Sayyed Nasrallah’s Full Speech on Hezbollah Martyr’s Day

Translated By Al-Ahed News
Speech of Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah marking Martyr’s Day 11-11-2023
I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan. In the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Merciful. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon our Master and Prophet, the Seal of Prophets, Abi al-Qassem Muhammad Bin Abdullah, and his good and pure household and his good and chosen companions and all the prophets and messengers.
Peace and Allah's mercy and blessings be upon you all.
Brothers and sisters, honorable attendees, and honorable families who gathered on this day, Martyr’s Day, in various places, in Hermel, in Baalbek, in Nabatieh, in Deir Qanoun al-Nahr, in Al-Maysarah-Keserwan, and here in the southern suburbs.
Distinguished scholars, the families of the martyrs, brothers, and sisters, may God’s peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you all.
God Almighty says in His Glorious Book:
In the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Merciful.
{Allah has indeed purchased from the believers their lives and wealth in exchange for Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah and kill or are killed. This is a true promise binding on Him in the Torah, the Gospel, and the Quran. And whose promise is truer than Allah’s. So rejoice in the exchange you have made with Him. That is [truly] the ultimate triumph.}
Allah Almighty is truthful.
After welcoming the distinguished attendees and expressing pride in the martyrs and the families of the martyrs, this day, 11-11 of every year, is Hezbollah Martyr’s Day in our traditions, customs, and commitments. Here, I mean every martyr from the start of the resistance march in 1982 - the resistance of Hezbollah in particular since the general resistance includes many factions - to the last martyr who was buried today.
Our villages and towns in the Bekaa, the south, and the suburbs of Beirut have bid many dear martyrs farewell.
It is a day for our martyrs, including the martyred scholars, mujahideen, the self-sacrificing martyrs, our martyrs who died in all fields, battles, and places - our martyred men, women, and children, young and old. We have entire families - the father, mother, and children, who were martyred, for example, in the July War.
Of course, this date was chosen based on the great, quantitative operation that was carried out on November 11, 1982. The operation targeted the headquarters of the “Israeli” military governor in Tyre and led to the complete destruction of the building and the killing of more than 100 “Israeli” officers and soldiers. A three-day general mourning was announced in the usurping enemy entity.
We saw how Sharon’s face was blackened {your enemies would [be left to] totally disgrace you}. What we saw in front of the “Israeli” military governor’s building in Tyre is one of the confirmations of {your enemies would [be left to] totally disgrace you}. One of the greatest confirmations of {your enemies would [be left to] totally disgrace you} is what happened on October 7 in Gaza in occupied Palestine.
The quantitative operation was carried out by the prince of the self-sacrificing martyrs Ahmad Qasir, who was truly considered the initiator of the era of [self-sacrificing] martyrdom operations in Lebanon in confronting the “Israeli” occupation.
This operation, as we remind people of every year, remains to this day, with its moment, its actions, and its results, the most important, largest, and greatest operation in the history of the resistance and the history of this nation’s struggle with the Zionist enemy.
We chose this day to be a day for every martyr in our path and to confirm that martyrdom is the maker of victory. Imam Khomeini used to say that the blood and martyrdom of [Imam] Hussein (peace be upon him) in Karbala as well as the day of Karbala are the day of victory of blood over the sword.
The blood of martyr Ahmed Qasir on 11-11 as well as that of all the martyrs before him and after him were victorious. This blood triumphed over the American-“Israeli” sword wielded over our region and the peoples of our region, at least since the 1940s. When we talk about our dear ones who have been killed since that time, i.e. almost 41 years, we call them martyrs. Why?
Because they were killed for the sake of God. A martyr is one who is killed for the sake of God, and our brothers, sisters, and dear ones were killed for the sake of God Almighty, and these martyrs have this great moral quality.
The martyrs in our path and culture have a special status, a religious, cognitive, cultural, emotional, and sentimental status. They have holiness based on God Almighty’s praise of them, God’s glorification of them, and God’s honoring of them in the verses of the Qur’an and in the hadiths of the Messenger and his family.
We do not realize the reality of the status of martyrdom with our limited minds, as our Imam Khomeini used to say. What is this great status that the eyes of God’s great awliya looked forward to, so they asked and implored God eagerly to grant them this high status? We feel the blessings and sacrifices of these martyrs here in Lebanon and in our region, every hour and day, in our daily lives, in security, safety, dignity, liberation, freedom, honor, and also in protection through the deterrence force they created.
We define our martyrs as follows: Our martyrs are the people of faith in God, His messengers, His prophets, His angels, His books, and the Last Day. Our martyrs are the people of insight. They know the goal and the way. They know the enemy and the friend. They move at the right time, in the right place, in the right and appropriate circumstance. Our martyrs are people who sense responsibility when people neglect to bear responsibility, no matter the cost. Our martyrs are people of work and jihad. Our martyrs are people of patience and great sacrifices - sacrificing one’s life is the highest level of generosity. Our martyrs are people of sincerity to God Almighty. They never asked for praise, gratitude, or reward from anyone in return for their blood, jihad, and martyrdom. Rather, they desire what God Almighty has. Our martyrs were like this and still are like this, and the mujahideen who advance in the arenas of jihad and martyrdom have the same soul and spirit in them.
