Sayyed Nasrallah’s Full Speech on International Quds Day 22-05-2020

Translated by Staff
I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan. In the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Merciful. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon our Master and Prophet, the Seal of Prophets, Abi al-Qassem Muhammad Bin Abdullah and his good and pure household and his good and chosen companions and all the prophets and messengers.
Peace and Allah's mercy and blessings be upon you all.
Once again, may Allah accept your fasting and effort, and he bless your days and nights as well as the rest of this great month.
We meet today as we mark a major occasion, the International Quds Day. This day was declared by Imam Khomeini in 1979 following the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. He declared the last Friday of the month of Ramadan of every year an international day for al-Quds.
Also in May is the anniversary of the Nakba – Palestine’s Nakba that took place 72 years ago and led to the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homes and villages inside and outside Palestine. It, unfortunately, established the rise of this usurping satanic entity, the oppressor, the germ of corruption, the cancerous gland, the absolute evil and all the consequences and repercussions of the existence of this entity in the heart of this region.
This occasion coincides with the twentieth anniversary of the Resistance and Liberation Day on May 25. This historic victory laid the foundations for major transformations in the region and inside occupied Palestine. It was a very great victory on the road to al-Quds, the liberation of Palestine, and facing the Zionist project.
My address today will focus on Quds Day, and those two other occasions are related to this in one way or another. I will focus on the Resistance and Liberation Day and issues related to the Lebanese side. In this equation, I will refer to it. But we will talk about it more, God willing, in the next few days.
My speech on Quds Day will be divided into two parts:
The first part: Affirming and reminding of a group of fundamentals and constants in this battle, in this ongoing conflict.
The second part: An overview of the situation throughout the last year, from the last Quds Day until this one. It is a reading of the strategic environment in the region, of course from the angle of the conflict with the “Israeli” enemy, the things that define our position and outline our course in the near future, and the responsibilities assigned to us all.
The first part:
The first point:
Imam Khomeini declared Quds Day after the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. In fact, this was a peak announcement. Imam’s position regarding the Palestinian cause, al-Quds, and the struggle with the Zionist enemy only intensified. It came as a culmination of a long path of jihad and struggle as well as the political and religious position in the sake of this cause.
Imam Khomeini had his fatwas and positions. His statements were clear, present, and strong since the beginning of assuming his responsibility in the beginning of the sixties in the holy city of Qom, and primarily in the face of the Shah of Iran at that time.
Among the main problems or main issues raised by Imam Khomeini in the battle and confrontation with the Shah were his submission to the Americans and his relations with "Israel", his recognition of the existence of "Israel", the relationship with "Israel", and the assistance that the Shah was providing to "Israel". At that time, the Shah was an ally of many Gulf countries and Arab regimes.
In any case, the major headlines in the beginning of the battle with the Shah were Palestine, al-Quds, "Israel", and the submission to the American will.
Through this announcement, the Imam embodied positions from dozens of years – from the start of the Nakba to what befell the Palestinian people to the establishment of the usurper entity in occupied Palestine – as well as positions of our religious authorities and references.
There is a reason why I am speaking briefly about this struggle and this entity. From the beginning, well-known and not so known senior religious authorities in Iraq’s holy city of Najaf or Iran’s holy city of Qom – or anywhere else, but these two cities were the main centers – all had a clear, decisive, and undisputable position on the issue of Palestine and “Israel”. They believed that Palestine is the property of the Palestinian people, and it must be returned in its entirety. "Israel" is an illegal entity. It is a usurper entity and an occupier. It must cease to exist. It makes no sense for it to remain. There is no legitimacy for its existence.
And here we are not talking about throwing anyone into the sea. But we always told those who came to occupied Palestine by plane, by ship, and by caravans that must leave and return to the countries they came from.
Thus, the religious position regarding the Palestinian cause, the Palestinian people, Palestine, and the usurper entity is a decisive, clear, stable, and deeply rooted matter that cannot be changed.
I said I had a reason for touching on the aforementioned topic.
Also, in Lebanon – our generations, I am talking about my grandfather, my father, me, our children, and grandchildren, at the very least since the forties – we, too, were brought up on this position.
From the time of Sayyed Abdel Hussein Sharafeddine to the time of Imam Sayyed Mohsen Al-Amin in the forties, to Imam Sayyed Musa Al-Sadr (may Allah bring him and his two companions back safely) in the fifties, there was a clear and firm position that “‘Israel’ is an absolute evil” and “dealing with ‘Israel’ is haram”. He [Imam Sadr] laid the foundations of a true, popular field resistance for this confrontation. After his forced absence, our great scholars in Lebanon led by Ayatollah Mohammad Hussain Fadlallah and Ayatollah Sheikh Muhammad Mahdi Shams al-Din continued on his path. This was the position our generation was raised on.
We still continue until today with His Eminence Imam Khamenei. We heard his speech today with fatwas, positions, and statements. This also applies to our great religious scholars and authorities around the world.
The first point:
I would like to start and say on Quds Day that our position regarding Palestine, al-Quds, sacred places in Palestine, the Palestinian people, and the usurper entity is an Ideological, religious, jurisprudential, legal as well as a humanitarian and moral position. This means that this position is not interchangeable, subject to trade, negotiation, being forgotten, or neglected.
We are talking about a position that is part of our faith, our commitment, our doctrine, our religion, our prayers, our fast, our jihad, the holy month of Ramadan, and the recitation of the Qur’an and fasting in the month of Ramadan. Therefore, people wagering on military wars, security assassinations, psychological warfare, sanctions, starvation, or intimidation can change this position are mistaken. They must despair of the possibility of this happening.
They are also mistaken if they think that the resistance in Lebanon or Palestine or what is happening today in the square is a revolutionary youth enthusiasm that will end when beards become gray and the generation grows up.
This is an ideological and religious matter that is passed on from one generation to another and continues with man until the moment of death or martyrdom.
If some people think that this position is a show of courtesy and has a time limit or is for political employment and ends when political interests are achieved, they are wrong. It is not a courtesy, a state of emotional enthusiasm, or a political gain.
