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Sayyed Nasrallah’s Full Speech on Sayyed Mustafa Badreddine’s Martyrdom Anniversary

Sayyed Nasrallah’s Full Speech on Sayyed Mustafa Badreddine’s Martyrdom Anniversary
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Translated by Al-Ahed Staff

Sayyed Nasrallah’s speech on the fourth anniversary of the martyrdom of the great jihadi leader Sayyed Mustafa Badreddine 13-5-2020

I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan. In the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Merciful. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon our Master and Prophet, the Seal of Prophets, Abi al-Qassem Muhammad Bin Abdullah and his good and pure household and his good and chosen companions and all the prophets and messengers.

Peace and Allah's mercy and blessings be upon you all. 

During this time, I want to be of service to you, out of respect and as we commemorate a precious anniversary for us, in the resistance, in Hezbollah, and for the supporters of the resistance. This event is the martyrdom anniversary of the great jihadi leader, beloved and dear brother Sayyed Mustafa Badreddine, who was known as Sayyed Zulfikar. 

Before I start talking about the occasion and the topics that stem from it, it is my job and responsibility to discuss two duties:

The first duty is to offer my condolence to all Muslims in the world on this day and on similar morning. On the nineteenth day of the holy month of Ramadan AH 40, one of the Kharijites – the first and strongest takfiri sect in Islamic history – attacked the Imam and the Khalif of the Muslims in the mosque of God in the house God – a mosque – and during the month of God. He struck the Commander of the Faithful, Ali bin Abi Talib (peace be upon him) with a poisoned sword on his head. This strike led to his martyrdom two days later. 

I extend my condolences to all Muslims on this painful occasion. This occasion still carries lessons because Ali bin Abi Talib (PBUH) stood firmly in front of the first serious takfiri phenomenon in the history of Islam. 

Indeed, that group cut open the bellies of pregnant women, killed people on suspicion – the slightest suspicions – and committed atrocities. The confrontation needed faith and a great, firm, and knowledgeable leader that would abolish sedition and stand in its way. Otherwise, this phenomenon could have evolved and grown, even if it had returned to us in recent years. Yesterday, for example, unfortunately, in Afghanistan, this same takfiri mind attacked a hospital treating women, children, and sick people. This mind also attacks funeral processions with men and women mourners in a certain city.

The other duty is congratulating the nurses on their international day. They deserve respect and appreciation from everyone because they are at the frontlines combating the coronavirus that is threatening the world. So far, the world is still confused by this pandemic. We heard the World Health Organization yesterday saying that scientists are still confused and have yet to form a clear and comprehensive understanding about the coronavirus or the prospects of acquiring a vaccine soon. 

Therefore, this is a long battle. The nurses face the danger. They are present on the frontlines. They always need moral and financial support as well as appreciation and respect because the battle today depends on the certainty, faith, knowledge, experience, steadfastness, courage, and resilience of the medical and nursing crews. It depends on their resilience in the frontlines. They cannot collapse, surrender, get weary. It is similar to the military battles where the steadfastness of the fighters, soldiers, and their leaders is required.

I wanted to talk about these two duties in the beginning.

The nature of our occasion: We used to hold a tribute celebration each year on this day as all dear occasions. I will say a few words to commemorate the occasion.

Of course, I will be dividing my speech into three parts. The first part is about the occasion. From there, I will talk about several points concerning Syria, our position in the current battle in Syria, and the influence of Syria on our situation in Lebanon and the region. From Syria, I will talk about matters related to both Syria and Lebanon. I will also talk about matters concerning Lebanon’s interest and what we in Lebanon must do.

The first part:

On this cherished occasion, we would like first to renew our condolences to the family of the dear martyr leader and beloved Sayyed Mustafa Badreddine. Our condolences to his dear mother and wife, his daughters and son Ali, his brothers and sisters, all his loved ones and relatives, and all his companions on this path who endured with him the long years of jihad, resistance, weariness, pain, and suffering – his comrades in arms.

We insist on commemorating the memory of our martyrs in general and the martyred leaders in particular, firstly to show appreciation and respect for their jihad and enormous sacrifices, to remind people of their accomplishments and achievements, their nation and their nation, and to take inspiration from their lives, sacrifices, jihad, attitudes as well as from their personal and leadership qualities that will enable us to continue on our long road, thorny path, the path of sacrifices, challenges, difficulties and facing dangers.

I have spoken about some personal aspects and leadership qualities of this martyred leader, Sayyed Mustafa Badreddine, in previous occasions – whether during the one-week commemoration of his martyrdom, the forty days, the first, second, or third martyrdom anniversary. We do the same when we commemorate the martyrdom anniversaries of the other beloved martyred leaders. We talk about their qualities that we respect, proclaim, and learn from. Today, I will not repeat what I have said in previous speeches. During this year’s commemorations, I would like to add another quality that we – in our leadership positions and jihad – need. Sayyed Mustafa was always strong spirited and of high morale. A strong spirit fosters cohesion, resilience, stability, and the ability to think and make decisions.

On the other hand, when a person’s morale is weak or shaken by any fearful incident or imminent danger – a storm, an earthquake – of course, this breakdown in morale will lead to a collapse in management, leadership, and decision-making. It will have very serious repercussions. Sayyed Mustafa was known to possess this quality under all circumstances and in hardship.

We have for decades faced difficult days. We have fought serious wars and faced challenges that had an effect on our existence and survival. I have always said, decades ago, that there were attempts to end this resistance. 

