representatives who was in Washington and met with American officials – today, I saw it in the media – said that we heard from the Americans that there are two hundred and fifty, two hundred and seventy-five thousand displaced from the north.

Of course, the enemy government asked for the evacuation of some people, while others evacuated by themselves and left. Forty-two settlements were officially evacuated, and there are many others where life is stagnant and halted. This is what they mention when they talk about achievements.

4-            The north is a tourist, agricultural, and industrial area. The brothers and sisters have the map of Palestine in their minds. In the middle is the West Bank. Therefore, the center is congested, and this is what we call Gush Dan. Most of it is housing and buildings. Southern Palestine is mostly desert, and a large part of it is desert. In the north, there is agriculture. The climate in the north is good. Industry is in the north. Tourism is in the north. This front has disrupted industry, agriculture, and tourism in the north. The “Israelis” are also talking about this as an achievement.

5-            They also talk about this as an achievement – for the first time in the history of the entity, thousands of people from northern occupied Palestine have been displaced. They placed them in the north not to be displaced, but rather so that they could fight. But they left! For the first time in the history of the entity, since 1948, a security belt was formed inside the north of occupied Palestine. The security belt has been here in the south. Now, they also talk about the security belt as an achievement.

One of the results of this front is its impact on the Gaza front. Every day, regardless of the intentions, for example, the “Israelis” say they do not want to engage in an all-out war – we will return to this point. We say we do not want to engage in an all-out war because our battle is a battle of support and assistance.

But what everyone knows and fears is that things might go downhill somewhere, and the enemy cannot exclude it from their calculations, regardless of our intentions. In other words, if our intention was to go to war, the “Israelis” must be afraid. Even if we do not intend to go to war, they are still afraid that things will spiral into war. This forces them to keep this large number of forces on the border and to act sparingly with rockets, bombs, and missiles because they are always and at all times facing the possibility of another front and another major war. This also strongly affects the Gaza front.

6-            The moral and psychological aspect: The image of the enemy among its people, in society, in our environment, and in the world – I am not talking about the moral image, but rather about the military and security image, deterrence, and prestige – collapsed.

It appears to be a defeated, tired, and distressed army that is lying. Take the hoopoe incident, for example. Look at the “Israeli” tweets and social media sites. One of their central points is that the military spokesman for the, quote, IDF unquote, was lying to his teeth. They no longer have any credibility. Of course, this is all thanks to the pressure from the Lebanon front along with the other fronts, including Yemen, Iraq, and most importantly Gaza, where the honorable people and the brave resistance heroes have shown steadfastness.

This also affects the course of the ongoing indirect negotiations between the Palestinian resistance and the enemy. Today, our front and the rest of the fronts are strongly present at the negotiating table through which it is intended to reach a certain result in this battle and war.

Of course, before I continue with the Lebanese affair, I will briefly talk about the other fronts. After eight months, the enemy admits to failure. For example, regarding the Yemen front, two or three days ago, leaks and statements of the Pentagon and the US Department of Defense very clearly talk about an American-British failure; the American fleets that came to the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea to prevent the Yemeni resistance fighters and Mujahideen from targeting ships going to the shores of occupied Palestine or “Israeli” ships. These fleets did everything they could and used all the capabilities and information they had, satellites, radars, ships, destroyers, and the air force.

There is an almost daily bombing. Today, there was also another bombing in Yemen. There is targeting of Yemeni missile platforms, Yemeni drones, Yemeni radars, Yemeni command and control centers. However, they were unable to protect the “Israeli” ships or the ships heading to occupied Palestine. They admitted that this is a huge burden and a strategic failure.

This is a colossal failure for the two most important naval fleets in the world, primarily the American fleet. The Americans admitted that 90% of the ships that transport containers are no longer able to pass through the Red Sea. Something out of the remaining 10% could’ve been able to pass. It might not be true either. The brothers in Yemen will continue until the Americans acknowledge the failure and the great burden they are bearing by defending “Israel”. Keep this in mind when I return to the subject of the war with “Israel” – who is taking care of the Yemen front?

