Sayyed Nasrallah to Israelis: Send Your Whole Army, We will Destroy Them!

Local Editor
Hizbullah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah declared on Wednesday that the battle with Israel next time would start from "beyond and beyong Haifa" instead of "Haifa and beyond Haifa," emphasizing that the Resistance doesn't seek war but is ready for any form of confrontation with the enemy.
Sayyed Nasrallah was speaking through a large TV screen commemorating the annual Martyr's Day in the framework of a ceremony held by Hizbullah at the southern suburb of Beirut.
Sayyed Nasrallah addressed Israeli, renewing commitment to the Resistance's pattern and choice. "Send as many Israeli brigades as you want, send even your whole army, we will destroy them in our valleys and mountains," his eminence said, addressing Israeli Prime Minister, war Minister and chief of staff.
While calling the Lebanese security apparatuses to reopen the file of collaborators with Israel, Sayyed Nasrallah emphasized that the Lebanese want for the new government to be one of national cooperation and national coherence instead of being a barricades the government.
Hizbullah Secretary General emphasized that the success of the government benefits the Resistance in Lebanon, but called on ministers to cooperate and work as one team to achieve such success. "Let the government work and don't set realistic goals in the ministerial declaration," his eminence said, addressing Lebanon's Prime Minister and his ministers. "Let Lebanon rest and the dialogue table can consider any thorny issue," his eminence added.
Regionally, Sayyed Nasrallah called for more regional cooperation and for a Saudi-Iranian rapprochement, saying that communication between the two mentioned countries should be established. His eminence called on for efforts to stop the war in Yemen, rejecting claims that it was of a sectarian nature.
Hizbullah Secretary General started his speech by focusing on the importance of the martyr's day to remember the Resistance's martyrs and the sacrifices they have paid for the sake of the country.
Martyr's Day is celebrated on the 11th of November of each year as a tribute to martyr Ahmed Qassir, who initiated martyrdom operations against Israeli occupation forces in south Lebanon.
"We chose this day to be Hizbullah Martyr's Day although we believe that we belong to all martyrs who sacrificed themselves to protect the country, the nation and the Dignity," Sayyed Nasrallah said. "However, and since we are a part of this nation and its Resistance and Jihad, we have our martyrs. When we talk about Hezbollah's martyr, we don't ignore other martyrs of the Resistance in the region and all the generations that refuse occupation."
"We chose November 11 to be Hizbullah Martyr's Day because it's the day of the martyrdom of Ahmad Kassir who chose Jihad, the hero of the first martyrdom operation in Tyr, the operation that destroyed the enemy's arrogance before destroying one of its well-fortified strongholds. We consider this day a great day for the Resistance, a day in which the enemy felt himself inconsiderable, weak, defeated and astonished."
"Today, we recognize our martyrs' sacrifices since 1982, including in 2000 and in 2006, when the project to create a new Middle East failed. In today, like every year, we pay tribute to our martyrs, we remember their achievements and victories, we renew commitment to continue their path without hesitation and to remain loyal to their commandments," Sayyed Nasrallah pointed out.
"Today, we meet here in a part of Beirut's southern suburb, the suburb that was profaned by the enemy alongside Beirut, the Mount, the South and the Bekaa. But all these regions, except the Shebaa Farms, have returned thanks to the martyrs' sacrifices. Today, we thank them from all our heart to everything they did and we tell them that we are living powerfully and in dignity due to their bloodshed and sacrifices."
Following this introduction, Sayyed Nasrallah started his political speech by focusing on the US administration's continuous and flagrant support for the Israeli enemy. "A few months ago, when Barack Obama was elected as US President and a new American administration saw light, many had high hopes and believed that major changes will happen in favor of the Arab and Islamic world and that there would be a reform policy and more human approach than that of former US President George W. Bush. However, the truth was quickly revealed and all these illusions quickly failed, especially during the few last weeks. The result was obviously a full US commitment to Israel's interest and security, disregarding the dignity and feelings of the Arab and Muslim people and governments."
