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Sayyed Nasrallah Warns of Fragmentation: Kurdish Vote Regional Threat, Hezbollah Stronger than Ever

Sayyed Nasrallah Warns of Fragmentation: Kurdish Vote Regional Threat, Hezbollah Stronger than Ever
folder_openReports-2017 access_time7 years ago
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Zeinab Essa

Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah delivered Saturday a speech in which he tackled various internal and regional topics.

Addressing thousands of people participating in the 10th night of Muharram, thanked the huge crowds that participated in Ashura ceremonies all over the Lebanese regions.

Meanwhile, His Eminence thanked the Lebanese Army and security agencies that helped in securing Ashura ceremonies.

He further urged various Lebanese sides to preserve the current stability in the country and the current state of calm, communication, dialogue and rapprochement among the various forces.

Regarding the recent crisis that emerged after the Constitutional Council's decision to stop the wage scale, Sayyed Nasrallah stated: "We faced a dangerous crisis and the country was in front of a dangerous juncture, but shunning confrontation and keenness on reaching solutions enabled the Lebanese to reach a solution."

As he warned anyone from seeking to drag Lebanon into internal confrontations, especially Saudi Arabia, the Resistance Leader assumed that the Americans are preparing for new wars and confrontations in the region.

"If someone particularly, Saudi Arabia, is driving Lebanon into internal crisis, it would be a failing adventure," he stressed.

Moreover, he commented on the recent reports that have uncovered that some parties are preparing for new political alignments.

"If this is related to elections, we don't have a problem, but I warn against any attempt to drag Lebanon into an internal confrontation," Sayyed Nasrallah said, pointing out that "Hezbollah's warning is not from the position of weakness or fear. Everyone knows that Hezbollah is today in its maximum strength. Hezbollah is in its strongest position and even "Israel" also says that Hezbollah is the second military in the region.

He also predicted that the Daesh Takfiri terrorist group are numbered, stating that "Israel" was seriously concerned about the terror group's defeat in the region.
"Daesh is losing ground in both Iraq and Syria. It was created by the United States, and supported by "Israel" as well as their regional allies," Sayyed Nasrallah said.

He added that Hezbollah supports the incumbent Lebanese government led by President Michel Aoun. "We support that the government continues its work until the last day so that it carries out its duties with positive cooperation.We warn against incitement taking place to create local confrontation in Lebanon."

On another level, Sayyed Nasrallah refused any delay to the Lebanese parliamentary elections, which are expected to be held next spring.

"I repeat our total agreement with House Speaker Nabih Berri that the parliament's term must not be extended," he added, reiterating that the "elections will be held on time and based on the agreed electoral law."

In addition, Sayyed Nasrallah warned of any security threat by terrorist groups. "The threat has declined after liberation but it still exists," he warned.

However, His Eminence assured that "Lebanon, despite what is happening in the region, is one of the safest countries in the world, It is safer than Washington itself."

As His Eminence praised the 2nd Liberation resembled by defeating the takfiri terrorist groups in the Eastern Lebanese outskirts, he hailed the sacrifices of the people and the Lebanese army.

In parallel, Sayyed Nasrallah declared Hezbollah's opposition to any security approach in dealing with the Palestinian refugee camps. "We're with the comprehensive approach that strengthens the Lebanese-Palestinian cooperation," he emphasized.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Sayyed Nasrallah sent a clear message to the Syrian refugees in Lebanon. "Today, it seems, that all the Lebanese and the political forces declare their support for the voluntary return of the Syrian refugees. You must have the intention to return to your country, to help, protect and rebuild it. Look around you. The Palestinians are clinging to the right of return."

He said days of the Daesh Takfiri terrorist group are numbered, stating that Israel was seriously concerned about the terror group's defeat in the region.
"Daesh is losing ground in both Iraq and Syria. It was created by the United States, and supported by Israel as well as their regional allies," Nasrallah said.

On another level, the Resistance Leader viewed that the official Lebanese response to the "Israeli" violations needs to be pursued, sustained and worked on.
"The Zionists are planting espionage devices inside the Lebanese territories, in which it include explosive devices. This is dangerous and cannot be tolerated. The Zionist regime is violating international law and regulations,"Sayyed Nasrallah commented.

He also threatened should "Israel's" violations [of UN resolutions] in Lebanon" not be handled in political ways, we would have to take care of those violations on our own. "The booby-trapped surveillance cameras and eavesdropping facilities on Lebanon grounds are violations of UN Resolution 1701. It is impossible to treat "Israeli" violations on Lebanese ground lightheadedly."

Moving to the dangerous scheme of fragmentation facing the region, Sayyed Nasrallah highlighted that the beginning of the dividing scheme in the region is from the Iraqi Kurdistan. "No one can fool anyone because the issue is not related to self-determination, but to the fragmentation of the region on the ethnic and sectarian basis."

"Regional nations bear the responsibility to confront this divisive scheme. There should not be any ethnic bias between Arabs, Kurds or Iranians. The problem is purely politically-motivated," he added, wondering why the only public supporter for the breakaway of Kurdistan is "Israel"."

According to His Eminence, fragmentation means taking the region into permanent wars with no bear ends.

He also stressed that wars and confrontations in the region "are in favor of "Israel" and the US, helping their weapons-manufacturing factories make a fortune."

In this context, Sayyed Nasrallah explained that the Saudis still insist that the files and fronts be fed in order to focus on a new front. "This means that "Israel" becomes an ally and a friend and the battle turns to Iran and the axis of the resistance. Continuing the Saudi wars and opening new wars are to result in more failure and losses, and this is what happened in the nuclear agreement."

To the Saudis, Sayyed Nasrallah sent a sounding message: "You are the ones who opened the doors to Iran. The Iranian influence is due to your continuous attacks on Iraq, Syria and Yemen."

In addition he stated that : "we do not believe that the arrogance of the "Israelis" can accept a settlement that would preserve the face of the Palestinian Authority."

In conclusion, Sayyed Nasrallah vowed that the resistance won't withdraw from battlefields against the nation's enemies, stressing that the resonant call of "At Your Service O Imam Hussein" will last.

Source: Al-Ahed news


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