This quality was also possessed by the other martyred leaders, the great and beloved leaders. 

Martyr Mustafa had high morale, steadfastness, trust in God Almighty, trust in the Mujahideen, and the confidence in the ability to triumph and overcome this ordeal. This is a very important quality. In addition to this quality, one must possess the ability to spread this quality. A person can be characterized by high morale, fortitude, a strong personality, and a solid spirit. But he may not possess the power and the ability to express or convey this spirit to those he is leading. 

Sayyed Mustafa had both qualities. He transferred these morals to those around him – during storms, earthquakes, and difficulties. He made them steadfast. He gave them the strength to be resilient and confident. He helped them overcome the difficult stages. 

The following example will simplify the matter. A ship needs a captain and a crew to sail. If waves come crashing during one dark, rainy night and the captain gets discouraged and despairs, the whole crew will collapse, and the ship will sink. The captain’s high education, knowledge, and experience will not matter. Same thing with a bus full of passengers. If the driver panics, gets confused, hesitates, or loses his nerves during an earthquake or a shelling, the bus and the passengers will be doomed. The same applies to a pilot of a plane. 

Any leader, regardless of his position, needs this quality. When the leader’s rank is higher, his responsibility is greater. Thus, he needs this quality more. A leader leads his group into a battle, a war, a confrontation, and into danger. His work is not at all calm, easy, or peaceful. There is a constant state of tension. There are dangers, surprises, and difficulties that may lead to unwanted results during a battle. Sayyed, as I said, possessed this high leadership quality. His spirits were always high, and he spread strong spirits and spirituality to everyone around him, to those he followed up with, to those he led, and to those he communicated with.

Personally, I have had many experiences with the martyred commander, Sayyed Mustafa Badreddine. But due to lack of time, I will refer to only two experiences. From the second experience, I will move to talk about the situation in Syria.

The first experience: 

The first experience was in the late 1990s when Sayyed was a military official. In 1996, the “Israeli” enemy launched what we called the April war – but as it turned out the 2006 aggression was the war. They called it Operation Grapes of Wrath. It was a large-scale war. A number of villages were targeted. Several massacres were committed, including Al-Mansouri massacre and the Qana massacre which was a horrific massacre. The resistance was threatened with elimination or, at the very least, expulsion from villages and towns adjacent to the occupied border strip. The objective of the operation was to secure the enemy in its occupation of our Lebanese territory in the border strip. The battle lasted for several hard and difficult days. 

Zulfikar was the central military leader, who was leading this battle alongside the rest of the leaders of the resistance in the south and along the frontline. Of course, based on the organizational relationship in Hezbollah, the military official is linked to the Secretary General, regardless who they were. So, we were in constant communication during the battle. We deliberated, communicated, and consulted with each other. He used to give me and the rest of the brothers in the leadership of Hezbollah – the jihadist or the political leadership – an assessment of the situation. He made sure that this quality that I am speaking about was spreading. 

Thanks to the high morale, this central leadership, the resistance’s field leaders, and the rest of the leaders in Hezbollah, victory was achieved. But there is no doubt that the central military official has a central position in the achievement and victory. Despite the sacrifices, bloodshed, and massacres, the battle was won. The enemy failed to achieve any of its objectives. On the contrary, this allowed Lebanon and Syria – without going into the details of this stage – to impose what was called the April Understanding. The understanding prevented “Israel” from attacking our villages and cities in response to the resistance’s operation. And the resistance’s right to conduct military operations was consolidated.

It is this understanding that has created a major and strategic shift in the resistance’s quantitative and qualitative accumulation action. It also led to the victory on May 25, 2000 that we will be celebrating in a few days, God willing. We will be celebrating the 20th anniversary of the historic victory of the resistance in Lebanon over the enemy. This was one experience.

The second experience:

But the longest and most important experience was in Syria. As I have mentioned in previous occasions, Sayyed represented us in the military, security, and jihadist battle in Syria alongside the Syrian army, the Iranian brothers, and the resistance movements and factions in the Arab and Islamic world. We must remember this to understand precisely what this martyr leader his brothers the leaders and the mujahideen accomplished in the past years. I will quickly recall this introduction because it is important for the rest of the points that I will be talking about in the part related to Syria.

We all remember in 2011 when the so-called Arab Spring was dangerously exploited. There was an American-“Israeli”-Saudi project that was able to include everyone – Turkey, Qatar, and many Islamic, Arab, and western countries. But the real project was a US-“Israeli”-Saudi project to control Syria. Their problem in Syria was not with a person. They had no objection to this person – President Bashar al-Assad – to continue ruling if he’d change his position, stance, identity, etc. The problem in Syria was not with a person or the composition of a regime or constitution. Rather, the problem was that Syria was outside the control of the US-“Israeli” hegemony. 

The system of American hegemony over the region is clear and evident in many of our Arab and Islamic countries. America has real control over oil, gas, natural resources, political decisions, and money. It takes the money of any country and government and imposes on it the required oil prices. It imposes on it the volume of oil exports and threatens it when it violates or tries to violate some of the restrictions.

In order to preserve their thrones, many of these states and regimes abandoned al-Quds, Palestine, and the Palestinian people and normalized with the “Israeli” enemy. This was more evident this year than ever before. We will speak about this on Quds Day, God willing. All this is the product of the American hegemony and control over the region.

