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Sayyed Nasrallah’s Full Speech on Hezbollah Martyr’s Day, on November 11, 2021

Sayyed Nasrallah’s Full Speech on Hezbollah Martyr’s Day, on November 11, 2021
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Translated by al-Ahed News

Speech of Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah marking Martyr’s Day. The party hosted the festival in the Martyr Sayyid Muhammad Baqir Al-Sadr Hall in the Imam Mahdi School, Al-Hadath.


We dedicate the reward of Al-Fatihah to the souls of all martyrs.

I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan. In the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Merciful. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon our Master and Prophet, the Seal of Prophets, Abi al-Qassem Muhammad Bin Abdullah and his good and pure household and his good and chosen companions and all the prophets and messengers.

Gentlemen scholars, families of the martyrs, brothers and sisters, honorable audience, may the peace, mercy, and blessings of God be upon you all.

God Almighty says in His Glorious Book: {And those who have believed in Allah and His messengers - those are [in the ranks of] the supporters of truth and the martyrs, with their Lord. For them is their reward and their light. But those who have disbelieved and denied Our verses - those are the companions of Hellfire.} Allah Almighty has spoken truly.

First of all, I welcome you all and thank you for your kind presence in all the areas where we are meeting now. Greetings to all of the brothers and sisters in the Husseiniya of Deir Qanoon al-Nahr, the town of the prince of self-sacrificing martyrs martyr Ahmad Qasir, in the Husseiniya of Nabatiyeh, in the Imam Khomeini Center in Baalbek, in the Husseiniya in the Hermel complex, in Al-Maaysra in Keserwan, and here in the southern suburbs [Dahiyeh] in the Martyred Imam Sayyid Muhammad Baqir Al-Sadr Hall.

Today, as every year on November 11, we commemorate Martyr’s Day. As a reminder for those tuning in. This occasion dates back to 11-11-1982, that is, a few months after the “Israeli” invasion of Lebanon, when the era of self-sacrificing martyrdom was initiated in Lebanon and the prince of the self-sacrificing martyrs, martyr Ahmad Qasir, a young man who did not live to see 20 years of age, stormed the headquarters of the “Israeli” military governor in the city of Tyre.  This led to the complete destruction of the headquarters, and the demise of more than a hundred “Israeli” officers and soldiers in the strongest military blow the enemy received from a resistance movement since the establishment of this entity.

And every year, I repeat: The martyrdom operation of Ahmed Qasir is still the most powerful in the history of the resistance, hoping that a stronger operation for the resistance will stem from it, God willing, in the heart and depth of Palestine or in any arena of confrontation with the “Israeli” enemy.

From the start, Hezbollah chose this great and blessed day in the history of the resistance in Lebanon in general, in the history of the Islamic Resistance in particular, and in the history of the regional resistance against the Zionist project to be a day for all its martyrs. 

We consider this day an annual memorial for every martyr on our path, including our scholars and leaders, from the master of the martyrs of the Islamic Resistance, Sayyid Abbas al-Musawi, and Umm Yasir and their son Hussein to the Sheikh of the martyrs of the Islamic Resistance, the happy martyr Sheikh Ragheb Harb, and our great jihadi leaders, including Hajj Imad Mughniyeh and Sayyid Zulfiqar. There are many leaders. I do not want to name some and leave others out. There also our self-sacrificing martyrs who used their bodies and souls to storm the convoys of the enemy and their fortresses and all our mujahideen martyrs who were in all the battlefields defending this country, this nation, and this cause.

This is an anniversary for all of them. Therefore, every family of a martyr in Hezbollah and in our resistance march considers this day the day of its martyr – whether this martyr was a father, brother, husband, son, uncle, wife, or daughter. Everyone has these feelings on this day.

Of course, the martyr has a very high position in our march and culture. We venerate the martyrs, and our gathering today is an expressions of this glorification. We respect the martyrs; we value the martyrs, and this is in fact a commitment to our Islamic and Quranic faith, and our following of the prophets of God Almighty, because God Almighty is the one who glorified them. He is the one who singled them out for remembrance, grace, and high rank. He said: They are with Him, and they are the owners of the light in that world, in the Qur’anic verses, in the narrations, and in the hadiths that hear throughout the year about their lives with God Almighty, about their real life now in this existence, about their position, their high rank, the spirit, and the satisfaction. All of this is constants in our faith and belief, and we, according to this guidance and teaching, glorify them, not only because they are our brothers, our children, or our loved ones and because of the familial and emotional relationship – this place is preserved – but also based on this religious and Quranic background.

We’ve always glorified the martyrs, even the martyrs before Islam. Islam came and glorified them and presented them to the Muslims at the beginning of the Islamic dawah with the Messenger of God. He presented them as a role model for Muslims to follow – to be patient, to bear, and to be firm in this difficult path, this thorny path.

We have always read in our accounts about the followers of the prophets (peace be upon them), the former followers, the previous prophets, and especially the followers of Jesus Christ (peace be upon him), especially in the early stages. They were tortured very much.  

Some accounts tell us: Look at those who preceded you. They were cut, meaning they cut them with scissors, knives, and swords. They’d cut their organs one by one; they’d crucify them; they’d flog them, they’d incite people against them.

They dug a groove in a village and filled it with fire. They made the entire village choose to either hold on to their faith and be thrown into the fire or give up their faith and avoid the pit and the fire. Even at this time. However, old and young, men, women and children refused to give up their faith. This is a lesson for us in this age.

