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Leader of Martyrs: Sayyed Nasrallah


The Political Segment from Sayyed Nasrallah’s Speech on the Birth Anniv. of Prophet Muhammad [PBUH]

The Political Segment from Sayyed Nasrallah’s Speech on the Birth Anniv. of Prophet Muhammad [PBUH]
folder_openSpeeches-2021 access_time2 years ago
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Tranlstaed by Staff, Hezbollah Media Relations

The political segment from the speech of Hezbollah’s Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah at the festival held by the party marking the Prophet's birthday and the Islamic Unity Week at the Ashura courtyard in Beirut’s southern suburbs.

1- Palestine:

The first file we will be talking about which is our priority as followers of the Messenger of God is Palestine, the point of consensus in this ummah. There is no disagreement about this. The Shiites, the Sunnis, and other Muslims are united on this file.

Here, we repeat and remind you of the responsibility. There are oppressed people in Palestine that are suffering from a siege and a suffocating livelihood crises and from very pressing humanitarian issues, including that of the detainees and their families, for example, and that of the displaced inside and outside the country – because there are displaced inside Palestine and outside. There is an occupied land and sanctities that have been violated – Islamic and Christian sanctities. No free person, not just a Muslim, any reasonable human being with feelings and instinct cannot say that this isn’t their concern. Let alone if this person is a Muslim. He cannot say that he is not concerned about this. We in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Hijaz, Yemen, and everywhere are concerned.

There are new theories that say that each person should be concerned with his country only. However, this is not a validation for interfering in the internal affairs of others. This is an occupied land whose people are persecuted and oppressed and their sanctities violated. To make matters worse, the enemy poses a threat to all neighboring countries, people in the region, and the nation. So, we must not say, for example, that this is not our concern and that we are neutral. The values that the Messenger of God called for say that we must bear a responsibility towards Palestine – if you cannot fight, you can spend money. Today the resistance in Palestine needs money – the steadfastness of the Palestinian people in their land in light of the stifling living crises, the unemployment crisis, the siege, and the crisis of temptations to buy land, which unfortunately are now assisted by merchants from Arab countries who deceive people. Those who have money should give. It is not mustahab.

This is part of the battle. If you do not have [the ability to support with] money, weapons, or taking part in fighting, you can have a position – show your support and do not turn your back as a result of flimsy pretexts, as is happening now in much of the Arab world. They abandoned Palestine and the Palestinian people. They began looking for the “Israelis’” right to the land of Palestine and talk about the “Israeli” society as an oasis of peace, etc. This is very unfortunate and very sad. Can you take a position? Your duty is to take a stand at a time when there is television and radio. However, today there is social media. Everyone has radio or television set. This is an influential matter. No one is saying that this is ineffective, but silence toward what is happening in Palestine is not right. We can never be silent. If you cannot speak out in a certain country, then do it in your heart – hate this enemy and to deny this occupation, this aggression, this injustice, and this violation.

Today, brothers and sisters, America and some Arab regimes want to destroy and eliminate this hatred and denial in the heart by our Arab and Islamic people, which is the weakest of faith, through normalization – we must love “Israel”, not only to recognize it but also to embrace it and love it, organize poetry for it and recognize its rights. Is this not what is happening today in some countries in our Arab and Islamic world. That is also why today this is one of the most important battles that must be fought. All of us can fight it, even as an individual, who does not belong to a party, movement, organization, group, current, faction, etc.

Each one alone can fight this battle in the face of normalization by boycotting and expressing positions or opinions. Let us take Bahrain, for example. Bahraini scholars issued statements of condemnation regarding what the Bahraini authority is doing with the “Israeli” enemy, in terms of relations, normalization, and opening embassies. They wrote their names in it even though they may be threatened with arrest and persecution. They did that anyways. A few days ago, we saw Bahraini youths taking to the street to denounce the visit of the enemy’s foreign minister and the opening of an “Israeli” embassy in Manama. They were suppressed, beaten, and arrested. They know the conditions of the detainees and the torture they are subjected to.