However, there are countries outside this system. The Islamic Republic of Iran is not in this “Israeli” and American hegemony system. Syria is outside this system. They wanted to take Syria and control it and control Syria’s lands, people, history, present, geographical location, strategic location, natural resources, fields and rivers as well as its oil and gas – many studies have shown that there are ample reserves of both in Syria. Syria is also located on the Mediterranean, making it the gateway into Europe. They wanted to take Syria for many considerations that are related to the American hegemony, Syria’s resources, Syria’s position with regard to the conflict with the “Israeli” enemy as well as the Palestinian cause, the resistance, and the axis of resistance.

After all, Syria is not a weak, poor, or marginal country for the world not to be interested in. Syria falls at the heart of our Arab world and in the heart of the Middle East and the western Asia region. It is also in the heart of the region’s equations and conflicts as well as this region’s past, present, and future.

Therefore, all the reasons, motives, and factors to control Syria that refused to submit and was strong and firm were all present. Then the Arab Spring came. The democratic slogans and slogans of change were exploited to achieve this goal. Therefore, we find the arrogant world and the tools of the arrogant world. What does it mean to be on the opposite front?

America, “Israel”, Britain, France, NATO countries, and many other countries in the region all agree on this matter. We find them fighting over countries. Today the fight is over Libya and inside Libya, over Yemen and inside Yemen, over Egypt in the Sinai, etc. The same international front that united to fight in Syria is today fighting each other elsewhere. The Libyan people are like the Syrian people, the Yemeni people, the Egyptian people, and the rest of the people that you are fighting over today. If your feel bad for the Syrian people, why are you doing this in other countries?!

Hence, this was evident during the battle. The objective of the global war on Syria was clear. And this was our understanding of the battle from the beginning. It was required to control Syria and make it a subject of American hegemony and control, to make Syria sign agreements with “Israel” as many Arab countries are doing, for Syria to abandon Palestine and al-Quds, for the new Syrian regime or the new Syrian leadership to abandon the Golan and give up its oil, gas, resources, and strategic advantages in favor of the countries of the international and regional hegemony.

Of course, Takfiri groups would not have been allowed in any case to rule in Syria. Syria would have been left for them as they fight each other and destroy it more. Then an international intervention under the title "Saving Syria" from the Takfiri groups that they brought in to fight the state, the regime, the army, and the current Syrian leadership would be launched.

This was our understanding. This was also the understanding of the brothers in the Islamic Republic of Iran. I am talking about Iran because there is something related to Iran in Syria that I will talk about in the context of the address. Hence, we had to take the initiative. We knew that going to Syria would lead to massive sacrifices – martyrs and wounded, large numbers of martyrs and wounded. There would be people objecting and causing harm. There would be an attempt by some to distort the image of the resistance and Hezbollah in the Arab and Islamic world. They would distort this bright image in the Arab and Islamic world as a result of the historic and legendary steadfastness in the July 2006 war. We knew there will be people who would take advantage of our going to Syria to incite sectarianism. We knew that there will be human, material, and moral sacrifices that would be made when going to Syria. But we also knew that the extent of the threats to Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, the resistance, and the righteous issues in the region. These threats and risks are much greater than these sacrifices and losses. That is why we went there.

As I have said, our leader in the battle in Syria was the martyr commander, Sayyed Zulfikar. He went there with great enthusiasm and unrivaled impulsivity. He spent most of his days and nights and his final years of his jihadist life in Syria, away from family, loved ones, and relatives, even away from the rest of the responsibilities in Lebanon. He was present on various fronts and fields and in the heart of danger. Despite all the difficulties, he possessed this trait.

During the first year of the battle, it was not only a military battle but a battle of certainty – can Syria triumph in this battle and against the global war? Some said that Syria will fall in a couple of months. Calls and speeches of despair dominated the world. Others said: This battle has no horizon. You are making pointless and futile sacrifices. This matter has been decided and resolved. It’s done.

But this battle needed leaders who possessed great hope, great confidence, and high morale.

I also need to add another thing here, especially after the martyrdom of the great brother and leader Hajj Qassem Soleimani. Brother and martyred leader Mustafa Badreddine fought the battle in Syria shoulder to shoulder with the martyred commander Hajj Qassem Soleimani from the start. Together, they thought, studied, planned, worked, coordinated, and attended in the fields. These two leaders had great certainty in victory and tremendous hope to overcome this dangerous and difficult stage. Today, we are witnessing what they believed in and the victory that martyr Sayyed Zulfikar was confident about. This is despite him being in Damascus. There was a battle raging in the west and the east of Ghouta. Most of the Damascus countryside, Homs, Daraa, the south, and Quneitra were in the hands of the Takfiri groups. There were also battles in the north and the entire Badia. Daesh was behind the Badia. Battles were also raging in Palmyra, Qalamoun, Zabadani, etc. Martyr Zulfikar and the leaders who were martyred in Syria, the fighters in Syria, the Syrian leadership as well as many leaders leading the battles in Syria fought these battles with this hope. 

Today, praise be to Allah, this has been achieved. From here, I will state what I would like to say about Syria. Today, we can say that Syria has won this war.

The second part:

Today, we can say that Syria achieved victory in this war. 

In previous battles when major achievements were made, for example, after the liberation of Homs, Damascus, the south, and even Aleppo, it would be said that Syria won the war. But commentators and strategists would say that Syria won the battle and not the war since the war is made up of several battles. Syria was winning some battles and losing others. So, this does not mean that Syria won the war or lost it. 

Today, this is the real evaluation simply. Put aside the politicized Arab media. Whoever goes to Syria and tours its provinces, cities, towns, villages, and areas under the control of the Syrian state would see and can simply say that Syria won the war and still has some battles to fight.