Sayyed Nasrallah then turned to the military level and pointed to the US-Israeli latest drills. "Elite US military units come to occupied Palestine and perform joint drills with Israelis. They claim these drills aim to prepare for facing potential rockets from Syria, Iran, Lebanon and Gaza. So, for the first time since tens of years and perhaps since the creation of the Zionist entity, the US forces are in occupied Palestine to impose themselves true partners in any confrontation imposed by Israel. This is something that we didn't even see with the former administration of George W. Bush."
His eminence then recalled of the US continuous support to Israel since the 2006 July war against Lebanon. "Since the July War, the US has offered Israel complete military and logistic support. The Obama administration came and sought to play the "hero" game claiming to spare efforts to suspend settlements. But I told you since the beginning it was just a trick and this is what happened, causing a sort of frustration within the Palestinians."
Commenting on the statement of a Palestinian diplomat who said that Palestinians have conducted 18 years of failed diplomacy, Sayyed Nasrallah said: "Eighteen years of negotiations resulted in failure and frustration alongside the persistence in occupation while eighteen years of resistance which liberated Beirut, Bekaa, Mount and South."
Sayyed Nasrallah then pointed to the "double standards" of the international community. "The US, which is supplying Israel with technology and weapons, is requesting the full implementation of UN Security Resolutions. The US, which defends and protects Israel as it violates the resolutions, is urging Lebanon to fully implement the international resolutions. It's the US that's also working to prevent voting on the Goldstone report within the Security Council, a report that unfortunately equalizes the victim and the hangman. But, unfortunately, we have reached a stage where we accept that the violator and the violated are treated equivalently."
"We tell all those who asked us to give the Americans some time... it turned out that presenting a black president from the third world was a trick that ended faster than we expected. Meanwhile, Israel maintains its armament, espionage cells and reconnaissance planes and spying devices. It continues to exploit any incident, whether a real or fabricated one, as part of its war on Lebanon, Palestine and Resistance movements."
"The Israeli are still conducting their psychological war against Lebanon and Gaza," Sayyed Nasrallah said, pointing to the Israeli first reaction following the birth of the Lebanese government. "When the Lebanese cabinet was formed the first reaction by Israel was threatening the Lebanese government because Hizbullah took part in its cabinet. Actually, Hizbullah was part of the previous governments as well."
Meanwhile, Sayyed Nasrallah warned against attempts to portray conflicts in the region as "sectarian" ones and called for more regional cooperation to fight such attempts.
"Tensions are rising in the Arab world and there are attempts to convey them as sectarian strife in order to further divide the region through creating priorities other than the liberation of lands occupied by Israel."
"We cannot rely on the US to resolve our conflicts when it creates and funds them. Arab leaders should deploy national efforts to resolve their crises," Sayyed Nasrallah emphasized. "In this regard, we take positively the major role played by Turkey, and we are with "Sunni" Turkey if it defends Gaza and Lebanon more than "Shiite" Iran," Sayyed Nasrallah said in response to "sectarian" comments.
"We also take positively the Syrian-Saudi summit, and we were the first to reap its fruits. We look positively at any rapprochement in the region, such as the Iranian-Qatari one. Even more, we call for a Saudi-Iranian rapprochement to establish communication between the two countries. Let there be an Iranian initiative toward Saudi Arabia, or a Saudi Arabian initiative toward Iran."
Turning to Yemen, Sayyed Nasrallah called on for efforts to stop the war in Yemen, rejecting claims that it was of a sectarian nature. "How could it be sectarian? Is President Ali Abdallah Saleh from a sect different than the Houthis'?" his eminence wondered, stressing that the crisis in Yemen is political by nature. "But they are seeking to turn it into sectarian and this is very dangerous and should be stopped."
