The following are the Islamic-Resistance operations that took place during the month of February in 2000...
Islamic Resistance Performs 113 Operations in February 2000
This February, "the Islamic Resistance" performed 113 operations and "the Lebanese Brigades for Resisting the "Israeli" Occupation" 13, making a total of 126 operations
The "Israeli" enemy said "three" Zionist soldiers and two Lahd militiamen were killed and "eleven" Zionist soldiers and nine Lahd militiamen wounded.
In contrast, the Resistance said four "Israeli" soldiers were killed and twelve wounded. Yet, the Resistance confirmed the same number of the Lahd casualties.
One Islamic-Resistance fighter was martyred.
Operation Braachit, February 2, 2000
On February 2, 2000, the Islamic-Resistance fighters blasted a Lahd patrol on the way to Braachit Site, killing or wounding each of the patrollers.
The Lahd Militia said a militiaman was killed and 4 others wounded. The Lahd agents' sources declared the blast killed engineer Ghassan Rizk (from al-Qlai'a Town). Rizk (aged 40) drew maps of Lahd-Militia sites. Besides, contractor Muhammad Jomaa (a resident of Kfarkila Town) was wounded. Jomaa (aged 18) worked for Lahd sites.
Two other militiamen were killed, the sources added.
Enemy, Agents Evacuate Sojod Site, February 3, 2000
Again, the Islamic Resistance has triumphed over the "Israeli" occupation military and Lahd agents. The unique operations the fighters performed, particularly against this site, made the occupation forces and Lahd agents evacuate it on February 2, 2000.
Issuing a statement, the Islamic Resistance confirmed the fighters' tough hits "uprooted the enemy from Sojod Site- one of the most important sites overlooking Iqlim at-Toffah. Many were the times the fighters broke into the site and posted the Islamic-Resistance standards onto its ramparts... The Lahd garrison withdrew from the site after hauling some vehicles and blasting some mounds, fortifications, and constructions.
The site had long been hit by the Islamic-Resistance unique operations, the last of which was performed on February 3, 2000: A group of fighters lay in ambush while a motorcade was on patrol on Sojod-ar-Rihan Route. The fighters then bombed a heavy explosive and their artillery struck the motorcade.
As a rescue force of two bulldozers and a number of infantrymen proceeded to haul a demolished vehicle, the fighters bombed another heavy explosive. A bulldozer was damaged, and casualties were made.
Both of the demolished vehicles were left behind.
The Islamic-Resistance artillerists bombarded Sojod Site, too."
Security sources in the occupied region declared that withdrawal from Sojod Site introduced withdrawal from many front sites. The sources then pointed out the Lahd Militia received the "Israeli" command's orders 24 hours before evacuating the site.
The sites of al-Ghezlan, Bir Kallab, Kassaret el-Oroush, Aramta, and ar-Rihan were most likely going to be evacuated in two months at most.
That way, the occupation troops would withdraw from the northern west side to the region which (former) Agent Provocateur Saad Haddad controlled before the "Israeli" invasion in 1982. The enemy would later withdraw from the axes of Hasbaya and Shkief Fort. Marjeeyoun and its surroundings were the regions from which the enemy would last withdraw.
Security sources said the militiamen began to withdraw from Sojod Site in the afternoon on February 3, 2000. Most of the militiamen and vehicles withdrew to the sites of al-Ghezlan and Bir Kallab.
At 10 p.m., an enginery group replaced the Lahd group withdrawing last. The enginery group implanted explosive bombs in the mounds and watch towers.
Meanwhile, Zionist aircraft hovered above the site and the surrounding regions. Now that the explosives were bombed, the aircraft bombarded the remains of the site.
Now the razed Sojod Site, which overlooked Jarjou' Town, was obviously abandoned. For fifteen years, the occupation troops and Lahd militiamen has brutally assailed Jarjou' and victimized tens of civilians.
Chief of the Lahd-Militia "West Brigade" Nabih Abu Rafi' held a press conference in Marjeeyoun, justifying the routed militiamen's withdrawal from Sojod Site. Rafi' said the militiamen were "getting redeployed" and were attempting to "avoid" further losses." He then claimed that had nothing to do with talk on "Israel's" withdrawal the following July.
"This redeployment has been provoked by the changing circumstances of combat rather than general opinion or the prevailing conditions," claimed Rafi', "We have evacuated the sites of Kfarhouna and Sojod because we can't stay fixed at a site just for staying there."