The “Israelis” are supposed to go to Yemen to protect their ships, the ships they own and the ships that transport goods to them. But because “Israel” is unable to fight on all these fronts, the United States of America and Britain, who are full partners in this war, took care of not only the Yemen front but everything in this war.

From the Yemen front, we reach two conclusions:

1-            The American-British failure.

2-            Evidence of the “Israelis’” inability to go to that front to fight and defend themselves there.

In the same context, the Iraq front continues to launch drones and missiles, which also greatly exhaust the capabilities of the “Israeli” air defense and some air defenses in the region. Thank God, some of these drones and missiles also reach, but the “Israeli” enemy rarely acknowledges this. I will wrap up with Gaza and conclude with our front.

And in Gaza, we find this great legendary battle, these heroic operations, these tremendous field achievements, and these enemy losses. We are talking about the strongest army in the region despite what happened to their image and prestige. When the “Israelis” talk they say that we are the strongest army in the region. To invade, occupy, and control the city of Rafah and its surroundings, a city that has been besieged for eight months as part of the besieged Strip, we need several teams and several elite brigades with air force, missile bombardment, and artillery shelling. However, “Israel” is unable to because of the sacrifices, heroism, and valor of the fighters there.

I will say a few words about Rafah because it will all flow into the main topic with which I will conclude. There were people who expected that when Rafah was over, Netanyahu would come out and declare absolute victory.

He paved the way for this topic through his insistence on the battle in Rafah. Of course, the “Israelis” are only focusing on Hamas because it was the title and symbol of the battle. Otherwise, he knows that the one fighting in Gaza, of course, is Hamas, the first and largest force among us, then the Islamic Jihad, and various and numerous Palestinian factions. Everyone who has weapons in Gaza is fighting, but their focus is on Hamas.

He [Netanyahu] said that Hamas has 24 battalions. We eliminated 20 battalions, and there are still four battalions in Rafah. We enter Rafah, eliminate the four battalions, and achieve absolute victory.

Look at the deception today. This is part of the fragility of this enemy. The enemy is now chasing after a false victory, a forged victory, a victory that has no truth in reality, a pretend victory, only to present to its audience and society that it is victory, but it is not a victory. What happened?

In addition to the losses they are facing in Rafah, senior officials from within the “Israeli” army say that the problem is not only these brigades in Rafah [This is one of today's problems between the political level and the military level in “Israel”], but also it seems that Hamas and the resistance factions have regrouped and formed their brigades in the Gaza Strip again.

The evidence is the battle that took place in Jabalia and what is happening in the Zaytoun neighborhood and in other places. That is why regarding Rafah, they told Netanyahu that the claim that we eliminated Hamas, the resistance brigades, and the resistance government is empty talk that cannot be built on, and this has been completely foiled.

In other words, if he wanted to announce something else, he would be taking a path that does not fit with talk of absolute victory. Today, there is a great atmosphere within the entity, especially from “Israeli” opposition officials and even from within the coalition, which says, “Where is this victory?” Basically, there is no victory. Let him first try to convince people regarding this matter.

Hence, we are also before a very important reality that is taking place in Gaza and the West Bank, and there are huge losses being inflicted on this entity in this battle.

We always said it is true that we have many martyrs [women and children] and sacrifices, but in the other scene there are strategic losses for the enemy that we talked about previously and I will not repeat it. When it comes to human losses, it does not matter how much they hide their casualties, they will have to reveal it. The official spokesman spoke about numbers. For example, yesterday, the “Israeli” Ministry of Defense talked about the number of all the wounded and disabled who were transferred to a special institution for the disabled and will be subject to physical and psychological rehabilitation. You are talking about 70,000 since the establishment of the entity. In 75 years, there are about 60,000.

In the past eight months, the Ministry of Defense said – this is official talk, and we are not claiming anything – that there are 8663 disabled male and female officers and soldiers. This means these were completely discharged from service and transferred to a rehabilitation facility. If the number of disabled is 8663, how many wounded are there? This is because not every wounded person becomes disabled. How many are wounded? What is the real number of deaths?

Yesterday, Netanyahu, Gallant and others spoke. They say that ‘we are paying a high price. This high price is not proportional to the false numbers that the official spokesman mentioned. Rather, if you visit the “Israeli” Ministry of Health’s website, and you see what the Ministry of Defense is talking about and the institutions that care for the wounded and the dead, you’d know how much pain they are in.