Emphasizing the reality of the ideological position regarding the Palestinian cause, the “Israeli” enemy, and the Zionist project is the true background of the resistance that defends its homeland, its people, and its sanctities.
The second point:
We must also underscore certain constants in our culture that a right does not change or cease as time passes. What was stolen and usurped does not become a legal property in time. We must emphasize on this even if the whole world recognized the stolen property as the possession of the usurper or the thief. A right never changes.
I remember before the July war when I used to meet with foreign journalists and talk to them about the existence of the “Israeli” entity. They would be surprised by this situation. I gave them an example.
If you owned a house or a villa with a garden, for example, and you were sitting with your family. Then someone with a weapon threatened you, killed your son, kicked you out of your house, and threw you out on the street. You consider the house yours, and it’s your right. Ten, twenty, thirty, or forty years later, would you consider the house to be the usurper’s?
The journalist answered, “No.”
I told him that the family might not talk to the neighbors at the beginning. But later as a result of certain considerations, they might meet with this usurper, coexist with him, and normalize ties with him. Do you think this house belongs to you or to the usurper?
He said, “No, it is mine. It will remain mine even after 100 or 200 years.
I told him that the same goes to the Palestinian cause.
The Palestinian people’s homes and possessions were usurped by terrorism, massacres, killing, and intimidation. They were thrown out on the street. Even if 100 or 200 years pass and even if the United Nations and all the countries, governments, and people in the world declared that Palestine is a legitimate land for the so-called “Israeli” entity, it does not make falsehood a right, nor does it detract from any right, property, righteousness, or justice of the Palestinian people's cause in this matter.
The third point:
It is not the right of anyone whether they are Palestinian, Arab, Muslim, or Christian to give Palestine or part of it, al-Quds or part of it to the Zionists or anyone else except to its people. These are the nation’s sanctities. This land belongs to the Palestinians. It does not belong to the current generation of the Palestinian people. It belongs to the current, the previous, and the future generations. No one has a mandate from the Palestinian people and their future generations. No one has a mandate from the nation to its sanctities to give to the Zionists. These are crucial constants.
The fourth point:
The responsibility to regain the sanctities, the land, and the rights falls primarily on the Palestinian people because it is their land, and they are the ones entrusted with al-Quds as well as the Islamic and Christian sanctities. It is also the responsibility of the nation. On the Day of Resurrection, everyone will be asked about their performance and this responsibility. A lot of people during the month of Ramadan fast, pray, and read the Qur’an, and at night they sit and undertake self-reckoning. On the Day of Resurrection, when we stand in front of God Almighty for Him to judge us, He will ask us about what we ate and drank, our youth, our homes, our families, our position, our trade, our agriculture, our industry, our sincerity, our lies, our dishonesty, etc.
Among the things that God will ask us about are our occupied land, our sanctities, our oppressed and leading people on the street for more than 72 years, and an entity that is threatening the entire region. God will ask us as well as all the people and governments in the region, with their dignity, freedom, blood, honor and money, what we did to confront this entity, this project, this occupation, this Nakba, this catastrophe, and this usurping of land? And we have to prepare an answer for Judgment Day.
The fifth point:
Resistance in all its forms is the only way to liberate the land and the holy sites and restore rights. All other ways are a waste of time and missed opportunities. They only lead to a dead end. This is the case with the Palestinian-“Israeli”-American negotiations. Nowadays, we are witnessing strong evidence of this.
The sixth point:
Liberation is not accomplished in one, two, or three years. Liberation battles and popular resistance throughout history required long years. They might need a generation or more than one generation. The occupation of some countries lasted for many years. Some countries were even occupied for tens of years, 100 years, two hundred years, more or less. Hence, the length of the battle time should not be a cause of despair, nor a justification for impotence, at all. The generations must bear this responsibility, the banner must be passed on from one generation to another, and resistance must continue.
If the current generation feels that it is unable to achieve victory or exercise actual, positive, and serious field resistance, it must not give up at the very least. It must not legitimize the occupation and recognize it.
It should not sign the death penalty and give up the land and the sanctities. It must practice negative resistance. Many people throughout history practiced negative resistance, not surrendering, not legitimizing, not recognizing – even if they did not fight, protest, etc.
This generation must remain negative towards the occupation. It must not give up, recognize, or surrender and just leave the matter to the future generation that will have the will power and the capabilities. Local, regional, or international circumstances might enable it to launch serious resistance and achieve victory.
Weakness, imbalance, the abandonment of others, difficult situations, and the strength of the enemy. All of this should not be a reason. It is not a humane, moral, legal, or religious argument for anyone to take it as an excuse to surrender and to legitimize and consecrate the occupation. But the responsibility to resist remains and must be passed on from one generation to another.
The seventh point:
The defeat of the occupation forces throughout history.
Since we are part of this history and are governed by the laws of societies, there are a lot of occupation forces that occupied and then defeated. Of course, there are reasons behind their defeat. One of the reasons might be that the people whose country was occupied resisted and exhausted the occupation army. They were inflicted with human, material, and psychological losses to the point that staying became costly and useless and will have consequences. Internal pressures can occur within the occupation state.
I am talking in general. These factors might lead the enemy to leave. We have contemporary examples.
Vietnam, 2000 liberation of southern Lebanon, and the Gaza strip are all modern examples. The “Israelis” were forced to get out of our land as a result of attrition and operations. This is how it happened in the south and in Gaza. Daily self-sacrificing operations made the occupation see that staying is costly and pricey. There was internal controversy and pressure as well as conviction among the enemy’s leadership that there is no point in staying and that the burden of staying is unsustainable. So, it left.
There is another reason for an occupation force to leave an occupied land. This factor might be the fall outs of a central country. Let us take the Roman Empire for example. All the empires are the same. They all occupied other countries. When divisions, assassinations, killings, corruption, and collapse took over Rome, it – the central country – collapsed, weakened, and eroded. It had no choice but to withdraw its army from the countries it occupied.
The two reasons may coexist. The people felt the weakness of the central country and rose and revolted against its armies in the many states it occupied. So, it hastened to withdraw. This is usually the main reason for the withdrawal of great empires that occupied entire countries.
