Sayyed Nasrallah’s Full Speech on the 14th Anniversary of July 2006 Victory

Translated by Staff
Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah's speech marking the 14th anniversary of the July Victory 14-08-2020:
I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan. In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious the Merciful. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon our Master and Prophet, the Seal of Prophets, Abi al-Qassem Muhammad Bin Abdullah and his good and pure household and his good and chosen companions and all the prophets and messengers.
Peace and Allah's mercy and blessings be upon you all.
It is customary for us to mark the annual anniversary of the historic divine victory of the July 2006 war in Lebanon over the Zionist enemy with popular celebrations and big festivals.
However, as with many religious and political activities in the past few months, it will not be possible this year to hold celebrations due to COVID-19, especially with the slight increase in cases in Lebanon. I will suffice with addressing you on this great and cherished occasion.
I will start with an introduction that I call an ethical introduction. I congratulate the Lebanese, our Arab and Muslim peoples, and all free peoples of the world on this victory.
First, thank God Almighty for supporting and filling the hearts of the people and the Mujahideen with confidence and that of our enemies with fear. And in the end, he gave us patience, strength, and the ability to endure until victory was achieved. Thank God always and forever.
Thanks to all those who had a role, big or small, in this battle and this confrontation and in creating this epic of steadfastness and victory.
After thanking God Almighty, we thank the martyrs who gave their blood and souls. Of course, we are talking about all the martyrs – the martyrs of the resistance, the army, the security forces, the other resistance factions, and the civilian martyrs.
We in the resistance, in Hezbollah, gave a large number of martyrs, some of them were commanders. Those who remained alive following the July war, were martyred later. They included district and central unit leaders. However, since the list is very long and I am afraid of mentioning certain names and not others, allow me to mention martyred leader Hajj Imad Mughniyeh (may Allah have mercy on him) and martyred leader Sayyed Mustafa Badreddine (may Allah have mercy on him) who were among a group of brothers in the central command that managed the war. Those brothers are still alive, may God prolong their lives.
We must also mention here, for the first time on this annual anniversary, martyr commander Hajj Qassem Soleimani, who was present with us in the central military command room during the days of the war and contributed greatly, may God have mercy on him and them all.
We thank the families of the martyrs, who lost their loved ones but only had patience, acceptance of God’s will, and took pride in their martyrs. Thanks to the wounded and their families. Some of these wounded fighters are still suffering from their wounds.
Thanks to all the resistance fighters who fought for 33 days on all the Lebanese fronts, especially in the frontlines of border villages, be they fighters from Hezbollah, Amal, or nationalist or Islamic movements.
We thank the people, who remained steadfast in their towns and villages, as well as those who were displaced and were patient. These people quickly returned to their villages with their heads held high during days like this 14 years ago.
Thanks to all the Lebanese people in all the areas who took in and welcomed those who were displaced from their towns and villages. Also, regarding welcoming displaced persons, we thank our brothers in Syria, the leadership and the people, for welcoming tens of thousands of displaced Lebanese.
Thanks to the Lebanese army, the security forces, and the state institutions that carried out their duties to the extent that they could during that war.
Also, in the political stance, it is ethical to thank those who took part in managing the war politically. At the top, we must mention His Excellency President General Emile Lahoud, who headed the government’s sessions during the days of the war.
The majority of the government at that time belonged to the March 14 coalition. These forces harmed him at the personal level through their discussions and dialogues. They also fundamentally disagreed with him in the situation, but he endured a lot and made great efforts within the cabinet sessions so that the Lebanese government would not deviate and head towards a dangerous direction.
Of course, he was not able to conduct the negotiations because isolated regionally and internationally, a move taken against him as punishment for an issue for which he was accused of unjustly in 2005.
We must also mention Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri, who in fact, was managing all the difficult negotiations – with foreign delegations, and unfortunately, with some domestic actors – from the first day of the war until the very end.
Thanks to all the national and political leaderships, religious authorities, political forces, all segments of the media, cultural, and social community, and the countries the stood by Lebanon, which are very few including the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Syrian Arab Republic.
We thank all the parties and factions from the free peoples of the world who stood by and expressed their solidarity and support for Lebanon and its resistance, be it through statements, protests, and the various forms of expression.
Thanks to those whom I have mentioned and those I might have forgotten.
This is our religious and moral duty towards everyone who stands by the righteous in their battle in the face of injustice, tyranny, occupation, and arrogance, which is highly represented today by the Zionist entity that is usurping Palestine and al-Quds.
Brothers and sisters, what happened in July was a real war. It started as a military operation but quickly developed into a war, and this is what the “Israeli” enemy announced when it shifted from describing it as an operation to a war and called it the Second Lebanon War.
It was a war imposed by the Zionist enemy on Lebanon and by an American decision, in service of the American project that was present as a plan and proposed in 2006 at that stage.
At the political and diplomatic level, there were countries that were in solidarity with Lebanon. However, militarily, Lebanon fought alone and stood alone in the face of this usurper entity whose army was considered one of the strongest armies in the Middle East and the world. The “Israeli” army considers itself the strongest army in the Middle East.
Lebanon, the resistance, and the people were put under pressure for 33 days. But they were steadfast, fought back, and created victories until “Israel” was forced to halt its aggression and back down from the objectives it set out to achieve at the onset of the war.
These objectives included the resistance’s weapons, the existence of the resistance, the two “Israeli” prisoners, and the deployment of international forces, not UNIFIL but multinational forces, along Lebanese borders with occupied Palestine and Syria, in the port, at the airport, and at border crossings. And the end result was the UN Security Council Resolution 1701.
That war had very important strategic results militarily and historically as well as the security, political, and cultural levels – in the battle of the awareness, understanding, and determination.
I will only mention three results. After that, I will delve into today’s topics of discussion.
1- The first result of that war was thwarting the new Middle East project that was led by the US administration during the presidency of President George W. Bush. At the time, Condoleezza Rice came to Lebanon and announced that Lebanon and the region are witnessing the birth pangs of a new Middle East.