The families of our martyrs are the ones who offered to our society these men and women; the families of the martyrs - the fathers and mothers - these honorable households are the ones that raised their sons and daughters on faith, values, morals, to have a sense of responsibility, fear of God, and eagerness for what is with God Almighty.
The families of our martyrs also possess these qualities of faith, bearing responsibility, work, effort, patience, and sacrifice, in addition to doing things patiently for Allah’s sake. They patiently make sacrifices for Allah’s sake and submit to His decree and will. Rather, they are satisfied with Allah’s approval and are proud of what He has chosen for them, when He chose from their families a martyr - a husband, wife, son, brother, a sister, or a dear one. They have so far succeeded and are succeeding every day in this trial and test.
The loss of loved ones is one of the greatest divine trials for Man. This is especially mentioned in the noble narrations. Among the difficult tests for people is the loss of a child. The great prophets underwent these tests and suffered. After patiently making sacrifices, the families of our martyrs bear the responsibility of preserving the blood of their dear ones, the goals, the path, the achievements, and the victories.
They have become true partners in this march in terms of blood, sacrifices, achievements, victories, the threats it faces, and the dangers it is subject to. Therefore, in difficult situations we find that the families of the martyrs are the most eager and concerned about this path, embracing it and ready to make more sacrifices.
Today, on Martyr's Day, I congratulate all the families of the martyrs for belonging to this caravan, the caravan of light, the caravan of the masters of existence, the caravan of those whom God Almighty chose and selected as martyrs in the ranks of the prophets and awliya. I acknowledge their steadfastness, firmness, honesty, sincerity, loyalty, sacrifice, asceticism in this world, abandoning all its greed, and constant readiness to give. They are the ones who defend this path with their voices, stances, and steadfastness.
I must also praise the words that we’ve been hearing from the families of the martyrs since October 8. In a letter addressing the families of the martyrs of Gaza, the West Bank, and Palestine, the fathers, mothers, wives, sons, and daughters [of Hezbollah’s martyrs] extended their sympathies and emphasized continuing the path as both families have offered blood. They also expressed their willingness to make more sacrifices to defend Gaza, the sanctities, Palestine, and Lebanon.
The families of the martyrs are the ones who have always given us since 1982 and before that the strength to continue on this historic jihadist path, which rightly contributes in shaping the fate and future of our people, our sanctities, and our region.
Brothers and sisters, Martyr’s Day this year coincides with major, dangerous, and historic events throughout our region, in Gaza, in Palestine. During the remainder of the time, I will talk about developing events so we can keep pace and understand them and also to determine who is responsible for what.
In terms of the current events today, especially in Gaza, there are two developing ones:
The first is the “Israeli” aggression against the people of Gaza – the men, women, children, young, and old – in other words, the civilians. The second is the heroic and great response of the Palestinian resistance in the face of the “Israeli” forces.
1- The first development, which is the “Israeli” aggression, is huge, dangerous, and exceptional in our region. These are war crimes. This is brutality.
A narrow space - the besieged Gaza Strip - inhabited by more than two million people has been under bombardment since October 7, day and night, and for hours. There is no respect for the sacredness of mosques, churches, schools, international institutions, or health centers.
What is strange about these crimes is the public, scandalous, and official adoption of the attack on hospitals by the enemy under flimsy and false pretexts.
This high number of martyrs, mostly women and children, the wounded and displaced as well as the destruction of homes that are taking place under the eyes of the world have not stop the aggression or deescalate the situation. Rather, it was intensifying day after day.
This painful event and grave crimes express, in part, “Israeli” revenge. This is the brutal spirit of revenge that has no limits or moral, legal, and humane discipline. It expresses the reality and nature of this entity.
But there is another aspect, which I would like to dwell on for a moment. Here, the “Israelis” miscalculate. Understanding this issue is very important for all of us in the region because it is part of disrupting the goals of the aggression.
Several Zionist officials stated clearly that all the killing, terrorism, torture, and brutality have a goal. This is not just revenge, anger, and agitation, but rather it is aggression and purposeful crimes. One of the main goals that the enemy wants is subjugation, not only the subjugation of the people of Gaza, but also the subjugation of the Palestinian people, the subjugation of the Lebanese people, the subjugation of the people of the region.
The goal is subjugation. The goal is to overthrow the will to demand legitimate rights. The goal is to cause despair towards the option of steadfastness and resistance. The goal is to push people to surrender and say that the cost of resistance and demanding rights is very high, so you should stop. Their goal is to tell the Palestinians, through their crimes in Gaza, to forget their land, prisoners, and sanctities. Forget about Palestine from the sea to the river and even the 1967 occupied territories. While they are destroying and killing in Gaza, they are addressing Lebanon and saying: People of Lebanon, look at what is happening in Gaza because it resisted and rebelled. This is what the enemy wants. This is one of the goals of the deliberate and brutal killing. There is no wrongful killing.