These reasons can combine and befall the enemy entity someday. The permanent depletion and internal conflicts in the “Israeli” entity are worsening politically as well as at the sectarian, ethnic, and geographical levels. In addition, corruption has plagued the top of the pyramid. Meanwhile, the army’s morale was hit in addition to the already exacerbated internal condition it is living through.
Hence, there are factors that are related to the enemy and others to central country. The current central country and supporter of this entity is the United States.
Consequently, yes, it is possible that it might be after a year, five years, ten years, twenty years, or thirty years, God knows. But the way things go according to history, the laws, and the developments say that the existence of living and resistant people that did not surrender and let go of the banner. Despite all the sacrifices, experiences say that this can happen at any time, and this matter will definitely happen. It is just a matter of time.
The eighth point:
To be clear. Today, who are we fighting this battle against? Who is on the other side? When we were fighting the “Israeli” occupation in Lebanon, who were we really fighting? The Palestinian people have been fighting, resisting, and confronting with all kinds of comprehensive resistance for 72 years. Who are they facing and fighting?
The simple, seeming picture is that the fight is with “Israel”, with the “Israeli” enemy, with the “Israeli” army, with the “Israeli” government. But the deeper view says otherwise. It says that the real battle is with the United States of America. "Israel" is part of the American battle front. It is the advanced barrack, the front line.
But the real battle was and is still with the United States of America, with the successive American governments. Some accept this concept, of course. But those who do not accept it must reconsider. Others accept it implicitly but behave differently. But this is the reality. For example, in Lebanon, in Palestine, and in this conflict, who supports “Israel”?
Militarily, the weapon is the greatest and most advanced technology. The US gives “Israel” planes and military technology that it does not give to any of its allies in the world. In terms of security, information, and security control as well as financial and economic support, the US gives “Israel” billions of dollars of assistance annually. It gives Lebanon one hundred or one hundred and twenty million dollars – more or less – for the Lebanese army. It gives some money to Jordan and Egypt. But it showers “Israel” with loads of money. It engages in military cooperation and joint exercises with the “Israeli” army. The most important thing is harnessing all the American political influence in the world in the interest of "Israel", to establish it, its legitimacy, and its superiority over all the Arab and Islamic countries and the peoples of the region.
We in Lebanon, America, did not allow even the condemnation of the “Israeli” aggression and occupation of southern Lebanon, to place a "degrading" veto on the condemnation of the Qana massacre, and on any crime committed by "Israel" in Lebanon, until the condemnation is forbidden to be condemned “Israel”, and the main factor is America, America employs all Its international relations and its relations with the countries of the region are in the interest of “Israel”, with the regimes now, because this later introduces us to the story of normalization, with the regimes, you want to become king? What will you do for “Israel”?
The Americans did not allow Lebanon to condemn the “Israeli” aggression and occupation of southern Lebanon. It vetoed the condemnation of the Qana massacre and any crime that “Israel” committed in Lebanon. “Israel” is not even allowed to be condemned. The main factor is America. America employs all its international and regional relations for the benefit of “Israel”. As for the regimes, this will lead us to talk about normalization. What would regimes do for “Israel” to be kings?
A regime must offer a work program, services for “Israel”, to normalize with “Israel”, to establish the existence of “Israel”, to strengthen “Israel”, and to thwart dangers from “Israel”. Do you want to remain a king, prince, leader, or president? What do you have to offer “Israel”? “Israel” is the door to be close to America. Who made this door? America itself made it. Let us take Sudan, for example. A while ago, the Sudanese Sovereign Council wanted to the sanctions to be lifted from Sudan or take it out of the US terror list. What is the door?
You have to make a deal with Netanyahu. You have to sit down with Netanyahu. Last time, when I spoke about the Syria, I mentioned that the “Israeli” war minister presents false achievements to the “Israeli” public. Netanyahu is the same. Today, he is presenting that some normalization of ties that took place with some Arab leaders and countries or some Gulf countries is the result of his skill, policies, and leadership.
This is, of course, misleading the public opinion. This is the result of the weakness of these governments and leaders. It is also because America wills it. America wants this king, this prince, this sheikh, this president, and this leader to warm up to “Israel” and normalize with it. Since the head of the current government of the enemy is Netanyahu, you must sit with him. If it was someone else, you will sit with that person.
In any case, the US employs its influence, international relations, strength, ability, and everything it owns in the world to establish “Israel” and its superiority and to strengthen. It imposes this on Arab governments and regimes.
Hence, the real battle is against the US administration and not only against this entity. America is waging wars in the region in the interest of rooting “Israel” and thwarting dangers away from it. The US supports and pushes for wars in the region in order to defend “Israel” and root it. Saddam Hussein's war on the Islamic Republic lasted for eight years. Today, the war in Yemen and other wars in our region are waged under American orders, financing, pressure, follow-up, and support.
One of the major objectives of these wars is to protect “Israel” because of the major transformations in favor of the resistance, its culture and will as well as the idea of resistance in our region, especially in the past decades following the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, the victories of Lebanon and Gaza, and the transformations taking place in our region.
Hence, the enemy we are fighting is actually the Americans. Sometimes we do not fire at each other or shoot each other directly on some fronts. But this is the truth regarding the entirety of the battle. Of course, I am not saying this to make the battle harder. No. I am saying this to describe the reality of the battle, set the course, and say that the battle is difficult and long and requires time and sacrifices; and to shed light on the size of resilience in the resistance axis, countries, governments, peoples, forces and factions as well as on the size of the achievements and the victories. The battle is either against “Israel” that is in occupied Palestine as a strong regional state or against the world’s superpower. Hence, assessing achievements, victories, and sacrifices as well as identifying opportunities and threats and reading the strategic environment vary greatly.