The whole scene in Syria does not imply that it won a battle or two and lost a battle or two and whether it won the war or not. No! The correct strategic assessment is that the Syrian leadership, the Syrian army, the Syrian state, and the majority of the Syrian people who have survived this battle have won this war. They still have some military or political battles to fight which need steadfastness. When we talk about Idlib, east of the Euphrates, and some places in northern Syria, we are talking about something specific. Syria survived partition. Syria won this war. 

It is enough to say that for this global war to achieve its objective, hundreds of billions of Arab dollars were spent – that’s their admission. The dollar is American, but the account is Arab. If this money was spent on the people of our Arab region, it would have saved it from ignorance, poverty, deprivation, illiteracy, and disease.  They would not now be facing a financial deficit in the face of the economic consequences of the coronavirus. 

Tons of weapons and ammunition were provided. Tens of thousands of terrorists and takfiris were brought in from all over the world. Tens of international conferences were launched. Everything, from sectarian and political slogans to incitement, were used by the arrogant front and its tools. They did everything possible in Syria. But Syria won this war due to the steadfastness of its leadership, army, and people as well as the presence and the steadfastness of its allies. 

Therefore, when we talk today about our martyr leader Mustafa Badreddine and the rest of the martyrs in Syria, we feel – in addition to the eschatological result and their standing – that that their blood has borne fruit. The objective they sacrificed their blood and souls and stayed up late nights to achieve has been achieved and is now before our eyes. Here, I will tackle a couple of points:

The first point: 

What they failed to achieve militarily in Syria, they tried in recent years, especially in recent years, to achieve it politically through political pressure on the Syrian leadership, Syria’s allies – Iran and Russia – on whoever stood beside Syria. They tried through international relations, through the UN Security Council, and through intimidation and bribes to abandon Syria. All this has so far failed. 

We all know that the political battle is sometimes no less fierce than the military one. In fact, its risks are sometimes greater and more dangerous, and they call for caution and attention. Syria is still fighting a political war and facing political pressure, which up to this point has failed to achieve any of the objectives.

The second point: 

After the failure of the military war and the inability of the political war and pressure to achieve any of the objectives, the arrogant front – the American tyrants and their allies – resorted to the last means: psychological warfare, sanctions, and siege. Regarding the psychological warfare, this front has opened a wide front in Syria. Recently, there has been an escalation in the psychological warfare. I will refer to some. 

Regarding the sanctions and the embargo on Syria as well as betting on the economic repercussions, the coronavirus increased these pressures. But this does not concern Syria alone. The coronavirus is putting pressure on the whole world. Today, those besieging Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Gaza, Yemen, and other countries have themselves started to suffer from the economic consequences of the coronavirus. As you have seen, America, countries of Western Europe, and some regional countries are in a tremendous predicament. 

In any case, Syria is under economic pressure, sanctions, and blockade. 

With regards to the sanctions and blockade, the bet should be on the resilience of the leadership, the state, and the Syrian people, as they have withstood the military war as well as the political war. What gives more hope is that Syria is a country that has great and enormous human potentials. The Syrian people have high vitality. There are capabilities and resources in Syria, large and important resources.

Before the crisis, Syria was not in debt. It was not a poor country. It was not a rich country either. This is true. But it had a reasonable economy. In Arab countries, millions lived in cemeteries. In Syria, however, there was no family living in cemeteries. 

When it comes to the economic, livelihood, and financial battle, the bet is on steadfastness. I would like to give an example regarding the psychological battle and move to the last point on the subject of Syria. 

Regarding the psychological battle, part of it involves an attempt to undermine Syria’s allies, by claiming that Syria's allies have begun to abandon it; Iran is preoccupied with its own affairs and will abandon Syria; Russia is under pressure and is fed up with this nonsense that you are hearing and will give up on Syria. All these are words, dreams, and aspirations we have read years ago. Some of which were made to look like leaked information. This was not information but rather wishes.

Among the things that arise during the psychological war is the constant talk in the Gulf media and some Western media – the Western media is trying to preserve some of its credibility – about an Iranian-Russian conflict of influence in Syria, which is not true at all. 

At the beginning of my speech I said I will return to talk about Iran. In the following two points, I will touch upon some clearly sensitive issues concerning the Islamic Republic, Hezbollah, the resistance factions in different countries – the Iraqi, Afghan, and Pakistani resistance factions.

Yes, they came and fought in Syria. They are still in Syria alongside the Syrian Arab Army, the Syrian people, and the Syrian popular forces. As far as the Islamic Republic is concerned, it is not fighting a battle of influence with anyone in Syria, not with Russia – regardless of what Russia is fighting – or anyone else. The Islamic Republic's position in Syria was clear and based on the following background: preventing Syria from falling under the hegemony of America, “Israel”, and the tools of the hostile arrogant forces. This was the objective and nothing else.

The Islamic Republic is not searching for influence in Syria and has no ambitions there. It does not want to interfere in Syria’s internal affairs. It has not in the past and present and will not in the future interfere in any internal matter in Syria that is related to the composition of the regime, the government, the laws, and the state. The Islamic Republic was and still is concerned about Syria’s Arab Islamic resistance position; for Syria to preserve its identity, its independence, its sovereignty, and its unity; for dear Syria to remain a steadfast castle that does not submit to the hegemony of the Americans and the Zionists and does not compromise on rights.

