The following are the Islamic-Resistance operations that took place during the month of January in 2000...
Islamic Resistance Performs 140 Operations in January, Renders Year 2000 Significant
Year 2000 was an outstanding year for the Islamic Resistance versus the Zionist occupation and the Lahd militiamen. As confrontations with the enemy forces lasted, the Islamic-Resistance fighters acted heroically.
So many great accomplishments characterized the months prior to the enemy's withdrawal from most of the regions in West Beqaa and the South. The fighters proved jihad was fruitful to regain whatever was ravished.
Of great assistance to the Islamic Resistance was the support and unity of the Lebanese public. The Lebanese State's official decision, too, was of help to the Resistance. More specifically, former Lebanese President Emile Lahoud reiterated in local and foreign assemblies resistance was inevitable. That was the only way the occupied lands could be retained, President Lahoud would reiterate.
Shall we reflect on the Islamic Resistance's essential focuses, which eventually made way for liberation, we'll realize the most important points:
●The Islamic Resistance struck the occupation forces' patrols and main sites. Thus, the enemy forces had to reduce the number of their troops to a few hundreds of officers and soldiers, retreat to the sites by the borders, and assign most of the confrontations to the Lahd Militia.
●The Islamic Resistance further overwhelmed the Lahd Militia. The most recent coup was executing Lahd officer Aakl Hashem right in front of his house in Debel Town. Earlier, the Resistance had executed other Lahd officers. In fact, Hashem's execution did devastate the Lahd militiamen.
●The Resistance fighters overcame all military and security measures taken by the occupation forces and Lahd Militia; the fighters infiltrated the occupied region, reached deep locations, set well-devised ambushes, and struck military patrols near enemy sites.
●The fighters continued to break into sites, beating their garrisons, posting the Islamic-Resistance standards onto their mounds, and then demolishing them. Therefore, the Lahd militiamen felt very insecure.
As the fighters executed and captured Lahd militiamen at the heart of towns in the occupied region, the Lahd agents felt even worse. Now they trusted neither their colleagues nor the "Israeli" occupation forces.
Hereupon, the Lahd militiamen had to make up their minds: They could further collaborate with the enemy and expect getting stricken by the Resistance. Or they could give themselves up to the Islamic Resistance and the Lebanese official bodies. In case they made the second choice, the Lahd militiamen would be trialed. Yet, many did make the second choice to keep surviving.
●The Islamic Resistance maintained the balance of terror; the fighters counterattacked "Israel" every time the latter assailed Lebanese towns, infrastructure, or civilians. Hence, the Resistance protected civilians and prevented the enemy from escalating their aggressions.
All in all, "the Islamic Resistance" performed 140 operations and "the Lebanese Brigades for Resisting the "Israeli" Occupation" performed 21. Thus, 161 operations were performed against the occupation forces and Lahd agents.
4 "Israeli" soldiers and 6 Lahd militiamen were killed, 12 "Israeli" soldiers and 8 Lahd militiamen were wounded, and 3 Lahd militiamen were captured, the enemy acknowledged.
The Islamic Resistance confirmed the numbers the enemy declared, yet proudly announced 4 Islamic-Resistance fighters were martyred.
The most significant Islamic-Resistance operation this month, however, was executing the actual officer in charge of the Lahd Militia (second militia officer in degree): Agent Aakl Hashem, who had the "Israeli" nationality (in addition to the Lebanese one). The Zionists themselves, as well as all observers, acknowledged this coup was one of the harshest for the occupation forces and the Lahd Militia. That is, agent Hashem was so important for the Lahd Militia that the "Israeli" Minister of "Justice" Yossi Beilin said he was "the Lahd Militia's heart".
That wasn't all for the Resistance; the Lahd Militia was forced to evacuate their main site in Kfarhouna region. Thus, the towns of al-Qatrani, Sraryre, and Mazra'et Daraya, in addition to a big part of lands which the site overlooked, were no longer within the site's fire range. Now the route linking West Beqaa District and Jezzine District was clear.