The ninth point:
Describing the current reality, we find that the real project is now becoming clearer, especially after the announcement of the deal of the century. The real “Israeli”-American project regarding Palestine is not the establishment of two states or the establishment of a Palestinian state – regardless of the nature, borders, and essence of this Palestinian state. After the annexation of al-Quds and the Golan, there is a direction now towards annexing parts of the West Bank, which will pave the way for the annexation of the entire West Bank. There is also a direction towards annexing the Jordan Valley. This means that the “Israelis” are heading towards full control and full annexation of all the occupied Arab territories in Palestine, the Golan, and the rest of the occupied Lebanese territories – the Shebaa Farms, the Kfar Chouba Hills, and the Lebanese part of the town of Ghajar. The most that the Palestinians can do is accept a limited administrative autonomy. This must be taken into account by the Palestinians and the nation when taking a position.
The second part:
We move to the second part to talk about the environment. In the first part, we established principles, constants and vision. We also described the reality of the current battle.
The current environment is the environment of the current conflict. When classifying the axes and positions, there are countries in the Arab and Islamic world that are not included in the equation. In other words, this conflict does not concern them. I am talking about states and regimes, not peoples. These countries and regimes are quiet and preoccupied with their economic and internal crises.
There are other countries that left the conflict with the enemy not to become neutral and unconcerned but to assist the enemy in this battle. These countries are assisting it in all possible and available way – not so much as sending armed forces to Palestine to fight alongside the “Israeli” army. No, they are assisting in besieging the Palestinians, stopping aid from reaching them, arresting them in Arab countries, and putting Palestinian, Lebanese, and other resistance movements on the terror lists as well as defending “Israel” in international forums and voting for “Israel’s” interests in some international organizations. This is happening and has been happening over the past few years. You have seen all the proofs.
Hence, there are countries that have changed positions and implicitly became “Israel’s” friends and supporters. The also became the opponents of the Palestinian people or the ones who treat them cruelly or harshly. On the other hand, there are countries that are still at the heart of the equation and the conflict. They still have a decisive, clear, and strong position. These are a very few countries, most importantly the Islamic Republic in Iran and the Syrian Arab Republic.
There are many popular forces and resistance movements in Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and of course in Lebanon, our people in the region, in Bahrain, in North Africa, in Nigeria, and in the Arab world that have a decisive position and are good and strong supporters.
But when we talk about governments and resistance countries as well as resistance forces, we are speaking of a limited number. However, these countries are not weak. On the contrary, they are strong, important, and influential – mainly in our region. These countries are what we call the axis of resistance in the face of the American-“Israeli” axis. And here, some Arab states sit on the sidelines, while others support it in one way or another. Sometimes they provide it with great services publicly, such as those that were provided to the American-“Israeli” axis in Syria, in Iraq, in Yemen, in Bahrain, or in Lebanon or the Islamic Republic.
Regarding this conflict between these two axes, I want to talk a little bit about the countries belonging to the resistance axis from the “Israeli” point of view – to say what the “Israelis” and the American were wagering on and where they failed.
We made achievements. We achieved victory, and we stood firm. I am not saying that it failed because it did not know what to manage or that it had weaknesses in the human, material, financial, or economic capabilities. Rather it failed due to the presence, strength, the sacrifices, steadfastness, the martyrs, patience, and endurance of our axis.
In this reading, I would like to conclude with a result that will clarify the path for us, give us insight and hope, and set out our responsibilities for the next stage. Because Palestine is where the road ends. So, I will leave Palestine to the end and start from the farthest point. Geographically, Iran is the farthest.
In the American-“Israeli” view, Iran is the center of gravity of the axis of resistance, especially in recent years after what happened to Syria. Syria also needed support from the allies in the face of the global war, and this confirmed that Iran is the center of gravity. Therefore, the American-“Israeli” axis targets it most.
We will not talk about the last 40 years. Over the past year, there have been American-“Israeli” bets on toppling regime in the Islamic Republic in Iran, or at the very least changing the behavior of the regime as they said, especially when it comes to the Palestinian and “Israeli” issue.
When Trump withdrew from the nuclear deal and brought back the sanctions, he was wagering on creating a very big rivalry between Iran's political forces and provoking angry public reactions, while the sanctions led to an economic, social, and living crisis that would force people to take to the streets.
He was always speaking about demonstrations in the hundreds of thousands. However, this was only in his head and in Hollywood. There was a big bet on this topic. We all remember John Bolton, the former National Security Adviser who vowed that he will mark New Years in Tehran at the end of 2019. But 2019 ended, and we are in 2020. As for Bolton, he went home, and the Islamic Republic regime’s capital is still Tehran.
The “Israelis” bet too much on the American move. We remember how Netanyahu and the enemy’s leaders worked very hard in the US to get the US administration out of the nuclear agreement and to re-impose sanctions and to tighten the embargo on Iran. This was an “Israeli” choice and bet.
Today, all the “Israeli” strategic estimates that are issued at the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020, agree on “Israel’s” strategic failure on this bet.
Here, we are talking about “Israel’s” failures, losses, and defeat.
Of course, this bet failed because there was unity in the position of the Islamic Republic in addition to the steadfastness of the leadership, the regime, and the people that endured the sanctions and burdens.
There was also a sense of insistence on the principles, constants, identity, pride, sovereignty, and national dignity. Iran is paying dearly for this.
Had it been any other country, leadership, or regime, it would have collapsed due to the magnitude of US and Western sanctions and pressure. It would have surrendered, changed its behavior, back down from some of its principles, or postponed them.
Hence, this did not happen.
Among the failed “Israeli” bets regarding the Iranian issue is betting on a US war on Iran or an American-Iranian war. The “Israelis” were pushing towards this direction because they believe that if a war was launched at Iran, it will destroy it. Even if the regime in Iran remained, it will need a hundred years to be able to stand on its feet. Consequently, the political, moral, military, and material support it can provide to the Palestinian people, the peoples of the region, and the resistance movements fighting the entire Zionist project will stop.
This bet also failed, and Netanyahu and the Zionist leaders were disappointed. Their hope might have amplified after the assassination of the two great and beloved leaders Hajj Qassem Soleimani and Hajj Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, when Iran responded by targeting Ain Al-Assad base with missiles – the American administration is still concealing its losses there. A few days ago, the Pentagon talked about the numbers of dead and wounded. I don’t know if this is accurate or not.