All the documents that were published later confirmed that the war on Lebanon was part of this project. The capture of the two “Israeli” soldiers only sped up its implementation and was not the root cause.
Lebanon was meant to be defeated. Humiliating conditions were meant to be imposed on Lebanon, putting it under full American hegemony. Then, a battle was supposed to continue towards Syria, causing its downfall. Iran was then supposed to be besieged and isolated, with the regime in the Islamic Republic of Iran overthrown.
Then the Palestinian cause would be liquidated, and humiliating conditions would be imposed. Scraps would be given to the Palestinian people, who will alone with no support or helper in the region, in the world, or anywhere. Then a new map of the Middle East would be drawn where "Israel" sits on the throne of the Middle East with its power, might, and arrogance. It would be number one and the axis of everything that is happening in the region – at the political, security, military, economy, commercial, media levels, etc.
All of that fell in Lebanon in July 2006 war. The steadfastness and the resistance in Lebanon and everyone that took a stance of glory and dignity in Lebanon thwarted this project that started with the occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq.
Of course, when one plan fails, the Americans will look for alternatives, as they did in 2011 and are doing now by trying to prop up a confused, defeated, fearful, and terrified "Israel".
Just follow the “Israeli” generals and politicians and the way they are during conferences. You will know that for the first time they are truly fearing for the existence and survival of this cancerous entity in the region. This is the first result that I wanted to mention.
2- The second result that I would like to recall is that the July war exposed the true nature of the Zionist entity. It exposed the weakness of its people, leadership, political and military systems, army, security system, home front, and ability to endure and withstand. That is why it sought help from the world in order to stop the war and save face.
This exposure as well as the results of this war left a profound impact on the “Israelis’” statements, rhetoric, language, military preparedness, training, maneuvers, and in their supposed war plan for the future and for the home front. 14 years later, the impact of the military, security, political, and psychological defeat inflicted on the Zionist entity is still strongly evident.
The effects of victory, strength, confidence, and hope for the future, trust in God Almighty, and preparation for future challenges are still strong and present.
3- The third result is very important. I will base the rest of the talk regarding the “Israeli” file that the resistance and Lebanon in the July 2006 war were able to establish the rules of engagement that protect Lebanon through a balance of deterrence.
The year 2000 was a year of victory. In 2000, occupied Lebanese lands with the exception of the Shebaa Farms and the Kfarshouba hills were liberated. By the way, a few weeks ago Netanyahu considered them “Israeli” lands and considered the barbed wire in the Shebaa Farms that is protected by the UN forces the borders of “Israel”. In any case, these lands are Lebanese territory.
At a time when some Lebanese are debating whether these lands are Lebanese or Syrian, Netanyahu decided on the issue and regarded them as “Israeli” land and “Israeli” border.
The achievement of the year 2000 was the liberation. The achievement of the year 2006 was the protection (of Lebanon) by establishing a balance of deterrence. 14 years until today, the “Israelis” know perfectly well. Today, “Israel” sends drones to Lebanon’s airspace and commit a couple of violations.
In any case, regarding this matter, we must always search for solutions. It is the responsibility of the state, first and foremost.
But the small or large “Israeli” aggressions that we have witnessed before 1948 until 2000 and 2006 are limited.
Today, there is an equation that protects Lebanon, namely the deterrence equation. And this equation grows stronger and stronger day after day through the development of its equipment, its state of readiness, its personnel, its abilities, as well as its human, military, and material capacities. And “Israel” and its masters know it well, and they fear and dread it. This is the equation that protects Lebanon today. There is nothing else that protects Lebanon.
It is the golden equation: the army, the people, and the resistance, and essentially the resistance through the equation of deterrence is the one that protects Lebanon. It is neither the Arab League, nor the Organization of the Islamic Conference —which is now called the Organization of Islamic Cooperation— nor the United Nations, nor the Security Council, nor the international resolutions. And anyone who claims otherwise, let him come forward and enlighten us with his perspective.
This equation, at the very least, protects Lebanon today and has protected it for the past 14 years. It has it with security, peace, and stability. This balance of deterrence was one of the results of the victory in the July 2006 war.
Here, I delve into the issues.
In fact, America and “Israel’s” problem with us and Hezbollah’s allies – but here I will be talking about Hezbollah in particular – has always been the resistance and its capabilities. Their problem with us is related to “Israel's” interests because the resistance stands as a barrier against “Israeli” ambitions and threats.
This equation makes Lebanon strong, and that is why they want to get rid of this power. This is the real problem with us.
Since 2000 and after 2006, there has always been an offer. This offer still stands until today. You can hear this offer from diplomats and delegates and see it in articles and in the media. If we give up the resistance and its weapons, they will take us of the terror list, recognize us as a big party, fight for us to be in the government, and support us. When they come to Lebanon, we will be the first ones they visit. We will become their best friend and the people they love.
Isn't it like this with the Americans? The Europeans and even these Arab countries love and hate based on the American decision.
When there is an American decision to love Hezbollah, they will love it. So, their main problem – I want to explain this matter very clearly to the Lebanese people – is this.
A few weeks ago, for example, the ambassador of the United Arab Emirates in Washington said: We fought Hezbollah and Hamas for the sake of “Israel”. Of course, the Emirati Foreign Ministry did not issue any clarification. Who is selling to?
He is selling to the Americans, the Zionists, and the Zionist Jewish lobby in the United States of America. He is admitting that they fought Hezbollah and Hamas. How he fought and where is a different issue. It is not the time to talk about it.
But the real problem is also Hezbollah dominating the political life in Lebanon. They know this is a lie. They invented it. Hezbollah’s intervention in the region is another excuse. It is not a real argument.
If I told the Americans that we will not fight “Israel” and stand against it, they will remove us from the terrorist list even if we continue to interfere in the region.
They may tolerate interference in the region but not the survival of a force called resistance that defends Lebanon, its people, its territory, its waters, its future, its security, its sovereignty, its safety, its dignity, its pride, and its honor.
This is the real battle that has been fought against us from the start, precisely after 2006 when the military war failed to crush Hezbollah, as some Saudi princes used to say.