Hizbullah Secretary General then praised the latest speech of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad delivered during an economic conference in Turkey. His eminence said he appreciates Assad's call for adopting Resistance and called to generalize it on the Arab and Islamic levels. "In the Resistance, we are always proud of those who stand at our side. We're never ashamed of our friendship with Syria, Iran, Turkey, Venezuella and all those who back and support us."
Turning into the Lebanese internal crisis, Sayyed Nasrallah chose to start by commenting the Israeli threats against Lebanon. "The Israelis are trying to talk about a war, and when they talk about some rockets in Gaza and Lebanon, they want to create an atmosphere and advocate a possible war. But there is another possibility; that this means never engaging in a war," Sayyed Nasrallah pointed out.
"When Israeli chief of staff talks about tens of thousands of rockets, he knows we will neither confirm nor deny. But he might be telling his people that if they want to engage in a new war it would not be like in 2006. He's telling them that there won't be one place in occupied Palestine that wouldn't be threatened by rockets and missiles. He is saying that not only Haifa, Netanya and Tel Aviv will be displaced in the next battle but all Israeli settlements."
While reiterating that "bargaining on regional or international pressure is useless," Sayyed Nasrallah emphasized that Hizbullah doesn't seek a war but is ready for all possibilities. "As Lebanese, we should ensure that the Israeli enemy's psychological war will fail. Israel has to understand that if it launches a war on Lebanon, all the Lebanese will together defend their nation. Through our resistance we will turn this threat into an opportunity," Sayyed Nasrallah highlighted.
Hizbullah Secretary General stressed that Lebanese are able of turning any threat into an opportunity. "The Israelis are saying that their air force cannot win such a war. They only have the option of an extended land operation. We will turn this threat into an opportunity."
"Next time the battle will start from beyond and beyond Haifa instead of Haifa and beyond Haifa," the Resistance's leader pledged, adding that "the geographical nature of the south, and Lebanon in general, was created by God to humiliate and destroy the occupiers."
"We are more trained and prepared. We evaluated the war as well and addressed our weak points," his eminence said, before addressing Israelis: "Send as many (Israeli) brigades as you want, send even your whole army, we will destroy them in our valleys and mountains."
On the new government formation, Sayyed Nasrallah congratulated the Lebanese on its birth following a long delay, refusing to re-open to stage of the formation process for many considerations. "However, I have a quick comment. Now that the government has been formed, people discovered that much of the analyses of media and politicians and experts were false. I used to laugh whenever I heard them saying that Hizbullah is obstructing the cabinet because Iran wants to take something in its nuclear issue. This is really funny. Let those political experts and philosophers return to logic before delivering statements."
"Our goal since the first day was the cabinet formation and we have never considered the size of our share," Sayyed Nasrallah stressed.
Meanwhile, Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that "the success of the government benefits Lebanon and the resistance in Lebanon," and urged patience in raising major issues so that the country can rest.
"We want for the government to be a government of national cooperation and national coherence instead of being a barricades government," Sayyed Nasrallah stressed.
His eminence called on the PM and the ministers not to set unreachable targets. "The Ministerial Statement should not be debatable. There are priorities, such as the socio-economic situation. Let us not move from one crisis to another. We can discuss whatever we want in the National Dialogue, which is discussing the national defense strategy."
To conclude, Sayyed Nasrallah opened a very sensitive issue which is the issue of drugs, stressing that all Lebanese were concerned with it.
"Some are seeking to destroy our social environment. The issue of drugs is very dangerous, even more dangerous than robbery and illegitimate sexual relations. All our values collapse when we become addicted to drugs," Sayyed Nasrallah warned.
His eminence urges all Lebanese to cooperate with the government to fight this new phenomenon. "We have to cooperate with the government, all of us, to deal with the issue of drugs. All sects, all religious figures, parents, everyone is concerned and the security forces need to undertake this responsibility. Israel is working to diffuse drugs in our country as part of its war against us."
Sayyed Nasrallah ended his speech by renewing pledge to all the martyrs who defended Lebanon, to keep Lebanon a sovereign unified country, the country of stability and civilization.