But the “Israelis” expected that downing the large US drone over the Gulf region in addition to the strike on Ain Al-Assad would anger Trump and force him to respond to Iran which will lead to a war between America and Iran. However, Trump backed down. At the moment, despite Trump’s threats and intimidations, the prevailing belief is that America and Iran are far from war as a result of Iran's strength and America's fear of getting involved in an unaccounted war. So, this “Israeli” bet also failed.
They also bet on Takfiri and terrorist groups that were carried out last year and in previous years and still trying to carry out terrorist operations in Iran – whether at Iran’s eastern border or the western border. However, the Islamic Republic faced this bet strongly. Hence, this bet also failed.
The last “Israeli” bet was wagering on the coronavirus. It thought that number of infections in Iran will lead to the collapse of the health system, social and popular anger, economic collapse, etc. All this is contained in the expectations and estimates of the disappointed “Israelis”. But the Islamic Republic overcame the coronavirus.
Praise be to God, just as the Leader His Eminence praised the state, the regime, and the Iranian people in the way they addressed this pandemic. On the contrary, Iran will emerge stronger from this difficult test, God willing.
The World Health Organization recognizes that the health system in Iran is one of the strongest in the region. America is confused and lost. Major powers in the world are confused and lost. Meanwhile, the Islamic Republic is managing this matter with wisdom, accuracy, responsibility, stability, interaction, great popular cooperation, and great social solidarity. It will overcome this. But we do not know how far the Zionist entity will go with the coronavirus issue.
Eventually, the “Israelis” and the Americans return to bet on the economic and financial sanctions against the Islamic Republic as well as the repercussions of theses sanctions on Iran and the overall axis of resistance supported by the Islamic Republic.
But at the end of the day, Iran remains strong and steadfast. This was also clearly expressed today in the speech of His Eminence the Leader Sayyed Khamenei on the occasion of Quds Day.
Therefore, talking about Iran’s current strategic environment and position regarding the conflict with the American-“Israeli” axis concerning the “Israeli”-Palestinian issue, we can say that the bets that were made over the past year have failed. We can talk about an American-“Israeli” failure on the one hand, and Iran’s steadfastness, firmness, and its ability to overcome difficulties. God willing, the rest of the difficulties will be overcome.
I will move on to the second point which is Iraq. Just to be clear and transparent regarding Iraq, we could say that Iraq as a government and a regime is part of the axis of resistance. We might talk ab out this matter very quickly. But there is no doubt that there has been a very big shift in Iraq in favor of the axis of resistance and the project of resistance. There are resistance movements, a spirit of resistance, and a culture of resistance in Iraq. This is very clear – Iraq’s new position with regard to the regions. There is also the Hashd al-Shaabi [the popular Mobilization Units], even though it is an official force. But preserving Iraq and its strength is incompatible with the Zionist project.
The “Israelis” were among the strongest inciters not only to occupy Iraq but also to destroy the Iraqi army – destroy the Iraqi military force – and the Iraqi people. There are documents regarding this. We are not talking about three thousand years ago. There are documents when George W. Bush launched a war on Iraq. The Jewish-Zionist lobby in America wanted the American administration not only to occupy Iraq but also to destroy it. It is no doubt a great and important development that Iraq rose again; an Iraqi regime, an Iraqi army, an Iraqi popular mobilization, and an Iraqi economy rose again. Iraq cannot be part of the American-“Israeli” axis or cannot be an ally of “Israel”. This is what we know about our brothers in Iraq.
America and “Israel” were operating through Takfiri groups in Iraq. I repeat and say that Trump says Daesh is made in America. It was created by Obama and Clinton. One of the options over the past years was to instigate a sectarian war in our region – a Sunni-Shiite war. However, the Iraqis’ resilience, steadfastness, and unity in confronting the Takfiri groups – within the Hashd al-Shaabi and the Iraqi forces – as well as in their national political position defeated Daesh. Now, preparations are underway to continue the battle with Daesh.
All of these are elements of strength in the region. In one way or another, they serve the axis of the resistance and thwarts the true “Israeli” objectives in Iraq and the region.
In any case, the Iraqi brothers and sisters themselves, God willing, will push Iraq towards its natural position – through its Islamic, Arab and ideological affiliation – within the conflict with the “Israeli” enemy.
This exists at the popular level and at the level of the religious references. But I am talking at the official level. God willing, it will be full and decisive.
Syria’s position in the axis of resistance – in the past and the present – is known and clear. There is no need to explain. Syria was subjected to a global war. I do not want to repeat what I mentioned because I talked about Syria in detail a few days ago. The global war on Syria failed. Syria emerged victorious. It, however, still has battles to fight. But the Syrian leadership and the Syrian state remained. The Syrian army is also beginning to recover.
“Israel’s” project in Syria, which was an “Israeli”-American project, was to topple to the state, the regime, and this leadership. There is no need to talk about this again. Of course, when they failed to bring down the state in the great battle, their ambition was to maintain the security belt in southern Syria – in Quneitra and Daraa areas as well as in the vicinity of the occupied Syrian Golan. However, this plan failed and was thwarted.
Following the failures of the American-“Israeli” axis in Syria, “Israel” is taking advantage of the sanctions on Syria to prevent the Syrian army from recovering and regaining its deterrent capabilities, particularly the missile force, it possessed before the crisis. The “Israelis” also want to expel the Iranians, Hezbollah, and the resistance factions from Syria. As we said, they will fail, and they have failed so far.
“Israel” is once again attempting to take advantage of the Kurdish issue in the east of the Euphrates. But I think that what happened in Syria is a great victory for the axis of resistance, a catastrophic failure of the American-“Israeli” axis, and a great disappointment for “Israel” was looking for.
It was expecting that a government in Damascus would lease the Golan to “Israel” for 99 years, which can be extended. There may be people who are not ashamed since they made it clear that they have no problem giving the Golan to “Israel”. Then, Syria would later become “Israel’s” ally and becomes closer to “Israel” than some Arab countries that have normalized ties and are part of the American-“Israeli” axis.