This was the stated objective of the 2006 war. They have failed in the military war, and they know that any future military war will not crush Hezbollah, weaken it, or destroy it, God willing. Therefore, they resort to all other means of pressure – political, economic, and via the media, false accusations, insults, ambushes, and traps. What is happening in Lebanon is part of this battle.
Concluding this part, I would like to say that we consider the resistance a matter of existence. It is the air that we breathe and the water we drink to stay alive.
Usually philosophers and logic say there is a condition of perfection and a condition of existence. For example, wealth is a condition of perfection. Knowledge is a condition of perfection. An individual can be poor but remains alive and exists. He might not have knowledge, but he is still alive and exists. However, air is a condition of existence. Water is a condition of existence. For a human, breathing and drinking water are a condition for his existence.
For Lebanon and the Lebanese, the resistance is a condition of existence and not a condition of perfection. It is not an additional quality or trait. It is indispensable as long as a real, serious, and convincing alternative is not presented to the majority of the Lebanese people, especially for those in the circle of constant “Israeli” threat and targeting. Resistance is our choice, whatever pressures, blockades, and difficult circumstances that may surround us.
From the “Israeli” part, I will address three points:
The first is about the atmosphere that has been prevailing in southern Lebanon for the past few weeks. The second is the historic peace agreement between the United Arab Emirates and “Israel”. The third point relates to claims that “Israel” is responsible for the explosion in Beirut. And while speaking about the explosion in Beirut, I will follow up with several points related to the internal Lebanese situation.
First point: More than three weeks ago, an “Israeli” aggression in the suburbs of Damascus led to the martyrdom of dear brothers, including a Lebanese martyr of Hezbollah, martyr Ali Kamel Mohsen. Of course, since this equation had already been announced, the “Israelis” were well aware that ultimately, Hezbollah would not remain silent regarding this aggression and would retaliate. And that is why on its own, without waiting on one of my speeches or statements, “Israel” took drastic security measures along the whole border, from Naqoura to the Golan Heights, along the entire Lebanese-Syrian border with occupied Palestine and with the occupied Golan. “Israel” stood on one leg and a half and took all necessary measures so that none of its soldiers would be exposed or allow Hezbollah to take any opportunity to strike back.
Of course, as far as we’re concerned, from day one our decision was to respond. Naturally, our decision to respond and the response we want, will be aimed at re-establishing the rules of engagement. Therefore, it needs to be a well-studied, measured, and serious response. The goal is neither media stunts nor demagoguery
nor is it about who escalates matters and who gives reasons to curb them! They [the “Israelis”] have misunderstood us! We are not looking for media hype, we are not bragging, and we don’t seek any recognition. There is a real equation. There are existing rules of engagement that are in place, and we want to preserve and uphold them. And we will confirm them with a serious, studied, and calculated attack: this is the only way to confirm them.
And that is why everything that happened since the first day of the martyrdom of our dear martyr Ali Kamel Mohsen until this day is part of the punishment. Just imagine… And of course, this has caused a great debate within the Zionist entity, the fact that for three weeks this powerful regional army has been on high alert along the border, taking all safety, prudence and precautionary measures, disrupted training and military maneuvers, and canceled the movements and patrols in the border area, awaiting the response of the Resistance in Lebanon. It is all part of the punishment. It means that if you kill one of our fighters, then you must expect a response which can come at any time and at any point on the border, and you will have to pay the price for your crime.
And tonight, I'd like to say that this decision still stands, that absolutely nothing has changed. It’s just a matter of time, and they have to keep waiting.
Second point: Yesterday, US President Trump announced a historic peace agreement between the United Arab Emirates and the “Israeli” enemy. Of course, he had some sort of wedding party at the White House, surrounded by his administration officials standing to his right and left. As an individual in this Islamic nation and as a believer in God the Most High and the Exalted and in the Day of Judgment, I will be questioned in the Hereafter about my stance regarding this issue, on a personal level, and on behalf of Hezbollah and the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon. I must say certain things about this.
Of course, I’m not going to get into historical and geographic analyzes, or dwell upon the reasons that prompted the Emirates to do this. I only have a few clear and unequivocal words to say on this subject.
First, we were not at all surprised by what some leaders in the Emirates did. We were hardly surprised. It was the logical consequence and the inevitable destination of the path they were on. Anyway, normalization already existed: planes were already flying back and forth between the two countries; “Israeli” ministers were already traveling to the Emirates; “Israel” was already participating in conferences and events; economic and medical assistances as well as agreements and cooperation against the coronavirus were in place, etc. All these were underway.
But it seems that the need to announce a peace agreement was first and foremost an American need, a need for President Trump to put forward some accomplishment. The Emirates and “Israel” could very well have continued at this pace for months, a year, two years, three years, etc. in other words, if the goal was normalization, it was already in force. So, there is nothing surprising about this announcement. The natural culmination of the path the Emirati leadership is trotting on will lead to the current result.
The timing also confirms how some Arab regimes serve the US administration. Trump needs a foreign political accomplishment because his term is coming to an end, and he has no foreign policy accomplishment to show off. Not to mention the internal situation – the country is being ravaged by the coronavirus, unemployment, lockdowns, the economic situation, which constitute Trump’s great predicament. But even at the level of foreign policy, he withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal in the hope of breaking Tehran, but he failed; in North Korea, he got nowhere; as far as China is concerned, nothing has happened; the Deal of the Century was unanimously rejected by the Palestinians, and there was no real opportunity to get it accepted. Hence, he needs any kind of accomplishment. Who is ready to provide him with accomplishments? His tools in the Middle East!
What the Emirates have done is an electoral, political, and personal favor to President Trump, so that he can benefit from it during the upcoming election. That’s the reason for its timing. This peace agreement was achieved during Trump’s weakest electoral period, according to all polls in the United States. Likewise, it is a personal and political favor to Netanyahu. Within the Zionist entity, Netanyahu is today weaker than ever since the beginning of his political life: he is accused of corruption; he awaits a trial; there are demonstrations against him; his government is in crisis; there have been three elections and there will perhaps be a fourth. Netanyahu, therefore, needs to to present something in order to be able to present himself to his people – the people who occupy Palestine – as the one who achieved this historic peace agreement, an historic achievement, with his exceptional diplomacy, etc. Unfortunately, such is the opportunity that the Emirates provides Trump and Netanyahu.