The Lahd Militia's media department issued a statement, declaring, "For military and security reasons, "the South Lebanon Army", in coordination with the "Israeli" military has decided to evacuate Sojod Site and move instead to two new sites on "the West Sector" of the region by the borders of South Lebanon. The new sites provide better security and military protection for "the South Lebanon Army". We evacuated the site at night on February 3, 2000."
Islamic-Resistance fighters had broken into the site several times earlier:
-June 6, 1986: Two Lahd militiamen were killed.
-May 12, 1997: The fighters killed a militiaman, wounded four others, and took over the site.
-August 8, 1998: A fighter broke into the site, clashed face to face with the occupation soldiers. Then he shot two of them with his pistol and wounded them.
-February 8, 1999: The fighters wounded two militiamen, set an armored vehicle afire, and took over the site.
-April 27, 1999: The fighters wounded 8 "Israeli" soldiers and 3 Lahd militiamen, demolished the site fortifications, and took over the site.
-December 15, 1999: The fighters demolished the site mounds and fortifications and took over the site.
Unique Operation Blat, February 6, 2000
Barely had the occupation troops and Lahd agents withdrawn from Sojod Site when the Islamic Resistance struck again. Near the Lebanese borders with occupied Palestine, a group of "the Islamic-Resistance Special Force" overcame all of the enemy's strict measures and developed techniques. On February 6, 2000, the group reached the heart of the occupied region.
600 m away from the borders, the fighters lay in ambush. While 9 Zionist infantrymen were on a search patrol several meters away from Blat Site, the fighters bombed a heavy explosive. Each of the infantrymen was killed or injured.
As a force rushed to the place to back up the patrol under fire and evacuate the casualties, the fighters used their artillery to attack it. More casualties were made.
The "Israeli" Sergeant Judea Gavin (aged 20) was killed, the enemy acknowledged, adding that 7 others were wounded, three of who suffered critical injuries.
Military sources confirmed 2 "Israeli" soldiers were killed.
The enemy's channel displayed a video tape, showing the operation zone, which appeared rather like a field hospital. "Israeli" soldiers were scattered on the ground, and the rescue teams were leading whoever could walk to helicopters.
The report clearly showed there were over 7 casualties. Signs of panic masked the patrol attacked as well as the rescue teams.
Zionist settlers said what they saw "reminded them of the Vietnam War". For its part, "Maarif" wrote, "This broadcast from Lebanon has deeply shocked the "Israeli" general opinion. Suddenly, we come to realize this bloodbath in Lebanon. They've been concealing it for 18 years."
Consequently, the command of the occupation military formed a military committee headed by Chief of the so-called "Northern Command" Gabi Ashkenazi to investigate into the incident and learn about the reason beyond the operation's success. The committee, which included officers of "the "Israeli" General Staff", went round the operation zone ad met the officer of the attacked unit. The information declared that the committee primarily concluded the explosive bomb had long been implanted on the way to the site.
Furthermore, Lahd-Militia sources said an explosive bomb hit an "Israeli" squad near Blat Site, approximately 2 km away from the Zionist "Zarait Settlement". The squad was then attacked with artillery and the site with Katyusha rockets, added the sources.
According to a first count, an "Israeli" soldier was killed, and 7 others were wounded. All were transported to a hospital in occupied Palestine.
Hizbullah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah honored the heroes who performed "Operation Radar" and "Operation al-Azieh", as well as the ones who executed Lahd officer Aakl Hashem. During the celebration held on February 6, 2000, His Eminence iterated, "The Katyusha rockets must be readied. "Israel" has gone too far, assailing Lebanon. What "Israel" did last June (1999: Zionist warplanes shelled Lebanese infrastructure and essential facilities) was useless...
Unless "Israel" abides by "the April Agreement", we'll need to launch the Katyusha rockets we have. Any moment, Hizbullah command might decide to reinforce "the April Agreement" through one mean: the balance of terror. This will protect the civilians and their properties, whether in the South or anywhere else in Lebanon."
His Eminence then stressed, "All recent Islamic-Resistance operations have proved that all of Shaul Mofaz's measures were useless. As "Israel" was beaten in "Operation Radar" and "Operation al-Azieh", it shall be beaten again. Actually, no measures at all prevented the fighters from reaching the rear, fortified sites. Therefore, nothing will prevent the fighters from reaching the other sites, where Zionists are...
Soon we'll triumph. Our great accomplishment will be forcing "Israel" out of our land. And this is going to be our way."