Today, the groove is of another kind; it is not a groove with blazing fire in it. It is rather a groove of living crises, sieges, psychological pressure, media wars, etc. They put them on the edge of the groove and gave them two options: either disbelieve in God, the One and Only, and abandon your faith, or we will throw you into this pit. They chose the path of martyrdom. That is why the Qur’an glorified them and the Messenger of Islam glorified them. Since the beginning of this Islamic march, we have glorified the martyrs.

Among the first martyrs in Islam was Sayyeda Sumaya, Umm Ammar, and her husband, martyr Yasser, Abu Ammar. There is, of course, a special moral sign here that the first blood shed for the sake of Islam, the call for monotheism, and the revolution of the oppressed in Mecca was for a woman, Sayyeda Sumaya, and an old man. This means that from the beginning, fathers and mothers went forward, and the sons followed. They continued this path steadfastly. The martyrs of Islam in Badr, in Uhud, and along the pa yellow path were always respected and appreciated. The martyrs of Karbala, as well as those in Badr, have a special place within us as a result of their close relationship, the background of the battles, the nature of the battles, and the results of the battle. We usually talk about this at length in the Ashura season. Therefore, we greatly appreciate, glorify, and respect these martyrs.

Apart from their achievements – which we will talk about shortly – we see in them a tremendous wealth for us, in terms of spiritual, moral, and emotional wealth. With the blessing of these martyrs, there is passion, intimacy, and love in our homes, cities, villages, neighborhoods, families and clans, and our areas. There are psychological effects, a spirit that does not die, eyes that shed tears, hearts that beat with love and longing for those loved ones who left us. They are also a cultural and intellectual wealth for us; read their wills. Do not underestimate their young ages and say he is 16, 18, or 19 years old, what will they write? Read their wills. Imam Khomeini used to recommend reading the wills of these martyrs. He used to say that the human heart and mind are shaken when a person reads these texts that contain many ideological, spiritual, conceptual, and ethical meanings because these were taught by God. God Almighty instilled this light in their hearts and minds. They are a cultural wealth. Therefore, the brothers have been keen in recent years to print the wills of the martyrs, and I recommend reading the printed wills of the martyrs so that they do not remain mere words. The biography of each one of them deserves to be a role model and an example for us.

We also glorify the families of the martyrs, the families that make sacrifices and are patient and steadfast on this difficult path. From the moment of martyrdom and all the way, we have seen nothing from the families of the martyrs but steadfastness, pride, faith, sincerity, loyalty, and willingness to make more sacrifices.

We have always heard in the past, when I and my brothers had the honor of visiting the homes of the families of the martyrs, from the fathers and mothers that they are ready to offer the rest of their sons and daughters and all their children so that this path continues and the resistance remains and the goals are achieved. These are indeed the families of the martyrs. Imam Khomeini said the following about them:

You, the families of the martyrs, are the eyes of the nation and its lantern. Through you we can see the way. Through the brightness of your light and your lanterns, we uncover all this darkness and move forward. We move firmly when we see your resoluteness, your smile, and your steadfastness. When we see your steadfastness, we continue our path with firmness, steadfastness, tranquility, and courage. We derive them from you because you are the ones who lead the way in giving blood, passion, and position.

One of the most important responsibilities towards the martyrs, the families of the martyrs, all the people who made sacrifices, the wounded, the families of the wounded, the liberated prisoners, and the missing persons is to acknowledge their gratitude in the face of ingratitude, to acknowledge their gratitude first, to know the favor they did us and to acknowledge it, and to thank them. {If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor].}

Ingratitude and denial lead to loss. We are a nation that knows the merit of our martyrs and all the martyrs in this nation. I am not only talking about the martyrs of Hezbollah, but rather all the martyrs who were martyred in Lebanon in the face of the “Israeli” occupation and the projects of American hegemony in the region – the martyrs in Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Bahrain – in every region, in our country, and in our world – in Egypt and Jordan in the past decades. We know the favor these martyrs gave to our peoples and nation. We recognize it and thank them and their families for what they have done and what they have given.

Here, I delve into the political part of my speech.

When we stop before of the achievements of the martyrs on Martyr’s Day, we are talking about tangible achievements and not about allegations. You know the debates that always exist in Lebanon. We say to some, for example, 15 or 16 years, from 2005 until today, my brother, come, tell the Lebanese people, what your achievements are? Let them see your achievements instead of your shouting, wailing, threatening, treason, insults, noise, and chaos that you are making in the media and in recent years on social networks. Show us your achievements other than useless talk. 

But when we talk about these martyrs, we are talking about historical achievements, not about topical accomplishments that limited to a time or place or that has a limited influence. Rather, we are talking about historical achievements accomplished by the blessing the blood of the martyred resistance fighters who were sons of the resistance, including Hezbollah, the Lebanese resistance regiments, Amal, the Lebanese National Resistance Front, and all the national and Islamic forces that have been fighting before, during, and after 1982. One of the most important achievements is the liberation of the land – since you already know them, I will list them as an index just for the sake of continuing the talk – the liberation of the land following great sacrifices.

Who would have thought that this arrogant enemy supported by multinational as well as internal forces would withdraw from the capital, the suburbs, the mountain, Sidon, Tyre, Nabatiyeh, the western Bekaa, Rashaya, and the 1985 and 2000 border and hide behind the high mountains in the south in the border strip?

Liberating the land, liberating the prisoners, protection, and deterrence, these are achievements that are still ongoing. Liberating the land is still an ongoing process. The prisoners are in their homes and with their families. Protection and deterrence – in the face of everything that is happening in the region, you find that the “Israeli” enemy takes Lebanon into account.

