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Ramadan 2025


Shiekh Qassem’s Speech on February 2- 2025

Shiekh Qassem’s Speech on February 2- 2025
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By Staff

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. May prayers and salutations be upon the most deserving of creatures, our master and beloved leader, Abu al-Qasim Muhammad, upon his pure and noble family, upon his chosen and pious companions, and upon all the prophets and righteous until the Day of Judgment.

Peace and Allah’s mercy and blessings be upon you.

Today, we will talk about the situation in southern Lebanon as well as the funeral procession of the Master of the Nation’s Martyrs, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.

But before that, I will start with two things:

  1. The first matter is related to the holy month of Sha'ban. It is the month of the Messenger of Allah. There are many birth anniversaries in this month. On the third of Sha'ban – which is today – Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) was born. This great Imam is the third Imam of the Prophet’s family. He wrote epics of heroism and was the Master of the Martyrs of the People of Paradise and the Master of Martyrs.

On the fourth of Sha’ban is the birth of Aba al-Fadl al-Abbas, Imam Hussein’s beloved and dear brother. He’s the protector of the clan and the moon of Bani Hashim. He was able to take a great and noble stance despite his wounds and hands and was a model and symbol of heroes and brave men.

On the fifth of Sha’ban, Imam Ali bin Al-Hussein Zayn Al-Abidin, the fourth Imam, was born. He’s the Imam known for the Al-Sahifa Al-Sajjadiyya and the supplications, including Makarim Al-Akhlaq, which is considered a complete constitution for human life. In this blessed month, the month of obedience, we ask God Almighty that it be a blessing for Muslims and a prelude to righteous deeds and worship that pave the way for the blessed month of Ramadan.

  1. We must offer our condolences and congratulate the struggling Palestinian people in Gaza, the West Bank, and 1948 territories. We must also offer our condolences and congratulate the leaders of the mujahideen in occupied Palestine and steadfast Gaza.

We condole and congratulate them on the [martyrdom] of the commander of the General Staff of the Qassam Brigades, martyred leader Muhammed Deif (Abu Khaled), his deputy Marwan Issa, and all the martyred leaders who proved their worthiness in the battlefield. They were the ones who gave this great momentum.

Mercy be upon these martyrs, and may they be achieve high ranks. To the wounded in Gaza, to the imprisoned, to the families, to the children, to the men, to the women, all greetings for this nobility and sacrifices.

You are truly worthy of a dignified life. We congratulate you on the release of the captives and the prisoners who were serving lengthy prison terms and life sentences. This is a real victory for the Palestinian people.

Congratulations on the results you have achieved and the continuation of the Resistance. We congratulate all the Palestinian people without exception, the support fronts, and everyone who loved you, worked with you, and followed in your footsteps.

  1. Developments in Lebanon and south Lebanon:

I will start with the first point which has to do with developments in southern Lebanon and in Lebanon. Where are we now?

The Lebanese state agreed to extend the ceasefire until February 18. Therefore, we consider that the Lebanese state is fully responsible to follow up, pressure, and try to prevent as much as it can, through the sponsors and international pressures, so that “Israeli” violations and aggression stop. Is this a ceasefire agreement and “Israel” is violating it and launching attacks?

“Israel” has not only been breaching this agreement, but it has also been launching an aggression against Nabatiye, Zawtar, Janta, and the border.

This is not considered a breach of the agreement, but rather an initial aggression since the agreement has nothing to do with areas.

In any case, the Lebanese state is still responsible, alongside the major countries that sponsored this agreement, to ensure its implementation and force “Israel” to implement it. We know that America runs the “Israeli” policy and is involved in all “Israeli” criminal acts and the aggression that took place in Lebanon, Palestine, and the entire region. If the US considers itself a promoter of this agreement, then it should pressure the entity to halt this aggression.

Hezbollah and the Islamic Resistance have been patient all this time because we want the state to have its full opportunity to achieve a ceasefire and abide by the agreement.

We know that “Israel” is violating and does not care. ?his also affects the morale of our people and among the majority of those who expect this agreement to be implemented, but the state must bear its responsibility. As for us as a Resistance, I say clearly, the Resistance is a path and a choice, and we act according to our assessment and in the right time.

There is a counter-campaign sponsored by the United States, "Israel," and foreign countries, accompanied by an internal team in which they are attempting to portray an image of defeat. Why are you promoting defeat? Our people are aware that there is no unconditional victory; we did not talk about absolute victory; we were victorious in the historic steadfastness of the Mujahideen on the frontlines, thwarting the "Israeli" invasion of our lands, and preventing the enemy from eradicating the Resistance.

We were able to achieve these goals. This is very important, and it’s a victory. On the other hand, we made sacrifies and lost a lot, including the Master of the Nation’s Martyrs Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, Sayyed Hashem Safieddine, and many other leaders. There were many martyrs, wounded, and prisoners. Many homes, farms, and villages were also destroyed. These are real losses on the ground and in the battlefield. However, this is a battle where you win some and lose some.

