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Islamic Resistance Performs "Operation Saf el-Hawa" in Shebaa Farms, November 16, 2000

As the Zionist enemy further violated Lebanon's sovereignty, particularly on the borders; also as the enemy maintained occupation forces in the Lebanese Shebaa Farms, the Islamic Resistance counteracted. On October 11, 2000, the fighters struck a Zionist convoy in the region of Bab el-Hawa, located between Ramta Farm and as-Semmaka Farm. The convoy suffered serious losses.

Issuing a statement on the operation, the Islamic Resistance declared, "The Islamic Resistance pledged to liberate the Lebanese lands still occupied; also to inflict revenge on the enemy for massacring the beloved people in occupied Palestine, assailing the Lebanese over and over again, and continuing to violate the Lebanese waters, lands, and airspace.

Thereupon, the Islamic-Resistance group called "Martyrs of al-Aqsa Intifada" targeted a Zionist convoy in the occupied Shebaa Farms. Exactly at 3:20, the fighters bombed an explosive bomb, hitting the convoy at once."
It was known the "Israeli" convoy had been heading from the surroundings of al-Maghar Valley to Rweisset as-Semmaka. The blast hit a common car on which 4 soldiers were.

As an "Israeli" backup force arrived from as-Semmaka, the fighters bombed another explosive, approximately 20 meters away from the place of the first blast.
A state of alarm prevailed among the occupation forces deployed along the borders of the occupied Shebaa Farms with the liberated regions, where the occupation forces launched incendiary grenades. A spokesman for the "Israeli" military in occupied al-Quds (Jerusalem) acknowledged the operation but claimed no casualties were made. Later, the spokesman said "one" soldier was wounded.
The Lebanese "as-Safir Newspaper" reported information confirming the report of the committee of international observers: The operation thrust the "Israeli" military vehicle 7 m into the air. The four soldiers on board, who suffered different casualties, were rescued by a helicopter that landed 150 m away from the operation zone.

Information said it was the armored vehicle they were on board of that made them escape death. It was revealed the explosive was bombed at a distance from the vehicle.

The fighters made sure they videotaped the operation. Then they escaped the electronic watch system the Zionists had recently installed round the Shebaa Farms and the pathways leading there, as well as the surveillance planes continuously watching the airspace, too. The fighters safely returned to the liberated regions.

A Zionist high-ranking military delegation, headed by (former) Chief of "the General Staff" Shaul Mofaz and (former) Chief of "the "Israeli" Northern Command" Gabi Ashkenazi, headed to the operation zone. The delegation inspected the blast spot before heading to Ramta Hill, where the Zionist chiefs watched for half an hour the facing liberated region and the routes the group of fighters might have taken to perform the operation.

The delegation then met the occupation commanders in the Shebaa Farms, where the commanders made an inference on the operation performance. Afterwards, "the "Israeli" Northern Command" formed an investigation committee headed by Ashkenazi, who, along with a number of high-ranking officers would examine the details present and make the right inferences.

"Maarif" on October 15, 2000 commented on the operation the Islamic Resistance performed in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms: ""The "Israeli" Northern Command" estimated the operation had been conducted hastily. A senior officer also said the operation was likely conducted to test the readiness of the "Israeli" forces in the Shebaa Farms. That was part of a large operation Hizbullah had been preparing for."

"Maarif" also reported military investigations concluded the fighters implanting the explosive bombs "used the United Nations troops to get the explosive bomb to the required destination and bomb it."
The UN troops had reported, hours earlier, they planned to detonate a mine field near the blast spot, "Maarif' pointed out, adding the UN presented accurate information on the detonation setting; thus, Hizbullah used the information to bomb their explosive very accurately.

"The operation confused the "Israeli" military," said "Maarif", "The officers of "the Northern Command" thought it was about mine detonation, so it took the officers some minutes after the targeted patrollers' call for rescue to send reinforcements to comb the operation zone."
"Haaretz", in contrast, disagreed with the military sources' claims on the small size of the explosive bomb. It was a high-explosive bomb known as "Kil'" in "Israel"- a lethal kind of ammunition implanted on the roadside and bombed at a distance of 100 m away, added "Haaretz".

"As the "Israeli" military depended more on armored vehicles, this became Hizbullah's strategic ammunition during the last couple of years," wrote "Haaretz".
Moreover, the newspaper quoted a senior Zionist officer, "The events of the last month tell us Hizbullah are trying to make us familiar with a new routine- similar to the routine of Lebanon. Hizbullah conduct an operation every few days, abduct soldiers, launch mortar shells, attempt an infiltration, or implant explosives- just like this time. This is the same as the operations range Hizbullah conducted in Lebanon...