Operation ad-Dabsheh, February 8, 2000
On February 8, 2000, the Islamic Resistance performed an operation series against the Zionist-Lahd sites of Bir Kallab, at-Taybeh, and Braachit.
The Resistance artillerists also bombarded the east, main mound of ad-Dabsheh Site's entrance and demolished it. The fighters confirmed two "Israeli" soldiers were killed and others were wounded. But the enemy acknowledged the death of only one soldier.
The Resistance soon displayed a videotape on the operation: two soldiers appeared inside the mound the moment it was blasted. Issuing a statement, the Resistance said the operation was meant to retaliate for the enemy's aggressions. Very recently, the enemy had bombarded the infrastructure and power transfer plants in al-Jamhour, Baalbeck, and Tripoli. The enemy had also attempted to assassinate an Islamic-Resistance senior officer, breaching, thus, "the April Agreement".
On the same day, the Islamic Resistance attacked the northern west mound of Bir Kallab Site, demolishing it and killing or wounding each of the soldiers inside.
Lahd militiaman Mahmoud Najib Wazeer (from Hasbaya Town) was killed, acknowledged the "Israeli" enemy.
Operation Rmeich-Yaroun, February 10, 2000
On February 10, 2000, an Islamic-Resistance group bombed a heavy explosive while a Lahd squad was patrolling on Rmeich-Yaroun Route, hundreds of meters away from the Lebanese borders with occupied Palestine. Each of the patrollers was killed or wounded.
Whereas the Lahd Militia said a militiaman was severely wounded, security sources said he was killed.
On another hand, the Islamic Resistance declared the fighters clashed with a Zionist-Lahd force in Bir ad-Dhahr-ad-Deidabeh region, which overlooked the route leading to West Beqaa.
The information added that after midnight, the force began to progress from Zemrayyah axis towards Mount ad-Dhahr. Perfectly lying in ambush, the Resistance fighters attacked the force with their machineguns and rocket shells. Approximately after an hour, the "Israeli" force had no choice but to retreat to Zemrayyah axis. The retreat was covered by "Israeli" artillery shells.
Operation Shkief, February 11, 2000
On February 2, 2000, an Islamic-Resistance group opened the fire of their machineguns and artillery on the southern, main mound at Shkief Fort. The fighters damaged the mound and caused serious casualties to the soldiers inside.
"Israeli"-occupation sources acknowledged a sergeant was killed and another was seriously wounded in the attack; whereas security sources in the occupied region confirmed an "Israeli" was killed and three others wounded in the operation.
An "Israeli" helicopter was seen evacuating the casualties; by now, the fighters had almost ceased their bombardment against the site.
Operation Ain Qania, February 17, 2000
On February 17, 2000, some Islamic-Resistance fighters blasted a Lahd patrol on the way to Ain Qania Site in Hasbaya Sector. The operation resulted in casualties, and the Lahd-Militia sources acknowledged so.
Furthermore, military sources confirmed the explosive was bombed 700 m away from the site. The sources said three militiamen, including Haitham Nayef el-Bahri, were wounded.
In consequence with the operation, the occupation forces blocked the route leading to Ain Qania from Hasbaya and Shwaya and prevented civilians from going out there.
Information said the bomb targeted the commander of the Lahd Militia's "West Brigade", Nabih Abu Rafi'. The blast directly hitting the grey Mercedes 280 left shrapnel in the car case and wounded the driver. It was discovered that agent Abu Rafi' was not on the car; he had lately begun using a pickup to camouflage his moves.
Operation al-Khardali, February 27, 2000
On February 27, the Islamic Resistance blasted the motorcade on which was the commander of the Lahd Militia's "Ninetieth Battalion". Struck on al-Khardali Route, the motorcade suffered serious casualties.
Concurrently, some Islamic-Resistance artillerists attacked Shkief Fort, causing it serious damage. The artillerists also attacked al-Azieh Site, preventing it from engaging in the battle.
Lahd-Militia sources acknowledged the death of only one militiaman in "Operation al-Khardali". But at night the enemy's channel declared that three militiamen were wounded and that the sites targeted were damaged.
One Islamic-Resistance Fighter Martyred in February 2000
Ahmad Moussa el-Ashehab: martyred on February 5, 2000
The fighter had earlier been wounded while taking part in an Islamic-Resistance operation against the occupation troops and Lahd agents in the axis of West Beqaa.
Source: moqawama.org