We won in this battle in the face of the American project that used the takfiri terrorism in the region. In the past few weeks, phone calls by Arab kings and presidents with President Bashar al-Assad were announced. In the past few days, the UAE Foreign Minister went to Damascus. Of course, many have commented and studied, all of which is subject to analysis. But Arab recognition of Syria's victory is also a recognition of the defeat of a project in which hundreds of billions of Arab dollars were spent. This visit is a declaration of defeat. Now, some might want to read it at a slow pace, positive, or negative. In any case, I read it from this angle, from the angle of the martyrs who fought in the face of the takfiri terrorism and gave their blood, from the angle of the wounded, from the angle of the mujahideen and the resistance.

Also, among the achievements of these martyrs and this pure blood – this is still being achieved – is that they prevented a civil war that was being planned and still is. With the blessing of this pure blood until now, we have prevented a civil war in Lebanon. Among the real achievements is the prevention – here I want to be precise because it will be the entry point of my speech to the other section – of American control over Lebanon, the prevention of a complete hegemony, complete control, complete hegemony over Lebanon, so that there could be a possibility of having a state in Lebanon that is sovereign, independent, and free. This is also one of the achievements of the martyrs.

I have two main files that I want to talk about very briefly, a couple of words on the “Israeli” issue, a couple of words on the Lebanese-Saudi crisis, and a final comment.

Regarding the “Israeli” issue, “Israel’s” main issue today is worry. “Israel”, it seemed at the time of the Arab Spring, started talking about a very suitable strategic environment for itself. You remember those talks. "Israel" is again worried. It is worried when it comes to Lebanon, Palestine, the region, and its existence. We see the dills that are taking place now in the north of occupied Palestine that began a few days ago and will continue for a month. They used to conduct an exercise once a year. Now, every few months, they conduct an exercise. What’s the reason behind these maneuvers in the north of occupied Palestine? Is it because there are musical bands in Lebanon? And they were talking about the musical band in 1967. No, it’s because Lebanon worries them. For the first time in the history of this entity – more than 70 years – it is afraid of Lebanon. It is not afraid that a shell, a Katyusha rocket, or an explosive device be launched from Lebanon. Rather, it is afraid that Lebanon would storm a large area of the enemy’s north in what is called the “Battle of Galilee”. Today, the term Galilee and the Battle of Galilee have become strongly present in the “Israeli” psyche and “Israeli” culture and are part of the military calculations of the “Israeli” political and military leaders. That is why they build walls, change geography, bring teams to the borders, and hold semi-monthly or semi-seasonal maneuvers in the north. 

They set the hypotheses of the maneuver based on the premise that the resistance in Lebanon will enter the Galilee – even if this was just media talk. The “Israelis” never needed all these measures, these plans, these maneuvers, this spending, and this effort. This is evidence that the “Israelis” trust [the words of] the resistance in Lebanon very well and have good confidence in the sincerity of its promises and in the ability and greatness of its men, and the high status and importance of its strategic minds. The “Israelis” acts on this basis; they do not overlook or underestimate.

Concern about Lebanon and the infantry force, which they fear will enter the Galilee and the north. If this happens, it will have serious repercussions on the existence of the “Israeli” entity. The issue is not a question of thousands or hundreds of kilometers that the resistance can liberate, but rather the repercussions of this event on the entity. They view it from this strategic angle and not from a regional perspective with limited influence. Concern about the resistance's missiles, especially the precise ones. This is a concern from Lebanon, and therefore they are concerned about the war with Lebanon. In Lebanon, people forget the war with “Israel”, except for a few. People in Lebanon live with anxiety about oil derivatives, the prices of fuel, diesel, unemployment, and the [price of the] dollar. This is what people live in Lebanon are worried about. As for the entity, people there live with the anxiety of the war with Lebanon. Therefore, they take it into account a thousand times.

This is one of the blessings of this blood, the pure blood of the martyrs at the level of the region. They live in anxiety of existence, especially after the Al-Quds Sword [battle] and after the rise of the Palestinian people in the West Bank, Al-Quds, Gaza, and the 1948 territory. Follow up and read. Take some of your time to read what the current and former “Israeli” officials – from Bennett to Lapid to Netanyahu – military men, and politicians say about the state of the “Israeli” society and how it is living at the brink of the abyss due to reasons that I do not want to delve into because of lack of time. There is also concern about the strength of the axis that is progressing, developing, and increasing. It is scoring victories and getting out of all the difficulties and wars that have surrounded it for ten years, at the very least.

It is funny that some talk, for example, here in Lebanon and assess that the axis of resistance in the region is weakening and that it is their axis that is getting stronger, knowing that all data confirm the opposite. I do not know what they are reading, what eyes they see with, and what way of thinking they use to analyze the situation in the region.

So, we are faced with a new title that needs to be detailed at a later time for the first time in this way. On the other hand, the “Israeli” entity is experiencing something called existential anxiety, concern for survival and existence. Today, there are already questions among the elites and the people in this entity regarding the legality and objectivity of survival – can we stay in this region?

In the face of all these internal and regional transformations and challenges, they are trying to breathe through the issue of normalization and by opening relations with some Arab countries. But deep down, the “Israelis” know that all these countries that are normalizing with them will not be able to protect their occupation, their walls, and their fortresses from the men of the resistance in Lebanon, in Palestine, and in the entire region. They know that. They are amusing themselves with the normalization movements that we are witnessing in our region.

So, this day is a great achievement in order to understand what is happening inside occupied Palestine. This incomprehensible and increasing violence against the prisoners in prisons in the face of the people of Al-Quds, the people of Sheikh Jarrah, the people of Silwan neighborhood, and others, and in Palestine, in the 1948 territories, and the West Bank as well as the tightening of the siege on Gaza. These are not a sign of strength, this is a sign of anxiety, fear, and panic because whoever resorts to this level of violence and injustice is the weak, frightened, and anxious. This is the achievement of the martyrs.