And we must expect, until the US elections, that a number of other Arab countries and Arab regimes might do the same, and they are ready and waiting their turn in the queue, just waiting for a snap of the finger not from Trump, but from Kushner. As soon as he signals them, they will travel to Washington, to the White House, and there will be several such historic peace agreements between certain Arab regimes and “Israel”.
In truth, just as Trump wanted to strengthen America’s economic situation for years, and did it by financially milking – I use the verb ‘to milk’ on purpose –some Arab Gulf regimes, extracting billions of dollars from them. Today, in order to improve his electoral situation until the presidential elections, he wants to milk them politically. He will extract from them their dignity, their image, their history and their religion, if they still have a religion. He is going to strip them of everything they have left, just for his sake and the sake of his friend Netanyahu, who is in disarray within the entity.
And that’s why we shouldn’t be surprised if tomorrow a certain country – lkj they are talking about one country, I expect that there will be more than one – will announces a peace agreement with “Israel”. This depends on the electoral needs. It’s not a necessity. Maybe one country will suffice, or maybe the US administration will think they need two or three countries. All these countries are ready and waiting their turn in the queue. This will not be a problem for the United States.
In any case, what was announced is now common knowledge and will be ratified within days or weeks by the current ruler of the UAE. It was something to be expected and reflects many Arab policies in our region, in which the criterion is the approval of the United States. Whatever pleases the United States, they do. What pleases the United States is to serve “Israel”, to make peace with “Israel”, and to recognize “Israel”, and so they all line up. Likewise, when they are asked to be hostile towards the enemies of “Israel”, to fight the enemies of “Israel, to fight the resistance, to turn their backs on the Palestinian people, to abandon Al -Quds, they all cry out ‘We hear and obey’ and just do it. This is the real situation today.
Anyway, day after day, it is shown that what the official Arab media and a large number of Arab regimes have done, especially in the Gulf, by speaking of “the Iranian enemy”, by portraying Iran as a great threat, etc., was all just smoke bombs to make peace with “Israel”, to recognize “Israel” and establish relations with “Israel”, in order to devote itself to the real enemy, namely Iran.
But at the same time, many of these countries who speak of Iran as an enemy are trying to contact Iran behind the scenes, reassuring it, and building relationships with it. Their public statements are hostile and aggressive, but behind the scenes they are saying something quite different. And they hope to get to a point where they will have very good relations with “Israel” and very good relations with Iran because they are weak. They have no color, no taste, and no smell. In truth, the smallest storm, here or there, can shake their thrones.
I will say no more, and I will express our position in two points.
The first point is that we all have a humanitarian, religious, legal, jihadist, moral, national, and communal obligation to stand up and denounce, reject, and condemn this peace agreement. It is a betrayal of Islam, a betrayal of Arabism, a betrayal of the Islamic nation, a betrayal of Al-Quds and of the Palestinian people, and a betrayal of the holy places. What the Palestinians said is true: it was an act of treason, a stab in the back. Any similar words of condemnation are fair to characterize this position. If we cannot do anything concrete to fight this most execrable and detestable act perpetrated by the Emirati rulers, we can at least reject it by words. And the weakest degree of faith is to reject it in our hearts. But many can denounce it through a public stance. But if they remain silent today, they will pay the price of their silence on Judgment Day. The first point is, therefore, the necessary denunciation and condemnation of this peace agreement.
And in the second point, I address the Palestinian people who are oppressed and betrayed today, as well as the Arab and Muslim peoples who remain committed to the Palestinian cause and to the Resistance movements. I tell them that we have to be angry in our hearts and view this heinous act as a despicable betrayal, but we are not to be saddened. Don’t be saddened. On the contrary, it is good that the masks fall off. It is good that what was happening under the table is done over the table. It is good that what was done in secret is now done in public. Basically, it is one of the divine, historical, and social customs, as we have seen through the ages and in societies, just as it is something clearly established in the Holy Quran: when God Almighty decrees that the front of truth is approaching victory, it must get rid of its burdens, purify itself, cleanse its ranks, expel hypocrites, liars, and those who plot against it, the submissive, those who stab it in the back. The fact that these people leave the front of truth, the position of truth, and the cause of truth – in this case the Palestinian cause – far from being harmful, will, on the contrary, allow the resistance movements, the peoples of the resistance, the regimes that believe in the resistance, and the resistance front to clearly distinguish its friends from its enemies, to purge its ranks by getting rid of the hypocrites. This is a natural condition.
Therefore, just as we are well aware of the hateful aspect of this betrayal by the Emirates, which must make us angry, we must say {But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you.}
When the ranks of the nation become clean and purified of all those people who stab you halfway, at a quarter of the way, or just before the end of your journey and thus change the equations, of those who plot against you, who present themselves as your friends but are your enemies, your adversaries and are nothing but spies, on the contrary, it is a good thing, even if it is painful. This is a good thing, even if it is painful. Getting rid of malicious parts of the body is painful. But the body becomes healthier and stronger.
The third point with regard to “Israel” is the explosion at the Beirut port. Before getting to this, I just want to mention one last thing: in Lebanon, we were always accused of going against the “Arab unanimity”, and we were accused of “leaving Arab unanimity”, but where is the Arab unanimity? The Emirates left on its own. Where is the Arab consensus? Where is the Arab peace initiative on the table? Is there even a table or an Arab peace plan left? Does the Arab League still exist? Do we still have official Arab regimes? I’m not asking the question “Are there any Arabs left?” because these rulers are not Arabs. The Arabs are the other people.
Third point: is the Beirut port explosion. I will approach this issue by mentioning “Israel’s” alleged implication and continue with the Lebanese internal situation. Of course, we in Hezbollah do not have a scenario as to the causes of the explosion in the port of Beirut. If anyone asks us what the analysis of Hezbollah is, we will say that we have no account. The correct conclusions will be made by the authorities conducting the investigation, and we are not in charge of the investigation. We have not been charged with this responsibility. It is not our responsibility. It is the responsibility of the state, the judiciary and the security apparatus in Lebanon. And now we hear that they have asked help from American experts. We were informed that FBI experts are coming or are already here, as well as French experts, etc.
