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Speech of Hezbollah SG Sheikh Naim Qassem: Gaza A Symbol of Resistance

Speech of Hezbollah SG Sheikh Naim Qassem: Gaza A Symbol of Resistance
folder_openLebanon access_timeone month ago
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By Staff

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. May prayers and salutations be upon the most deserving of creatures, our master and beloved leader, Abu al-Qasim Muhammad, upon his pure and noble family, upon his chosen and pious companions, and upon all the prophets and righteous until the Day of Judgment.

Peace and Allah’s mercy and blessings be upon you.

I thank the organizers of this event, the International Gaza Day, the day of victory over the brutal “Israeli” enemy. The Al-Aqsa Flood revived the Palestinian cause. Its echo reached all parts of the world and sparked global interest, to the point that we saw demonstrations in America, France, Britain, and other Western countries. This is a real revolution on a global scene.

The “Israeli” and American war on Gaza is their project for Palestine; it’s a project of annihilation and wiping out of existence the name of Palestine from the international map. This religious and strategic dimension is recorded for Imam Khomeini in his view of the “Israeli” occupation when he said that “‘Israel’ must be eliminated from existence” because it is an aggressive entity that wants to abolish the rights of the Palestinian people.

The honorable and struggling Palestinian people, including the youth, men, women, children, the brave and great resistance, and the steadfast resistance fighters in the battlefield, are the pride of the nation, the title of dignity, and the creators of the future of liberated Palestine with Al-Quds, God willing, as a symbol of liberation.

{That [warning] was only [from] Satan, trying to prompt you to fear his followers. So do not fear them; fear Me if you are [true] believers.} Praise be to God, the followers of Satan did not frighten the followers of the Most Merciful.

The Resistance and the Palestinian people have foiled “Israel's” dangerous plan. The great sacrifices they made and the legendary steadfastness are indicators of the worthiness of this people and their resistance to regain their land, and they are capable of doing so.

Steadfastness now is the foundation of the future. The sacrifices were great. The head of the political bureau, Hajj Ismail Haniyeh, and the head of the political bureau, leader Yahya Sinwar, were martyred. 160,000 were martyred and wounded. There is systematic destruction of Gaza, but these sacrifices are what stopped the sinful project and prevented “Israel’s” attempts to erase the Palestinian cause and will lay the foundation, God willing, for the future.

The alternative to these sacrifices during the stages of the war is surrender. The people emerged honorable, and the Resistance held on to its weapons. The Hamas movement and the Al-Qassam Brigades, along with the Islamic Jihad and the Al-Quds Brigades as well as the rest of the resistance factions proved their worthiness in leading the resistance and its steadfastness. Congratulations to the Palestinian people, the people of Gaza, and the Resistance fighters. This agreement reached is the same one proposed in May 2024, indicating the steadfastness of the Resistance and that it took what it wanted and the “Israelis” were unable to obtain what they wanted.

The Palestinians managed to snatch this agreement despite the “Israeli”-American criminality against our people in Gaza.

Now, every Palestinian child will be born a resister, and we must read carefully the huge losses inflicted on the entity’s army and economy as well as its psychological, educational, and political situations. “Israel” is now an outcast on the international level; its image is bleak. The International Criminal Court’s condemnation is enough for us to know the great impact the Palestinian people’s resistance has had and exposed this “Israeli” entity.

The “Israelis” in the entity will not be stable in Palestine. Wait for the coming days and months to see the repercussions. As for the internal disputes within the “Israeli” entity, they will increase, God willing, and there is no solution in Palestine except by returning Palestine to its people.

History will record, as the field recorded, those who supported Gaza by making sacrifices and contributed to foiling the “Israeli” enemy's project.

The most prominent contributors are the Islamic Republic of Iran, led by Imam Khamenei, who did not miss an opportunity to emphasize standing with the Palestinian people and liberating Palestine from the sea to the river. Iran provided all kinds of military, moral, material, and political support. The blood of martyrs was also spilt for the sake of Palestine.

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard in Iran and the Quds Force worked tirelessly and gave martyrs. The martyr, the leader of the Axis of Resistance, Qassem Soleimani, is truly the martyr of Al-Quds. Hajj Mahdavi, Hajj Abbas, and others are all martyrs on the path to liberating Palestine.

Iran has been punished for decades because it directed its compass towards the liberation of Al-Quds. Greetings to the Iranian people who supported, backed, and followed the great leadership of Imam Khamenei (may his shadow be eternal) in supporting Palestine.

Meanwhile, Lebanon has given its utmost through Hezbollah, the Amal Movement, and the Lebanese people. Lebanon and Hezbollah have offered the Master of the Nation’s Martyrs, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, at the forefront, along with Sayyed Hashem Safieddine, jihadist leaders, martyrs, captives, and wounded. All of this was in support of Gaza and to repel the aggression against Lebanon.

Hezbollah’s resistance in Lebanon contributed to the victory in Gaza, and the young Resistance fighters engaged in legendary confrontation and stood as an impregnable barrier against the advance on the frontlines; their honorable families protected, supported, and backed them. Hezbollah and the Resistance fighters also thwarted “Israel's” goal of ending the Resistance in Lebanon, which emerged proud and dignified.

{But all honor and power belongs to Allah, His Messenger, and the believers.}

To those who dream of hostility, the Resistance in Lebanon will remain resilient against the American-“Israeli” project. It is strong and ready, is loyal to the blood of the martyrs, and will continue working to liberate the land and Palestine.

We have been patient with the violations to give a chance to the Lebanese state responsible for this agreement, along with the international sponsors, but I call on you not to test our patience.

I call on the Lebanese state to be firm in confronting violations, now numbering in the hundreds. This cannot continue. The agreement is exclusively in the south of the Litani River.

We emerged, thanks to God Almighty, with our heads held high and our weapons in the hands of the Resistance. Resolution 1701 is a general framework. As for the plans to benefit from the Resistance and its weapons, they are discussed within the defensive strategy and through dialogue within the framework of preserving Lebanon's strength, sovereignty, and independence. No one can exploit the results of the aggression in domestic politics, as the political path is separate from the Resistance’s situation.

Our contributions in Hezbollah and the Amal Movement were pivotal in electing the president by consensus. No one can exclude us from effective and influential political participation in the country. We are a basic component in the structure of Lebanon and its renaissance. Some of the frivolities in highlighting our exclusion from the stage are bubbles that will appear later, God willing.

Greetings to Yemen, its great leader Sayyed Abdul-Malik [Al-Houthi], and its noble, brave, and steadfast people for their sacrifices, with their fingers on the trigger for Palestine. Greetings to noble Iraq, its [religious] authority, people, and Popular Mobilization Units for their support for the Palestinian cause.

May God bless you all and place us among the people of victory on the right path with the victory of Gaza and with all the victories of the Resistance.

May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you.


