Sheikh Qassem: The Resistance was able to direct the spotlights on the real threat that is "Israel"
Hizbollah Site Staff, 23-10-2009
‘Jihad al-Bina' for development association opened the annual exhibition for agricultural products "Ardhi" (My land) in the Sayyed Shohada Hall in Ruwais, in Beirut's southern suburb with the participation of a large crowd of influential figures from political, professional, municipal, trade unionist and farmers domains.
The opening ceremony was hosted by Hizbullah Deputy Secretary General, His Eminence Sheikh Naim Qassem, who delivered a speech in which he said that "The resistance was able to correct the spot lights' focus on the real danger we face in our region that is ‘Israel'."
"America, the European countries and the Security Council concerned about the scandal, spent their time anxious, because they thought that since 1948 they have influenced the Arab reality with a certain degree of normalization that accepts ‘Israel' as part of the region, yet the resistance came to reveal the secret to say that ‘Israel' is criminal, murderous and an occupier."
"‘Israel' kills children and women, destroys homes, uses banned cluster bombs, kills innocent people, and now this, a major scandal the resistance was able to shed light on again. The resistance accomplished liberation in year 2000 and victory in 2006, after that date the glow of the victories era we are living in will, God willing, continue."
He further added: "Yes, we inflicted ‘Israel' with military and security defeat. Do not underestimate the uncovering of ‘Israeli' spy networks where some spies had spent twenty or twenty-five years in collaboration."
"These captured networks in various Lebanese territories shook the ‘Israeli' enemy entity's core, and exposed the fragility of its abilities and potential, we are not to underestimate the detection of spy devices in the border region between the villages of Mays al-Jabal and Hula either, this is a major qualitative accomplishment by the resistance, where ‘Israel' was exposed, and its capabilities revealed in spite of the means available to it."
His Eminence directed a question to those who dislike the confrontation with "Israel": What do you do as a way of confronting it? What do say about its assaults?
"What surprised me," he said "is that some upon hearing of the detection of the ‘Israeli' spy devices, unable to bear criticizing ‘Israel' for its violation of the UN resolution 1701, they opted for equating between all parties in violating resolution 1701, basing this on the opinion that people in Lebanon are neutral and unrelated to us or to "Israel", thus placing us and "Israel" within the same circle in relation to violations! Anyway those sides are known to be exposed."
On the government issue His Eminence indicated that those wanting a national unity government have become known, everyone has stated their opinions, and if you ask the people: a national unity Government to be made up of whom? They will say by most parties in Lebanon.
Some do not want a government of national unity but a majority government, one that takes into account the election results and puts ceiling limits to disallow the formation of a national unity government.
Those who do want a national unity government are the ones sabotaging it.