Theoretically, there are two main possibilities. Either the first or the second must be true. The first possibility is that it was an accident. We are speaking theoretically. I did not discuss these assumptions in my previous speech. Maybe there was this stockpile of (ammonium) nitrate on one side, a stockpile of fireworks nearby, some workers were using blowtorches, the flames hit the fireworks and started the fire. The fireforws then exploded and detonated the nitrate. This explosion would therefore be an accident. And all this would only be due to negligence, corruption of the administration, irresponsibility, recklessness, etc. Therefore, the first theory excludes the intentional act.
The second theory is that this is an intentional act. It could have been executed in various ways: some have spoken of warplanes or drones carrying out strikes, which is not supported by any evidence so far. Another theory is a direct human intervention which would have started the fire or placed a small explosive device which would have caused this fire and these successive explosions. Who could be the instigator of this intentional criminal act? Maybe this or that side, or maybe “Israel”. No one can rule out this possibility.
As for us, Hezbollah, we are awaiting the results of the investigation. Some claim that Hezbollah already knows how this explosion occurred, and that anyway Hezbollah knows (absolutely) everything about Lebanon, and that it has intelligence capabilities that keep it informed of everything that happens inside Lebanon. I’ve said in the past that we’re either underestimated or overestimated. But I swear by God that we are not! There are a lot of things, a lot of regions, a lot of organizations, and a lot of events that we ignore, and it’s not our job to know everything anyway.
This is the job of the state and its security agencies. What concerns us is the resistance and “Israel”. Of course, the direct security of the resistance concerns us. But let me be clear because there are some of our friends and supporters who speak out on TV.
We don’t have the capacity to take responsibility for internal national security. We are incapable of it not only because we don’t want to do it, but also because we cannot do it. Why do you want to place an unbearable burden on us? This is the responsibility of the state, which has a budget, collects taxes, has a very large number of soldiers, security forces, an army, etc.
In any case, we do not have a full account of what happened. We are not in charge of the investigation, and we do not have definitive information about the way this explosion happened. We are, therefore, awaiting the results of the investigation.
If the investigation establishes that it was an accident, then the judiciary will have to establish who is legally responsible for the carnage and punish them. If it is an act of sabotage, then there will still be officials to identify and punish because the fact that these explosives were stored for six years and that fireworks were stored nearby is in itself criminal negligence. But it will be necessary to identify who is the instigator of this act of sabotage. If this is “Israel”, then we start from the beginning.
I have read certain articles and listened to certain press conferences, just as I have been informed that in Lebanon and outside Lebanon is said the following: the person responsible for this act of sabotage is the “Israeli” enemy. But of course, the purpose of these allegations is not to condemn “Israel”, but Hezbollah! Hezbollah knows it, but we remain silent and hide this truth because we don’t want an escalation by retaliating against “Israel” and that we are weak and incapable of retaliating against “Israel”. This is what prompted me to bring up this point.
Anyway, the investigation must continue and must present answers to the Lebanese people – and not to Hezbollah – to the Lebanese people as a whole and to the entire Lebanese state because it is a huge national and humanitarian disaster that affected everyone.
And God’s mercy has spared us. The mercy of God caused a large part of the explosion to be absorbed by the sea, and it is now being said that a large part of these explosives did not explode. If the 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate had exploded, the disaster and tragedy would have been graver.
In any case, I’m not the one leading the investigation, and I’m not the one making the accusations. We are awaiting the results of the official Lebanese investigation. Of course, I have to say that if the FBI steps in, and if “Israel” is really involved in this explosion, that means “Israel” will be cleared of all accusations. This is sure to happen if the FBI leads the investigation. Likewise, if Lebanon accepts an international investigation. Its primary role will be to clear “Israel” of any responsibility for the explosion – if “Israel” is indeed involved.
And this is why some voices say that they do not trust a Lebanese investigation. Just as you are Lebanese and it is your right not to trust a local investigation, we are also Lebanese, and we declare that we do not trust an international investigation.
If the Lebanese investigation concludes that this is an act of terrorism and sabotage, and that “Israel” is involved, it is not just Hezbollah that will have to respond. The Lebanese state with all its institutions, the Lebanon and all its components, all political parties and forces, and all the Lebanese will have to stand up and respond to this “Israeli” aggression against the port of Beirut, against a warehouse storing such explosives. This is not an operation that targets Hezbollah but all the Lebanese people, the Lebanese state, and all the Lebanese sects – I regret to be talking like this – all the Lebanese sects. So what will be your position, as a Lebanese state and Lebanese people? Are you going to say that since it was Israel that killed, wounded and massacred us, we must forget about it because we can’t do anything against “Israel”? What will be your position if it turns out that “Israel” is responsible for slaughtering and killing us? Forgive and forget? Can we fight “Israel”? what will the position be?
In truth, every Lebanese and all Lebanese political forces must be ready to respond to this theory, before Hezbollah and the resistance respond to it. But with regard to the response of Hezbollah and the resistance, I tell you right now, I tell you right now.
Hezbollah, which cannot overlook the assassination of one of its fighters, forces the “Israeli” army to remain on one leg and a half along the border for weeks, and is firmly committed to upholding the deterrence equation, cannot remain silent in the face of a grave crime committed against the Lebanese people if it turns out that “Israel” is the perpetrator. And “Israel” will pay a price commensurate with the crime it has committed, if “Israel” did it, without the slightest thought required, without the slightest hesitation. It is not our response that is unclear. If this theory turns out to be correct, it is the other political forces that must begin to look for an answer to give to the Lebanese people who were target with such huge violence. Because if it is indeed an attack, the culprits will have to pay not only for what happened, but for everything that might have happened. But God Almighty saved us from much worse.
