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Sayyed Nasrallah Calls for Mass Protest in Defense of Al-Quds: Trump’s Decision A 2nd Balfour

Sayyed Nasrallah Calls for Mass Protest in Defense of Al-Quds: Trump’s Decision A 2nd Balfour
folder_openReports-2017 access_time7 years ago
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Zeinab Essa

Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah condemned US President Donald Trump's move of recognizing Occupied Al-Quds as a capital of the "Israeli" apartheid entity.

Sayyed Nasrallah Calls for Mass Protest in Defense of Al-Quds: Trump’s Decision A 2nd Balfour

In a televised speech to tackle the dangerous US step, His Eminence warned that some voices will emerge to downplay and underestimate the level of Trump's decision.

"Trump's decision regarding Al-Quds resembles a second Balfour Declaration. However, we will soon hear Arab voices trying to downplay its importance," he added.

Sayyed Nasrallah further mentioned that "we all know that the "Israeli" entity does not respect international resolutions and charters. Their interest comes before anything else."

""Israel" does not care to what the Arab, European, Russian or Chinese countries say and what concerns it is the American position," His Eminence said, recalling that "the US position used to form an obstacle to the "Israeli" escalation in al-Quds, and here we understand the seriousness of the new American position."

According to His Eminence, Trump told the Zionist entity that Al-Quds is yours and it's under your control, and that the tactical American barrier has ended.

"What is the fate of Palestinians in East Al-Quds and their properties after this American decision?" Sayyed Nasrallah wondered, noting that "following Trump's decision, "Israel" would stop at nothing to push Palestinians from their homes and confiscate their properties, farms and gardens. Will they be appropriated or demolished?"

He also warned that "If the "Israeli" used to build few settlements, now we will witness building without restrictions."

"Al-Quds will expand towards the West Bank and what the "Israeli" has done in decades will be performed in greater pace in a short time. "Israel" will certainly try to expand its dominion over the greater Quds and absorb more land in the occupied West Bank," His Eminence predicted.

Meanwhile, Sayyed Nasrallah raised the following question: "What is the fate of the Holy sanctities in Al-Quds?"

He went on to say: "Sovereignty over Al-Quds has been given to the "Israelis" and they are free to do whatever they want. We even hear voices that the opportunity is available to build the Temple."

The Resistance Leader also underscored that "Al-Aqsa Mosque is in real danger, and we are not surprised to wake up on a nearby day to find that Al-Aqsa Mosque has been demolished."

"Trump says that there is no Palestinian cause today, and this is must be raised in front of those who believe in negotiations. The fate of the Palestinian cause is at stake. What would be left of the cause when you take Al-Quds out of it? Trump is saying that the Palestinian cause has ended and those who believe in negotiations must pay attention to his words," he confirmed.

Sayyed Nasrallah also highlighted that "when the US dares to encroach upon the most sacred city for the arabs and Muslims, there is no doubt that other places, which are less sacred such as the rest of the West Bank, the Occupied Golan Heights and Kfar Shuba Hills will be open to similar actions if Muslims remain silent in the face of Trump's decision."

On a parallel context, His Eminence said "The Palestinians agree that the capital of their state must be East Al-Quds and the American, the guarantor of the agreements and the so-called ‘peace process', canceled this."

"The American ended the matter. For them Al-Quds is outside the negotiations," he emphasized, pointing out that "the nation that has been silent about the rape of Al-Quds is a nation that can give up on anything else that the US administration craves."

Sayyed Nasrallah viewed that "Trump does not listen to anyone and respects no one, neither his allies nor the international community."

"Trump's decision forms a great insult to millions of Muslims and Christians who felt offended by transfer of Occupied al-Quds to the "Israeli" control in spite of sentiments of Muslims and Christians and is against all international resolutions," he said, noting that "the Muslims and Christians felt insulted that the city that represents their history was given to an artificial state."

In addition, His Eminence highlighted that "except for "Israel", America does not respect anyone in this world."

Once again, Sayyed Nasrallah warned that "we are facing a blatant American aggression against Al-Quds, its people, sanctities, cultural identity and people."

"Yesterday, we heard senior "Israeli" analysts who said that all that is said about reactions to Trump's decision is worthless and nothing will happen in the Arab and Islamic world," he mentioned, noting that "those analysts believed that as the Arab and Islamic countries are plagued with their own problems, they had no time to react to Trump's decision."

In response, Sayyed Nasrallah urged the Muslims and Arabs to continue their protests against this outrageous step and emphasize the importance of the issue of Palestine for all Muslims, so that nobody would ever dare to do such things.

"Protest, condemnation, and rejection to this American aggression and the declaration of solidarity with Palestine and its people is a must," he stressed, calling "every man and woman, old and young, to participate in these protests, especially through social networks."

He further called scholars to hold meetings on this issue and raise their voice in condemnation of Trump's decision. "When the protest is reflected on social networks, the joy in "Israel" will turn into a cloud when they see the level of rejection."

Sayyed Nasrallah also called the Arab states to at least summon their ambassadors from the United States.

"We don't expect that they cut relations with the United States, but by recalling their envoys, they should protest the US administration's measure," he said, highlighting that "the most important response would be a Palestinian uprising and an Islamic summit that would declare Al-Quds as the eternal capital of Palestine."

In addition, the Resistance Leader emphasized that "all kinds of overt and covert contacts as well as normalization with "Israel" be cut by all Arab states and all diplomatic ties, followed by expelling the "Israeli" ambassadors from all Arab capitals.

"Any step taken to normalize ties with the apartheid "Israeli" would be the greatest treachery against Palestine at the present juncture," he said.

Urging an immediate cut of ties with "Israel", Sayyed Nasrallah confirmed that Arab nations and Palestinians must also clearly announce that they have lost their trust in negotiations with "Israel".

"The Intifada is the most meaningful and important response to the US-Zionist move," he stated.

On the practical level, Sayyed Nasrallah called for a popular demonstration in Lebanon, in Dahyieh, to protest Al-Quds decision on Monday.

"What Trump has done is a great threat that Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims can turn into the greatest opportunity," the Resistance Leader concluded.

Source: Al-Ahed news


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