All these failed. Last year affirmed and perpetuated this disappointment.
Of course, regarding Syria, I will end the same I did with Iran by saying that the bet here, too, is on the sanctions. There is also the US’s Caesar Act that will soon be implemented. This legislation will increase the pressure, blockade, and economic and financial sanctions on Syria. This is by itself a challenge.
So here, too, we are talking about “Israeli” disappointment and failure over the past year. The “Israelis” and the Americans could not achieve any of the goals they set for themselves in Syria. Of course, they did not achieve anything here – as in Iran – because of the blood, sacrifices, patience, steadfastness, endurance, etc.
Regardless of how the war on Yemen began, its objectives became clearer as time passed by. The objective was to prevent the establishment of a resistance force in Yemen called for by the Yemeni people and led by the Ansarullah movement. They wanted to put an end to this. They also did not want Yemen to have any participation or position – be it political, popular, at the military or media level – regarding the conflict with the “Israeli” enemy. We all know the importance of Yemen in this battle – its strategic geographical location as it overlooks the sea and strategic waterways. That is why this is also an American and an “Israeli” war.
“Israel” supports the war on Yemen and provides technological assistance, intelligence, and various other forms of support. This war has entered its sixth year. And there is an American-“Israeli”-Saudi failure in the war on Yemen. What happened was the opposite. They wanted to prevent the emergence of such a force in the axis of resistance. Instead, this force has grown and strengthened over the past few years, possessing ballistic missiles, drones, and air defense systems. It has real military production as well as military forces that can liberate huge areas the size of countries.
Meanwhile, they [the “Israelis”, the Americans, the Saudi-led coalition] stand helpless and unable to change the field equation there.
This is a very important qualitative and quantitative force that has been added and perpetuated over the past year. It has become a source of concern for the “Israelis”. Last year we saw the rhetoric between our dear brother, the leader, Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, and a number of “Israeli” leaders. This is on the one hand.
On the other hand, the failure in Yemen had an important effect on the deal of the century. One pillar of the deal of the century is Prince Muhammad bin Salman. Had he won the war in Yemen, he would have been presented as the Arab knight and the great conqueror and leader. This would have given him a regional position and a certain Arab position that would have been used to impose the deal of the century on the Palestinian people.
The defeat of Muhammad bin Salman in Yemen is a very strong blow to one of the main pillars that would have harnessed such a victory – had it happened – in the interest of making the deal of the century a success.
We will talk about Lebanon and end with Palestine. I will not talk a lot about Lebanon because as we said we will talk about the Lebanese subject in detail in a few days.
But the bottom line in Lebanon is deterrence on both sides of the border. “Israel” is cautious and anxious when it comes to Lebanon. It fears going to war. It studies its moves carefully and calculates the resistance’s response. Some will say that deterrence exists on both sides. There is no problem with deterrence being present because the “Israeli” has always been the superior and the Lebanese the deterred.
One of “Israel's” strategic objectives during the past year was to prevent the growing capabilities of the resistance in Lebanon. This objective was not achieved. Over the past year, the resistance has grown in strength. The “Israelis” admit they have failed to achieve their objective despite all the air strikes they conducted on targets in Syria – all of which were related to the transport operations – as they say.
The capabilities of the resistance in Lebanon became more advanced. Hence, “Israel” failed to achieve this objective. We will talk about this in detail later, God willing. Therefore, over the past year, we find that the “Israelis” were betting on the internal developments in Lebanon more than on their strength in the face of the resistance.
When the October events took place last year, the “Israelis” rejoiced at what was happening in Lebanon and considered it a popular revolution against Hezbollah, for example. Now, the “Israelis” are also betting on the internal situation, on the economic situation, and on American sanctions. They are wagering that the resistance’s environment will turn against it, and they are saying this openly. They followed the last elections and expected a coup. Some of their people in the Shiite environment promised them that a major shift in the Shiite environment in particular and in the environment supporting the resistance in general would take place. But they were surprised by the election results two years ago.
They are still working and betting that the environment will turn against the resistance as a result of the sanctions.
When we spoke about Iran, we concluded that the “Israelis” and the American are betting on the sanctions and blockade. In Syria, we concluded with the sanctions, the blockade, and the Caesar Act. In Yemen, we concluded with the sanctions as it is still besieged. We also end in Lebanon with the same situation.
They are trying to take advantage of the situation in Lebanon. If the Lebanese people wanted money, wanted to save their economy, and not die from hunger, they have to surrender their weapon and abandon the resistance. This is just one of many demands.
After that the Lebanese would be ordered to draw the maritime border and settle on the points of conflict the way America and “Israel” want. Otherwise, the Americans will be angry with them and will refrain from giving them aid, not allow the IMF to help Lebanon, and not lift the sanctions. Then, you have to accept the American proposal to demarcate the maritime border. American conditions are never-ending.
In any case, this is what they are trying to provoke today in the country. We will also leave this and talk about in a few days in detail. But I tell you very frankly and simply. The countries that surrendered are now starving to death and hungry. They won’t be helped, and this is not the solution. I don't want to give examples. You know many of them.
Through our human and material capabilities, our existing capabilities in the country, in addition to our solidarity, our national will, we can preserve our sovereignty and not to starve to death. It is not true that we only have two choices. We can be strong in Lebanon, maintain our sovereignty, our borders, and our security, deter our enemy, restore our territorial waters, and dig oil and gas wells in this region. Our country can be one feared by the enemy, and we won’t starve to death. I will talk about this in detail later. Hence, we reach the same conclusion that they are betting on the sanctions, hunger, and pressure. We reach with the final point which is Palestine.
During this year (2019 – 2020), the “Israelis” were evidently in a hurry. The “Israelis” and the Americans saw that Iran is resisting, Iraq overcame the difficult stage it is in, and Syria resisted and triumphed. They bet on the events taking place in Lebanon, and we spoke about Yemen.