We are done talking about the “Israeli” issue. From here, I will move on to address the Lebanese issue. Well, the explosion happened. In my previous address, I said that the priority was for people to mourn the martyrs and search for the missing, for the wounded to recover, for displaced families to be sheltered, helping families to return to their homes by restoring the damaged houses.
I also mentioned that in the initial hours following the explosion, the politization of the incident began – we talked about the matter related to Hezbollah several days ago and we are done with it. This is the claim that Hezbollah’s weapons, missile, and ammunition warehouse exploded, or “Israel” detonated it, etc. This narrative is over. No one can believe this except those who still lie about it and insist on it.
In any case, the most dangerous thing that happened – I will talk about it now since I did not mention it a few days ago – is that there was an attempt to overthrow the state.
At a time of a national and humanitarian incident and catastrophe of this magnitude, where the Lebanese are in need of assistance and support, the first element of solidarity should be preserving state institutions so that at least there’s a functioning state that can receive aid from other countries and devote itself to resolving the issue of the missing people, treating the wounded, providing aid, reconstruction, etc. Instead, there were attempts not just to overthrow the parliament but the Lebanese state. Lebanon survived that project. I am not exaggerating. Now, I will mention the data. How? Since the early hours, certain political parties, media outlets, and electronic armies on social media took advantage of people’s pain and the existing state of confusion and use it not just against Hezbollah but the state. The targeting was as follows:
1- targeting His Excellency President General Michel Aoun. We witnessed very great exploitation, especially in the Christian street and in the Christian community, similar to what they did in 2005 with President Lahoud. The cause of the incident and its nature – whether it was sabotage or an accident, a bombing, a result of negligence – are still not clear.
From the first moment, they held His Excellency the President responsible and launched a ruthless campaign on some media outlets, via the electronic armies, and on the street holding President Aoun responsible.
They crossed all the boundaries of law, ethics, and courtesy, even the simplest complements the Lebanese are known for. We saw on television the insults and people spitting on television, for example!!
This was all aimed at pressuring the Lebanese President to resign, and there was a project to mobilize political forces to pressure the president to resign. However, some political parties did not accept to be part of this project. Other political forces did not accept to be at the forefront of the project, but rather stand behind the tip of the spear. Hence, the party spearheading this project remained alone, especially on the Christian street, putting pressure on the president to resign. At the same time, parliamentary blocs were contacted and asked to submit collective resignations from parliament.
So, the first state institution to be targeted was the Presidency of the Republic. The second institution was the Parliament. They wanted a large group of blocs to come forward and resign. However, even if they all resigned but there was a parliamentary majority, the parliament will not fall.
So, they moved to a second step – this parliament does not represent us; there is a constitutional problem; there are major sects absent from the parliament. So, let the parliament fall, and let us go to early elections and elect a non-constitutional parliament that cannot form a government, legislate, so on and so forth. In other words, bringing down the Parliament, not legally or constitutionally, but practically. This attempt also failed.
Of course, the first attempt also failed because His Excellency President General Michel Aoun is not the person you can bring down in this way, with accusations, insults, lies and forgery.
All the Lebanese know about his steadfastness, his resilience, his courage, his determination, and his stance during difficult days. And we saw his position during the July 2006 war when they threatened to bomb his house in Rabieh unless he changes his position. But he did not waver.
A figure with General Michel Aoun’s history will not resigns from the presidency, leave the country, and go home as a result of insults or some people took to the streets and set up mock gallows. This is just an illusion.
Bringing down the parliament also failed. There are parliamentary blocs that with early parliamentary elections. However, these blocs are against resignations due to political accounts that are related to the relationship with Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri or with specific interests. They accept early elections, but they did not agree to go to collective resignations that would lead to the overthrow of the parliament.
Thus, the goal was to overthrow the state. Is that the doing of a sane person? Would a person loyal to his people, to the afflicted, to the wounded, to the missing persons, and to the state that is waiting for aid and solidarity take the country to a condition where state institutions are collapsing? By crossing all lines of courtesy and insulting figures of certain sects, this person is taking the country into a civil war.
In recent days, there were those who wanted to implement a project similar to what was being prepared a few years ago when Prime Minister Saad Hariri was kidnapped in Saudi Arabia. They were planning for fighting and a civil war in Lebanon. I am accusing Lebanese political forces of working to overthrow the Lebanese state and put Lebanon on the brink of a Lebanese civil war for personal interests, partisan interests, foreign interests, and serving foreign projects.
And I invite the Lebanese people in all the areas and from all the sects to reflect on this idea and this data. Listen to what has been said, listen to all the speeches, to all the statements, and to all the press conferences, then analyze. See if what I am saying checks out or not.
Well, regarding the government. In fact, what brought down the government were not those who wanted to overthrow it, but rather a set of circumstances, a group of factors, a group of pressures, a group of difficulties. But the fact of the matter is that no government stood a chance in the face of an explosion the size of the Beirut blast. In any case, the government has resigned.
In this context, I will talk about the government that resigned and the next one.
I say in conclusion of this part: When we talk about a future government and the continuation of our political life, the Lebanese people must pay close attention. Do not listen to those who are waiting for revenge. These people do not care about the fate of the country and the Lebanese. They exploit the pain and the wounds to settle political scores and express political grudges. It must be clear that any political movement should have a ceiling, which is to prevent the downfall of the state and its institution and prevent a civil war in Lebanon. Those who do not abide by the ceiling, question their patriotism and their affiliation, even if they belong to your sect.
We must all operate under this ceiling – for Lebanon to have a state, avoid a slipping into a civil war, and preserve civil peace, at the very least maintain the possibility of dialogue, communication, and understanding among the Lebanese. The hatred and the wall of enmity that are being built now pave a dark future for Lebanon, a dangerous future that exposes Lebanon to all those who want to destroy it and tear it apart. Who benefits from Lebanon’s destruction?
With regard to the resigned government, first of all, in the name of Hezbollah, the Loyalty to the Resistance bloc, and the resistance, I would like to thank Prime Minister Hassan Diab for assuming the responsibility in very difficult and complex circumstances. And I commend the courage and steadfastness all the ministers who worked with him in this government during the past months.