Hizbullah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah declared on Wednesday that the battle with Israel next time would start from "beyond and beyong Haifa" instead of "Haifa and beyond Haifa," emphasizing that the Resistance doesn't seek war but is ready for any form of confrontation with the enemy.
Sayyed Nasrallah was speaking through a large TV screen commemorating the annual Martyr's Day in the framework of a ceremony held by Hizbullah at the southern suburb of Beirut.
Sayyed Nasrallah addressed Israeli, renewing commitment to the Resistance's pattern and choice. "Send as many Israeli brigades as you want, send even your whole army, we will destroy them in our valleys and mountains," his eminence said, addressing Israeli Prime Minister, war Minister and chief of staff.
While calling the Lebanese security apparatuses to reopen the file of collaborators with Israel, Sayyed Nasrallah emphasized that the Lebanese want for the new government to be one of national cooperation and national coherence instead of being a barricades the government.
Hizbullah Secretary General emphasized that the success of the government benefits the Resistance in Lebanon, but called on ministers to cooperate and work as one team to achieve such success. "Let the government work and don't set realistic goals in the ministerial declaration," his eminence said, addressing Lebanon's Prime Minister and his ministers. "Let Lebanon rest and the dialogue table can consider any thorny issue," his eminence added.
Regionally, Sayyed Nasrallah called for more regional cooperation and for a Saudi-Iranian rapprochement, saying that communication between the two mentioned countries should be established. His eminence called on for efforts to stop the war in Yemen, rejecting claims that it was of a sectarian nature.
Hizbullah Secretary General started his speech by focusing on the importance of the martyr's day to remember the Resistance's martyrs and the sacrifices they have paid for the sake of the country.
Martyr's Day is celebrated on the 11th of November of each year as a tribute to martyr Ahmed Qassir, who initiated martyrdom operations against Israeli occupation forces in south Lebanon.
"We chose this day to be Hizbullah Martyr's Day although we believe that we belong to all martyrs who sacrificed themselves to protect the country, the nation and the Dignity," Sayyed Nasrallah said. "However, and since we are a part of this nation and its Resistance and Jihad, we have our martyrs. When we talk about Hezbollah's martyr, we don't ignore other martyrs of the Resistance in the region and all the generations that refuse occupation."
"We chose November 11 to be Hizbullah Martyr's Day because it's the day of the martyrdom of Ahmad Kassir who chose Jihad, the hero of the first martyrdom operation in Tyr, the operation that destroyed the enemy's arrogance before destroying one of its well-fortified strongholds. We consider this day a great day for the Resistance, a day in which the enemy felt himself inconsiderable, weak, defeated and astonished."
"Today, we recognize our martyrs' sacrifices since 1982, including in 2000 and in 2006, when the project to create a new Middle East failed. In today, like every year, we pay tribute to our martyrs, we remember their achievements and victories, we renew commitment to continue their path without hesitation and to remain loyal to their commandments," Sayyed Nasrallah pointed out.
"Today, we meet here in a part of Beirut's southern suburb, the suburb that was profaned by the enemy alongside Beirut, the Mount, the South and the Bekaa. But all these regions, except the Shebaa Farms, have returned thanks to the martyrs' sacrifices. Today, we thank them from all our heart to everything they did and we tell them that we are living powerfully and in dignity due to their bloodshed and sacrifices."
Following this introduction, Sayyed Nasrallah started his political speech by focusing on the US administration's continuous and flagrant support for the Israeli enemy. "A few months ago, when Barack Obama was elected as US President and a new American administration saw light, many had high hopes and believed that major changes will happen in favor of the Arab and Islamic world and that there would be a reform policy and more human approach than that of former US President George W. Bush. However, the truth was quickly revealed and all these illusions quickly failed, especially during the few last weeks. The result was obviously a full US commitment to Israel's interest and security, disregarding the dignity and feelings of the Arab and Muslim people and governments."