In Palestine, we find that Gaza also resisted. The “Israelis” failed in Gaza. They also wagered on inciting the Gazans against the resistance. We heard voices from outside and read on social media and some articles that in order for the people in Gaza not to starve, they must surrender and accept the “Israeli” terms. But Gaza has withstood this matter. The other “Israeli” objective in Gaza was to prevent the capabilities of the resistance from growing. Today, the “Israeli” regime admits that it was unable to prevent the growth of the capabilities of the resistance in Gaza. The assassination of leaders and Palestinian engineers, hitting some factories, and the financial and non-financial blockade could not prevent this buildup.
A few days ago, we heard some of the leaders of the Palestinian resistance factions say that the rockets of the Palestinian resistance can reach all cities in occupied Palestine. While “Israel” was working on weakening this capability, we find that it grew. In the West Bank, the courageous operations of young Palestinian men continue, the most recent of which is the throwing of a stone that killed a soldier.
Hence, the “Israelis” see that the Palestinian people are resisting. But the most important development that tool place last year was the Palestinian position regard the deal of the century.
When Trump arrogantly, proudly, and tyrannically presented the deal of the century, his guarantee was a group of Arab countries that pressured the Palestinian Authority and the Palestine Liberation Organization to accept it. But they were surprised with the Palestine’s position. They did not find one Palestinian person belonging to any Palestinian faction that could sign the deal or agree on the terms especially those concerning al-Quds. This is of course a major American and “Israeli” failure. This failure resulted from Palestinian courage and steadfastness, the Palestinian people’s will to challenge, the Palestinian position, and Palestinian consensus.
I always like to remind people and mention the failures of the “Israelis” and the American not because they are failures, but because there are people who stand in their face, resist, endure, make sacrifices, have the will and determination, and thwart the objectives of the American-“Israeli” hegemony and occupation.
That is why the “Israelis” were in a hurry. They began to see that the strategic environment will not remain in their favor. They must take advantage, especially now, of the rest of Trump’s term in the White House. This does not mean that the other US administrations have different strategies. With Trump gone, the tactic would be different in intensity and severity. It would differ in the way of management, performance, and deceit.
So, Trump is a historic opportunity for the “Israeli” entity. That is why today, we see them in a hurry knowing the risks of the steps they are taking. After the annexation of al-Quds and the Golan, they will annex parts of the West Bank and the Jordan Valley. Despite threats by the Palestinian Authority and the position Jordan is expressing in one way or another, we find that the “Israelis” are continuing with this step because they consider that they have several months left; and they must take advantage of the opportunity of Trump being in the White House to announce this annexation and take decisive and unequivocal American support. For if the Democrats come to power, they may bring back the idea of the two-state solution.
Meanwhile, the steps they are taking within the framework of the deal of the century will lead to one “Israeli” Jewish state, and the most that the Palestinians can obtain is a part of the West Bank under administrative autonomy. Hence, there is an “Israeli” attack and progress. But this progress comes from a position where the “Israelis” are trying to take advantage of an opportunity and fear that they might miss it.
On the other hand, there is a Palestinian position that did not provide the cover and did not allow this step and this project to succeed. We must commend the Palestinian people’s steadfastness, their adherence to their rights inside and outside Palestine – in the camps and in the diaspora – the steadfastness of the Palestinians of 1948, the steadfastness of the people of al-Quds in particular, and the preservation of the features of the entire city.
Despite the difficult living conditions, the difficult economic conditions, the detentions and arrests, demolitions of houses, daily harm on them, personal insults, and the state of terror and fear that the enemy’s army and its security apparatus spread, the people are steadfast, patient, and aware. And no one in the Arab world has the right to accuse them of having abandoned their cause. You want us to be more royal than the king. No! Day after day, the Palestinians are proving that they are holding on to their rights, are steadfast in their land, and patient despite decades and years of hardship.
I would like to quickly mention the topic of normalization and the normalization of some Arab countries with “Israel”. In the past, they used to say that normalization will come after a comprehensive peace. But today, there is no comprehensive peace. Al-Quds and the Golan are being annexed. Parts of the West Bank as well as the Jordanian-Palestinian border will be next. There are Arab countries that are ready to normalize. As we said, this is not because of Netanyahu’s success. It is rather the result of the American will as well as the weakness of these governments, their submission to the American will and their groveling at the feet of the Americans.
In any case, this normalization is condemned. It must also be condemned from all platforms. It is primarily the religious scholars’ responsibility to condemn it. This is a great test for the position. Secondly, the Arab and Islamic people must express their position regarding this matter and prevent normalization. Emphasizing on the necessity to condemn and confront normalization, I would like to add that it is also a failed course. We’ve seen it in Egypt and Jordan. What some Gulf countries are doing today have no depth. It will remain marginal, formal, and superficial. It only expresses a political will and the will and sentiments of the people. The popular will in the Arab and Islamic world is not expressed by some mercenaries, including clerics, journalists, elites, some social networking sites, or electronic armies. If it was made possible for the Arab and Islamic people to express their will, there would be no need for anyone to call for them to do so. The only ones allowed to express their opinion and stance towards “Israel”, Palestine, and al-Quds are the Arab and Islamic people, not the electronic armies that are run by five or six people with some money and claim that this is public opinion!
The normalization they are doing is a failed path, a disappointing path. It is a humiliating, subjective, forbidden, and treacherous path, and it must stop.
Also, one of the important turning points during the 2019-2020 period that is related to the axis of resistance is the martyrdom of the great leader Hajj Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the Quds Force who was a major pillar of the axis of the resistance, as well as the martyrdom of the great leader Hajj Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, who was a great leader in the Popular Mobilization Units.
When I talked a while ago about the accomplishments and victories in Iraq, he was one of the main figures in making these victories. He was also one of the leaders, elites, and minds pushing Iraq to its natural position which is at the center of the resistance.
Regarding the martyrdom of brother Hajj Qassem Soleimani, we admit that it was a severe blow to our axis and to us. Hajj’s martyrdom in the external, physical, and material sense is a very great loss for us. The blood of Hajj Qassem Soleimani, as we said in previous occasions, will cement and reinforce the path of resistance and impulsion, as the martyred leaders – the Palestinian and Lebanese martyred leaders – did in more than one field.