This is what Iran wants in Syria, nothing more and nothing less. This is not a power struggle with anyone. Yes, to be honest and transparent, there may be a disparity between the allies in assessing some military and political priorities during negotiations, but this does not lead to a power struggle because the Islamic Republic’s decision to stand by the Syrian leadership and its assessment is decisive, meaning the Islamic Republic supports the solidity, resilience, survival, stability, and independence of Syria in the face of the projects of domination and ending the resistance project in the region. And the Islamist is that in Syria there is no such influence struggle until we say that the Allies' supportive front for Syria is turbulent, or a front that is eroding or a conflict front is not true at all.

Hence, from this angle, I would like to reassure the supporters of the resistance in the Arab and Islamic world that there is no such struggle of influence in Syria for us to say that Syria’s allied front is turbulent, eroding, or fighting. That is not true at all.

The other matter that I would like to talk about also related to Syria and Iran is the “Israeli” enemy’s aggression in Syria and the “Israeli” project there. In the past weeks, the “Israeli” Minister of War tried to boast and presented to the “Israeli” public lies. He misled them. Arab media outlets also lied to the public opinion in the Arab and Islamic world promoted these lies and delusions by attempting to talk about “Israel’s” fake achievements and victories in Syria at the expense of Syria, the Islamic Republic in Iran, and the axis of resistance. I want to talk a little about this. It is possible for the first time this issue is spoken of with transparency and detail. I will briefly mention the details, of course.

During the first years of the Syrian crisis and onward, the “Israelis” were betting on the armed groups. The relationship between the armed groups and “Israel”, especially in southern Syria, is undeniable. “Israel” provided information, financing, food, hospitals, and even transportation facilities. This is all clear and known. “Israel” has been present strongly in the war in Syria since 2011. It wagered strongly on those fighting the regime in Syria and set a series of objectives, most important of which was toppling the regime and getting rid of the current leadership. Then there were a set of objectives. When the war in Syria failed, and the Zionists realized that their tools in Syria have lost the war, they moved to another objective. They are still fighting other battles in Syria. But they have lost the war – as I have said earlier – since armed groups cooperating and dealing, secretly and openly, with “Israel” left southern Syria where large parts of the provinces were under their control. These groups left with the help of the Zionist entity. Their busses left at night. let us not forget.

Hence, the “Israelis” realized here that this goal had failed. They moved to another objective. They had what they assumed to be a new threat, new dangers that would result from victory in Syria. What are these new dangers? Part of it was related to the Syrian Arab forces, the Syrian army, the Syrian military capabilities, especially its missile capabilities and the manufacture of precision missiles. That is why, we see them attacking everything related to missile manufacture in Syria and consider that the strength and manufacture of missiles in Syria is undoubtedly a strength for Syria and for the axis of resistance. Thus, they see Syria as a threat to the future. Syria withstood all these years before the global war. If it recovers and is able to develop its military, human, and material capabilities, this will Syria the upper hand in the region and in the Arab-“Israeli” conflict. So, they see Syria as a threat, a threat to the future, which may not be a current threat because it is still preoccupied with its internal affairs and some remaining battles. The “Israelis” also view the presence of Iran and the resistance factions in Syria as a threat.

“Israel” is worried and afraid in Syria. “Israel” is terrified of the future in Syria. This is the true description. Look how “Israeli” officials talk about the issue of the Golan and that Hezbollah, for example, in southern Syria has a specific formation and a specific file and is trying      to create a specific structure with facilities, silence, or turning a blind eye by the Syrian state; it is cooperating with Syrian youth for the Golan and targeting the “Israeli” occupation in the Golan.

Nothing important has happened yet. But this same hypothesis has created a state of terror in the Zionist entity and sometimes pushed it to escalate its steps that might take it to unaccounted adventures. This means that it is dealing with the Syrian arena from a position of anxiety, fear, and terror of the results of the great victory in Syria. This must be kept in mind.

So, the “Israelis” set an objective. They cannot say that they want to strike Syria and the Syrian army, even though they are technically doing that. The object they set was related to the Iranian presence as well as Hezbollah’s presence in Syria. But the greatest focus is on the Iranian presence. Their objective was to expel the Iranians from Syria. It was even so foolish of the current “Israeli” war minister to talk about a timeframe and set a date from now until the end of 2020, during which he will be able to expel the Iranians from Syria. Please mark this date that this stupid minister set. How many months do we still have until 2020 ends? 

Then they started working on this objective. What did they do? Apart from international, regional, and internal incitement and an attempt to portray that the Iranian presence – which I will describe accurately in a little while – a burden on Syria and a supporters – which is a huge fallacy, they launched air strikes and air operations that sometimes targeted some means of transportation, some warehouses, or some places in Syria from time to time.

What is the new thing? We have not spoken about this in years. The “Israelis” are fooling themselves, their supporters, and the public opinion in our region. We are always fighting a public opinion battle. It is our duty is to present the facts. The “Israelis” are trying to portray some details as a victory for them in Syria and that it is the beginning of defeat for the axis of resistance or the Islamic Republic in Syria as well as the beginning of their exit and withdrawal. What evidence are they provide? Some “Israeli” officials, media, and commentators have been promoting these quotes for several weeks. Although some “Israeli” commentators consider this speech to be inaccurate – the second assessment is correct.