A Zionist military spokesman declared on January 18, 2000 that an "Israeli" sergeant was killed and another was wounded as "their tractor turned upside down" on a route by the Lebanese borders with occupied Palestine, near Zarait Settlement.
"The tractor" was about to enter the occupied Lebanese region when it turned upside down, said the spokesman. Therefore, Sergeant Ronan Bin Aari (aged 20) died, and another soldier was slightly wounded.
The "Israeli" military launched an investigation into the incident.
Further on this issue, a Zionist military spokesman declared soldier Aaron Katsaf (aged 36) died on January 3, 2000. Soldier Katsaf was earlier wounded as "Israel" invaded Lebanon (in 1982). Ever since, the soldier had been in a coma.
On another hand, 25 captives were released from "al-Khiyam Concentration Camp" and 2 others from "Askalan Prison". The captives were released in return for the Lahd captives, Najm Elias Habib and Assad Termos. The Islamic-Resistance fighters captured Habib and Termos earlier in 1999.
Additionally, the Islamic Resistance proudly announced the martyrdom of the freed captive Mahdi Abdul Hassan Ibrahim. The freed captive had been suffering a chronic disease upon brutal torture in "al-Khiyam Concentration Camp", which the occupation forces and Lahd militiamen held charge of.
Martyr Ibrahim was born in al-Khiyam Town in 1968. He was married. He joined the Islamic Resistance in 1987; he served "the Civil Defense Unit" of "the Islamic Health Association". On February 10, 1988, the occupation forces captured him while he was at home. He was released as his health declined. The released captive Ibrahim was martyred on Wednesday, January 18, 2000 while being treated in Italy.
Operation al-Abbad-al-Manara, January 9, 2000
Again, the Islamic-Resistance fighters made a great military accomplishment, overcoming all complex "Israeli" techniques. On January 9, 2000, the fighters implanted an explosive bomb by "the Blue Line" between al-Abbad Site and al-Manara Site. A group of "the Islamic-Resistance Enginery" then bombed the explosive as a Pullman was on the route.
A Zionist military spokesman claimed that "one" soldier was wounded but treated in the operation zone. Lahd-Militia sources said an ambulance transported the soldier to a hospital in occupied Palestine. A report displayed by the enemy's channel confirmed the Pullman was hit.
Operation at-Tohra, January 10, 2000
On January 10, 2000, a group of fighters sneaked to the rampart of the Lahd at-Tohra Site. The fighters then implanted a heavy explosive inside the west mound, which was the main one in the site.
While Lahd militiamen carried out a watch routine in the mound, the fighters blasted it. The mound was demolished and set afire, and each of the Lahd militiamen suffered death or injury.
"Sout el-Janoub" (Literally: "Sound of the South"), the Lahd-Militia radio, said the Militia acknowledged that "a" militiaman was killed in the operation.
Fighters Ambush Enemy Forces in Sojod, ar-Rihan, Perform "Operation Mash'aroun, January 12, 2000
After Zionist war planes shelled different parts of West Beqaa and the South, the Islamic Resistance retaliated. At dawn on January 12, 2000, a group of fighters lay in wait while two M-113 troop carriers on patrol departed from Sojod Site.
As the patrol reached the ambush spot, the fighters bombed a heavy explosive. A troop carrier was demolished and set afire, and each of the Lahd militiamen on board was killed or wounded.
For now, the fighters attacked the surviving patrollers, and their machineguns and rocket shells resulted in more casualties, leaving the troop carrier afire over an hour.
Fifteen minutes after the operation, another group of fighters perfectly ambushed a Zionist-Lahd force supposed to reinforce the patrol. The fighters bombed a heavy explosive on ar-Rihan Route. Another M-113 halftrack was demolished, and the militiamen and soldiers on board suffered casualties, too.
Approximately for an hour, the fighters clashed with the surviving patrollers, using machineguns and rocket shells.