Sayyed Nasrallah then turned to the military level and pointed to the US-Israeli latest drills. "Elite US military units come to occupied Palestine and perform joint drills with Israelis. They claim these drills aim to prepare for facing potential rockets from Syria, Iran, Lebanon and Gaza. So, for the first time since tens of years and perhaps since the creation of the Zionist entity, the US forces are in occupied Palestine to impose themselves true partners in any confrontation imposed by Israel. This is something that we didn't even see with the former administration of George W. Bush."
His eminence then recalled of the US continuous support to Israel since the 2006 July war against Lebanon. "Since the July War, the US has offered Israel complete military and logistic support. The Obama administration came and sought to play the "hero" game claiming to spare efforts to suspend settlements. But I told you since the beginning it was just a trick and this is what happened, causing a sort of frustration within the Palestinians."
Commenting on the statement of a Palestinian diplomat who said that Palestinians have conducted 18 years of failed diplomacy, Sayyed Nasrallah said: "Eighteen years of negotiations resulted in failure and frustration alongside the persistence in occupation while eighteen years of resistance which liberated Beirut, Bekaa, Mount and South."
Sayyed Nasrallah then pointed to the "double standards" of the international community. "The US, which is supplying Israel with technology and weapons, is requesting the full implementation of UN Security Resolutions. The US, which defends and protects Israel as it violates the resolutions, is urging Lebanon to fully implement the international resolutions. It's the US that's also working to prevent voting on the Goldstone report within the Security Council, a report that unfortunately equalizes the victim and the hangman. But, unfortunately, we have reached a stage where we accept that the violator and the violated are treated equivalently."
"We tell all those who asked us to give the Americans some time... it turned out that presenting a black president from the third world was a trick that ended faster than we expected. Meanwhile, Israel maintains its armament, espionage cells and reconnaissance planes and spying devices. It continues to exploit any incident, whether a real or fabricated one, as part of its war on Lebanon, Palestine and Resistance movements."
"The Israeli are still conducting their psychological war against Lebanon and Gaza," Sayyed Nasrallah said, pointing to the Israeli first reaction following the birth of the Lebanese government. "When the Lebanese cabinet was formed the first reaction by Israel was threatening the Lebanese government because Hizbullah took part in its cabinet. Actually, Hizbullah was part of the previous governments as well."
Meanwhile, Sayyed Nasrallah warned against attempts to portray conflicts in the region as "sectarian" ones and called for more regional cooperation to fight such attempts.
"Tensions are rising in the Arab world and there are attempts to convey them as sectarian strife in order to further divide the region through creating priorities other than the liberation of lands occupied by Israel."
"We cannot rely on the US to resolve our conflicts when it creates and funds them. Arab leaders should deploy national efforts to resolve their crises," Sayyed Nasrallah emphasized. "In this regard, we take positively the major role played by Turkey, and we are with "Sunni" Turkey if it defends Gaza and Lebanon more than "Shiite" Iran," Sayyed Nasrallah said in response to "sectarian" comments.
"We also take positively the Syrian-Saudi summit, and we were the first to reap its fruits. We look positively at any rapprochement in the region, such as the Iranian-Qatari one. Even more, we call for a Saudi-Iranian rapprochement to establish communication between the two countries. Let there be an Iranian initiative toward Saudi Arabia, or a Saudi Arabian initiative toward Iran."
Turning to Yemen, Sayyed Nasrallah called on for efforts to stop the war in Yemen, rejecting claims that it was of a sectarian nature. "How could it be sectarian? Is President Ali Abdallah Saleh from a sect different than the Houthis'?" his eminence wondered, stressing that the crisis in Yemen is political by nature. "But they are seeking to turn it into sectarian and this is very dangerous and should be stopped."
