Sayyed Nasrallah in Interview with Al-Manar TV on latest Developments in the Region, Lebanon

After almost two months of being off screen, Hizbullah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah appeared on al-Manar TV in an interview on Monday 24 October 2011.
Uprisings Fruit of Peoples' Will
Starting with the Arab Spring and the uprisings in the different countries, Sayyed Nasrallah said that only a few months after the beginning of the revolutions, we have formed a clear vision on the movements, which resemble a real national uprising in each and every country.
Revolutions had started in the different Arab countries starting in Tunisia where Ahmad Bou Azizi, a humble citizen who sold vegetables on his wooden cart burned himself in front of the Tunisian parliament protesting the dire living conditions.
Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that the uprisings that happened in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, or elsewhere is not a US scheme but rather result from the will of the national people. It is unreasonable that the US and West have toppled the Arab regimes, as these were loyal to the US administration. Nevertheless, the US and the West are trying to divert the goals and results of the revolutions and uprisings, as they try to exploit the situation for their own interests and to fulfill their greed. One unrest Sayyed Nasrallah said is definitely a US plot, that of Syria.
The Americans have a number of goals when it comes to its interference in the Arab revolutions, Sayyed Nasrallah said, adding that among these is to decrease their losses and improve their image in the eyes of the Arab peoples, especially that polls and surveys have revealed that the Arab and Islamic peoples have strong hatred towards the US and its performance. Also, he said that the US tries to take part in making the new regimes even though nothing is clear yet.
Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that the people should be aware that the US administration is not friendly to the Arab peoples, reiterating that Arab nations should impose their will through conscience, understanding and participation in elections and so the US will have no chance to breach the new regimes that are elected by the free people.
He went on to say that the people should determine what might constitute a threat that all nations should unite against, the first of which is the existence of an "Israeli" state that is considered as a threat against all nations. Second comes the US scheme which aims at reviving the New Middle East Project after its failure in the past. Sayyed Nasrallah explained that the US attempts to divide the region into states on the basis of ethnic and sectarian differences in such a way that "Israel" prevails and remains strong, which is a threat to all Muslims, Christians, and all the other peoples of the region.
Also fundamentalists and extremist movements consist another threat to the region, like the case is in Iraq where not religious minorities but Shiites, Sunnites, and Christians are targeted. So is the case in Afghanistan and Pakistan where Sunnites are targeted, said Sayyed Nasrallah.
The Hizbullah leader further elaborated that "we do not want an alliance of minorities to face the Sunni, Shiite or Christian majority, what we need is a large national Muslims-Christian alliance to face the "Israeli" threat and the threat of the US project in order for us to face radical movements."
Starting with Tunisia, Sayyed Nasrallah praised the free elections taking place today, and hoped the results of these elections would be respected. He then addressed the Libyan peoples telling them they stand before major responsibilities and have to rebuild their political entity as well as take care of the popular interests. Also, among the issues Libyans have to take care of its the riches and natural resources of their country, not to mention preserving its security and perseverance.
Concerning the Imam Moussa Sadr painful issue, Sayyed Nasrallah said that ahead few weeks to the truth about Imam Sadr's fate, the Lebanese people live very emotional moments. Still, no information is available on the topic, Sayyed Nasrallah said, adding that the Lebanese government is following up on the issue. He hoped that the Libyan National Transitional Council would be cooperative and give importance to this humanitarian issue.
Iraq Achieves Victory AS US Occupation Withdraws
Moving on to the US occupation of Iraq and the pullout of the US forces from the country, Sayyed Nasrallah said what happened is a real victory to the Iraqi people, to the axis of opposition and resistance, as well as to all those who stood by the Iraqi people and defied the US will, which is a historic defeat for the Americans.
Also, the participation of national and genuine political parties in the Iraqi parliament led to the birth of a government considerate of its people and is not subjugated to the US and its desires. Hizbullah leader reiterated there is Iraqi consensus on the US forces withdrawal from the Iraqi lands.
On another topic, Sayyed Nasrallah said that false claims against the Islamic Republic on its attempt to assassinate the Saudi Ambassador to the US were an answer to Iran's rejection to conduct direct talks with the US. He said that the US has been trying to find a way to negotiate with Iran especially as it considers Iran has a great role in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Sayyed Nasrallah ruled out US military action against Iran, especially due to the several losses and defeats the US army has faced in Iraq and other countries of the region, not to mention the crucial economic situation of the US.