The “Israelis” started speaking about numbers: the Iranian forces – in his own words – have significantly reduced their presence in Syria. Some military bases are being evacuated and handed over. Efforts are being focused on eastern Syria and presence in the Albukamal region, Deir Ezzor, etc. So, he comes out with a conclusion that the intelligence and military operations and the aerial bombardment carried out by “Israel” have achieved their objectives with a very high degree, and now the Iranians are leaving Syria and Hezbollah is retreating. This idiot thinks that he has accomplished a historic achievement and has set another date in 2020 to achieve this goal.

These are lies and deception. Let us take a look at the real picture. They are talking about Iranian forces in Syria. There are Iranian military advisers and experts in Syria since 2011. I would like to tell you that they were there before 2011. They were present alongside the Syrian Arab Army and the resistance in Lebanon. After 2011, they are also present. Because of the Syrian crisis, their number has increased. But there are no Iranian military forces in Syria. When we talk about Iranian military forces, we mean a division or teams, a brigade or brigades, battalions. This is called the military forces.

There are a number of Iranian military advisers and experts in Syria. Their number increased when the crisis in Syria began. They were and are still playing very important roles – providing advice and assistance to the Syrian forces. This is first.

The second thing is that train, equip and manage groups of the Syrian, Arab, and Islamic resistance forces in the ongoing battles. They also coordinate with the resistance movements, including Hezbollah, as well as coordinate the logistical support provided by the Iranian Ministry of Defense to the Syrian Ministry of Defense.

These Iranian advisers are not Iranian forces. They are not an Iranian military presence. The “Israelis” set a goal that does not exist like the goal of the successive American administrations that wanted to prevent Iran from making nuclear weapons. And the Iranians are not manufacturing nuclear weapons and do not want to manufacture nuclear weapons.

“Israel” is waging an imaginary battle in Syria called preventing military presence or Iranian military forces. Despite all the difficult circumstances, there was no need for Iranian forces to come to Syria. To be transparent and honest, a serious discussion took place regarding this issue with the leadership in Iran. And at one point, some forces came to fight in the battle in Aleppo – for two or three months. But this was an exceptional case. There were no forces in Syria. I repeat and say that there were sufficient numbers of advisors. The numbers increased or decreased according to the needs of the field. Many of these advisors were martyred because they worked on the frontlines alongside the Syrian Arab Army and the resistance factions. They fought the battles according to the school of their leader in the Quds Force, martyred commander Hajj Qassem Soleimani. First, this is the accurate description.

Second is the nature of the battle. When a battle is resolved –whether it concerns the Iranians, the resistance factions, or the Syrian army – and the threat on a certain area ended, there would be no more reason for the presence of fighters, military bases, or the formations of axes and fronts. At one point, the battles were taking place in Homs, the countryside of Damascus, Damascus, east Homs, the area around Aleppo, Aleppo, Idlib, southern Syria, the Badia, Albukamal, Deir Ezzor, etc. It was natural for them to be present in all of these areas. Meanwhile, there was no battle at the coast, so there was no need for the presence. When Homs governorate was liberated, this presence ended. When the battles in Damascus, southern Syria, Palmyra, and the Badia ended, the Iranians, Hezbollah, or the rest of the resistance factions left these areas. At the very least, they kept the minimum number of individuals and capabilities in these areas as a precaution. There was no need to leave the same number of personnel, bases, or axes. However, the Syrian army stayed because this is its country and it wanted to preserve its barracks and bases and its presence to take the necessary precautions.

Almost two years ago, when this victory was becoming clear, especially after the liberation of the Badia, opening the road to Aleppo, and the end of the battles in Damascus, the Damascus countryside, and the south, there was a conviction that a number of Iranian advisors were no longer need. So, let them return to Iran. There are numbers of Hezbollah fighters and cadres in Syria that are no longer needed, let them return home. There are numbers of Iraqi and non-Iraqi brothers that are no longer needed, let them return home. The situation in Syria has become better.  

There are barracks and bases that were left empty. They were taken because of the need for additional forces. There were bases and barracks that we no longer needed because there were no more fronts or axes, so they were evacuated. This matter started two years ago and more than two years. It has nothing to do with the “Israeli” work in Syria, the “Israeli” aggressions on Syria, or the martyrdom of brother and leader Hajj Qassem Soleimani. This started under the leadership of Hajj Qassem Soleimani, and the current leadership of the Quds Force is continuing the same program that Hajj Qassem Soleimani, Hezbollah, and the rest of the resistance factions began implementing more than two years ago. This program is reducing the numbers, the places, and presence because Syria began to recover. Syria won. The Syrian Arab Army won. Many battle fronts were resolved. This is the truth. When someone today talks about reducing numbers in Syria, let me give them an example from Lebanon. I announced that we still have one or two points in the whole Qalamoun axis. We withdrew from the Zabadani axis and kept one or two points, in coordination with the Syrian army. Is this an achievement for the “Israelis”?! Or is it because the Syrian army and the resistance won in the region, in Zabadani, in the Damascus countryside, and in the Homs countryside? Why should we stay in the mountains, in the cold, or in the heat, and have more expenses and capabilities, accidents and martyrs? What is the reason for that?! So, we returned to our main front in southern Lebanon.

What is the “Israelis” reasoning behind the reduction of numbers, some places, buildings, and bases in Syria? There is no longer any reason to be present in many bases in Damascus and in the vicinity of Damascus. It is natural for the presence to go elsewhere, to Albukamal, to Deir Ezzor, to Aleppo, to Idlib, because the front is there. There is no longer a front here. Those who want to help can go to the front and not stay in Damascus.

The “Israelis’” reasoning is not proof for an “Israeli” achievement. Rather, it is evidence of the victory of Syria, the victory of the Islamic Republic, the victory of Hezbollah, and the victory of the axis of resistance in Syria.