I move to the other topic which is the basis of my address.

It is, as I said, that these martyrs during nearly 40 years – after several months, we will mark the 40th anniversary of the founding of Hezbollah, 40 years, God willing, at that time, if God wills it and we are still alive, we will celebrate this dear memory. During these years, America, which wanted to take over and dominate the entire region, had a problem in Lebanon. We do not claim that we have been able to completely liberate Lebanon from American influence and hegemony. This is an incorrect claim. There is still some level of American influence and hegemony in Lebanon, and what the Americans want is sometimes subjugated in Lebanon and sometimes it is not. This is the real scene.

So, we are not talking about a complete exit from American influence and American hegemony in Lebanon, nor are we talking about complete hegemony and full American influence. Rather, we are talking about a credible influence of hegemony that still exists at multiple levels – the official, institutional, and popular levels. What we are looking forward to today, of course, with the blessing of all the sacrifices. I can say that through this achievement we prevented this occlusion, complete domination, and complete control. Therefore, Lebanon can so far stand on its feet, and all it needs is only political will and to reject American dictates in demarcating the maritime borders. Here, we are talking about a matter of sovereignty because when you talk about sovereignty, a grain of sand has value, for those who understand sovereignty, a cup of water has value, an inch and a meter have value, in land or in water. But here, we must add and say that the disputed area on the border contains huge oil and gas wealth that Lebanon needs.

Can we overlook when it comes to our sovereignty? Can we overlook when it comes to our wealth? Yes, today, the Lebanese state, until this moment, refused to submit to American dictates. The Americans want Lebanon to accept what is known as the 23rd line or even the 29th. They are mocking Lebanon with the so-called Hof Line settlement. This means it is undebatable among the Lebanese at the very least. 

With regard to this matter, Lebanon as well as the Lebanese government, state, and officials have been subjected to American pressure for years, not only during the last two or three years, but for more than ten years. These pressures escalated and doubled during the time of the Trump government, and his son-in-law Kushner was personally responsible for this file; he contacted Lebanese officials and pressured them. 

Why was Lebanon able to stand and reject the American dictates in demarcating the borders? Because it was depending on the strength of the blood of the martyrs, on our strength, and on the strength of the resistance that is able to deter the enemy from taking a grain of sand, a glass of water, or the Lebanese wealth.

This is the meaning that Lebanon is not completely in the circle of hegemony and influence. However, there are many examples that confirm that Lebanon is in a certain sphere of hegemony and influence. This is the existing battle that we are still fighting, and the real sovereign battle is this one.

We, brothers and sisters – I say it frankly – in Hezbollah aspire and look forward to the establishment of a central state, a just state, and a state for all its citizens in which they are equal in all Lebanese areas regardless of their affiliations – a real sovereign country, a real independent country, and a country with real freedom. One of the simplest manifestations and expressions of sovereignty and independence is the rejection of external dictates.

A state that accepts external dictates is lying when it claims that it is sovereign, independent, and simply free. This is one of the simple and clear matters that do not need inference, complex sentences, and entangled premises, and the like is simply the simplest manifestation of a state with sovereignty, independence, and freedom, which is Refusal of external dictates, that's the least. From here, I enter the last title, and the second title is the last crisis that Saudi Arabia created with Lebanon, to be precise

This is one of the simple and clear matters that do not need inference, complex sentences, and interwoven introductions. Simply put, the manifestation of a sovereign, independent, and free state is the rejection of external dictates. This is at the very least.

From here, I delve into the last topic, and the second topic is the latest crisis that Saudi Arabia created with Lebanon, to be precise.

Basically, saying the Lebanese-Saudi crisis is inaccurate, for the crisis that Saudi Arabia created with Lebanon, of course, I am today. Many wrote and said so-and-so will say this on Thursday. I do not want to escalate, complicate matters, or any of this sort. On the contrary, we like things to calm down and get fixed, but we are very concerned in finding out the facts because we are in front of a public opinion battle and an injustice. It is not right for the oppressed to remain silent when they can prove their right and the wrongdoing.

From here, I delve into this file. There is not enough time to deal with it in all its aspects, but you all know the main points and facts. A few days ago, someone released a statement belonging to the Lebanese Minister of Information, Mr. George Kordahi, in which he talked about the war in Yemen. He was speaking calmly and objectively and did not attack anyone or use any harsh expressions. At that time, he was not a minister in the Lebanese government yet.

A few weeks after this interview, the Saudis woke up and made a bid deal out of it, and what is now called the current crisis began – the fabricated crisis. This crisis is still present and ongoing. There are several possibilities or hypotheses.

The first possibility is that the Saudis were genuinely unaware of what the Minister of Information had previously said, and they saw it at this time. They were angered by this speech and demanded his resignation or dismissal. This is it, and there is nothing beyond that. In any case, this is a hypothesis. Many people rule it out, but this is a possibility.

Aren’t there in the Arab world, for example, departments and strategic rooms that think, plan, and set stages? There are many situations that erupt as a result of a single reaction, as a result of excitement and anger, haste in making decisions, and the individuality of making political decisions. This is a possibility. Let's stop a little at this hypothesis because there are still two hypotheses that I will talk about. I want to comment on several points in this hypothesis. 

The first point: This was said, but I want to collect and arrange it. We can say that the Saudi reaction to Mr. George Kordahi statements is very, very, very, very, very exaggerated and incomprehensible. What is the reason for this level of exaggeration? Similar statements have been made – the futile war and demanding for it to end. Harsher statements by politicians in the Arab world, American officials in the Biden administration, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and others were made, but we did not see any reaction, not even a simple one, from Saudi Arabia. Why did they only reacted to Mr. George Kordahi’s? This is incomprehensible. The Lebanese must ask themselves, why? This is the first point.