Hizbullah Secretary General then praised the latest speech of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad delivered during an economic conference in Turkey. His eminence said he appreciates Assad's call for adopting Resistance and called to generalize it on the Arab and Islamic levels. "In the Resistance, we are always proud of those who stand at our side. We're never ashamed of our friendship with Syria, Iran, Turkey, Venezuella and all those who back and support us."
Turning into the Lebanese internal crisis, Sayyed Nasrallah chose to start by commenting the Israeli threats against Lebanon. "The Israelis are trying to talk about a war, and when they talk about some rockets in Gaza and Lebanon, they want to create an atmosphere and advocate a possible war. But there is another possibility; that this means never engaging in a war," Sayyed Nasrallah pointed out.
"When Israeli chief of staff talks about tens of thousands of rockets, he knows we will neither confirm nor deny. But he might be telling his people that if they want to engage in a new war it would not be like in 2006. He's telling them that there won't be one place in occupied Palestine that wouldn't be threatened by rockets and missiles. He is saying that not only Haifa, Netanya and Tel Aviv will be displaced in the next battle but all Israeli settlements."
While reiterating that "bargaining on regional or international pressure is useless," Sayyed Nasrallah emphasized that Hizbullah doesn't seek a war but is ready for all possibilities. "As Lebanese, we should ensure that the Israeli enemy's psychological war will fail. Israel has to understand that if it launches a war on Lebanon, all the Lebanese will together defend their nation. Through our resistance we will turn this threat into an opportunity," Sayyed Nasrallah highlighted.
Hizbullah Secretary General stressed that Lebanese are able of turning any threat into an opportunity. "The Israelis are saying that their air force cannot win such a war. They only have the option of an extended land operation. We will turn this threat into an opportunity."
"Next time the battle will start from beyond and beyond Haifa instead of Haifa and beyond Haifa," the Resistance's leader pledged, adding that "the geographical nature of the south, and Lebanon in general, was created by God to humiliate and destroy the occupiers."
"We are more trained and prepared. We evaluated the war as well and addressed our weak points," his eminence said, before addressing Israelis: "Send as many (Israeli) brigades as you want, send even your whole army, we will destroy them in our valleys and mountains."
On the new government formation, Sayyed Nasrallah congratulated the Lebanese on its birth following a long delay, refusing to re-open to stage of the formation process for many considerations. "However, I have a quick comment. Now that the government has been formed, people discovered that much of the analyses of media and politicians and experts were false. I used to laugh whenever I heard them saying that Hizbullah is obstructing the cabinet because Iran wants to take something in its nuclear issue. This is really funny. Let those political experts and philosophers return to logic before delivering statements."
"Our goal since the first day was the cabinet formation and we have never considered the size of our share," Sayyed Nasrallah stressed.
Meanwhile, Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that "the success of the government benefits Lebanon and the resistance in Lebanon," and urged patience in raising major issues so that the country can rest.
"We want for the government to be a government of national cooperation and national coherence instead of being a barricades government," Sayyed Nasrallah stressed.
His eminence called on the PM and the ministers not to set unreachable targets. "The Ministerial Statement should not be debatable. There are priorities, such as the socio-economic situation. Let us not move from one crisis to another. We can discuss whatever we want in the National Dialogue, which is discussing the national defense strategy."
To conclude, Sayyed Nasrallah opened a very sensitive issue which is the issue of drugs, stressing that all Lebanese were concerned with it.
"Some are seeking to destroy our social environment. The issue of drugs is very dangerous, even more dangerous than robbery and illegitimate sexual relations. All our values collapse when we become addicted to drugs," Sayyed Nasrallah warned.
His eminence urges all Lebanese to cooperate with the government to fight this new phenomenon. "We have to cooperate with the government, all of us, to deal with the issue of drugs. All sects, all religious figures, parents, everyone is concerned and the security forces need to undertake this responsibility. Israel is working to diffuse drugs in our country as part of its war against us."
Sayyed Nasrallah ended his speech by renewing pledge to all the martyrs who defended Lebanon, to keep Lebanon a sovereign unified country, the country of stability and civilization.