Sayyed Nasrallah Slams Silence over Yemen Misery: Daesh’s State Toppled with Albukamal Victory

Zeinab Essa
Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah delivered on Monday a televised speech in which he tackled the latest political developments in the region and Lebanon.

At the beginning of his speech, Sayyed Nasrallah condoled both the Iraqi and Iranian people over the victims who fell due to the recent earthquake that hit both countries.
He further condoled the Iranian leadership, Imam Khamenei and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani for the same reason.
On the first level, Sayyed Nasrallah commented on the victory scored last week on both the Iraqi and Syrian fronts in the fight against Daesh [Arabic Acronym for the terrorist "ISIS"/ "ISIL"].
"We're in front of a great strategic victory by liberating Albukamal from Daesh," His Eminence said, noting that " this comes as Al-Rahwa was the last town in Iraq which was held by Daesh and was liberated."
In addition, Sayyed Nasrallah recalled that years ago, "since they established the conspiracy of Daesh, we cooperated with Iraqi authorities and sent a number of Resistance fighters."
"We're waiting for the final victory," Sayyed Nasrallah mentioned, pointing out that "if there is no need for Hezbollah fighters in Iraq anymore, we will withdraw them and send them to areas needed."
As His Eminence predicted that "It is not far that the final victory over Daesh will be announced soon," he viewed that "with liberating Albukamal we can announce the end of so-called Daesh caliphate or state. The victory over Daesh was victory of Islamic values over terrorists' savagery."
"After Deir Ez-Zor and Aleppo, the plan to divide Syria has failed," he stated, underscoring that "the US greatly supported and aided Daesh in Albukamal."
He further stated: "In Albukamal, the Americans secured ways for Daesh to move around. They did not strike from the air at Daesh and they did not allow the Syrian and Russian air forces to strike. When Daesh lost in Albukamal, the Americans helped the rest of militants withdraw."
In addition His Eminence revealed that "the US sent its drones to Albukamal and provided Daesh with accurate information about what was going on. The American forces also provided air transfer for Daesh commanders and facilitated their escape to eastern shores of the Euphrates."
"The Americans wanted Daesh to stay in Albukamal until the end. They also waged electronic warfare against forces that were fighting to liberate Albukamal," he mentioned, warning of the coming American schemes: "Tomorrow or the day after, Daesh will join the so-called "Syrian Democratic Forces" [SDF]. Daesh will be recreated under different names."
According to His Eminence, another proof of the American support to Daesh is what Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has revealed from US financial supporting to Daesh.
In addition, Sayyed Nasrallah asserted that "the Syrian, Iraqi and Lebanese people need to see who formed Daesh and who tasked them with carrying out terrorist acts and who fought them."
Meanwhile, the Resistance Leader thanked all fighters , officers, soldiers in the Syrian Army as well as the Iraqi Resistance forces, the Fatmyoun, Zaynbyon, Haidarion and all other branches.
Sayyed Nasrallah also thanked the Leader of the Iranian Al-Quds Forces, Major General Qaseem Suleimani for leading the battle in Albukamal forefronts
"The history will doubtlessly write the name of General Suleimani as a great leader," he said, pointing out that "this big leader was present from the 1st day of Albukamal battle and was on the forefront of the confrontations and he might have been martyred at any moment."
Furthermore, His Eminence thanked the Russian forces for the way they helped in fighting Daesh.
On another level, Sayyed Nasrallah slammed the Arab League's moved of classifying Hezbollah as ‘ terrorist. "These accusations are expected and not new."
To Arab League ministers, who gathered in Cairo, Sayyed Nasrallah asked: "What have you done to defeat and confront Daesh?"
"As forces, including Hezbollah, were liberating Albukamal from Daesh that everyone considers a terrorist organization, people were blacklisting Hezbollah as terrorist," the Resistance Leader lamented.
To the Saudis and other ministers, His Eminence sent a sounding question: "Where are your emirs, Where are your leaders? What have you done to defeat Daesh?"
Predicting that countries will be threatened to be blacklisted as ‘terrorists' because of their support tp the Resistance, as it's the case with Lebanon, he clearly declared: "We officially state that we sent no weapons to Yemen, Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait and not to even any Arab country."
"We proudly reveal that we armed the Palestinian Resistance, by rockets like the Kornet in Gaza and in Syria we are fighting with our weapons." Sayyed Nasrallah affirmed.
The Resistance Leader went on to say: "The calamity and reason that gathered the Arabs in the Arab League is the ballistic missile that hit Saudi Arabia."
"The talk about Hezbollah ballistic missiles is an empty one that seeks only to increase accusations on us. Do they have any proof?" he added.
Commenting on AL's statement that if the Lebanese government don't solve Hezbollah's weapons their stability is threatened, Sayyed Nasrallah reminded the Arab minister, particularly the Bahraini and Saudi ones that the biggest threat to Lebanon was and still is "Israel".
To them, Sayyed Nasrallah said: "When you don't interfere in Lebanon, stability is guaranteed. Don't incite "Israel" against Lebanon. Who's going to protect Lebanon from "Israel"? You? Your army? Your warplanes?"
To Arabs and Muslims, the Resistance Leader emphasized: "You can listen to "Israeli" comments on coordination between them and some Arab countries, especially Saudi Arabia."
"It's enough to quote the criminal former "Israeli" War Minister Moshe Yaalon who said: ‘It is not by accident that Adel Al-Jubeir says in Arabic what we say in Hebrew."
"The main problem for Saudi Arabia is that they don't understand that Yemenis have brains and are strong and they can produce their own weapons. They think that that the Yemenis are like them," he stressed."
Slamming the fact that "no one in the Arab world dares to question Saudi crimes in Yemen," Sayyed Sayyed Nasrallah addressed the Arab ministers over Yemen by asking:
"Do you guys have religion? Is this the Arab dignity? Do you not have consciences, hearts, brains? Are you humans? Aren't the Yemenis Arab?"
"Ask Saudi Arabia to stop the crushing of children's bones and its massacres. Press for a political solution and this scary and suspicious silence in the Islamic world is unacceptable," he confirmed.
Regarding the misery in Yemen, His Eminence wondered" "Is it possible that there we witness millions of Yemenis dying from Saudi bombing, blockade and cholera? Everyone is quiet on this, for the most part. Just call on Saudi Arabia to halt its massacres."
On the Lebanese internal front, Sayyed Nasrallah announced that "Hezbollah is still waiting for the return of the PM Saad Hariri, who to us hasn't resigned yet."
He further thanked the Lebanese official Lebanese stance in the Arab League
To the Resistance people, Sayyed Nasrallah said: "Complete your path and road of major victories, not the latest will be the victory scored in Albukamal."
Source: Al-Ahed news