What clearly matters to us is that our people live a dignified life and liberate their land. Our resistance including, Hezbollah, the Amal Movement, the Resistance fighters, and all the people who participated in this resistance work held their heads high. The Mujahideen displayed an unparalleled and legendary steadfastness.

Let us look at the scene on Sunday, January 26, i.e. day 60 when the ceasefire deadline ended and required “Israel” to withdraw from southern Lebanon. what happened that day?

The villagers – men, children, and women – rushed to the front lines. The “Israeli” tanks fired at them, but they did not budge; they stayed in the field, and some 25 martyrs were killed, and dozens were wounded; some villagers were even captured [by the “Israelis”]. Yet, they did not budge from the place.

This scene expresses a popular liberation stance and a noble stance to restore the land. This is the position of those who love their land regardless of the sacrifices. This is a great scene that must be written down in history.

These people are creating the present and the future; they are the ones who will write down the noble, honorable, national, free, and independent history. If we asked who liberated Lebanon? [The answer will be] this proud people with its Resistance and army.

Who stood up to the “Israeli” tyranny backed by the Americans and all the world's tyrants? The answer will be this proud people (men and women), some of whom were martyred and were not afraid, others were wounded and continued, and some were prisoners and did not retreat.

The holy verse comes to mind: {The believers, both men and women, are guardians of one another. They encourage good and forbid evil, establish prayer and pay alms-tax, and obey Allah and His Messenger. It is they who will be shown Allah’s mercy. Surely Allah is Almighty, All-Wise.}

Here, everyone is in the battlefield and working. Praise be to Allah, the people are side by side with the Lebanese army and the proud Resistance in making all these sacrifices.

Notice this man who was carrying his son's skull – from the Tahini family. When they asked him how he felt? He said my feelings are like those of Imam Hussein when he carried his child in Karbala. Asked if he would keep coming even though he’s almost finished searching for his son's body, he replied, “Yes, we will continue, me, my children, and my grandchildren. This is an example.

The sister from the Shahimi family … I remember that I visited their family once because they have two martyrs in the house. When I visited them in the house, the children, grandchildren, men, and women all gathered. I told them that them that they are all role models. They told me that everyone belonging to this household shares these calculations, positions, and faith. It is also natural that this family gives this brave and mujahida martyr. I was not surprised because if the whole household, young and old, share this position, it is only natural for this family to offer this woman a martyr.

I’ll mention another example about a sister from Houla whose brother was one of the first to be martyred in the latest battle, the battle of popular liberation. They asked her, what is your impression? She said, thank God, he got what he wished for. They asked her if she wished that he wasn’t killed here but rather martyred somewhere else during a confrontation. She said, ‘no, he did his job in the right place. May God bless him, and I am proud of him.’ I consider this a great and wonderful example.

The people's Resistance integrates with the armed Resistance and the Lebanese Army. The south gave us a great image. The south says that there is no possibility for “Israel” to remain in it or remain an occupier. Everyone should know that the sacrifices, no matter how great, will ultimately lead to the liberation of the land and to the exit of “Israel”.

They say look at the number of martyrs, the blood spilt, and the destruction. I tell them look at the steadfastness and liberation and the most honorable people and protectors of the homeland. While America is leading you to dependency, they are leading you to dignity, liberation, and pride.

Of course, I have begun to notice that there is a generalization. When you read the newspapers or watch the media, you will always find an expression being used when talking about Hezbollah, the Resistance, and the statements of officials. They say that we are outside of history and that we still do not know what happened. This has become a system that they use. They say that we are outside of history and far from reality.

I tell you: People of principle do not succumb to pressure. They do not abandon their principles when they get hurt or wounded. It does not interest us to be subordinates of the United States, neither can their promises of keeping us alive while they impose choices on us drive us to abandon our morals.

We accept dignity and pride even if we are all killed. Kill us, and our people will become more and more aware. This is what Imam Khomeini used to say. Dependence, humiliation, and the entrenchment of "Israel" is a foreign decision. If we do not stop it at its beginning, we will not be able to stop it later.

That is why they are committing horiffic crimes to try to bring us to our knees. We will not bow down to anyone. We will not surrender. The Islamic Resistance will remain and Hezbollah will remain. The banner will remain raised high. We will not change our direction and convictions for they are based on righteousness.

Why do we resist? Because our land is occupied. Why do we confront them? Because we reject subordination. Why do we make sacrifices? Because we want to pass on to the future generations a dear and generous homeland. Why do we say no to “Israel” and America and confront them with all these sacrifices? Because they are a group that wants to corrupt the world and control everything.

Anyway, some of them realized from the scene on Sunday, January 26 that the people entered villages that “Israel” withdrew from. Let me ask them this. Why did “Israel” bomb and kill people if these villages were liberated? Did “Israel” le you in to its secret? Do you know that “Israel” will leave without confrontation?