Despite their suffering, the Yemenis insist on supporting Palestine. They demonstrate and donate money for it. They declare their readiness even before the celebration of the Prophet’s birthday – the leader of Ansarullah declares his readiness once again to be part of the regional equation that protects Al-Quds and the holy sites in Palestine. This is an expression of commitment to duty and responsibility. This is the prophetic spirit. This is belonging to the Messenger of God.

We also find this in many countries in the Arab and Islamic world. A conference for normalization that was held in Erbil was meant to feel the pulse and was the beginning. If people were silent about it, normalization in Iraq would have passed. But the Sunni and Shiite religious authorities, Shiite and Sunni scholars, and the rest of the sects, political parties, resistance factions, clans, and tribes from the south to Anbar took a sharp, decisive, and harsh stance. The official and judicial position was also excellent. They cut off sedition from the start, and this was meant to feel the pulse. If the Erbil conference had passed without official, popular, scholarly, and religious reactions, other conferences would have followed. But now, the issue is different. Therefore, this battle must also be fought – for people to bear the consequences of standing by Palestine as the Islamic Republic in Iran, Syria, and others are bearing. This is one of the duties, one of the simplest duties that we must accept and coexist with. This is one file.

2- Yemen:

Also, it is our responsibility to talk about another file in a few words. I will mention all the files in a couple of words. The Yemen file.

From the beginning, we made a position. We said that these people are oppressed and assaulted. It’s been seven years since this aggression. The criminal or the wrongdoer in the Arab and Islamic world are those who stand by these oppressed people and condemn the aggression. Therefore, we are the ones who are wrong, and the actions of others are right. Therefore, we must be held accountable for this wrongdoing. This is absolutely not right. Isn’t this the responsibility of the Islamic peoples, Muslim scholars, Islamic movements, the Islamic nation, and indeed all the free people of the world in the face of this bloody war that has been going on for seven years?

The Security Council and the international community are talking about the will of the people. A few days ago, in the Yemeni capitals, major cities, and governorates that are with Ansarullah and with the Sana’a government, we saw huge demonstrations of millions, hundreds of thousands – describe them the way you wish – regardless of them celebrating the Prophet’s birthday. These people were expressing popular will and a popular position. Shouldn't this popular will be respected? Who are concerned about the Yemeni people? These are the Yemeni people, who attended the demonstration in their millions in some cities and in the hundreds of thousands in others under the banner of this leader and this jihadi faith movement. Shouldn't the will of these people be respected?

Thus, instead of condemning the victim, the world and the UN Security Council must work to put pressure on the powers, on America, on Saudi Arabia, and on the others – the forces that are continuing to wage the war and aggression? On the other hand, those who are saying that these brothers do not want to stop the war are wrong. They really want to stop the war, meaning a cease-fire and the lifting of the siege. However, a cease-fire and the continuation of a siege means the continuation of the war. Here, at the very least, we must have sympathy in our hearts and condemning this crime that has been going on for seven years are also among our duties.

3- Daesh:

The third file is Daesh [Arabic acronym for “ISIS” / “ISIL”] and what it brought upon the nation, Muslims and non-Muslims, humanity, and the Messenger of God, his religion, and his name. Unfortunately, all the atrocities it commits are under a banner that has the seal of the Prophet on it – “Muhammad is the Messenger of God”.

People are killed and slaughtered with knives, massacres are committed, and worshipers – men, women, and children – are killed in mosques and churches in suicide operations. However, many in this world remain silent. The Americans say we created Daesh. Yet, there are those who are not ready to hear this.

The Americans say that they are using Daesh to tear apart Muslims, to destroy armies and countries, and to destroy and tear apart peoples. Yet, there are those who are not ready to hear this talk. This is being said by the Americans and in previous and current post on a daily basis. One of the most imperative duties today in defending the Messenger of God, Muhammad, and his name is for Muslims, Muslim scholars and elites, Islamic movements, and, first and foremost, the general public to stand in the face of this brutal, terrorist, and murderous group, which is portraying the worst image of Islam and its Prophet since the Messenger of God was sent.