Despite all the circumstances, pressures, and accusations during the past months, they gave all they’ve got with the capabilities available to them. Of course, emotionally, psychologically, and morally and in light of the terrible explosion, we understand any talk about the resignation of three ministers or the resignation of the whole cabinet. We also understand the step that was taken.
We thank them and appreciate their effort in serving Lebanon, and we hope that Prime Minister Hassan Diab and the ministers assume their legal and constitutional responsibilities and carry out their caretaker duties as well as their moral and nationalist obligations until a new government is formed.
And they are indeed continuing to work. They remain in all sincerity and loyalty in the service of their people, their country, and their state, waiting to transfer the responsibility to other people.
As for the new government, of course, now there is a debate within the parliamentary blocs about the names of candidates that will be tasked to form a new government. Every bloc, party, or political force is like any Lebanese. They can express and say what their view of the new government is.
With regard to Hezbollah, it is useful to be clear tonight. Of course, in any country – not in Lebanon, people aspiring to have a capable government, a strong government, a government that can accomplish things, and a government that can assume responsibilities. A government is not formed for some to obtain the title of Prime Minister or His Excellency the Minister.
Being in the government is a responsibility, and it’s a job, especially in a country like Lebanon that is going through difficult and complicated circumstances. That is why we are demanding a strong and capable government which politically protected.
A government that is not politically protected, regardless of its identity, if it is not protected by the political forces and the main parliamentary blocs, cannot do anything and will fall and collapse, or the parliament might be overthrown at any crossroads. Traditionally, our position has always been calling for a national unity government. This is not new. From 2005 when we virtually took part in the Lebanese political life until today, our demand has always been a national unity government or a government with the widest possible representation, political and popular representation, so that it is strong and protected and includes politicians and technocrats.
The government's priorities, we said it in the past, now we are saying the same thing. In the past, when the resignation of Prime Minister Hariri's government was proposed, we opposed it. When he resigned and assigned Prime Minister Hassan Diab, we demanded a national unity government, but some political forces refused to take part in Prime Minister Hassan Diab's government.
From now, whomever the designated prime minister will be, and I will not go into names now, we are calling on them to strive to form a national unity government, and if it is not possible, then a government with the widest possible political and popular representation, made up of politicians and technocrats. This government’s priorities should be: reforms, reconstruction and healing the wounds after the Beirut port explosion, addressing the financial and economic crises, addressing the livelihood issue especially since we are at the cusp of winter, address issues including the electricity, the environment, waste, and financial criminal auditing, fighting corruption, dealing with the oil derivatives and diesel issue as well as the public schools – most Lebanese people will not be able to enroll their children in private schools, should they open. Thus, public schools will see a large influx of students.
The future government must be able to assume responsibility. otherwise, if the school year started, children are going to be out of schools. These should be the priorities of the government. It should take responsibility for its people and the details of their daily life. Of course, the top priority is to continue the investigation and accountability for the Beirut port blast.
So as not to waste time, I hope that the Lebanese people, the parliamentary blocs, and all those concerned with forming a government benefit from the past experiences. We keep repeating the same thing and wait for six months, seven months, 10 months. we already know each other, what we accept and refuse, what is possible in the country and what is not.
Talking about a neutral government is a waste of time. The first question posed by journalists, and I am also asking, is who is neutral? Let someone pint us to those who are neutral in Lebanon.
In logic, it is said that man is a speaking animal. In Lebanon, man is a politically speaking animal. As soon as a little boy or girl in our society becomes older and starts asking questions, he/she begins to develop political inclinations and positions. We are talking about internal neutrality and not regional and international neutrality. Where is the neutrality? Each person’s political inclination is known.
First of all, for us, we do not believe in the existence of neutral people in Lebanon for them to be part of the government. There are no neutral people for us to form a neutral government. Secondly, this is the whole story behind the neutral governments in Lebanon and in a number of countries in the world.
American and Western policies have a generalization. When elections take place in a country and political forces that are not affiliated with them succeed, they resort to demanding a neutral government and a technocratic government. But if their political government wins, they do not demand a neutral government or a technocratic government.
The neutral government is just a hoax to cross over and to bypass the real representation that the people produced through parliamentary elections. Basically, the parties take part in the parliamentary elections not only to be in the parliament and participate in law-making, but to partake in the government and be part of the executive branch. This happens everywhere, especially if the system is democratic. In any case, I mentioned this for the public to have an idea, otherwise we know the backgrounds of those behind this theory.
Talking about a neutral government is meaningless and a waste of time. Let us benefit from past experiences and not waste time. Let us opt for a real, strong, and effective government, a national unity government with the widest possible political and popular representation.
There remains a final remark regarding the issue of the government. Some political forces might refuse to take part in the government. There are political parties that have existed for more than 30 years or 20 years or 15 years. Some might say we weren’t here 30 years ago. Fine, 15 years ago, you took part in the government, and you are accountable for how the financial, economic, and living conditions have turned into. We, on the other hand, are not running away from accountability. Not only are you running away from taking responsibility, you are also confronting and conspiring against those who are taking responsibility. This is illogical, unfair, and incorrect.
I suggest you abandon political life. Whoever cannot shoulder the responsibility during difficult circumstances in the country should abandon political life and allow people to choose other or new political options. It is only then that they can become theoreticians or a university professor who establish a charitable association or a commercial company, like many politicians and soldiers who go to commerce following retirement.
But for you to keep insisting on taking part in the political life and be politically active but not take part in assuming political responsibility and reforming what you were a partner in sabotaging and aggravating. You, instead, oppose, besiege, fight, and conspire against those who are trying to assume responsibility. I do not know what this can be called!
Another point in the internal affairs. I would like to thank, in fact, many of the patient Lebanese people, and especially to the supporters of the resistance, over the events that happened in the past weeks.
This used to happen in the past but not as much; today, there are no more discipline – the insults, the filthy and ugly speech, attacks on public and private property, and setting up mock gallows. Of course, who do they represent? Who are they? Their numbers? All is well known.
Of course, there are people demonstrating. We respect them. They have the right to demonstrate, to raise a political slogan, reject the political class, and even take a negative stance against it. There is no problem with that.