I will talk about two fronts. Regarding our front, I would like to mention some details in the remaining time. Perhaps for the first time in eight months we are talking about these details because from the start we said we would leave the talking to the field. We’ve talked about the field extensively for the past eight months. We will talk a little about this field.

1-            The sites: In fact, several weeks ago, I met with Hajj Abu Taleb and spoke with him for several hours. I also met with other brothers in charge of the frontline. He explained to me in details some of what I will mention to you, including the status of the “Israeli” sites since October 8.

The enemy understood that these sites would be targeted, and we have sufficient information about these sites, their composition, fortifications, distributions, bunkers, equipment, numbers, capabilities, etc.

Therefore, the “Israelis” carried out a major evacuation from the sites. But I would like you to know that they did not clear out the entire sites. Some people might say that the resistance is attacking these sites daily. Is there anyone in these sites or are they empty? No, there are soldiers and officers in them. “Israel” cannot evacuate the sites because it fears they may be seized or that the resistance comes near them. We have evidence to prove this.

Hence, the targeting of the sites is an ongoing matter and leads to deaths and injuries, as well as drains the psychologically. Let us suppose this site fortified and there are bunkers. But imagine a soldier sitting in the bunker and a Burkan 500 kg or 1000 kg rockets descends on him. This will cause brain damage. That is why, some of the disabilities and wounds are psychological. There are no injuries on a soldier’s body, but his mind, brain, nerves, and heart have been struck. This person won’t be able to stand on his feet and carry a weapon. Therefore, we continue to strike sites based on a specific program.

2-            Even though they evacuated the sites, they cannot stay too far for fear, as I said, of the resistance taking over these sites. So, they spread out around the sites. People familiar with the south know that mostly trees surround the sites. The land that they’ve occupied since 2000 is all forest and trees. Our land, however, is almost barren. We were occupied. They occupied our land and country.

So, these soldiers spread among the trees, in the forests, in the valleys, on the hills surrounding the sites. Of course, these are new positions. This required the resistance to gather new information. Thank God, the resistance had the ability to obtain new, accurate information that could determine the coordinates of sites, gatherings, and deployments, and even where the tent was, where the Iron Dome was, where the cannon was, and where the tank was. We were confident of this. This is not an allegation. Rather, I am saying this after eight months, and you have seen this on television, and the enemy acknowledges it, and some of what the hoopoe brought was not published.

Hence, these new gatherings are constantly being targeted. In the depths, there are bases, sites, and command centers for brigades, divisions, battalions, and companies.

The “Israelis” considered that we’ve exposed all of these, and we have previous and detailed information about them and their maps.

In other words, we broadcast information about the site, base, room, the kitchen, the food they have, the weapons store so the “Israelis” know how accurate our information are.

They also had to evacuate these bases, most likely not completely, and they spread out and established and created bases in the deserts. For example, they built a base in a football field and placed tents and tanks, etc.

The “Israelis” considered that this is new, and Hezbollah will not be able to obtain information and will not reach some of these gatherings which were set up behind the mountain. This means that if missiles were launched, they would not land on them.

But they did not take the drones into account. Thanks to God Almighty, our hoopoe comes to us with detailed information about the targets and bases, then they are targeted.

In the past eight months, our drone brought information about the “Israelis’” technical equipment, radars, [spy] balloons, remote sensors. It did something amazing that was unparalleled in the world.

The disaster on October 7 was that the “Israelis” placed unprecedented electronic and technical measures along the Gaza border. There is nothing like it in the world. That is why they were surprised when they saw that what happened was grave and terrible as it really was. The situation is the same along the border with Lebanon.

Therefore, during eight months, the resistance was not hitting columns, but was using and following a strategy of blinding, and deafening the “Israelis” because they are not only surveilling, but they are also eavesdropping. This is why they must resort to alternatives.

