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Sayyed Nasrallah Praises the Excellent Relation with Aoun: Aleppo’s New Victory To Impact All Region

Sayyed Nasrallah Praises the Excellent Relation with Aoun: Aleppo’s New Victory To Impact All Region
folder_openReports-2016 access_time8 years ago
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Zeinab Essa

Hizbullah Secretary General, His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, delivered on Friday a televised speech in which he tackled the latest Lebanese developments, particularly the formation of the government.

Sayyed Nasrallah Praises the Excellent Relation with Aoun: Aleppo’s New Victory To Impact All Region

At the beginning of speech, Sayyed Nasrallah congratulated Muslims and Christians on the holy occasions coming in December.

His Eminence warned that the Muslims and Christians in the region are facing challenges on the cultural and existential level. "These threats start from Palestine, where "Israel" continues to target sanctities among which is preventing the Azan [praying calls]," he stated.

In parallel, the Resistance Leader reiterated that the US and some Western countries have assisted and funded the Takfiris throughout the past few years, and this was declared by US President-elect Donald Trump and Joe Biden as well as being highlighted by Hillary Clinton's emails.

On the same level, Sayyed Nasrallah hoped that the holy occasions will unite the people in the region in the face of the Takfiri threat

Commenting on the recent media fabrications concerning Hizbullah's positions from the Lebanese internal files, he clarified that Hizbullah does not have so-called sources, and the quoting of Hizbullah close sources is incorrect.

"Hizbullah does not have media, political or parliamentary sources or sources close to the party that speak to the press. Anything attributed to Hizbullah sources is unreliable," he added, noting that Hizbullah also does not depend on so-called March 8 sources.

According to His Eminence, Hizbullah is not used to sending messages via friends or embassies. "We talk with others directly and we have the logic, credibility and courage to declare our positions in internal meetings and media," he announced.

In parallel, Sayyed Nasrallah underscored that Hizbullah does not use this approach, this to respond to what has been attributed to Hizbullah regarding alleged messages to the new presidential tenure.

He went on to say: "We have previously said that after the presidential elections, we will witness a lot of disturbances targeting relationships and alliances."

Sayyed Nasrallah further mentioned: "We have the same relationship with the President and the head of the Free Patriotic Movement and the rest of our friends in the movement. There is constant contact and we always meet. And the relationship is completely positive. Our relationship with President Aoun is excellent and we are in daily contact with President Aoun and with President of the Free Patriotic Movement Gebran Bassil."

"We might have different viewpoints over some issues and this is positive in discussing things and I stress that we do not need to send messages," he added.

Turning to the talks between the Free Patriotic Movement and Lebanese Forces, Sayyed Nasrallah announced that Hizbullah isn't "busy with addressing the Lebanese Forces and its decisions. Our battle is outside Lebanon and isn't concerned with local politics."

He also revealed that when the dialogue between the Free Patriotic Movement and the Lebanese Forces took place, Hizbullah was informed of it. "We did not have any negative response and this does not bother us. However, we said if this thing can lead to the election of General Michel Aoun for the presidency, we welcome it."

Moreover, Sayyed Nasrallah underscored that some sides are spreading rumors that Hizbullah is exerting all its efforts on breaking the relationship between the Free Patriotic Movement and the Lebanese Forces. "Some are trying to give the impression that Hizbullah is preoccupied with the issue of the Lebanese Forces' relation with the Free Patriotic Movement. This is not to underestimate the Lebanese Forces, which is an essential force, but everyone knows that we are busy somewhere else."

Once again, he reiterated: "Our relation with President Aoun and the Free Patriotic Movement is excellent and built on deep trust," advising all sides not to try to stir discord between Hizbullah, AMAL and the Free Patriotic Movement.

"Some sides are seeking to create a battle between the bilateral Shiite [parties] and the [bilateral or tripartite] Christian alliance. But they are delusional. There's no battle here," Hizbullah Secretary General confirmed, warning that "delusional battles will only lead to delusional results."

As His Eminence stressed that Hizbullah's battle is outside Lebanon and isn't concerned with local politics, he stated: "Our battle will draw the future of the region. Hizbullah's major battle now is against Daesh because if the latter had gained control over Syria and Iraq a catastrophe would have emerged."

Sayyed Nasrallah further said: "We have no problem with President Aoun's relationship with the Gulf countries, we were actually happy with the Saudi delegate's visit to President Aoun."

Meanwhile, he also announced: "We do not put a veto on General Aoun's visit to Saudi Arabia and no one should put a veto on the president's visit to Syria and Iran. We have no problem with the Lebanese president's visit to any country he wants, except for the enemy, which we all agree on."

Referring to the Marada Movement leader MP Suleiman Franjieh, His Eminence said: "It's every group's right to be represented with a main portfolio."

"We in the Christian arena, as friends and allies, have the right to return the relationship between the Free Patriotic Movement and Marada back to normal," he stated.

Assuring the Lebanese people that all the political parties are concerned of forming a government and that no one seeks to obstruct that, Sayyed Nasrallah emphasized that we are in constant contact with House Speaker Nabih Berri. 

"There are those who tried to show that Speaker Berri is disrupting the formation of the government and this is not true. There are also those who are trying to show that Hizbullah or minister Franjieh are disrupting the formation of the government and this is unfair."

"There are a lot of titles regarding the government's formation that were agreed on as the form of representation and the number of ministers. The vast majority of ministerial portfolios were represented and there is a problem over one or two portfolios and the representation of the forces." 

Meanwhile, he said: "It is enough that President Aoun has the one third plus one in the parliament," cautioning that there are those who are spreading claims as if the country was on the brink of civil war.

"Those who are targeting the Presidency, confidence in Lebanon and the confidence of the Lebanese in the political future are those who are making mountains out of molehills and exaggerating titles," Sayyed Nasrallah added.

Regarding the divisions between local parties on the country's new electoral law, His Eminence called on rivals to separate the formation of the government from talks on the new vote law.

"The legislature body can meet and agree on a new voting law that meets the aspirations of the Lebanese people away from talks on the formation of the new government that isn't for the Presidency, and President Aoun already said that the task of this government is to set an electoral law and to hold parliamentary elections," he explained.

Sayyed Nasrallah further stressed the importance of dialogue on the Lebanese arena, "With dialogue we can help each other and solve all the issues."

On the electoral law, His Eminence announced Hizbullah's support for the adoption of a proportional system. "We back the calls for separating the issue of the electoral law from the cabinet formation process," he said, noting that "the only law that can lead to building a State is one fully based on proportional representation and on turning Lebanon into a single electorate or several large electorates."

Assuring that Hizbullah doesn't use regional developments within internal issues, Sayyed Nasrallah declared that his party will not use the victory in Aleppo for political gains.

In this context, he urged the Lebanese to set aside regional developments. "Our fate and choice if we are seeking to build a strong nation is to strengthen our coexistence and civil peace, to cooperate and engage in dialogue and to accept each other."

"Major developments are currently happening in the region, similar to the battles in Aleppo and the new victory that will impact all the battles in the region," he said, noting that "we are at a decisive and important stage... but I will not tackle the developments in the region until things are clear and the scenery will talk about itself.

Moreover, His Eminence unveiled that the region has entered a new stage. "We're not ashamed of its path... We are publicly present in more than one arena."

Source: al-Ahed news 