Concurrently, a third group of fighters opened a barrage of fire on Sojod Site, resulting in serious damage and preventing the site from backing up the patrol targeted.
On the same day, a group of fighters sneaked into Mash'aroun Site, implanting a heavy explosive bomb in the main mound.
As the fighters became certain a number of Lahd militiamen were in the mound, they blasted it. Many militiamen suffered death or injury, and smoke arose from the trench connecting the site mounds with each other.
Several minutes later, ambulances dashed from the site.
Soon after the operation, the Islamic Resistance displayed a video tape on the operation. Clearly, two militiamen appeared moving in the mound when the fighters blasted it.
For its part, the Lahd Militia acknowledged a militiaman was dead and another wounded.
Lahd Agents Evacuate Kfarhouna Site, January 13, 2000
Again, the Islamic Resistance triumphed, this time forcing the occupation forces and Lahd agents to evacuate another military site. The Islamic-Resistance operations eventually made the Lahd militiamen evacuate Kfarhouna Site in Jezzine District at dawn on Thursday 13, 2000. The militiamen blasted the site before driving their vehicles away after midnight.
Notably, Kfarhouna Site was the site the occupation forces and Lahd agents mainly depended upon along the side of the liberated regions in Jezzine District.
In fact, the Islamic Resistance had been expecting this measure since the "Israeli" forces and Lahd agents withdrew from Jezzine in May 1999.
The Lahd agents as well withdrew from the hills overlooking the route which connected West Beqaa with the regions of Jezzine and Iqlim at-Toffah (East of Nabatiyeh). A spokesman for the Lahd Militia said his forces "got redeployed for technical reasons. More operations had targeted the site after we left Jezzine."
For their part, the Islamic Resistance declared the route connecting towns in Jezzine District to the region of Sraryre-Maydoun in West Beqaa was now clear. The towns of al-Qatrani, Sraryre, and Mazra'et Daraya, in addition to a big part of lands the site overlooked, were now liberated.
Since the site was established in 1986, the Islamic-Resistance fighters performed around 142 operations against it, the Islamic Resistance further declared. Until the site got evacuated, 54 "Israeli" soldiers and Lahd militiamen were killed, 107 others were wounded, and 2 Lahd militiamen were captured.
Operation Shkief, Operation as-Suweidaa, January 13, 2000
On January 13, 2000, an Islamic-Resistance group overcame all strict security measures applied by the enemy and all electronic watch means in the surroundings of Shkief Fort. Very close to the fort, the fighters lay in ambush. As a convoy approached the site for a shift, the fighters opened the fire of their machineguns and artillery. The fighters hit a truck and a troop carrier. Casualties were made, and the troop carrier was set afire.
Meanwhile, another Islamic-Resistance groups attacked al-Qal'a Site, preventing it from engaging in the battle and backing up the convoy under fire.
Other fighters as well attacked the sites of Ali at-Taaher and al-Borj, causing them serious losses.
On the same day, some Islamic-Resistance fighters overcame all safety measures and checkpoints. The fighters reached the entrance of as-Suweidaa Site and lay in ambush. Right when a Lahd patrol entered the site, the fighters opened the fire of their machineguns and artillery. A halftrack was shot, and the militiamen on board suffered fatalities and injuries.
As "Israeli" backup forces arrived at the site, a group of fighters shelled them, causing more casualties.
"Two" militiamen, Khalil Saeed Rashrash (from Shebaa) and George Touk, were killed, the Lahd Militia acknowledged, adding that another, Ali Deeb Shaheen (from Ain Jarfa, Hasbaya District), was seriously wounded and transported to occupied Palestine.
Operation ar-Rihan, January 14, 2000
Once again, the Islamic-Resistance fighters attacked the Lahd ar-Rihan Barracks. The attack, in fact, overwhelmed the enemy as the fighters overcame the strict measures the enemy had been applying. On January 14, 2000, a group of fighters sneaked until the rampart of ar-Rihan Barracks. There, the fighters bombed a heavy explosive bomb while a Zionist squad of 11 infantrymen was on patrol. Each of the infantrymen died or got injured.