There has not been a monstrous and offensive model like this since the first days of Islam. This is also a responsibility – we cannot do anything for the people who are being killed in mosques. Today, thank God, it seems that we have come to a good end. However, last Friday in Kunduz during Friday prayer and the second Friday in Kandahar. Today, it seems good precautionary measures were taken. They send two or three suicide bombers to a mosque filled with hundreds of worshipers. What kind of mind is this? What kind of brutality is this? Then, you find people who are silent. They don’t even issue a condemnation. This is a strange and contradicts the spirit of Islam and belonging to this Messenger.

4- Islamic Unity:

Before I tackle some of the points concerning Lebanon, I will talk about the last file which is the Islamic unity file. We say the Islamic Unity Week. Of course, this file has been in the works since the victory of the Islamic revolution. Before the Islamic revolution, religious authorities and major religious centers in the Muslim world – Shiite and Sunnis – have been working on it. Following the victory of the Islamic revolution, a distinctive interest in it arose. When talking about Islamic unity, neither Imam Khomeini, nor His Eminence Imam Khamenei, nor any of the Sunni and Shiite scholars and elites meant by it is unity to merger, unity to cancel, unity to melt – call it whatever you want. No. The Sunnis have their own doctrines and understanding, so do the Shiites, etc.

There is no problem with this topic. There are also other Islamic groups. What is meant here is cooperation, closeness, collaboration, support, and integration between Muslims on the basis of {And cooperate with one another in virtuous conduct and conscience.} It also means avoid fighting, conflict, and negativity – {and do not dispute, lest you falter.} This is the intended meaning [of Islamic unity]. The whole point is this realistic idea because there will always be people – who have been arguing for forty years – who will argue that this [Islamic unity] slogan is unrealistic, an imaginary and philosophical talk, and talk that has no ground. Yes, if merger, and solubility is the intention, then this is true. Otherwise, it is hypothetical and imaginary talk.

But this was never the intention – for the Shiites to become Sunnis or the Sunnis become Shiite. Rather, all the great things Muslims have in common must all meet. Hence, they must cooperate, advise each other, and be like one body, but each having his own personality. This idea should be reorganized and work to achieve. Of course, in all the squares where they converged and cooperated, they triumphed. Through this closeness and cooperation, the resistance in Lebanon achieved victory. The resistance in Palestine triumphs when it unites inside and outside Palestine with the rest of the resistance as it is happening now. Today, the resistance that includes Sunnis and Shiites is a main force for resistance in Palestine. Similarly, when the Sunnis and Shiites fought shoulder to shoulder some of these groups, including a Daesh, they were able to achieve victory in more than one Arab and Islamic country.

When we cooperate, we triumph. When we fight, we fail. Our enemy who wants to dominate the region and control it and continue to occupy Palestine wants us to always be fighting each other. It wants to convert any political problem into a sectarian one. It wants to exploit any personal dispute and light it up to ignite a big sedition.

This is a great responsibility. Today, one of the Muslims’ greatest responsibilities, including their scholars, leaders, elites, and seniors, is to prevent any action that could lead to sedition, to rupture, to separation despite all the enemies’ conspiracies and all the existing ignorance and hatred. And let us be frank. Among the Shiites in the Arab and Islamic world, there are those who do not accept this idea and project and do not support it. They work to sabotage it. Some do so as a result of certain convictions, while others do so as a result of the American and British intelligence penetration into the Shiite community. Same goes to the Sunni community. Today, the Americans are toying with us Muslims, and the British, who have historical experience in this matter, are toying with us Muslims.  Today, everything that brings you closer is an obligation, and everything that drives you apart is forbidden, and we must work to avoid it.

I will talk about the Lebanese files in a few words quickly.

1- The Tayouneh incident and the massacre that was committed:

On Monday, I spoke about it in some length. I will stick to what I said on Monday and assure everyone that we are all following up on the investigation. According to my data, it is a serious and accurate investigation that follows up on the details. It is also a brave investigation, and we should wait for things to come to an end. The political, popular, and media condemnation of the perpetrators, killers, and those who nearly dragged the country into strife, internal fighting, and civil war must also continue. The data does not justify them at all even though they are trying to say no, it is not. In any case, the investigation will reveal this topic. We once again commend and show our respect and appreciation to the awareness, patience, insight, and wisdom of the families of the oppressed martyrs of the Amal movement and Hezbollah. The families of these beloved and oppressed martyrs will, God willing, continue with this position, and together we will follow up on this file until its conclusion.