We lived the experience of the resistance before 2000 and in 2006. Who could have imagined! Striking the “Meron” base was an ambition. Today, the resistance strikes the “Meron” base whenever they want, and there is no problem with that. Striking the “Meron” base is old news so are the artillery positions, iron dome, armored vehicles, tanks, and troop carriers. Nothing is spared. In this front, everything we see or reach will not be spared. We, thank God Almighty, have lots of information.

The nine-minute video was selected from long hours above Haifa. This means that these are not minutes above Haifa, but rather long hours. But if you give the media long hours, what would they put in? They will only broadcast the parts they selected. So, the brothers decided to choose the footage as a model.

The “Israelis” are confused about whether the drone entered from Lebanon or not, whether they it was too small to be seen or not. The “Israeli” army’s latest scandal is when it said it discovered the drone but didn’t want to shoot it down to avoid bothering the people in Haifa.

So, people lashed out at the army for spotting it and letting it go when it could’ve targeted it after it was outside Haifa, after it crossed the sea and on its way to Lebanon. Now, they are at each other’s throats.

Instead of making it better, some made it worse. What did they say? They said the resistance did not send drones, rather they have spies. This is worse! The resistance has spies in Haifa and have codes. These spies recorded the video and sent it to Lebanon. In Lebanon, the resistance gathered the footage, montaged it, and put it together.

What are the “Israelis” going to say when the resistance broadcast a video of other cities? That we have spies in these cities. Is it better to say that we have spies that send us footage and we produce a video or that we have a drone that infiltrated and recorded footage.

Anyway, this is a form of confusion. The “Israelis” had 24 hours to answer and respond. Instead of making it better, they made it worst. In any case, we have long hours of footage of Haifa, what's around it, what's before it, what's beyond it, and what's even further. Let them carry out whatever measures they want. There is no problem. This matter, God willing, will continue.

Therefore, this resistance is fighting based on a vision and clear and accurate information, not in the sense that every time we launch missiles, we will tell you where they landed. Yes, the Katyusha will eventually fire several missiles left and right, but all of them will go to the targeted locations, which are based on accurate pictures, information, and coordinates.

3-            The weapons: Of course, so far, we have fought with part of our weapons, and we have obtained new weapons. I will not say now what the new weapons are, as they will appear in the field when a decision is made for them to appear. We developed some of our weapons through field experience and also gradually used new weapons that we had not previously used.

You see all of this without us going into names, and it is natural for us to keep other weapons for the coming days, to defend our country, our people, and the sovereignty of Lebanon.

We mentioned previously that we manufacture our drones. Therefore, we have this large and abundant number of drones. At that time, we joked and said that whoever wants to buy should come, but no one came to buy, nor would we sell. But we have this many drones, God willing, because people hear us say we send five, six, seven, ten, more and less, drones every day. In other words, for the past eight months, you’ve sent out drones What are you hiding and for how long?

We're manufacturing some types of rockets in Lebanon.

I have to point out something about the enemy since we are talking about failure. During the past few years, the enemy launched something called the War Between the Wars in Syria, in which it targeted our brothers, our Syrian brothers and our Iranian brothers in the IRG and attacked what it believed were convoys transporting weapons, technology, and resistance capabilities to Lebanon.

Today, our front is telling this enemy that every war between the wars that it fought over the past years was a failure. Everything that should have reached Lebanon arrived in Lebanon, and the evidence is some of what you saw during the past few months. So, when it comes to the issue of weapons, add this to the series of “Israeli” failures.

4-            Staff and personnel: We are fighting with the necessary and sufficient numbers. These data that I am talking about are for us to build upon shortly. We have great manpower that is ready, willing, and motivated that we are actually struggling with. We have a problem with our brothers and young men who want to go to the front. In the end, the front needs a certain number to carry out the tasks, so this specific number attends.

But at the level of all of Lebanon, there is a very great motivation. The resistance’s manpower is unprecedented. More than a year ago, we talked about 100,000. It was more than 100,000, and I reduced it a little. Now, we have passed more than that. During this period, many friends, brothers, and dear ones – leaders of resistance movements – in Syria, in Iraq, in Yemen, even in Iran, and in other places contacted us and said that they are ready to send us fighters, tens of thousands of fighters, and hundreds of thousands of fighters to Lebanon.