One of the requirements of this victory is to deal with the war like any military army would. In light of the achievements and victories, the army will reposition its forces and deploy them in proportion to the new responsibilities and challenges. Another attempt at misinformation by the “Israeli” media involved claims, for example, that the air traffic between Iran and Syria has recently decreased. This was also considered one of the achievements of the “Israeli” military action in Syria. This is a lie and misinformation. This was caused by the coronavirus, which affected the US and European armies, even the “Israeli” army. These armies canceled maneuvers and exercises. They canceled World War II victory day military parades. It also affected Iran, Syria, us, and everyone.

Concluding this point, I urge the “Israeli” public to scrutinize and not listen to the lies of its leaders. They are presenting them with fake victories in Syria against Syria and Iran. Yes, harm is being done to Syria, Iranian advisors, Hezbollah, and the resistance as a result of the “Israeli” aggression there. The “Israeli” public must know that what its leaders are saying are lies, delusions, misinformation, and fake accomplishments. If it continues in this manner, it may commit foolishness or make mistakes that may lead to the whole region exploding. 

As for the objective of expelling the Iranian advisors, as well as Hezbollah and the resistance in Syria, it will not be achieved O Zionists. This objective will not be achieved. These advisors are present due to a Syrian and Iranian decision. The resistance factions are present due to a Syrian decision from the Syrian leadership and from the resistance fighters themselves. These fighters have sacrificed thousands of martyrs and thousands of wounded since 2011. Air strikes or assassinations will not defeat them, change their position, or make them to vacate the field and withdraw from the squares. This is an unachievable objective. You are living in delusions and are venturing. You might make a big mistake in Syria at any moment and regret it.

The third part:

From Syria, I delve into Lebanon and talk about it in a few words. To the Lebanese, I say the following:

First: To those in Lebanon delaying the discussion regarding mending relations with Syria and still hopes that the situation in Syria and the leadership will change, the regime will fall, and the state will fade, these are delusions and a waste of Lebanon’s and the Lebanese people’s time and not Syria’s. Delaying the mending of relations with Syria is a loss for Lebanon. Syria does not have a lot to lose. Syria is here. It’s seen its worst days and lived the most difficult circumstances. But it overcame them. Lebanon needs to mend relations with Syria. Today, the general concern that is occupying the Lebanese is the economic, financial, monetary, and living concern. Many Lebanese are afraid of starving. Many Lebanese are under the poverty line. Hence, this is an absolute priority for Lebanon today.

If the Lebanese government is thinking how ask the world for assistance, how does it go to the International Monetary Fund? There is a clear and rational way. When the country becomes in danger of economic collapse and at risk of starvation, there are many limitations that can be discussed or reconsidered. Some might say that we are not like that. No, we are like this. When it comes to the IMF, we have our convictions. Our brothers spoke about them. But we do not want to complicate matters for the Lebanese government and the country. So, we said, let us see. Let us allow the government to negotiate and we’ll see what the conditions are.

Today, this current situation must not continue like this as a result if political enmities, losing and wrong political bets, and political illusions among a number of Lebanese political leaders or Lebanese political forces. Fixing the relationship with Syria could open very important doors for the Lebanese economy and the means to address it. Previously we said this, and now I repeat and say to reaffirm this example, our brothers and sisters in Lebanon, we do not know what will happen with the IMF. But Lebanon is waiting or expecting international aid and is discussing the political options for obtaining international aid. But what are the countries that now want to provide assistance?

The Americans who are now going to borrow thousands of billions of dollars in order to at least preserve their economy to avoid collapse? The Europeans? The Arab countries? We have seen even rich Arab countries were forced to freeze their budgets, reduce their budgets, impose austerity on their budgets, cancel project budgets, and reduce operational budgets, cut part of the salaries, and also to work double or triple taxes. These are rich countries. Are these countries going to help you? 

We do not dispute or oppose the pursuit of assistance from abroad. But we must not live on the hope of this aid. An effort must be made at home as it was mentioned in the economic plan. We must revive the agricultural and industrial sectors in Lebanon.  We have enormous human energies in Lebanon. We have great minds and geniuses. We have hard working people that can cultivate, plant, and produce. This needs a plan, program, and work from the government. It needs people to cooperate. It needs financiers. 

This agricultural and industrial produce need markets. Our way to Arab markets is through Syria. You cannot export without Syria. Reviving the agricultural and industrial sectors is subject to securing markets for agricultural and industrial products whose exclusive way is through Syria. You cannot transport them by plane, and in many places, you cannot take them by ship.

We previously talked about the issue of Iraq. Today in Iraq, there is a new government. God willing, Iraq is heading towards more stability. The Lebanese-Iraqi relations are excellent. The road between Lebanon and Iraq is close to Syria. There are two crossings in Syria, and we reach Iraq. We can find markets for our agricultural and industrial products in a brotherly Arab country that loves Lebanon and the people of Lebanon, Iraq. But Syria is the gateway. Those who want to address the situation and reconsider must fix relations with Syria.

These days, we are hearing a lot about the file of smuggling and illegal crossings has been opened. Great! Regardless of the size of the issue, this matter needs to be checked because there are too many exaggerations. There are people who believe that smuggling of food is taking place from Syria to Lebanon. Others say it’s from Lebanon to Syria. You have to make up your mind. In any case, no one is denying that smuggling is taking place, and there are many illegal crossings since we have a very long border with Syria. The issue of smuggling to Syria must be resolved. I am not talking about the issue movement of the resistance fighters and the transfer of the resistance’s weapons. This is another research?

