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Sayyed Nasrallah on Martyr’s Day: Resistance Axis Stronger and Better than Any Other Time

Sayyed Nasrallah on Martyr’s Day: Resistance Axis Stronger and Better than Any Other Time
folder_openReports-2011 access_time13 years ago
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Nour Rida

On 11-11-2011, the annual day Hizbullah chose to revive the memory of its martyrs, Hizbullah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah appeared via video link on al-Manar TV during the central ceremony held in Sayyed al-Shuhada complex.

Sayyed Nasrallah addressed the ceremony as well as the political situation in Lebanon and the region saying "As usual, I will first talk about the martyrs and the Resistance, secondly I will discuss the domestic developments and thirdly, I will address the regional developments."

Sayyed Nasrallah saluted the martyrs of the Islamic resistance by reciting the verses of al-Fatiha Surat, noting that this day has been dedicated to each and every of the martyrs, be it leaders or mujahideen. "We hope that one day comes when we will celebrate a ‘Martyr of the Nation' day," he said. 

Hizbullah leader said "This day was chosen to commemorate a well-known occasion: the martyrdom operation carried out by Ahmed Qassir in the city of Tyre, the operation that has been exceptional among all resistance operations until today and is still the greatest and most significant operation in the history of the Arab-"Israeli" conflict."

He noted that in this operation "The enemy has acknowledged that more than 100 officers and soldiers were killed in that operation."
Hizbullah Secretary General said that the Kassir operation was the founding stage of the resistance history, noting that the resistance fighters chose to name 11-11-2011 as the "Day of Life".

"This is foundational in the history of the Resistance, which is why we name the martyr Ahmad, "the launcher of the year of martyrdom," he said.
His Eminence reiterated that this name is 100% correct, as martyrs are alive and find their sustenance in the presence of their Lord. It is the day of life, Sayyed explained, because it is the blood of the martyrs made life with the blood they shed, and if the Lebanese had agreed to yield, that would be nothing like life.

"After 1982, when the Zionists occupied Lebanon and were basking our beaches, the Lebanese had agreed to live while allowing that their land be this called life? Never! This is death and the martyrs are the makers of life." His Eminence reiterated. 

Despite the fact that the entire world backed the "Israeli" occupation and stood by this entity, the resistance fighters confronted the enemy and feared nothing, Sayyed Nasrallah went on to say. 

Hizbullah Secretary General said that today, we are alive in comfort for the first time since the establishment of the "Israeli" entity owing to the school of martyrdom. He reminded that neither arms, nor tactics and strategy would have enabled Lebanon from achieving victory during the July war if it were not for the bravery and dedication of these resistance men.

"How can someone be reassured concerning his people and homeland amid the presence of a neighboring racist, hostile entity? This is the first time that Lebanon and its south feel safe and confident because of the presence of the Resistance," he explained.

Moving on to the government, Sayyed Nasrallah said "This government has proven to be a government of dialogue and a national government that represents a parliamentary and popular majority and that it's not a one-sided government. But it is demanded to work more and to give the ultimate attention to people's concerns instead of listening to useless things."

His Eminence added that the government must address the administrative and humanitarian issues. This government does not receive orders or insinuations. He also said the government should address issues such as the correction of wages, the health security, appointments, and electricity.

Concerning the issue of the Lebanese who fled to the occupied Palestinian territories, Sayyed Nasrallah clarified that the 2000 liberation was accomplished and none of the agents he collaborators who were arrested were harmed. "I understand those who fled to "Israel" and some of them fled because they knew how grave their deeds were, but if they observe how the people of the south had dealt with the collaborators' families they would regret fleeing to "Israel"." Sayyed Nasrallah said. He added that "The Lebanese army is an institution that is safeguarding sovereignty, security and national unity of the country, so let's preserve it and spare it attacks."

On the funding of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, Sayyed Nasrallah said that it is useful to notice that the UNESCO, which is an international organization, has acknowledged the state of Palestine, drawing the United States' anger because it has granted Palestine some of its rights, and that the US has suspended funds to UNESCO, although UNESCO was not established in an illegal and unconstitutional manner like the STL.

He pointed out that most of the March 14 forces did not comment on the issue of suspending UNESCO funds. But if Lebanon decides not to fund the unconstitutional and bogus tribunal, Feltman starts to threaten Lebanon with sanctions, which exposes the US and its allies in Lebanon.

Sayyed Nasrallah further pointed out that before such a scandal, former Premier Fouad Seniora exempted the US from its halting of funds to the UNESCO, and replaced it with a solution as he called on the Arab and Islamic countries to initiate and pay the funds that were suspended.

He wondered "Why don't you accept for the STL what you accept for the UNESCO organization, although the UNESCO has done justice to a people while the STL has aggrieved a people." His Eminence added "the STL is nonexistent and I want to advise the Lebanese parties to address the domestic issues and give up their bets on the outside forces."

Hizbullah Secretary General then advised the Lebanese to drop any wagers on the outside or on any regional developments. Addressing all those who have been betting on the fall of the Assad regime, Sayyed Nasrallah told them to give up their wagers. 

As for the US-"Israeli" threats to Iran, Sayyed Nasrallah said the US wants to subjugate Iran and drag it into direct negotiations, which is being rejected by Iran. He underscored that the Islamic republic with its army, people, and unity does not fear any intimidation not even those of the US fleet at sea that occupied Iranian waters. Sayyed Nasrallah also pointed out that The Americans also seek to subjugate Syria so that it accepts what it has been rejecting so far. 

"They have to understand that a war against Iran and Syria will not remain limited to Iran and Syria, it will rather affect the entire region," he explained.
He reiterated that the war of words has aggravated since the release of a UN report on Tuesday claiming there was credible evidence suggesting Iran's atomic program was being used to research putting nuclear warheads in ballistic missiles, in light of total international silence on the 300 nuclear warheads "Israel" possesses. 

The Hizbullah leader then tackled the fall of the Arab regimes, be it that of Tunisia's ousted President Zein al-Aabidin bin Ali, or the Egyptian deposed Husni Mubarak, explaining that this fall constitutes a loss to the West, majorly to the US and "Israel." He highlighted that the resistance axis is growing bigger and stronger, and that the US aims now at shifting Syria and Iran to a position of defense especially following its failure in Egypt. 

At the end of his speech, Sayyed Nasrallah assured that the era of weakness and retreat of the Ummah has come to an end. "Since the era of the first self-sacrifice martyr Ahmad Kassir until this day, we have entered the era of victories and left behind that of defeats. All we have to do is preserve the blood of the martyrs and continue the path," Sayyed Nasrallah said. 

He finally noted that "the domestic, regional, and international situation today is for the interest of the peoples of the region, as well as for the benefit of the resistance and rejection axis more than any other time."