We thanked them and expressed our gratitude. We don’t know what to do with the number we have. We are uncertain of how to preserve and maintain them in a battle that does not need the number we have! Even with the premise of total war, we do not need this number of organized, trained and equipped personnel.

Hence, when it comes to manpower, praise be to God, the resistance in Lebanon has more than its needs and what the front requires, even in the worst conditions of combat, confrontation, and war.

5-            The incubating environment: The incubating environment is one of the most important elements of strength based on the resistance’s experience – before 1982, after 1982, in 2000, and in 2006. In the past eight or nine months, this environment has been steadfast and patient. It embraces the resistance and its fighters, i.e. were there anyone who wanted to enter a house and the people of the house expelled them? On the contrary, they offer their homes, money, and livelihood. They take pride in the resistance fighters and offer their children as martyrs as well.

The martyrs, the wounded, the fighters, where are they from? Are they mercenaries? Did we bring them from somewhere? They are the children of these people, these villages, these families. Houses are demolished, loved ones are killed, and dear ones are wounded, men and women. In Jannata, two dear women were martyred. What was the logic of their parents?

This is how all the families of the martyrs, the fighters and the civilian martyrs, in all the political forces, including Hezbollah, the Amal Movement. This is the incubating environment.

I know that the Americans are going around and checking if the resistance is coming under pressure from its environment. Is this environment starting to get tired? Is it starting to pressure the resistance? Is it calling on the resistance to stop the war? Is it saying leave Gaza, it is none of our concern?

There are people in Lebanon who were not concerned about Gaza from the start. The Americans are not looking for these people. Their standpoint is clear. They are asking about those who stood in solidarity with Gaza. Are they still showing solidarity? Are they still withstanding and continuing? This environment is still steadfast and strong, its voice is loud, and it is the source of our pride.

The reality in the “Israeli” entity is as follows. The army is tired and exhausted; there is a problem of recruitment and the call-up of the reserve, the issue of the Haredim, the demand for the resignations of the chief of staff and senior officers, the dispute over appointments in the army, the discussion about the feasibility of fighting, and pressure from the families of those killed. There are also political disagreements. Today, thank God, Netanyahu and Ben-Gvir were at each other’s throat like little children.

Netanyahu’s Likud Party issues a statement saying: We have a problem with leaking what is happening in the sessions, and if Ben-Gvir wants to participate in sensitive sessions, he must take a polygraph. Ben-Gvir's party responded: You too. If you want us to take polygraphs, Netanyahu must take it too. This is the leadership in “Israel” today. Can you imagine!

The situation on the street, the situation of the social environment, confidence in the political leadership, the military leadership, society, and the future, and the situation of the entire economy, put them all together.

Based on the following:

First, relying on God Almighty and trusting His help, victory, grace, support, and promise to champion the believers and the Mujahideen.

Second, are the elements of strength that we have in Lebanon which I spoke about. When I talk about the environment, I am not just talking about the Shiite environment, but rather I am talking about a national environment made up of all sects and from all regions. This is because there are people in Lebanon that have bad intentions. Some time ago, in my last speech, when I spoke about counting, I did not mean counting based on sect – Muslims, Christians, Shiites, Sunnis, and Druze. I have never spoken based on sects. I was talking about counting who is with the resistance and who is not with the resistance, who wants to stand in solidarity with Gaza and defend Gaza and who doesn't. This is what I meant by counting.

Third, this environment, as we said, is one of the elements of strength and potential. This is in addition to the various elements, including the situation of the resistance front and the axis of resistance and the high motivation that exists today and the great capabilities available.

Fourth, the reality of the enemy, which I mentioned in a very logical manner.

Based on the above, we can say that everything the enemy is saying, the threats and warnings the mediators are delivering, and what is said in the “Israeli” media about the war on Lebanon, first, I say that this does not scare us and must not scare us. The threat of war against Lebanon began in December. Someone made a statistic on the times Netanyahu, Gallant, Halevy, etc. made threats. It was maybe close to 200, close to this number or a little less, of threatening statements over a period of eight months.