We saw what it did in Syria and in every place they try to occupy. And I want to ask you, why do you give justifications for “Israel”? It’s better for yo to be quiet. What do you want me to say about you when you are justifying “Israel’s” aggression, killing, and occupation? What do the people say about you as you tell this “Israeli” story?

At least, let us hear you criticize the violations, request from you to establish the ceasefire agreement, or hear you appreciate the martyrs, the martyrs of the homeland, pride, and dignity. In any case, I won't say anything about you, but I hope you listen to what the people are saying about you in these situations.

  1. Funeral of Sayyed Hassan:

God Almighty said in His Noble Book: {Among the believers are men who have proven true to what they pledged to Allah. Some of them have fulfilled their pledge [with their lives, others are waiting [their turn]. They have never changed [their commitment] in the least.}

Our greatest, most sacred martyr, the Master of the Nation's Martyrs, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, was martyred under difficult circumstances that did not allow for a grand funeral that is suitable for this exemplary figure.

Sayyed Hassan captured the hearts of the nation and the world. This martyr was able to be a model, a symbol, a leader, and a beloved and devoted person for the sake of God Almighty. This martyr is a true icon before the whole world and all the free people. I believe that he is an unparalleled figure.

Due to security consoderation, His Eminence, the Master of the Nation’s Martyrs was buried in his current resting place temporarily. We chose Sunday, February 23, 2025 to hold the funeral of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah. It will be a grand and massive funeral procession that will be attended by local figures and foreign dignitaries as well as parties and officials. We hope that it will worthy of this great figure, and I believe that it will confirm the message of His Eminence, the Master of the Nation’s Martyrs, and will have a great impact.

Sayyed Hashem Safieddine’s funeral procession will also be held at the same time and as part of the same funeral procession. He will be mourned as the Secretary-General of Hezbollah; in fact, three or four days after the martyrdom of Sayyed Hassan on September 27, Sayyed Safieddine had been appointed Hezbollah’s Secretary-General based on the mechanism adopted by the party. However, he was martyred on the October 3rd, a day or two before the announcement was to be made. We consider that His Eminence Sayyed Hashem Safieddine was martyred as Secretary-General, and we decided to postpone this announcement until this time on the basis that this title will be present during the funeral procession.

Martyr Sayyed Hashem was generous and a mujahid. He was a supporter of the Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan. He was always concerned with the affairs of the people, and his concern for the mujahideen was very special.

Hence, the funeral processions of the Secretary-General, His Eminence the Master of the Nation’s Martyrs, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, and the Secretary-General His Eminence Sayyed Hashem Safieddine will be held on February 23. It will be one funeral procession, but the burial place will be in two separate areas.

Sayyed Hassan’s final resting place will be in an area between the old and new airport roads. As for Sayyed Hashem, he will be buried in his village of Deir Qanoun, south Lebanon. In any case, all the funeral details will be announced, God willing, by those concerned. We have formed a committee called the Supreme Committee for the Funeral Ceremonies of the Supreme Martyr and the Hashemite Martyr.

This committee will set all the plans and work programs. The slogan that will be raised during funeral procession is “We remain loyal to the pledge.” We will continue. We are committed to our pledge. God willing, we will continue on the path of the martyred Sayyed and the Hashemite Sayyed. We will be among those who carry this banner to the end, God willing, and to successive victories.

On this occasion, I would like to make two remarks:

  1. Some people are accustomed to shooting in the air in celebration or funerals. We call on everyone to abstain from shooting in the air before, during, and after and for any reason and at any time.

Shooting in the air is an evil act and harms people. The person shooting in the air is responsible for the consequences of his act because he is committing a very bad act that unlawful and completely inconsistent with customs, Sharia, humanity, or morals.

How many times have we heard about people who have been harmed by these shootings, be it being wounded or killed, in addition to the disturbance and terror they cause to people. I call on you, as the Master of Nation’s Martyrs once did, not to shoot in the air on any occasion, even on the great and grand funeral procession because this is an evil act that we do not believe in.

  1. A few days ago, an incident involving a motorcycle procession that drove through several areas other than Dahiyeh under the pretext of celebrating the heroic resistance that took place in southern Lebanon during the popular liberation. We condemn this act.

We do not agree with these festive manifestations. This act does not serve national unity, Islamic unity, the Resistance, our march, or liberation. This is a reprehensible act.

We have nothing to do with this procession that drove through areas outside Dahiyeh. Even in Dahiye, we call on them to stop with this behavior during celebrations that do more damage.

We did not issue a statement when the motorcycle procession drove through western or eastern areas. But we are completely against this act, even if they raised the Hezbollah flag.

You know that there are people who raise our flags just to implicate us and the Amal Movement and say that we are the ones who gave them the instructions. We are against this form of expressing joy or sadness. Of course, we have nothing to do with these individuals. We call on the security and judicial authorities to take all measures to stop and punish those who shoot in the air and also those who enter other areas in a provocative and harmful manner.

I ask God Almighty to grant us success in all good things. May Allah’s peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you.