His Eminence explained that the US could use this issue to increase tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia considering they are influential regional players ... but the main reason behind the fabricated allegation is Iran's refusal to open a hotline with the US.
Bahrain Also A Revolution!
On the Bahraini level, Sayyed Nasrallah said that the Bahraini revolution has been treated with unjust, especially that every time revolutions and uprising are mentioned, the Bahraini revolution is dropped out. Sayyed Nasrallah also said that the Bahraini revolution has been confronted with violence, and suffered media blackout despite the fact that the revolution in Bahrain was truly peaceful. Sayyed Nasrallah reiterated that Hizbullah is not entitled to interfere in any of the other countries, but said he supports the Bahraini people just like the other countries of the Arab spring, and called on the government to answer the needs of the people.
Shalit Deal Consecrated Choice of Resistance
Hizbullah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah hailed the Hamas-"Israeli" prisoner swap deal, saying it is a historical achievement that has consecrated the choice of resistance. The Secretary General explained that detaining "Israeli" soldier Gilad Shalit, and keeping him safe and sound for five years is an achievement as well, not to mention the victory of the Gazans who stood firm in face of the "Israeli" aggression on the coastal enclave.
Sayyed Nasrallah said that resistance in Lebanon and Palestine restate that Arabs and Muslims together take care of their captives and martyrs.
Sayyed Nasrallah also dismissed reports that Hamas was planning to move its leadership headquarters from Damascus to Cairo due to the ongoing popular uprisings against President Bashar Assad's government.
He assured that neither Hamas wants to leave Syria nor Damascus wants Hamas to leave.
Concerning a Palestinian statehood, Sayyed Nasrallah said that the US prepares its veto against an independent state of Palestine, but he reiterated that the wave sweeping across the region serves the Palestinian cause and Palestinian people who stand before opened doors to the liberation of Palestine and its sanctities, while "Israel" is deemed to only more weakness.
Now on the Syrian level, Sayyed Nasrallah said some accuse Hizbullah of dealing with the Syrian issue with double standards. Sayyed Nasrallah ruled out such accusations, explaining that the Syrian leadership was genuine in its readiness to introduce reforms. However, he said a foreign conspiracy had thwarted such attempts with the aim of toppling the Syrian leadership.
Sayyed Nasrallah explained that Syrian President Bashar Assad said he was willing to implement reforms ... but suddenly international pressure mounted along with internal pressure and it became apparent that what is needed is not reform but the fall of this rejectionist, resistant regime.
His Eminence Nasrallah praised Syria for its "decisive" support it provided to resistance groups in Lebanon, the Palestinian territories, and Iraq, which prevented the US attempts of liquidating the Palestinian cause and resulted in significant victories. He also reminded that despite the US and foreign pressure Syria has been subject to, the country remained to resist and support resistance movements which played a decisive role in the arena of victories.
On the same note, Sayyed Nasrallah underlined that it has become crystal clear that in case Syria actually surrenders to the US will, the situation will be resolved right away, otherwise, the US aims at toppling the rejectionist and resistant Syrian regime.
Hizbullah leader further underscored "we are against the toppling of a rejectionist, resistant regime that is ready for reform and has started reforms for the sake of Syrians because the alternative is either a regime that surrenders to the American will and gives "Israel" what it wants, or would plunge Syria into civil war or divide the country."
Sayyed Nasrallah explained that what is needed is for the Syrians to calm down, withdraw from the streets, end clashes, and launch dialogue and cooperate to implement reforms.
He dismissed the reports claiming that Hizbullah was sending thousands of fighters to Syria to fight against the protestors as lies. He also said that a major part of media talks concerning Syria are fabricated, be it on the mass of protests or the nature of clashes taking place.
Commenting on Arab efforts to resolve the crisis in Syria, Sayyed Nasrallah accused some Arab states of seeking to topple Assad rather than help in the reform process.
Hizbullah SG underlined that unfortunately, some Arab states aim at toppling the Syrian regime rather than implementing reform which serves the Syrian people, adding in an obvious reference to the US administration "we know whose interests such an event serves."
According to the Hizbullah leader, Syria has overcome a big percentage of the crisis contrary to what is being said. But he said the worst is the international pressure Syria is facing.
Concerning the alleged Syrian army incursions into Lebanon, Sayyed Nasrallah said that Syria is a sisterly state and we should contact that friend and ask them about such alleged incursions.
His Eminence further added that Lebanon in turn needed to resolve the issue of smuggling into Syria.