This does not scare us. However, considering that now there are people trying to present the seriousness of this possibility – I do not want to evaluate this possibility, because as a resistance we deal with even the worst possibilities – I want to say the following:

The enemy knows well that we have prepared ourselves for the worst. The enemy knows well what awaits it. That is why it has been deterred for the past nine months. What we did in the front is big and unprecedented in the history of the entity. I do not want to go into details. It tolerated us for the past eight or nine months, even though it threatened. It knows what awaits it that is why it has been deterred until now. It is not because the “Israelis” are pleasing anyone.

It knows that there is no place in the entity that will be spared our rockets and drones. It is not a random bombing; every missile has a target, and every drone has a target. The evidence is the hoopoe.

It knows that we have a complete and real target bank and the ability to reach these targets, which shakes the foundations of the entity. It is not only about quantity, i.e. the destruction of some buildings.

A thousand buildings might be destroyed, but the entity remains standing. It is possible for a smaller number to be destroyed and leads to the collapse of the entity because this entity has foundations.

In any case, the “Israelis” understand what I am saying. They know what also awaits them in the Mediterranean Sea is very huge, seeing as all their coasts and ships will be targeted.

They are already in trouble in the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea. The brothers in Yemen are attempting to launch attacks towards the Mediterranean. However, if they start a war with Lebanon, it is completely different from the Mediterranean. All the “Israeli” coasts and beaches, all ports, and all ships and boats will be targeted.

“Israel” knows that it is not able to defend its entity. This army is incapable of facing a battle of this size. The evidence is the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Operation True Promise, where hundreds – 250 – 300 – more or less, of missiles and drones were launched. Six countries, including America, France, and Britain, were forced to stand by the entity to defend it using enormous capabilities at the level of technology, information, and air defense. Despite all that, Iranian missile and drones reached the heart of occupied Palestine.

What if the battle was here, tens of kilometers away from your sea, land, and air? You know that you alone cannot do it. “Israel” knows that it has to wait for us, not as before. In the past, it waited for us, and we were serious. However, now it has to wait for us on land, by air, and by sea. We also said before, and we repeat today, if war is imposed on Lebanon, the resistance will fight without restrictions and rules. It also knows as does its American master what the repercussions of launching a war on Lebanon are on the region and at the regional level as a whole.

In this context, I must also draw the attention of the Cypriot government. We have information that the “Israelis”, that is the enemy army, carries out drills in Cyprus every year, in mountainous areas similar to southern Lebanon and Lebanon. It uses Cypriot airports. We also have information that the “Israelis” assumes that in the next war, if it comes, the resistance in Lebanon will target airports and runways. It will replace them and use Cypriot airports and bases in its war on Lebanon.

We conveyed this information to officials in the Lebanese state when the Cypriot president was in Lebanon. They talked to him, and he said there was nothing of this sort. But this is 100% true and accurate. The “Israelis” say this, not us. They showed documentaries about their drills in Cyprus.

In a word also in this climate, the Cypriot government must beware. Opening Cypriot airports and bases to the “Israeli” enemy to target Lebanon would mean that the Cypriot government is part of the war, and the resistance will deal with it as part of the war.

Based on the above, we say to those trying to intimidate and frighten us with war, the one who should be afraid is the enemy. I am convinced that the Americans are truly afraid for the enemy. They fear for it because they are in contact with army generals and know what is in the “Israeli” army.

If you notice, when the “Israelis” started threatening a few days ago after responding to the martyrdom of Hajj Taleb and his brothers, the “Israelis” began to raise the ceiling a lot. The US State Department and the Pentagon issued statements in which they said that they ‘are not in favor of expanding the war because it will harm the State of “Israel”.’

Based on the current conditions and circumstances, the enemy and its masters and sponsors should be afraid. As for us, we will continue our solidarity, support, and assistance to Gaza, and at the same time, we will be ready and prepared for all possibilities. Nothing will scare us, and nothing will stop us from performing this duty.

Instead of looking for solutions here and there, the solution is clear: There is only one way for a ceasefire on the Lebanon front, a ceasefire on the Yemen front, a ceasefire on the Iraq front. There is no other. The solution is to stop the war and aggression against Gaza and our people in Gaza, of course, within the conditions and consensus that occurs with the resistance in Palestine. This is the solution. This is the path.