2- The demarcation of the maritime borders and the issue of the economic zone and the disputed area:

Regarding Hezbollah, since this issue has been raised in the country again, we said: We do not want to interfere in this matter. We will not express an opinion or a position related to the demarcation of the border – do we support Line 23? Do we support Line 29? Do we accept anything under Line 29? Do we accept below Line 23? We have declared on more than one occasion that we do not want to interfere in this matter. This is left to the state, and the state should take a stand and make up its mind. But what I want to talk about tonight is related to what the “Israeli” enemy has done recently –we heard from the media that it assigned one oil exploration company to start drilling for oil in the disputed area. We waited until we saw what position would be taken. Of course, we are continuing to collect information to verify these data. But I want to say tonight, clearly and frankly, is that when I spoke about the resistance’s ability, numbers, and capabilities, I said on Monday that the resistance’s capabilities are intended to defend Lebanon and protect Lebanon’s wealth, oil, gas, land, and waters from “Israeli” greed.

If the enemy believes that it can act as it wants in the disputed area before resolving this conflict, it is mistaken. I will not issue a position now not to complicate the existing negotiations, but I will definitely say that the resistance in Lebanon by following up on this file. When it finds that Lebanon’s oil and gas, even in the disputed region, are in danger, it will act accordingly at the right time and at the right moment. It is able to do so.

3- The IMF negotiations:

We have no problem with the negotiations. We hope that Lebanon will have a real unified delegation, not a bilateral, tripartite, or quartet delegation. They should act as a single Lebanese delegation to unify the numbers, the vision, and what is accepted and rejected. Secondly, Lebanon should negotiate from a position of responsibility and concern for the national interest and not from a position of surrendering and accepting dictates, some of which may not fit Lebanon’s circumstances, interests, people, and the harsh living conditions in the country.

4- Livelihood following the rise of petrol prices in particular in the past few days and its impact on employees, teachers, schools, factories, work, transportation, etc.:

So today you and I are appealing to the Lebanese government to go back to subsidizing fuel. This is talk futile, and no one will listen because the intention was for us to reach this point. They tortured people and brought them to this point. Secondly, they will tell us that we do not have money in the central bank. Thirdly, this is one of the conditions of the IMF that they want to follow – it is not possible to do anything. Yes, something can be done, of course, under the title of alleviating suffering:

1- Reminding them to launch the cash card as soon as possible. Basically, their idea was that the subsidies would be lifted as the cash cards are introduced. But subsidies have been lifted and there is no cash cards yet.

2- Activating the cash card

3- Agreeing to the demands of the employees in raising the transportation allowance so that their salary can at least get them to work and they’d have some left for food.

4- This is the most important – the revival of public transportation. It can be activated within a few weeks if there is serious follow-up. The Ministry of Public Works and Transport can shoulder this responsibility. It needs protection from the prime minister, the government, and the president of the republic. There is also a loan from the World Bank that has been frozen for a long period of time. This loan can be activated. This project can be activated and will help alleviate the suffering of people to a reasonable extent.

It is therefore not right for the state, government, and ministries concerned to say that there is no more money and that the IMF will not accept with us just to keep the tragedy going on.

We estimate that we can do a set of steps that can help relieve suffering. In all cases regarding this file, I would like to remind the rich that even those who pay Zakat from their money are responsible for people who are suffering under the poverty line. We remind traders to fear God when dealing with people – let them not monopolize, raise prices, and are looking for huge profits. We remind everyone to bear responsibility and cooperate, and that there are options that only need will, decision, and resolution from officials and the people.

In conclusion, I once again congratulate you on these occasions and venerable and great days. We, the resistance, will continue jihad and hard work and will heed to the appeal of God and His Messenger to liberate the land and sanctities as well as shoulder the responsibilities of this nation. Regarding the internal situation, we will continue to be patient and endure. We will continue to follow up wisely to prevent any internal fighting and maintain internal and domestic peace, coexistence, and cooperation to take our country out of all its crises, difficulties, and hardship.

Many happy return. May the peace, mercy, and blessings of God be upon you all.