In the meantime, another Islamic-Resistance group attacked ar-Rihan Barracks. The artillerists' machineguns and rocket shells brought about destruction to the barracks and prevented its garrison from backing up the patrol attacked.
Islamic Resistance Captivates Lahd Agent Faares, January 15, 2000
On January 15, 2000, an Islamic-Resistance group captured Lahd agent Feraas Muhammad Ayoub Faares in the occupied region. Then the group took him to the liberated regions.
Issuing a statement, the Resistance warned all agents they had better repent their sinful collaboration with the enemy; otherwise, the Resistance fighters would strike.
Operation Houla, January 17, 2000
On January 17, 2000, some Islamic-Resistance fighters blasted a Lahd patrol on Houla Route, killing or wounding each of the patrollers. The Lahd Militia acknowledged Ali Ghadban, a chef serving at the site kitchen, was killed.
Lebanese Brigades Perform Operations, January 20, 2000
On January 20, 2000, "the Lebanese Brigades for Resisting the "Israeli" Occupation" attacked enemy troops marshaled at Rchaf Site. The Brigades artillerists caused serious losses to the site fortifications and garrison.
Meanwhile, another Brigades artillery group bombarded Hamayed Site, resulting in serious losses to the site fortifications and garrison.
Operation Sojod-ar-Rihan, January 20, 2000
On January 20, 2000, some Islamic-Resistance fighters set a perfect ambuscade for a Lahd patrol motorcade taking Sojod-ar-Rihan Route. As soon as the motorcade reached the ambuscade spot, the fighters bombed a heavy explosive. All vehicles were demolished, and each of the crewmen suffered death or injury. The fighters could see the motorcade afire.
Now another Islamic-Resistance group further attacked the motorcade, resulting in more casualties.
In the meantime, a third group bombarded Sojod Site, preventing it from backing up the patrol under fire.
Resistance Captures Two Lahd Militiamen of "the Monthers", January 22, 2000
The Islamic Resistance declared that one of its groups captured two Lahd agents "serving" "Battalion 70": Ali Ibrahim Monther and Muhammad Ibrahim Ali Monther. The group captured the militiamen on January 22, 2000, taking them out of the occupied region.
The Lahd Militia Media Department issued a statement claiming the agents "did not correspond" to the Lahd Militia. But the Islamic Resistance exposed copies of their military cards as well as résumés on their lives:
●Ali Muhammad Ibrahim Monther:
-Mother's name: Zeinab el-Asmar
-Born in Markaba in 1975
-Register Number: 51
-In 1991, he willingly decided to join the Lahd Militia
-Sergeant Monther "served" at Mash'aroun Site.
Having finished the required training, Sergeant Monther was assigned to "serve" at Houla Crossing Point for a month, then at ash-Shumarieh Site for 7 years. Afterwards, he was moved to Mash'aroun Site, where the Islamic-Resistance fighters captured him.
Agent Monther as well was his town spy. He would meet "Israeli" officers in occupied Palestine to inform them of his "findings". He also exposed the places of some explosives implanted by the Islamic-Resistance fighters.
●Muhammad Ibrahim Ali Monther:
-Mother's name: Theebah Younes
-Born in Markaba in 1953
-Job: Spy "serving" the Lahd-Militia security system since 1992; He often met "Israeli" officers in occupied Palestine.
-His "findings": Agent Monther informed the "Israeli" enemy on an explosive the Islamic-Resistance fighters implanted on Tallousseh Route in 1992. He also watched the fighters' movement in valleys and exposed information to the enemy on many Resistance groups. He received several "reward funds" in return for his information.
Operation Radar, January 25, 2000
The Islamic Resistance struck. Neither did the specialized radars monitor the Resistance fighters' moves, nor did the developed measures and fortifications prevent them from striking. On January 25, 2000, an Islamic-Resistance group overcame the barriers surrounding the Zionist Radar Site in al-Bayyada region. Then the group approached the main mound and cautiously lay in ambush.