Whoever wants to make an effort, whoever wants to mediate, and whoever wants to speak, let them do so. As for Hamas and the Palestinian resistance, allow me to clarify their position and to be fair to them.

Who heard Blinken yesterday would think that President Biden’s initiative was the solution and all the countries of the world, the international community, the UN Security Council, and “Israel” accepted it, and Hamas -and its factions – was the one who refused it. There is great injustice here. There is a very dangerous and clear loophole here. It is not that Hamas and the leadership of the brothers in the Palestinian factions want to extend the war in any way. No, it is clear loophole. What is it?

In the first stage, the “Israelis” hand over a good portion of the prisoners and go to negotiations. A small number of prisoners remain. They negotiate a permanent truce and do not reach a result. The enemy – i.e. Netanyahu – then resumes the war. One of the most precious and important things in the hands of the resistance in Gaza is required to be handed over to obtain six weeks of calm. Then the “Israelis” will launch another war without restrictions.

The “Israelis” are killing people and destroying buildings the way we are seeing, and they have prisoners. What will they do if they do not have prisoners?

All that the Palestinian resistance, Hamas, the Islamic Jihad, and the rest of the resistance factions are asking for is that a permanent ceasefire, a cessation of war, be mentioned in the agreement, and the rest are negotiable details.

Why am I say it is a clear loophole because every day Netanyahu says: ‘It is not possible for me to agree to stop the war before achieving the goals.’

Isn’t that the case? If anyone asks, Netanyahu, Gallant, Benny Gantz, or Smotrich, they all say: ‘We will not stop the war.’

Meanwhile, the Americans want to shame the Palestinians into accepting. What is worse is that we are required to talk to them so that they accept this solution, which gives them a cessation of fighting for six weeks, strips them of one of their most important cards of power, and then exposes them to a relentless war.

Today, it is a moral, humane, religious, and innate duty by all standards, a legal duty to continue in this position. Of course, the official position is excellent – the steadfastness and solidity. We thank the Speaker of Parliament and the Prime Minister, considering that the pressure is on them. We, on the other hand, receive messages through intermediaries, and we hear through the media that pressure is on them, the discussions with them, and the effort is with them. Same goes to the general environment, the general public, and the general position in Lebanon. There is another opinion. It is normal. There is no problem with having a different opinion.

Today, the blood of Hajj Abu Taleb and the brothers who were martyred with him and those who were martyred today and were martyred in the past nine months, including resistance fighters, soldiers, civilians, men, women and children. I say to you, my brothers and sisters, and especially to the families of the martyrs and wounded, to the steadfast people who hear bombing every day and to the displaced who bear the burdens of displacement, this is the greatest battle the nation has fought since 1948.

If we take a number of angles and scales, the battle has a horizon; it has a bright and clear horizon. Of course, it involves huge sacrifices. It is a battle that will change the face of the region and the history of the region and will create the future of the region. This blood today is bleeding in the right place, sparing Lebanon, Palestine, and the countries and peoples of the region many massacres that we would expect if “Israel” remained in existence or remained strong and arrogant.

Today, God willing, on this good and fragrant memory of our truly beloved and dear leader, the beloved and dear Hajj Abu Taleb, and all of his brothers, we assure them of the solidity of our position. Their brothers on the frontlines are prepared to continue this great historical, humanitarian, moral, faith-based jihadi position until victory. Martyrdom is a personal project.

This nation, this resistance, and this front are moving with steady and strong steps towards victory. Netanyahu, Ben-Gvir, and Smotrich – and these ugly names – thank God, are taking this entity into the abyss, with their foolishness, arrogance, selfishness and narcissism.

As it is said: Glory, eternity, and dignity for our martyrs, and high ranks for our martyrs, healing and well-being for all the wounded, patience, reward, steadfastness, and contentment for all the families of the martyrs, the wounded, and the mujahideen. All thanks to this loyal, incubating, patient, faithful, and sincere environment that is on a date, as it has always been, with victories.

May God protect this country and all its men, people, and families. We have the material, moral, and psychological capabilities as well as manpower to protect our country, impose equations, and defeat the enemy with the help of God Almighty.

May God reward you greatly. May God accept from you, and may God’s peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you.


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