It is their natural right, but we condemn many of the immoral and provocative practices that could lead to clashes in the country. These are suspicious practices and embassies stand behind them, not all people. Some might say that they are not getting paid from any embassy, maybe not. There is no need for all of you to get paid from embassies. It is sufficient for some people to get paid from embassies, take directions, and head to the square.
In the past few months, we addressed the people and asked from them patience and insight. Of course, there are those who were mocking insight. This is natural. They are the same as those people who mocked jihad, resistance, martyrs, morals, values, worship, and religion. This is part of moral degradation in the modern day.
I want to thank your patience and your insight. I know that in the past few days there was a state of intense anger among our supporters. I asked the brothers and contacted Hezbollah, the Amal Movement, and the rest of the allies to work to control this arena because it is clear that there are people who want to drag this square into fighting on the street. I spoke about this a short while ago – to overthrow the state through civil war.
Let us not be the fuel for these people. Be patient. I tell you, do not calm your nerves, hold on to your anger, wrath, and frustration. Preserve them. We may need this anger one day. There may come a day when we need this anger to end all attempts to drag Lebanon into a civil war. Until that day, hold on and restrained it.
Another point: on August 18, the Special Tribunal will issue its verdict in light of what it has reached and the results it claims. We do not know if they will postpone or not because it was supposed to issue the verdict on August 7.
As for us, I will not repeat. Over the past years, we have expressed our opinion over the International Criminal Court, the way it was established, its creation, its backgrounds, its system, its laws, the method of reasoning it followed, its investigations, the first, second, and third international investigations, its gaps, how it was achieved, what were the hypotheses that it worked on, and what are the hypotheses that it ignored despite the evidence. I do not want to repeat any of this.
With regard to the decision of the Special Tribunal, whatever it was, we consider ourselves not concerned with these verdicts. We have a position towards the court. If any of our brothers is sentenced to an unfair judgment, as it is expected, we maintain their innocence as they are our brothers and our children. Thus, the following is our position: For us, the verdict that will be issued is the same as if it has not been issued because the decision has been made a long time ago.
It is not important that the verdict is issued or not or what it is. The important thing is to be aware, as Lebanese, that there are those who will try to exploit the Special Tribunal and the verdict – internally and outside – to target the resistance and Hezbollah. We must prevent this targeting from happening with awareness, wisdom, and patience.
There are people who might push things towards provocation, that is insults, slurs, and accusations. I recommend, especially to our honorable and dear supporters, patience, endurance, and insight in order to overcome these ordeals. God willing, we will with wisdom, patience, and cooperation.
The last point, it is also possible, as usual, that we took too long, but by virtue of the occasion, the events are many, although there are points that I also postponed.
I would like to reiterate on the issue of the coronavirus. The number of infections exceeded 330 today. The number of fatalities is rising.
Of course, this number has become almost a daily number. Hospitals in Lebanon cannot accommodate these numbers. The virus us spiraling out of control. I am following up in detail with the concerned parties and I know that it has gone out of control.
Previously, the situation was so-and-so was infected, who did he have contact with? With so-and-so. They trace the contact, quarantine the infected, and treat them. Today, it is not the same as before. This means that things will completely spiral out of control. This is dangerous. I reiterate that our humane and religious obligation, according to all religions, is to preserve life. We must not expose our family and others to danger. This is what people who are not abiding by the measures, not social distancing, not wearing masks, and not sterilizing are doing. This is a grave sin.
I mentioned to you in the early days that some religious authorities said that if I, for example, infected someone because I myself had the coronavirus and did not abide by the measures, and this person was weak and perished, I must pay blood money. This means that I am a killer. This is a very sensitive matter.
The people’s problem is that they quickly forget, while some try to coexist with the situation. If that is the case, let us then coexist with social distancing, the mask, and sterilization without resorting to lockdown. Should it be either a lockdown or death? There is something in the middle, and we are capable of it. We just need some patience, endurance, and a sense of responsibility.
Due to the coronavirus, we have measures that will be taken when marking Ashura this year. We and our brothers in the leadership of the Amal Movement had long discussions with the Supreme Islamic Shia Council, with associations and religious bodies concerned with the Lebanese arena, and we reached a set of measures and procedures. Considering that this issue needs a little detailed explanation and does not concern many people – this concerns the Shiite community in particular – I will leave it for a special address on Monday evening at 8:30, God willing. We will talk about the Ashura commemorations and the way we will mark it in Lebanon. God willing, we will speak at large about the means and disciplines of marking this occasion.
I would like to conclude that this dear and precious anniversary that was created by the blood of the martyrs and the wounded, the pure souls, the patient and steadfast Mujahideen, the nationalist leaders, the people, the friends and allies in Lebanon and in the region.
The most important thing that this victory achieved was protecting Lebanon in the face of the “Israeli” aggression. Protecting Lebanon is done by holding onto the resistance and having patience with all the circumstances and pressures that we are exposed to. We must endure and search for a way to overcome the difficulties.
In any case, the region and the world are facing major and important regional and international developments. From now until the US presidential elections, God creates what you do not know. What changes are going on inside the Zionist entity? What is happening in the region and in the Arab world? We have to keep up with all of these developments. In Lebanon, the call must be continuous for dialogue and communication, to reduce hatred and resentment, and to go towards cooperation to address the problems that we talked about.
I heard that some articles and some social media sites are talking about anxiety, a ship coming here, and soldiers arriving, etc. Do not be afraid of anything. Those who trust God and have faith in Him and depend on himself and his brothers and people should not be afraid of anything. We are a strong, steadfast, faithful people who have patience and made sacrifices. Logically, there are string people in Lebanon and in the region.
There are people and journalists in Lebanon who have been writing for 15 years that Hezbollah is in crisis and is confused! I tell you this, the enemy is the one who is confused. We are neither confused nor in crisis. We see everything clearly.
We, praise be to God Almighty, with the help of God Almighty, with the love and support of the people, as well as our allies in Lebanon and in the region are the strongest in the region. we are the future of this region.
Peace and Allah’s mercy and blessings be upon you. Many happy returns.