As several soldiers gathered inside the main mound, the fighters opened a barraged of their machineguns and direct rocket shells. The mound was destroyed, and each of the soldiers was wounded or killed.
Another group of "the Islamic-Resistance Fire Backup Unit" bombarded the site, too, bringing about more casualties. A third group attacked the Zionist al-Bayyada Site and the Lahd al-Herdoun Site.
It took the enemy over 10 hours to acknowledge the operation. A Zionist source said a missile hit a site in the occupied region and killed soldier Rafael Zanxville of "the Givati Brigade". Ironically enough, the soldier killed had warned his comrades the missile was approaching them. Then the missile hit him, the enemy's channel reported, adding it was apparently a guided missile.
Notably, the soldier killed had earlier emigrated from the former Soviet Union. "Israel" declared the soldier's name late as it was difficult to locate where his family members had settled. His mother, who had been living in Latvia, was found in Germany instead.
For their part, Lahd-Militia sources acknowledged 3 Lahd militiamen were seriously wounded as Braachit Site was bombarded. An "Israeli" helicopter then transported them to the Zionist "Safed Hospital".
Islamic Resistance Executes Lahd Officer Aakl Hashem, January 28, 2000
The Islamic Resistance targeted a major officer of the Lahd Militia, agent Aakl Ibrahim Hashem. Performing a unique operation at the heart of the occupied region, the Resistance fighters killed Hashem.
Having had the "Israeli" nationality since 1996, Hashem was the actual officer in charge of the Lahd Militia (second militia officer in degree). Aakl was expected to resume responsibility after Agent Provocateur Antoine Lahd.
Media sources said the execution of commander of "the Lahd-Militia West Brigade" was the harshest for the "Israeli" occupation forces ever since the Resistance executed commander of the occupation forces in southern Lebanon, Brigadier General Erez Gerstein on February 28, 1999.
On Sunday, January 30, 2000, exactly at 12:45 p.m., some Islamic-Resistance fighters implanted heavy explosive bombs in the outskirts of Debel Town at the heart of the occupied region.
Earlier, the Islamic Resistance had collected accurate information on Aakl's activity. Aakl had a special house in that region to receive "Israeli" officers and soldiers. Guaranteeing the operation was going to be a complete success, the fighters bombed the explosive bombs. Killed at once, Aakl was transported by his escorts to Marjeeyoun Hospital.
Security sources said Aakl was preparing for barbeque and added his son, Elias, was slightly wounded.
Soon, the Islamic Resistance displayed a video tape; Aakl appeared moving by the armored "Hummer", which the occupation forces had provided for him so as to "protect" him.
Islamic-Resistance sources said, "This operation represents a very advanced step as to exterminating the Lahd Militia. The operation also refutes the recent claims of the "Israeli" military command as to "having the initiative in hand". Besides, the operation counters the press conferences Chief of the "Israeli" General Staff Shaul Mofaz has been holding. It actually proves false Mofaz's claims as to the "successes the "Israeli" military has achieved" in the occupied region"."
The sources further pointed out that it was a security operation since it was performed in spite of strict security measures agent Hashem had been applying. The "Israeli" Military Intelligence (Aman) had been supervising those measures, too.
