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Hamas Denounces “Israeli” Brutality Following Release of Palestinian Prison Torture Footage

Hamas Denounces “Israeli” Brutality Following Release of Palestinian Prison Torture Footage
folder_openPalestine access_time 9 days ago
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By Staff, Agencies

Hamas has strongly condemned the “Israeli” entity's torture and mistreatment of Palestinian detainees at “Megiddo” Prison, urging the International Committee of the Red Cross [ICRC] to document these abuses.

In a statement, Hamas described the treatment of Palestinian abductees in “Megiddo” Prison as indicative of the occupying forces' deep-seated hatred and sadism.

"The humiliation of the Palestinian prisoners in ‘Megiddo’ Prison by the occupying forces and their Nazi prison service shows the hatred and sadism of the prison guards towards the Palestinians," Hamas declared.

“These crimes are part of the occupying ‘Israeli’ entity’s ongoing brutal treatment of Palestinian prisoners, which includes torture, mistreatment, starvation, deliberate medical negligence and deprivation of fundamental human rights. As a result, the number of Palestinians who have lost their lives due to negligence and torture has surpassed 60,” the statement added.

Leaked footage from “Megiddo” Prison has revealed “Israeli” forces abusing Palestinian prisoners and terrorizing them with sniffer dogs. The video shows numerous prisoners lying on the ground with their hands bound behind their backs, some without clothing, while “Israeli” security personnel intimidate them with dogs.

Hamas has urged international human rights organizations and the ICRC to document these abuses and other severe crimes against Palestinian detainees.

The organization has also called on global bodies to take urgent action to pressure the “Israeli” entity and its Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to halt these blatant violations of international law and standards regarding prisoner treatment, and to hold “Israeli” leaders accountable for their ongoing crimes.

The Ministry of Detainees and Ex-Detainees’ Affairs in Gaza condemned the situation, stating, "The occupying Zionist entity, under the supervision of extremist and terrorist minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, has transformed prisons and detention centers into death chambers.”

“Israeli” newspaper “Haaretz” has confirmed that the incident occurred in the prison's security section, where “Israeli” guards handcuffed and abused the prisoners.

Reports indicate that “Israeli” authorities maintain Palestinian abductees under deplorable conditions, lacking proper hygiene and subjecting them to systematic torture, harassment, and repression.

Human rights organizations have consistently highlighted “Israel’s” violations of prisoners' rights as outlined in the Fourth Geneva Convention and international law.

According to the Palestine Detainees Studies Center, around 60 percent of Palestinian prisoners in “Israeli” jails suffer from chronic diseases, with many having died either in detention or shortly after release due to the severity of their conditions.

In response to their dire circumstances, Palestinian detainees have frequently resorted to open-ended hunger strikes to protest their illegal detention and poor treatment.