The second point: There are much more important things than this observation made towards Saudi Arabia, for example. Saudi Arabia says that it governs through Islam and that its king is the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques. Muhammad is the Messenger of God is written on its flag. During all the past years until today, parties, figures, and associations in some countries have cursed and insulted the Messenger of God. Presidents and governments of those countries protected these people and adopted what they did. However, we did not see Saudi Arabia do anything. It did not withdraw its ambassador or suspend imports and exports. I wonder if what they considered insulting to them in the words of the Minister of Information is more dangerous, bigger, and more heinous than what has been said about the Messenger of God, Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him and his family) during all these years!

If the issue is really a matter of dignity, jealousy, fervor, honor, etc. This is a question to Saudi Arabia and the Lebanese people. This is on the one hand. I will make another comment. It is assumed that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as it presents itself, is a friend of Lebanon and the Lebanese people. We understand that it has a problem with Hezbollah. But isn’t it the one who is presenting itself as a friend of the Lebanese people? And its problem is with a part of the Lebanese people called Hezbollah. Is this how a friend deals with a friend?

You have a problem with the Minister of Information. You should limit it to the Minister of Information. But it summoned its ambassador and expelled the Lebanese ambassador, prevented imports, and placed the Lebanese in a cycle of intimidation and threats, insulting the Lebanese and their leaders, including high ranking ones. Is this how a friend deals with his friend?

This is a question for the friends of Saudi Arabia in Lebanon. In this section, I will speak calmly because we, Lebanese, need to speak calmly. Take another example, Syria, which we say is Lebanon’s friend for 15 or 16 years, since 2005. Its president, government, and people are being insulted by leaders, presidents, ministers, representatives of parties and the media in Lebanon on a daily basis and for the past 16 years. They even sent armed men to fight the state in Syria. They sent weapons, ammunition, and fighters. They opened the borders and brought ships. Isn’t this true? 

When addressing the electricity problem in Lebanon – we all know in Lebanon and agree that it is the main problem because if the problem of electricity in Lebanon is solved, this will have an impact on all of our lives, on our factories, hospitals, bakeries, schools, and homes. With the blessing of Iranian diesel ships and when the Americans lifted the ban on Egyptian gas and Jordanian electricity which will come to us via Syria – did Syria object? 

It is true that Egyptian gas and Jordanian electricity will address a large part of the electricity problem in Lebanon. If you want them to pass through Syria, so and so apologize or resign and so and so and so TV must be shut down. But the Syrians did not say any of this. They did not say that you insulted us, cursed us, attacked us, opened a war against us, and supported the cosmic war against us. On the contrary, they welcomed the idea. This is a friend. 

Similarly with the Islamic Republic of Iran. For 16 years since 2005 until today, it’s insulted and accused on a daily basis. You know them – officials, ministers, presidents, and deputies. There is no need to repeat them. The Islamic Republic always says that it will continue to help us. Has Iran ever asked the Lebanese people for gratitude? Did it say: O people of Lebanon in 1982, "Israel" almost occupied all of Lebanon, we came, supported, financed you, etc., and if it weren’t for us, Lebanon would’ve been occupied. Did an Iranian official ever say this? Did they ever ask for gratitude? 

Never! On the contrary, they are ready every day. If Lebanon wants electricity or a metro, they are ready for that. The sold us gasoline, diesel, fuel, and oil in Lebanese pounds. You do not want that. Despite all the insults and slander, they did not withdraw their ambassador from Lebanon and did not expel the Lebanese ambassador from Tehran. This is the friend. The question is for the friends of Saudi in Lebanon. Is this how a friend behaves with his friend? Because they [the Saudis] have a problem with a minister or with some Lebanese party, they boycott Lebanon, besiege Lebanon, threaten the Lebanese, and launch a diplomatic war in the region against Lebanon? Is this a friend or what?

Let the Lebanese people describe. We ae talking about facts and evidence. I do not like rhetoric, theories, or ideals. These are evidence and facts that we see every day. I will suffice with this much on this possibility because the next one needs more elaboration.

Even on this subject, the position that was taken for the Minister of Information that he does not want to resign. Of course, in the country, no one said that we want to be sack him, according to my information, and if this is an option on the table. We supported the position of the Minister of Information that he should not resign and we refused to say it. Frankly, there is a discussion here about the national interest. Do you know why?

Brothers, and I will address the Lebanese people in general. The first act of weakness was the resignation of Minister Charbel Wehbe. This was the first act of weakness. This emboldened Saudi Arabia against you in Lebanon. When a man resigned regardless of whether he made a mistake or not, an apology could have been enough, for example. He was forced to resign, so he resigned and went home. A new foreign minister was appointed. What did Saudi Arabia do in return? This positive step, which in Hezbollah’s opinion was a mistake, how was it reciprocated by Saudi Arabia?

With nothing except more negativity and boycotting and more disrespect by the Saudi embassy towards the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Did this happen or not? Today, if a minister resigns or was dismissed, can you point me to a sovereign country? What country tells a government minister that he must resign. If you don't sack him, the government must resign. Is this a sovereign state? Is this an independent state? Is this a free state? Brother, is this a decent country? Is this an honest country? Does this country have dignity? This is what we must discuss with some, and as many Lebanese have said, would the matter be resolved with the resignation of Minister Kordahi?