Here below are the most important measures applied:
●using camouflage motorcades while riding civil cars
●riding armored cars or greatly armored "Hummer" vehicles
●though applying special safety measures at home, staying in different places at different time intervals
●keeping a security team to escort him in the occupied borderline
●avoiding routine while moving on the routes of the occupied region
Applied all together, these measures made his execution quite difficult, the sources revealed, adding that many Zionist and Lahd sites were located along two lines in that region:
●a front line including the sites of Hamayed, Rchaf, al-Kawzah, Beit Lif, and al-Jamoussa
●a back line electronically supervising the work zone of the sites of Ramieh, Rmeich, al-Hadab, Shalaaboun, and ar-Raheb; also being place for "Israeli" infantry squads and armored troops ambushing along routes and crossing points leading to that region
Moreover, the sources revealed the operation steps:
●accurately monitoring agent Aakl's movements for several weeks
●choosing an unexpected place for the operation
●devising a plan to overcome the measures the enemy was applying in that region
●implanting the explosive bombs in the region aforementioned, near agent Aakl's private park in Debel Town though guards were there
●waiting for a good while of time to blast the target
●bombing the explosive bombs as none of Aakl's family was very near
●"Islamic-Resistance Fire Backup Unit" paralyzing all sites overlooking the operation zone, thus covering the group withdrawing after the operation's end
Consequently, the occupation forces prohibited the people of Bint Jbeil from going out and confiscated all private phone shops there. The "Israeli" enemy acknowledged Hashem was killed, expressing fear for the other Lahd militiamen.
Former Zionist Deputy War Minister Efraim Sneh said the operation was a great coup the "Israeli" military as well as the Lahd Militia had received. Sneh also met with Agent Provocateur Antoine Lahd to express condolences. Denying he had come to prevent the Lahd Militia from making any reaction, Sneh said, "I believe they will act maintaining their self-disciplined."
For his part, the "Israeli" Prime Minister Ehud Barak said the incident was "very serious and very painful." It was said Agent Provocateur Lahd "cried" while expressing condolences to agent Hashem's family.
Furthermore, (former) Chief of the so-called "Northern Command" Yossi Beilin said the execution of his comrade was "really very painful." Beilin as well expressed his fear that more officers were going to disobey the commands of "Israeli" or Lahd headquarters.
"Killing Hashem, Hizbullah has made a great accomplishment. This is a very overwhelming incident for the Lahd Militia, as well as the "Israeli" military and security. This means Hizbullah has infiltrated the Lahd security system supervising guard for Hashem and other "Israeli" commanders," declared other "Israeli" militants.
More on this issue, the "Israeli" intelligence interrogated 11 soldiers at "Center 17" long and arrested 3 of them. It was confirmed that the "Israeli" intelligence system collecting shrapnel in the blast zone heard the testimonies of Hashem's son and the neighbors as to the operation details.
The operation aroused conflict among the Zionist security systems. Western diplomatic reports issued in Tel Aviv said these systems were exchanging accusations. Whereas "the "Israeli" General Staff" accused the general security system "Shabak" of keeping no firm grip on the watch process, the commanders of "the Shabak" (also known as "Shin Bet"; "the "Israel" Security Agency") refused to acknowledge so. "It is impossible to watch hundred thousands of Lebanese on both sides of the (occupied) borderline," the commanders justified.
The "Israeli" intelligence's "Unit 504" arrested 15 of its members in Marjeeyoun and Bint Jbeil. The members were accused of visiting the liberated regions without permission from the military authorities in charge, reports said.
Consequently, "the General Staff" requested that "the Shabak" carried out further investigations among the Lahd militiamen discharged from the "service" as those could be willing to offer information to the Resistance. The motive could at least be "clearing the militiamen's patriotic consciousness" after "Israel" withdrew from Lebanon, the command believed.
On the other hand, Hizbullah declared the threats of the occupation commanders to retaliate for Hashem's death were worthless. The secretary general's senior aide Haj Hussein Khalil declared, "This is not the first time we hear such threats. And the battle field proves who really hold the initiative."
Khalil as well declared Hashem's execution was of significant security, political, and civil outcomes. "Clearly, Hizbullah has strongly infiltrated the body of the Lahd Militia as well as the occupation militants in the occupied region. The officers in charge are now quite capable of striking many targets in the occupied region, Khalil said, adding, "The execution of the traitorous agent Hashem proves the Resistance can infiltrate all security checkpoints and measures. Hizbullah fighters' movement in the occupied region is almost easier than movement in the liberated regions."
"Politically," Khalil said, "The Zionists had "great" expectations for Akel Hashem, who "efficiently" contributed to the establishment of the Lahd Militia (earlier). Thus, the Zionist occupation body in Lebanon has been harshly stricken. So we can say Barak was right to say, "Hashem has been a perfect partner of "Israel".""