The truth is Hizbullah are contouring the events sequence, following the same methods they followed in Lebanon. They feel they can do this without getting harmed, and this is critical."
Fearful the Islamic Resistance might strike the northern regions of occupied Palestine, the occupation military set a security fence round "al-Motelleh Settlement". On the side of the borders with Lebanon, a net of circular routes encompassed the settlement.

The enemy reconstructed three parallel routes, setting a rampart of wired fence behind each route. Every 20 meters, a system of lighting and alarm was set. A 15-km-long network of watch towers was constructed, with a maximum of 50 m separating each from the other. Several watch video cameras were set on the heights overlooking the settlement, too.

While the enemy command did not make a direct, escalating political reaction, it was significant the US administration and the UN launched a campaign of threats and condemnations against the operation. The US and UN stances seemed rather odd to official and diplomatic media.

(Former) UN Secretary General Representative for Lebanon Rolf Knutson issued a statement a few hours after the operation, "We feel very concerned regarding the Shebaa Farms incident. "The Blue Line" published by the UN has been "seriously violated" although both parties had pledged to fulfill the corresponding agreement. This kind of "violation" against international peace and security in southern Lebanon threatens violence might start all over again.
We realize the consequences will be devastating for the civilians still trying to rebuild their lives after many years of the occupation. That's why it is necessary that the Lebanese authorities concerned make immediate steps to ensure "the Blue Line" is fully respected."

For his part, (former) US Ambassador to Lebanon David Satterfield made an urgent visit to (former) Premier Rafik Hariri. Satterfield issued a statement with embedded threats, "Escalation exists, and we can tell we're very concerned there's going to be more escalation if "provocative" acts continue. So we hope all parties act with full responsibility to prevent this. If this happens, Lebanon and other parties will suffer the consequences, and it is only going to ruin the efforts of the Lebanese government and the parties willing to help it. But this can be avoided."
Satterfield again linked his stance to the issue of internal development, "We, like the Lebanese government, are committed to improving the Lebanese people's life. Peace is required; it is the government's purpose and our purpose, too. Therefore, anything that may pose escalation will oppose these purposes."

Likewise, (former) French Ambassador to Beirut Philippe Le Courtier called on Lebanon to bear full responsibility, adding, "We call for a peaceful situation in the South, so all parts must avoid any "violations or aggressions" like the ones that have happened, unfortunately."
Replying to these stances, a senior Lebanese official declared, "The stance of the UN secretary general representative apparently expresses the stance of the US stance rather than of the UN. And here's a big deal of misinterpretation; the Shebaa Farms lie within "the Blue Line" the UN published. Besides, they're occupied lands, which Lebanon declared the moment "the Blue Line" was published were Lebanese lands that would be liberated."

The source as well said, "Lebanon has already warned all that peace, stability, and security can be achieved only when "Israel" completely withdraws from the occupied Lebanese lands. So it isn't the right of the UN secretary general personal representative to address international peace and security in this case. Obviously, they're trying to threaten Lebanon again that this issue might be tackled by the UN Security Council, which might issue resolutions against Lebanon. But Lebanon is aware of this truth, and we won't at all be fooled."

The source then revealed the UN team and the US were trying to make Lebanon panic, "This way they could threaten Lebanon and cover up any "Israeli" aggression, claiming it was the fault of the Resistance that "breached" the international accords. Yet, they never want to address "Israel's" continuous violations against the Lebanese sovereignty."

Head of Hizbullah Political Council His Eminence Sayyed Ibrahim Amine as-Sayyed said the operation represented "the beginning of military operations preceded by security operations in the occupied Shebaa Farms. Here we are fulfilling our promise to our people and Ummah as to maintaining the struggle of the armed Resistance on the occupied Lebanese lands.

Lebanon, as well the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, has officially declared the Shebaa Farms were Lebanese." His Eminence continued, "Knutson's statement defies the Lebanese sovereignty and entity and our right to free our land from the Zionist occupation."