When we started with A with Charbel Wehbe, B must follow with Mr. George Kordahi, and so on until we reach Z. The demands of Saudi Arabia and those behind it will not end in Lebanon because when we reach the other possibility, we will stop at this point. Hence, those who demanded the Minister of Information to put forth the national interest, here there is a discussion, what is the national interest? Is the national interest succumbing to external dictates? Is the national interest heeding to all external requests? If there is an interest for Lebanon in what the outside world is asking, then there is no problem, this is a national interest. But if there is a derogation from Lebanon's sovereignty, humiliation of Lebanon, and an insult to Lebanon, how does this become a national interest? We are done with the first possibility. What we’ve said is sufficient.

I will to discuss the second and third possibilities together.

The second possibility: Those who demanded Minister Kordahi’s resignation were sure that he would resign or that he would be sacked. Hence, by doing so they recorded a moral and diplomatic victory and humiliated Lebanon, and the matter ends at that. But when the minister refused to resign and his resignation  was rejected, the Saudis were faced with a big confrontation. Hence, they created this crisis and said that the battle was with Hezbollah. This is a hypothesis and a possibility. The third possibility says that from the beginning it is not about a statement or a minister. Saudi Arabia was looking for an excuse to create a crisis with Lebanon. We put these two possibilities together because they lead to the same result.

The crisis that Saudi Arabia created with Lebanon and this pressure that began are part of the battle with the resistance in Lebanon. Let us talk frankly. It is not a battle with Hezbollah as Hezbollah or a  political party but with Hezbollah as resistance and with the resistance project in Lebanon. During all the past years, at least since 2006 and not since 2005, Saudi Arabia has been in this battle. We know the Saudi role in the July war and how they incited the “Israelis” to carry on with the July war. This is documented and confirmed, and the Americans talked about it in their memoirs and books. But the July war ended in a different way than what Saudi Arabia and others in the Arab world desired. They continued after that. Everyone knows that their problem with their allies in Lebanon is that they want their allies to fight Hezbollah and to wage a civil war against Hezbollah, for the sake of whom?

Was it in the interest of Saudi Arabia? No, it’s in the interest of "Israel", the Americans, and the American-“Israeli” project in the region, in which Saudi Arabia has provided services in more than one region and more than one country. This is the truth. Why did they cut off their money from their allies in recent years? Why do they deal with so many of their allies with this level of humiliation? I do not want to talk about the details that the Lebanese know. Why did they not provide their allies and the supporters of their allies with any assistance during the past years?

Saudi Arabia can drown Lebanon in gasoline, diesel, fuel, and money, as well as charitable projects from the kingdom of goodness, but it did not do that, why? Because it wants a price. The price is a civil war. Those in Lebanon are of two types. It is either they do not want a civil war or they can't start a civil war. And this is Saudi Arabia’s problem with its allies in Lebanon. It was fed up with them, us, and everyone, so it fabricated crisis. This crisis is a continuation of a battle that has existed since the July 2006 war and takes different forms and names – sometimes it’s an “Israeli”, in other times its sectarian incitement or a civil war the way Al-Sabhan was doing in 2017 when they arrested former Prime Minister Saad Hariri. Today, this is a form of war. What is the argument? When the Saudi Foreign Ministry statement came out later, the Saudi Foreign Minister came out and spoke about the issue. He said Hezbollah. What is your problem with Hezbollah?

He mentioned two basic arguments. The rest revolves around these two arguments. The first argument is Hezbollah's domination of Lebanon. Therefore, we have a problem with Lebanon because Hezbollah is controlling the state in Lebanon. Through these measures, the Saudis want to liberate the Lebanese state from the Hezbollah’s hegemony. This is first. This is of course the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Its tools, the Lebanese, Saudi, and Gulf political and media tools, are working on this. I will return to it later.

The other argument is Yemen. Also, for the sake of clarifying the facts and in order to be aware and insightful of what is going on with us and around us. We come to the claim of hegemony over Lebanon. We, the Lebanese, live in the country. I think that any fair Lebanese knows that this is nonsense, whether it is said by the Saudis, the Lebanese, the Americans, or anyone. Everyone in Lebanon knows that Hezbollah does not control the Lebanese state. In fact, I wrote some evidence that I have to talk about to say. When I present evidence and infer that Hezbollah does not control the Lebanese state, I feel ashamed as it is a waste of time. We are discussing a ridiculous idea at this level. And based on this, what is more ridiculous is the idea of the Iranian occupation.

When it comes to the realistic description in Lebanon, we do not deny that we are an influential party. We are an influential party since we take part in Parliament and the government and we have relations with parliamentary blocs, parties, and presidencies. Yes, we are an influential party. In the past, I was humble and said we were one of the largest Lebanese parties. I ask our friends and opponents to bear us. We are the largest party in Lebanon at the political level, organizational structures, and the popular support. Allow me to say this since we are in the circle of controversy, but we are not in control of the country. We have influence, and others have influence. I previously said and repeat, others have a greater influence than our influence on the state, the Lebanese judiciary, the Lebanese army, the Lebanese security forces, and the Lebanese administration. Their influence is greater than ours. I do not want to say that our influence is equal to the others’. No, others have more influence than us. There are much evidence that the Lebanese can know. But I will quicky mention some evidence for this not to remain a case. 

For example, in the Beirut Port incident and the investigation into the case, we talked about it a lot. I do not want to go back to it, but I want to mention it as an evidence. I have made an address five times. Of course, our standpoint is constitutional, and our observation is that there is bias, politicization, etc. you heard them and I do not want to repeat. We resorted to judicial and political means, and in the end, we staged a demonstration, and there were martyrs.

What kind of party controls Lebanon – or if someone wanted to intensify the situation and say the "Shiite duo" – but is unable to reach a result? Even though this is an admission of helplessness,  but we are discussing the subject of domination. We are working within the legal and official mechanisms. A party unable to remove a judge from handling a file they [Hezbollah] believe is acting with bias and a politicized manner. Is this a dominant party in the country?