As to the operation's civil outcome, Khalil said, "Hashem's execution has pleased the hearts of many of his victims' families. That very nasty agent slaughtered many of our dear people..."
Ceremonies for Hashem's funeral were held at "Saint Georges Maronite Church" in occupied Debel Town. Attending the ceremonies were the "Israeli" Deputy War Minister Efraim Sneh, Chief of "the "Israeli" General Staff" Gabi Ashkenazi, Chief of "the Liaison Unit" Benny Gantz, other Zionist officers, and Agent Provocateur Antoine Lahd.
Also attending the ceremonies was (former) Maronite Patriarch Nasrallah Sfeir's (former) representative, the Maronite Prelate in Sour (Tyre), Maroun Saader). Saader delivered a speech on behalf of Sfeir, expressing the latter's consolidation with "the people of Debel and the region by the borders in this very hard time!"
Saader then said, "Our master, His Beatitude Patriarch Sfeir assigned me to represent him and head these funeral ceremonies. Therefore I express His Beatitude's "fatherly condolences" to Hashem's family as well as all "grievers". In this "hard time", I express His Beatitude's sympathy, love, and consolidation.
You all know this is a "tragedy" for Hashem's family, town, and the whole region... For 25 years, martyrs' blood has quenched the thirst of Lebanon's earth. They have made Lebanon "suffer" all the problems of the Middle East. Lebanon has not yet maintained security, stability, safety, or peace...
Now I speak of the "honorable" man we've "lost". I knew him- like we all did- a "man of faith". He was a "compassionate, tender father" and a person who "loved" all. His blood has "quenched the thirst" of this region's earth...
Above all, on behalf of His Beatitude, Excellency, Cardinal Patriarch Mar Nasrallah Boutros Sfeir, I express the "warmest condolences" for his wife, sons, daughters, his grieving parents, the "respected" General Antoine Lahd, and his soldier comrades. We ask Allah to bestow His Mercy "on Hashem" and to "calm the hearts of the grievers" and "protect them"."
Operation al-Azieh, January 31, 2000
Less than 24 hours after executing Lahd officer Akle Hashem, the Islamic-Resistance fighters performed the second topmost operation. On January 31, 2000, the fighters sneaked to the surroundings of the Zionist al-Azieh Site at the heart of the occupied region. There, the fighters cautiously lay in wait. As several Zionist soldiers gathered inside a mound, the fighters opened a barrage of machineguns and artillery. The attack killed a part of the soldiers and wounded the others, whose screams of horror filled the air.
For now, other groups of fighters attacked the enemy's Shkief Fort and ad-Dabsheh Site, ceasing their artillery.
Five minutes later, "the Islamic-Resistance Fire Backup Unit" violently bombarded the Zionist al-Azieh Site, preventing any of the forces positioned there from evacuating the casualties. The fighters resulted in casualties the site garrison and destroyed the site fortifications, too. The fighters saw smoke arising from the site.
Soon, the Islamic Resistance displayed a videotape on the operation: The occupation soldiers were moving along the mound when the fighters' missiles struck.
Major Ted Har Tumpalov, First Sergeant Limor Liv, and First Sergeant Tasahi Malka were killed. Four others were wounded, too, two among who suffered critical wounds, the enemy acknowledged.
Four Islamic-Resistance Fighters Martyred in January 2000
-Taleb Hussein Harb: martyred on January 24, 2000 while confronting enemy forces on Iqlim at-Toffah Heights
-Wa'el Mahmoud Annani: martyred on January 26, 2000 while confronting enemy forces in al-Herdoun-Shamaa region
-Muhammad Habib Jaaber: martyred on January 28, 2000 while on a jihad mission at the heart of the occupied region
-Farouk Mustapha Ismail: martyred on January 28, 2000 while on a jihad mission at the heart of the occupied region
Source: moqawama.org