Sayyed Nasrallah also said that the March 14 coalition have been silent on the daily "Israeli" violations and seem to be unconcerned to such events while they were alert on unconfirmed Syrian incursions into Lebanese territory.
Lebanese Government for All Lebanese
Addressing the domestic issues, Sayyed Nasrallah said that since day one of the government formation, the other team has been trying to record the cabinet headed by Prime Minister Najib Mikati as a Hizbullah government, which is an accusation Sayyed Nasralah dismissed. He said the government is rather a collection of diverse political parties that have their own peculiarities and priorities. His Eminence explained that all those involved in the government have reiterated that it is not a Hizbullah government, adding "I would like to add my voice to their statement and say it is not a Hizbullah government.
It is a national government that represents a parliamentary majority and a popular majority, he highlighted.
His Eminence said that the current government has actually inherited tremendous problems to solve, and in light of the situation, Sayyed Nasrallah considered that the government has in fact achieved an accomplishment on the level of resolving corruption, electricity, election law, and other topics on the agenda in less than 100 days.
On the touristic level, Sayyed Nasrallah joined his voice to other voices to vote for Jeitta Grotto as one of the new world seven wonders, and called on the Lebanese to vote for this Lebanese true wonder.
Moving on to relations with the Lebanese President Michel Suleiman and Prime Minister Najib Mikati, Sayyed Nasrallah described the relation as good. He pointed out "PM Mikati was our choice and we supported it, no regrets."
Sayyed Nasrallah further said that both, the President and the Premier took part in the accomplishments achieved so far.
On Hizbullah's relation with its allies, Sayyed Narallah said relations are excellent, and assured that those allies have proved their loyalty, honesty, and clarity in their attitude. But he said it is normal that the different parties might have slight differences in some stances and points of view.
And so was the case with MP Walid Jumblatt, as Sayyed Nasrallah said that during the meeting, there were things that the two disagreed on while other things that both sides were in harmony with.
The Hizbullah General, on another note, assured that the security and stability of the country is preserved up-to-date.
Answering a question on the situation in North Lebanon, Sayyed Nasrallah said that the US scheme has failed at the time also this region in Lebanon faces a media and psychological war in order to face the new pro-government parties.
As for the harsh criticism against the Maronite Patriarch Beshara Rai, Sayyed Nasrallah said it is an unjust campaign against Rai, stressing that he had said nothing but the truth. Sayyed Nasrallah explained that Rai fears for the situation of the region and for the Christians in particular, which is his right.
The Loyalty to the Resistance Bloc paid a recent visit to Russia. On this note, Hizbullah leader said the bloc was officially invited by the Doma and there has been correspondence and communication between the two sides for a while. The most important point discussed was rejecting any foreign interference in which Russia can play a sensitive and important role.
NO to STL Funding
On the funding of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL), Sayyed Nasrallah said that "Hizbullah intentionally remained silent as we have nothing to say and our stance is known."
Sayyed Nasrallah said that the STL funding issue will be determined when the right time comes, pointing out that Hizbullah's stance on the issue is apparent and clear as it totally rejects the funding of the politicized tribunal that has been targeting Hizbullah. He hoped the matter would not be taken to voting, yet he was decisive about Hizbullah's rejection to the tribunal.
The Hizbullah Secretary General assured that Hizbullah is open to discussions on the electoral law, and that the party is open to all choices. He also noted that he supports syndicate protests and rallies only in case these were peaceful and called for righteous demands.
"Israeli" War Unlikely to Happen
On whether there is another "Israeli" war looming in the horizon, Sayyed Nasrallah said that no one can rule out that "Israel" will not launch a war on Lebanon, but according to analysis, His Eminence added that the "Israeli" strategic and environmental given on one hand, and the resistance's strength in Lebanon on the other, decreases possibility that "Israel" will wage a war on Lebanon.
On a related note, Hizbullah leader assured that the Resistance arms, its presence and culture, as well as the golden formula of the army, people, and resistance is a strength point and none of the international community states can affect the resistance.
Sayyed Finally said that the US scheme will only reap more failures at the time Lebanon enjoys a strong resistance and can face any developments.
person Alhussaini
The real faith on God
Hizbullah is the organization which has true faith in God and has no fear of devils and spiders like "Israel" or America. It is quite sure that "Israeli" regime will be vanished from the face of earth Inshallah. May Allah bless Hizbullah and Hamas. Alhussaini