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America’s Role in the Killing of Innocents in Lebanon and Palestine

America’s Role in the Killing of Innocents in Lebanon and Palestine
folder_openLebanon access_time 3 days ago
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By Mohammad Hammoud

The United States plays a central role in the ongoing conflict between “Israel” and its neighbors, Lebanon and Palestine. By providing extensive military, financial, and diplomatic support to “Israel,” the US has facilitated a pattern of violence that has resulted in the deaths of thousands of civilians. From advanced weaponry and billions in annual aid to blocking international efforts to hold “Israel” accountable for its actions, America's involvement positions it as a prime enabler of the tragic loss of innocent lives in the region. This essay explores the multifaceted nature of US support for “Israel” and examines how this support contributes to the ongoing conflict and humanitarian crises.

Unwavering US Military Support

The United States provides “Israel” with overwhelming military assistance with $3.8 billion annually, totaled approximately $310 billion since 1948. The bulk of this aid is allocated to military assistance, making it one of the largest recipients of American foreign aid. In 2016, the US pledged $38 billion in military aid over a 10-year period, which includes advanced aircraft, missile defense systems, and other cutting-edge military technologies.

The United States provides “Israel” with substantial military assistance, amounting to 3.8 billion annually since 1948. The majority of this aid is allocated to military assistance, making “Israel” one of the largest recipients of American foreign aid. In 2016, the US pledged $38 billion in military aid over a 10-year period, which includes advanced aircraft, missile defense systems, and other cutting-edge military technologies.

Many of the fighter jets, drones, and missiles used by the “Israeli” military to kill civilians in Lebanon and Palestine are manufactured in the United States. For instance, F-35 fighter jets and Apache helicopters, both made in the US, have been used extensively in “Israeli” airstrikes. These airstrikes, often targeting densely populated civilian areas, have led to the deaths of thousands of civilians, including women and children.

Fueling the “Israeli” Economy

In addition to military aid, the US provides “Israel” with economic assistance, helping to bolster its economy even as the “Israeli” government continues military operations against Palestinians and Lebanese civilians. This economic backing allows “Israel” to maintain its military occupation of Palestinian territories and continue its blockade of Gaza—key elements of the ongoing conflict.

The “Israeli” economy, heavily reliant on US aid, uses these funds to sustain a military-industrial complex that perpetuates the cycle of violence in the region. By supporting “Israel’s” economy and ensuring it remains militarily dominant, the US indirectly fuels the occupation, the destruction of civilian infrastructure, and the killing of innocent civilians in Lebanon and Palestine.

US Diplomatic Shielding at the UN

One of the most significant ways the United States enables “Israeli” aggression is through its diplomatic support at the United Nations. The US has consistently used its veto power in the UN Security Council to block resolutions aimed at condemning “Israel’s” actions or calling for international interventions to protect Palestinian and Lebanese civilians. Since 1972, the US has vetoed numerous resolutions that sought to hold “Israel” accountable for its violations of international law, including those related to military actions, settlement expansions, and human rights abuses.

This diplomatic shield allows “Israel” to act with impunity. Whether “Israel” bombs a refugee camp in Lebanon or launches strikes against civilian neighborhoods in Gaza, the U.S. quickly defends “Israel’s” actions as self-defense, even when the violence disproportionately affects civilians. By blocking UN efforts to hold “Israel” accountable, the US ensures there are no consequences for these actions, perpetuating the cycle of violence and bloodshed. In doing so, the US becomes a partner in these massacres.

Civilian Casualties and Aiding Occupation

In Lebanon, “Israel’s” military actions, often justified as defensive measures, have repeatedly resulted in mass civilian casualties. During the 2006 Lebanon War, “Israeli” airstrikes and ground operations led to the deaths of over 1,000 Lebanese civilians, many of whom were killed in attacks on residential areas and critical infrastructure. The war displaced nearly one million people and caused widespread destruction, particularly in southern Lebanon. US-supplied weapons, including precision-guided munitions, were used in these attacks.

Similarly, in Gaza, US funded “Israeli” military campaigns have led to the deaths of thousands of Palestinian civilians. In conflicts such as Operation Cast Lead [2008-2009], Operation Protective Edge [2014], and the 2021 Gaza war, “Israeli” airstrikes and artillery bombardments caused widespread devastation. Civilians, often trapped in the densely populated Gaza Strip, have borne the brunt of these attacks, with homes, schools, and hospitals being targeted.

Since “Israel” was not sanctioned for its previous crimes in Lebanon and Gaza, it continues to repeat these actions, often with more destruction. Despite overwhelming evidence of civilian harm, the U.S. continues to provide “Israel” with the weapons and support needed to carry out these campaigns. Each time “Israel” launches a military offensive, it does so with the full backing of the United States, which supplies the weapons and shields “Israel” from international consequences.

The US also plays a role in supporting “Israel’s” ongoing occupation of Palestinian territories, which many international observers consider a violation of international law. American financial and military aid helps sustain “Israel’s” presence in the West Bank, where settlements continue to expand despite global condemnation. The occupation leads to daily human rights abuses, restrictions on movement, and violence against Palestinians living under “Israeli” control.


The United States bears significant responsibility for the deaths of thousands of innocent civilians in Lebanon and Palestine. By providing “Israel” with advanced weaponry, billions in financial aid, and unwavering diplomatic support, the US has enabled the continuation of “Israeli” military operations that have resulted in widespread suffering and destruction.

As long as the US continues to protect “Israel” from international accountability and supply it with the tools of war, the cycle of violence in the Middle East will persist. For true peace to be achieved, the US must shift from being an enabler of violence to a force for justice and peace. The international community must stand up to “Israeli” aggression, hold it accountable, and prioritize the protection of innocent civilians over geopolitical interests. Only then can the killing of innocents in Lebanon and Palestine come to an end.