I’ll give another more modern example – the ships carrying diesel. I will come back and talk about the issue of diesel briefly during a special address related to the winter season. We will discuss it and things related to it. When we wanted to bring the diesel ships, the Lebanese government not publicly, implicitly, and secretly fee asked us not to bring them to Al-Zahrani and Tripoli but rather take them to Syria. If we were controlling the country, would we have taken these ships to Baniyas and from there drag the fuel 250 km during winter season and snow and bring it to Baalbek to distribute it to the rest of the Lebanese areas? Is this what a party that dominates a country does!? These are simple examples.

After 2006 at the very least, we and others in Lebanon demanded the restoration of relations with Syria, to cooperate and coordinate with Syria in the interest of Lebanon – in agriculture in Lebanon,  industry, trade, transit, electricity. Coordination and openness to Syria is an absolute Lebanese interest. We spoke in vain, but no one listened to us – not in the current government or in the previous governments. What kind of dominant party is this!? We believe that saving Lebanon is heading towards the east while preserving its relationship with the West. Go ahead, accept the Chinese projects. But they do not want to accept! Who does not accept? The state. 

Accept the Russian projects. The Russians are saying that they want to build refineries. They do not want to accept. Then, accept [buying] Iranian oil in Lebanese pounds. They do not accept! Accept the Iranian electric plants, they do not accept! Hence, are we a party controlling the state? This is the biggest lie that exists today in Lebanon and in the region. From here, I move to the Iranian occupation of Lebanon. Iran, which is occupying Lebanon, cannot allow a diesel ship to enter the oil refineries in Lebanon. What is this empty, ridiculous, and frivolous talk? It does not matter who is saying it, Lebanese or Saudi or whoever he is. This is a weak argument. Hence, with regard to hegemony, Saudi Arabia’s excuse for creating a crisis with Lebanon under the pretext that Hezbollah is dominant over the state, thus withdrawing their ambassador and expelling ours is a complete lie, slander, and just an excuse. 

We come to the subject of Yemen, also a few words. If it’s about our media stance, since the first night of the aggressive war against Yemen and the Yemeni people, Hezbollah has been clear and made a position. We’ve been speaking out for seven years, and you punished us for it. You took off Al-Manar from Nilesat and Arabsat. You punished us as a party. But we accepted this punishment and consider it a sacrifice for the sake of our humanitarian, moral, and honorable stance towards the people of Yemen and the aggression against Yemen. We did not grieve. This has been our stance for the past seven years. 

On the contrary, in recent months, we have been talking a little [about Yemen] because what we were concerned about in Lebanon was the issue of diesel, gasoline, dollars, stations, etc. If I mentioned Yemen, one might say ‘look at the what the Lebanese people are concerned about and what Sayyed and Hezbollah are talking about!’ 

If we want to evaluate the situation, we’d say that the media attack by Hezbollah on Saudi Arabia and the Saudi war was less intense than ever before due to the preoccupation of Lebanon’s Hezbollah. Well, then why now?

Hence, it’s about media hype! Yes, the issue of Yemen – brothers and sisters, O Lebanese for you to know where they want to cause a problem for you – is related to Marib. It’s about the aggressive war on Yemen and its results. There is no need to analyze due to lack of time. After seven years of war and hundreds of billions of dollars, the result of the war was a complete failure. What the Lebanese know well, the politicians, the parties, especially the NGO’s who sat with Schenker the embassy – you remember him. What did he say? Two days ago, he said that the fall of Marib is a defeat for Riyadh and Washington. The fall of Marib means that the other side won the Yemeni war.

Schenker and not a person belonging to the axis of the resistance is saying this. The repercussions of Marib will be very big on Yemen and the region, and Saudi Arabia is aware of this. Here, it is possible for someone to believe that the fabricated crisis with Lebanon is because their problem is with Hezbollah. So, the Lebanese people must pressure Hezbollah.

One may say that it is possible that it was created to put pressure on Lebanon, which in turn will pressure Hezbollah, and Hezbollah in turn will put pressure on Ansarullah to end the war in Yemen. Now, if the Saudi are thinking in this way, it does not mean they are thinking. No, they are just taking it out on us. But this is also incorrect and illogical, and one can occupy his mind with illogical issues, why? Here, I want to make something clear. Some in Lebanon said it, and some of our friends followed it and considered it a pride for Hezbollah. Yes, it is a source of pride in part, but it is incorrect. We do not need baseless feats. Praise be to God, we have feats to the extent that God wills. These martyrs are our glories; they are our speaking history. Isn’t this correct? This is what Sayyed Abbas al-Mousawi used to say: They are our pride and greatness!

It was said that during the Saudi-Iranian negotiations in Baghdad, when the Saudis talked to the Iranians about Yemen and told them to contact Hezbollah in Lebanon and let it deal with this issue for you, someone wrote to them contact Sayyed Hassan!

It is not true. This did not happen in Baghdad. It did not happen between the Saudis and the Iranians. During the four rounds of negotiations, Lebanon and Hezbollah were not mentioned at all. Yemen or any other thing was mentioned. Yes, the Saudis asked the Iranians about Yemen, and the Iranians told them to talk to the Yemenis. Sayyed Abd al-Malik is present; Ansarullah is present; their representatives are present at home and abroad, negotiate with them. We are ready to help if needed, but we do not represent Yemen. We were not appointed to speak on their behalf. We are not concerned with negotiating on behalf of the Yemenis and the brothers in Iran.

