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Sayyed Nasrallah: Rafah Massacre Exposed True Face of “Israel”

Sayyed Nasrallah: Rafah Massacre Exposed True Face of “Israel”
folder_openLebanon access_time3 months ago
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By Al-Ahed News, Live Coverage

Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah delivered a speech on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, on the occasion of the three-day commemoration of his mother's passing.

Sayyed Nasrallah started his speech by apologizing for his inability to attend the funeral or receive visitors offering condolences for the passing of his beloved mother.

Firstly, the Secretary General’s words underscore the deep appreciation and solidarity felt during this time of mourning, he said: “On behalf of my dear father, brothers, sisters, family members and all our close relations, we extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who stood by us, empathized with us and offered their condolences”.

Expressing special gratitude to the families of the martyrs, Sayyed Nasrallah stated, “Thank you, and we are proud of you”.

His Eminence expressed gratitude to a wide array of nations and communities, saying, “Thanks to all those who consoled us from Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, India, Turkey, Yemen, Bahrain, Kuwait, Egypt, Tunisia, Mauritania and many African countries, Jordan, Morocco, Djibouti and the Lebanese communities in the diaspora”.

The Resistance Leader fondly remembered his late mother, describing her as a caring matriarch who prioritized her family's well-being, “The late mother was a mother caring of her family”. Additionally, he emphasized her willingness to help shoulder burdens, noting, "She was very helpful in carrying the burdens”. Furthermore, Sayyed Nasrallah recalled her patience and kindness towards her parents, highlighting, “She was patient, and kind to her parents”.

Elsewhere in the speech, Sayyed Nasrallah unequivocally condemned the Rafah massacre, citing it as irrefutable evidence of the “Israeli” enemy’s brutality, treachery and betrayal. He emphasized the gravity of the situation, remarking, “We are confronting an adversary devoid of values or morals, surpassing even the atrocities of the Nazis”.

Moreover, the Hezbollah Chief underscored the imperative for global awareness and action in response to such atrocities. He declared, “The horrific Rafah massacre must awaken all those who have remained indifferent or silent in the face of such egregious acts”.

Directly addressing nations that have normalized relations with the “Israeli” occupation entity, Sayyed Nasrallah challenged their capacity to confront such treachery. He questioned, “Can they effectively contend with these treacherous adversaries whose brutality knows no bounds?”

Furthermore, His Eminence shed light on the true nature of the Rafah massacre, asserting, “The Rafah massacre has stripped away the veneer of civility intended to disguise the true face of the ‘Israeli’ entity”.

The Secretary General also criticized the hypocrisy of the United States in its response to the Rafah events, stating, “The US's hypocritical stance regarding Rafah has been instrumental in recent developments”.

Nonetheless, Sayyed Nasrallah highlighted the International Court of Justice’s recent call to cease aggression, juxtaposing it with the “Israeli” entity’s violent reprisals. He observed, “Despite the International Court of Justice's appeal for de-escalation, ‘Israeli’ retaliation has manifested in violent incursions and abhorrent massacres”.

The Resistance Leader emphasized the urgent necessity to compel the Zionist entity to halt its genocidal massacres in Gaza. He underscored, “The ‘Israeli’ entity must face pressure to put an end to its devastating massacres in Gaza”.

Additionally, His Eminence reflected on the enduring impact of the Rafah massacre, noting, “No efforts could redeem the monstrous image of the ‘Israeli’ entity following the horrors of the Rafah carnage”.

Also in his speech, Sayyed Nasrallah issued a stark warning, asserting that the recent massacres should serve as a cautionary tale for those who rely on international institutions and laws to safeguard Lebanon's interests. He stated, "These massacres must serve as a wake-up call for us and for those who place their trust in the international community and its legal frameworks to protect Lebanon”.

Addressing those who remain indifferent or negligent, the Hezbollah Head delivered a poignant message, warning them of the haunting images and sounds of Gaza's innocent children that will leave an indelible mark on their conscience. He remarked, "The cries and dismembered bodies of Gaza’s children will echo in your ears and stain your conscience with their bloodied faces and severed heads”.

Continuing his admonishment, Sayyed Nasrallah emphasized the importance of resilience and unity in the face of adversity. He emphasized, “Your strength, unity and steadfastness, along with the sacrifices of our martyrs, are our true defense. Surrendering to the ineffectual international community will not protect us”.

Reflecting on Lebanon's history of resistance, the Secretary General recalls the sacrifices made in the struggle for liberation. He declared, “In the month of May, we reclaimed our land through the sacrifice of countless martyrs and the resilience of our Resistance fighters”.

Furthermore, Sayyed Nasrallah predicted the inevitable downfall of the “Israeli” enemy in light of their egregious actions, particularly the Rafah massacre. He asserted, “The Rafah massacre, along with other atrocities committed by the ‘Israeli’ enemy, will only hasten its demise and ultimate defeat”.

In a resolute declaration, His Eminence expressed his unwavering conviction that there is no place for the oppressive “Israeli” entity in the region’s future. He boldly stated, “We foresee no future for this Nazi-like ‘Israeli’ entity in our region”.