In general, with regard to the issue of smuggling to Syria, Lebanon cannot address this alone. This is a problem from a long time ago, since the establishment of Greater Lebanon – at a time when there were no illegal border crossings. Even when the Lebanese army, the customs, the security forces, and borders were all handled by the state, this matter was not handled 100 percent. 

In all countries of the world, on both sides of the border, there is a smuggling ban. There is cooperation between the two countries, between the two armies, between the security institutions of the two countries. You are holding the Lebanese state, the Lebanese army, and the Lebanese security forces something they cannot handle. Even if the Lebanese army wanted to head there – you can ask the army’s leadership – and deploy along the Lebanese-Syrian borders with many soldiers and equipment, it will not be able to prevent the smuggling. This is because our borders and our villages are intertwined. Our families are intertwined. The issue is complicated on the borders. The only way to solve this is through bilateral cooperation between two governments, two armies, and two security forces, between Lebanon and Syria. As for the calls that if the Lebanese state is unable to deal with this issue, then the United Nations musts come. What United Nations, my dear? Do you believe that the UN is the one protecting Lebanon’s borders? Is the United Nations preventing the “Israeli” soldiers from penetrating and attacking? Is the United Nations preventing the thousands of sea, land, and air violations? Has the United Nations prevented the “Israeli” aggression on the south in the past? Will it prevent this aggression on Lebanon in the future? Now, for example, their only concern when going to where they want to go is the presence of the resistance, the army, and the people in the south.

This is on the one hand. On the other hand, who is going to send you the United Nations? The world that is fighting and confused in the face of the coronavirus? Where are you living? Sometimes hatred makes one imaginative.

Third: Talking about a United Nations force on the Lebanese-Syrian border from now – let me be very frank with you – this is a talk about achieving one of the objectives of the July war. This is a talk about achieving one of the objectives of the “Israeli”-American aggression during the July war on Lebanon. The war failed to achieve it. We all remember the sinister Condoleezza Rice, the US policy, and international pressure. One of its objectives was to deploy international forces on the border between Lebanon and Syria. This matter cannot be accepted at all. This is no longer related to the economy. Perhaps this is not the intention of those talking about this. I do not want to accuse anyone. I want to draw their attention to this. It was one of the objectives of the “Israeli” aggression during the July war.

This is one of the objectives of the aggression and one of the conditions for stopping the aggression against Lebanon. They should note that this matter has nothing to do with the economy and has nothing to do with preventing smuggling. This has to do with a larger and much more dangerous issue than preventing smuggling. It has to do with the power of deterrence that protects Lebanon in the face of threats and “Israeli” greed.

In any case, I want to conclude this file. On the martyrdom anniversary of the martyr leader who sacrificed his blood and soul and the rest of his blessed age in Syria so that it can win Syria in this war. Today, Lebanon needs Syria. It is an economic need in the full sense of the word. Understanding and communication open doors. If there are ambiguities related to the dollar, the price of the currency, the smuggling of certain foodstuffs, or commercial movement, all of this can be dealt with through fixing the relationship, through dialogue, and through communication. Today, on the martyrdom anniversary of our leader the martyr, we call for haste. There is no time left.

In the previous government, there was always talk about embarrassments, the popular and political climate, and the regional climate. Today, if the country continues to take into account some climates, it is going to collapse and starve. The overwhelming majority of the Lebanese people will be living below the poverty line. One form of rational treatment is arranging the relationship with Syria to open the borders and crossings so we can export our agricultural and industrial produce. By doing so, we will be reviving our productive sectors and cooperating in stopping smuggling.

And Syria is ready. I know that Syria is highly ready. The delay and procrastination are from the Lebanese side. Lebanon must get out of this clearly. The Lebanese people should know that this is one of the ways to escape from the status quo. It can achieve quick results. It is not a long-term plan. This year, we build and improve. People turn to agriculture and support our industrial sectors. We engage in an understanding with Syria and open the borders. Hence, the Iraqi market will be secured through the Iraqi-Lebanese relations. There will be a rise in production in Lebanon. This can be achieved in a year. But it needs a sovereign decision. So far, the sovereigns who are talking about sovereignty in Lebanon, their decisions regarding this matter is not sovereign. Rather it is subject to American or regional considerations or hatreds. Whoever has the interest of the Lebanese people in their mind should go beyond these international and regional considerations because it will not feed the Lebanese bread. We must overcome hatred because we are facing the battle of fate.

I conclude by emphasizing again the dangers of the spread of the coronavirus in Lebanon as well as the new measures. I call on the Lebanese and all residents of Lebanon to be stricter and more committed to official and medical measures. This is one of the obligatory duties. Otherwise, all the fatigue, patience, economic hardship, the discomfort from staying indoors, and measures will all go in vain. Let us preserve what has been accomplished. Let us protect our country. We must return to the highest seriousness in this war against the coronavirus. 

May God have mercy on our martyr, the dear and great leader Sayyed Mustafa Badreddine (Sayyed Zulfikar). May God have mercy on our martyred leaders and all the martyrs who passed away on this path. And I ask God Almighty to accept them and accommodate them in Illiyin and bless us and their families with their blood, sacrifices. They have passed on victory, honor, dignity, strength, deterrence, presence, and a life different from what the Zionists and the arrogant forces want us and the peoples of our region to have.

Peace and God's mercy and blessings be upon you.