Islamic Resistance Performs "Operation Saf el-Hawa 2" in Shebaa Farms, November 26, 2000

On November 26, 2000, the Islamic Resistance again struck the "Israeli" forces in the occupied Shebaa Farms. The Resistance fighters performed a unique operation against a Zionist patrol in the surroundings of Bab el-Hawa. A Zionist soldier was killed, and two others were wounded, acknowledged Zionist military sources.
Issuing a statement, the Islamic Resistance declared, "Fulfilling their jihad duty to free the rest of the ravished lands- the only way to reclaim the lands, the Islamic-Resistance group of "al-Aqsa Martyrs" struck a Zionist patrol this morning at 6:50. The fighters bombed an explosive while the patrol was on the way between Ramta Site and as-Semmaka Site, in the surroundings of Ramta Farm of the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms. The patrol suffered serious casualties."
Sergeant Khalil Taaher (aged 27) was killed, and two others were wounded (one with slight wounds) while "doing their work" in "the West Sector" of the Lebanese borders with occupied Palestine in "Hardof" region, a spokesman for the occupation military in occupied al-Quds (Jerusalem) acknowledged in a statement. The spokesman added that helicopters carried the wounded to a hospital.
(Former) commander of "the Galilee (al-Jalil) Sector", who had been in charge of organizing the "Israeli" forces' withdrawal from Lebanon, General Moshe Kaplinsky, declared in a press conference, "As soldiers of "the "Israeli" Ground Forces (IGF)" were on patrol, they discovered the explosive bomb 900 m away from the borders in "the Hardof" region (the Shebaa region). When two soldiers got off their vehicle to examine the explosive bomb, it burst."

The "Israeli" Prime Minister Ehud Barak declared to the enemy radio, "The situation is quite critical; things might explode any moment." Barak then added, "The "Israeli" military will continue to work "strongly and wisely" to counter anything strongly and instantly. We're not going to venture, however... We just know how to act."

For his part, (former) acting Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben-Ami held a press conference, claiming the operation took place on "the "Israeli" territories", "We've pressed charges against the Lebanese government to the UN Security Council (UNSC) regarding Hizbullah's acts against our forces in the Shebaa region." Ben-Ami added, "We're largely concerned regarding Hizbullah's act. And we're going to clarify to everyone this is an "aggressive act" Hizbullah, as well as the Lebanese government, have "committed"."

Also (former) US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright phoned (former) Lebanese Premier Rafik Hariri, declaring, "This is a critical incident that might drive Lebanon to very serious implications." Albright as well said that "might destroy all economic developments" Hariri had been trying to achieve in Lebanon.
US sources said Hariri confirmed to Albright, "Lebanon does seek regional stability, but Lebanon's requests as to the Shebaa Farms are legitimate."

For his part, (former) UN Secretary General Kofi Annan expressed his concern for "the violations against "the Blue Line". Annan's spokesman Fred Eckhard as well called on Hizbullah, Lebanon, Syria, and "Israel" to "be self-disciplined".
Moreover, Annan's Personal Representative to Lebanon Rolf Knutson declared, "The operation performed in the Shebaa Farms and the "consequent aggressive acts" are seriously worrying. This is another critical incident confirming the indispensability of ensuring full respect to "the Blue Line"- whether on ground or in air, in accordance with UN Resolution 425 and Resolution 426."

Washington, clearly biased to the Zionist entity, made further threats. The enemy media said the US administration reported to supreme Lebanese and Syrian officials "a final official "Israeli" threat: If Hizbullah conducts further operations, "Israel" will carry out a large-scale attack against Lebanon."

The Zionist "Wala" Electronic News wrote, "The strictest "Israeli" threat was the one reported by the US Ambassador to Lebanon David Satterfield." "Wala" also pointed out the US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright phoned a "high-ranking Lebanese official" to clarify the danger of "Israel's" threats.

"The message reported to Lebanon and Syria," "Wala" added, "clarified the "Israeli" government insisted on sustaining its missions until the election of the coming prime minister following the resigning Prime Minister Ehud Barak. The government was also determined to protect the "Israeli" settlements and the soldiers of the "Israeli" military from Hizbullah's operations."

"Concerned with reporting the "Israeli" message to the Syrian command was the US that emphasized the necessity of instant work to cease the operations Hizbullah was conducting on the Lebanese lands," "Wala" went on, quoting US sources, "The "Israeli" government informed Washington, Paris, London, and the UN secretary general it did not intend to send any further warnings to Syria and Lebanon.

So if Hizbullah or any other organization conducts more operations against the "Israeli" soldiers or "citizens", "Israel" will immediately and forcefully make a large-scale counteraction. In that case, the targets will include power plants, bridges, fuel and water reservoirs, and buildings known to belong to Hizbullah, in addition to Syrian targets including tanks, missile batteries, and radar stations spread on the Lebanese lands."