Because of the blood of these martyred leaders, we will be more steadfast and faithful. Our attachment to this march will become stronger. The responsibility is bigger and greater. Loyalty to those loved and dear ones who were martyred on this path, motivate us to continue the path and bear the fatigue, the hardships, and the dangers.
In terms of the overall picture, if I want to conclude, in 2019 and the time that already passed in 2020, I do not deny that there have been “Israeli” advancements in some areas, and the whole world is talking about them. Hence, I want to talk about the blows our axis dealt to theirs, thanks to the sacrifices, the martyrs, the steadfastness, the wisdom, the cohesion, and the unity of our axis. This is very important. One of the most important achievements was overcoming the sectarian strife, the Sunni-Shiite war project that was planned by America, “Israel”, and some of their tools in the region. This was expressed in more than one occasion and front.
The conclusion:
First, we must keep an open horizon that is calling for hope and optimism. I will now repeat and say why. The axis of resistance must be steadfast. The military wars will end. The war in Yemen will end. In Iraq, the battle with Daesh will undoubtedly be resolved. In Syria, as I have mentioned, our victory there is great. In Lebanon, there is fear of fighting a war with it. There is fear of going into war with Iraq. The options of direct military wars by the Americans and the “Israelis” may, in the foreseeable or near future, be excluded. But we are not certain of anything. However, it is clear that the priority of the American and “Israeli” axis is psychological warfare – the economy, sanctions, and famine. This is what they are working on. So we must be steadfast.
Next, we must continue building up the capabilities of the axis of resistance in the time available to us – whether it is one year, two years, or three. This program is called strengthening the capabilities of the resistance forces and governments and regeneration following the losses and the sacrifices that were made. This path is ongoing, and the “Israeli” enemy cannot stop it.
I tell you that it will not be able to stop it, not in Iran, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, or Gaza.
In Lebanon, the “Israelis” should tread very carefully when talking about this. It should not at all wager that Hezbollah might be occupied with certain internal matters. The rules of engagement which were established in the July war through the legendary steadfastness are still valid. They cannot be overlooked at all, regardless of the enemy's arguments. It must not misread or miscalculate our will, determination, or decision.
Hence, building up the resistance forces’ capabilities must continue. The psychological warfare must be confronted with more hope, confidence in God, self-confidence, and an objective reading of the developments. We must also wait for the variables. We believe in al-Ghaib [the unseen]. It is not a condition that al-Ghaib comes after 100 years. A few months ago, the coronavirus was from the unseen, and now it is here.
We will stand before a new world. The features of this world are beginning to form. At the beginning of the speech, I talked about a center which is the United States of America. Today, some elites and great thinkers in the world are saying that the United States of America has lost its position as the leader of the world. And this is clear. In combating the coronavirus pandemic, for example, there is no American leadership heading the fight in the world. On the contrary, if there is a global leadership, it is the World Health Organization that is more or less representing it.
Today, Trump’s administration is fighting it, breaking it, shattering it, and draining its funding sources. Hence, there is no global leadership. The US is preoccupied with itself, its states, its internal conflict, its economy, its unprecedented great recession, the tens of millions of unemployed, and the more than 39,000 deaths.
Therefore, there is a new world. There is a new America. All this will be followed up – is there a new Europe? A new China? A new Russia? A new Iran? A new region? There may be a new “Israel”.
So, we are heading towards new international and regional situations. There may be opportunities that were not previously available. New threats that did not previously exist might arise. It is enough to say today that the deal of the century is no longer a deal but has become an aggression against the Palestinian people since the terms are being imposed and implemented by one side. There is no agreement and deal between two parties. The pillars of the deal of the century triangle are Trump, Netanyahu, and Muhammad bin Salman.
There is no more time, but it is good to mention where these three stand now. Where is Trump now? You can see him on television. You can see the state he is in. Where is Netanyahu who held several elections in the Knesset and came as part of a settlement and was afraid of the court? Where is Muhammad bin Salman now? He is dealing with internal matters – the Yemen war, in the oil war, the internal crisis within the Al Saud.
Hence, the pillars of the deal of the century are preoccupied with their own crises and predicaments. All these open up a door of hope for us – the opposite axis can be defeated. We have defeated it and achieved many victories. We also managed to thwart the objectives of this axis in many fields in the region. This can be used as a stepping stone.
But with our unity, cohesion, presence, and bearing the responsibility, especially when it comes to the great challenge that includes sanctions, blockades, and starvation attempts. This of course needs a separate talk. This challenge must be confronted and requires everyone’s cooperation. It is also a battle of faith, culture, morals, humanity, will, determination, money, and economy. It is not just money and economy.
Hence, we head towards the new year, to next year’ Quds Day, God willing, with big hopes, great expectations, and great capabilities as well.
Although in our Arab and Islamic world there are many governments and states that are standing on sidelines, we are confident that our Arab and Islamic people support this axis and this path. When the opportunity to express their will, be present, and support this axis presents itself, we are confident that they will not disappoint, because the good that falls on the nation will last until the Day of Resurrection.
I have concluded my talk about Quds day. But I would like to address the Lebanese people and the resident in Lebanon briefly. Regarding the coronavirus, we must stress again reservations about people relaxing precautionary measures. When the people started seeing that the number of infections decreased and there is good control and containment, they began to ease the measures. So, the numbers went up again. If the numbers increase, the Lebanese health system might not be able to accommodate them. If the health system collapses, we will be facing a major outbreak of the coronavirus, and this threatens the society and the whole country.
So, once again, and taking into account the human, moral, religious, and national considerations, we call on the Lebanese people as well as the residents in Lebanon to be stricter and commit to the measures and to be responsible. We are in danger once again. It is as if we started from the beginning.
A few days separate us from Eid Al-Fitr. Today, people greet one another with: Happy Eid Al-Fitr. Unfortunately, there is nothing to be happy about in our region except for some victories. But we hope that one day Eid Al-Fitr comes and our people are happy. It will be when this nation achieves its dignity and sovereignty, attains its real freedom, and regains Palestine and its sanctities in al-Quds.
Many happy returns. May peace and God's mercy and blessings be upon you.