Indeed, this is the case in the matter of Yemen and anything else. They never negotiated on behalf of anyone, not on behalf of a Lebanese, a Yemeni, a Bahraini, an Iraqi, a Palestinian, a Syrian, an Afghan, or anyone else. No one mentioned Hezbollah. Keep this in mind as a decisive and conclusive illustration. Not that they did not inform us. No, I tell you, I am familiar with the minutes of the sessions that took place in Baghdad, nothing of this sort happened at all.

Where is the ambiguity for the Saudis at this point? They may have a suspicion and have talked about it on more than one occasion. They think that the one who is leading the fronts in Yemen is Hezbollah, that they are leaders from Hezbollah, that these victories are caused by Hezbollah, and that the defeats inflicted on it are caused by Hezbollah. These are all baseless illusions. The victories in Yemen are made by Yemeni leaders, Yemeni fighters, Yemeni minds, Yemeni will, Yemeni faith, Yemeni wisdom, Yemeni miracles, and divine victory for Yemen. This is what is happening in Yemen.

You’ve got it wrong if you are holding us responsible. But there is a problem in the Saudi mindset towards Yemen and towards all neighboring countries. It is arrogance and contempt for people. They think they are better and more intelligent than everyone else.

No, not like that! Today, when you tell the Saudis the fact that Ansarullah and the Yemenis are manufacturing drones, ballistic missiles, and even bullets, shells, and cannons , they don’t believe. However, this is the fact. They are genius and intelligent people. We know them on the field, and we do not deny this. Hence, this is a weak argument!

The issue of Yemen cannot be an argument on the basis of which the Saudis are punishing all of Lebanon. If you want to punish Hezbollah, then punish it. There is no problem. Boycott us. Fight us. Anything you can do against Hezbollah, do it. You are doing it anyway. You’ve been doing it, day and night, since 2006. But what is the fault of the Lebanese people and the Lebanese state? Look at the Americans. They walked a path and eventually discovered that they were harming the Lebanese people and their allies and friends. They began to reconsider at some point. It will Later become clear whether they reconsidered or not. Thus, this is also a flimsy argument.

I tell Saudi Arabia that if you really want to get rid of the Yemen issue, it is not by putting pressure on Lebanon, Hezbollah in Lebanon, or anyone in the globe. There is only one way – accept a cease-fire, lift the siege, and go to political negotiations. Other than that, neither America, nor the UN Security Council, nor the League of Arab States, nor severing diplomatic relations, nor creating crises with countries like Lebanon can change anything or alter what is being achieved today in the mujahid, oppressed, and victorious Yemen. This is the only way, and there is no other way.

For us in Lebanon, I call for patience, endurance, calm, and preserving sovereignty and national dignity. Let's spread a calm atmosphere, so that they can calm the issue. We do not want to start a battle with Saudi Arabia, with any of the Gulf states, or with anyone. Nor did we create this crisis. Yes, if the issue is one of revenge and deception and we want to destroy Lebanon because we could not control it, then this has become another matter. Here, the Lebanese must make their choice!

I will conclude with a final point regarding what was recently said. Of course, today we are marking Martyr’s Day, and the blood of the Khaldeh martyrs, the martyrs of Tayouneh, the Tayouneh massacre and the Khaldeh massacre is strongly present in our hands. Regarding the Khaldeh incident, we have called for restraint, calm, and resorting to the state, the Lebanese army, the judiciary from the start. This was a sound and correct path. Today, an indictment was issued, then it will go to trial. We are open and await the verdicts. At the same time, we are open to addressing the Khaldeh incident, for reconciliation in Khalde, to finding solutions because we also want this region to calm down and stabilize. If we follow this road, practiced patience, soothed our wounds, avoid sedition and civil war, and have patience and insight, it will take us towards a correct path. Those who killed our brothers and loved ones in Khaldeh will receive their punishment, and the problem remains within the limits of this circle, and we are open to other treatments. 

Regarding the Tayouneh incident, we and our brothers in Amal agreed. We practiced self-restraint. I do not want to delve now into new details. We handed the matter over to the military judiciary. We handed it over to the Lebanese judiciary and to the Lebanese army. The military judiciary will investigate, and we will see what will be issued in this case. We and the families of the martyrs will follow up on this matter until the end.

Of course, when we talk about the Tayouneh massacre, we mean the massacre that the Lebanese Forces deliberately committed. It was premeditated, planned, and prepared. There was reconnaissance and mobilization – elements from outside Ain al-Remmaneh entered to Ain al-Remmaneh. We leave the rest to the judiciary. Everything that was said about a swap between the Port of Beirut file and the Tayouneh file is incorrect and has no basis. Of course, none of us can accept a barter of this kind, both files are very important, and all the blood that was spilt in the Beirut Port and in Tayouneh is pure and oppressed. The families of the Beirut port martyrs and the families of the Tayouneh martyrs are the same to us. Therefore, it is absolutely not true that in order to cover up an issue or in order to serve a cause, we do injustice to the families of martyrs or desecrate the blood of martyrs. What is required in the port case is access to truth and justice. We may differ on the way. What is required in the Tayouneh case is to reach the truth and justice. As we promised you previously, we will continue the path in the two cases and work on the two cases. No one should ever think that somewhere, someone wants to kill a case to revive another. This is a religious, legal, patriotic, moral, and humanitarian commitment on our part.

On the day of our martyr, on the day of our great martyrs, we pledge their good and pure souls to continue the path they paved with their blood, their sweat, their jihad, their efforts, and their sacrifices. And, God willing, we say to our martyrs, we will continue on your path; we will fulfill our promise and pledge allegiance to God and to you; and we will achieve your goals. We ask God to grant us what He has bestowed upon you – the medal of great martyrdom – to put us with you, and to never separate us from each other in this world and the next.

Peace, mercy, and blessings of God be upon you.