For example, when they say that they destroyed thousands of targets, they are talking about more than ten thousand Hamas targets in Gaza. Where are there ten thousand targets in Gaza for Hamas? Where are the ten thousand military or jihadi points of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and all the factions? They consider every home and family in Gaza as legitimate targets in order to achieve this goal.
Here, the enemy is making a mistake again, and this goal will not be achieved despite all the pain and suffering. As if the Zionists had forgotten what they’ve been doing to the Palestinian people since the 1940s – the massacres in Deir Yassin and others, the demolition of homes, displacement, demographic changes, killing for over 75 years. What was the result?
Did the Palestinian people and the new generations retreat from demanding their rights, from resisting, from shedding blood, and from making sacrifices?
On the contrary, this resistance, this will, and this culture kept growing, from one generation to another and over time, until it reached its highest level of the great historical work accomplished by the resistance fighters from the Qassam Brigades in Gaza on October 7.
Also, here in Lebanon, other than the attacks, wars, and invasions since 1948, the “Israelis” are talking about two wars – they call them wars – the First Lebanon War, the 1982 invasion, and the Second Lebanon War in 2006, the July War. These are different from the 1978 invasion and others.
If we look at statistics, the number of homes that were destroyed in Lebanon in the 1982 invasion, the number of martyrs, the number of wounded, and the number of those who were displaced are in thousands. The war lasted for months, but was it able to make the Lebanese people abandon the resistance? On the contrary, immediately after this war, these massacres, the destruction, and the displacement, the Lebanese resistance with its various factions was launched.
One of the strong and fundamental expressions and one of the fundamental reactions that tells the enemy, “You are wrong in your calculations,” is the martyrdom operation of Ahmed Qasir on November 11, 1982 and the subsequent resistance operations of all the Lebanese factions, movements, and parties that participated in the resistance. These operations defeated the “Israeli” enemy, overthrew the May 17 Agreement, and forced the “Israelis” to withdraw in 1985 and 2000.
In the Second Lebanon War, didn’t the “Israelis” say that they killed and wounded thousands, that they destroyed more than 150,000 housing units, and displace more than a million people from their homes? What was the result? Did the Lebanese people abandon the resistance in the face of the horror of the massacres? Absolutely not! They held on to the resistance more, believed in it more, trusted it more, and still trusts it to this day. Thus, this goal that the enemy has in mind must be confronted.
Unfortunately, there are Arab media outlets, writers, and media figures, as well as others in the world who are helping, intentionally or unintentionally, to achieve this “Israeli” goal, which I said would not be achieved because of awareness, insight, understanding, and the intensive learning from these experiences.
The ones who must despair are the “Israelis”. They must know that from the remains of the martyrs in Gaza and the West Bank, from the remains of the martyrs in Lebanon and elsewhere, and from the remains of children, young girls, and grandmothers, generations with stronger faith, courage, determination, and the will to resist this occupier and remove it from existence, God willing, will rise.
They are the ones who should despair and not our peoples because their only choice, which has been proven over 75 years, to achieve victory, liberation, protection, and dignity is resistance, not the choice of surrender and submission, even if the sacrifices made have a heavy price like what is happening today in Gaza and the West Bank.
Of course, the enemy, as I said first, will not be able to achieve this goal and accomplish it through this aggression and these massacres.
Secondly, it is inflicting many losses on itself, one of which is that its brutal and barbaric nature is becoming clearer to the people of our region and the world as well as to the governments of the world.
They have worked for more than 20 years and are utilizing the international and Arab media, unfortunately, to portray the “Israeli” entity, the “Israeli” officials, and the “Israeli” settlers as good and kind people who want peace and to live in peace.
This is all collapsing. They are dealing fatal blows to the normalization project on which they place great hopes. If our peoples rejected normalization, regardless of the will of some rulers, before the massacres that are taking place now in Gaza, their position in rejecting normalization with the “Israeli” enemy will be stronger, more certain, and more solid after these massacres and brutality.
However, what is most important at this moment is the change in the international public opinion and the exposure of the falsity of the “Israeli” claims of defending children while they are killing thousands of children and women. This change now is in favor of the resistance, the resistance project, and the people of Gaza.
The demonstrations that are occurring in more than one place in our Arab and Islamic world are very important. However, the most important are the demonstrations taking place in Washington, New York, London, Paris, and Western European countries because they put pressure on their governments. Time here is putting pressure on the enemy and on those who protect the enemy. Early on, heads of Western countries, who said that there should be no ceasefire because it is in the interest of Hamas and the resistance in Palestine have now joined all these people and voices calling for a complete ceasefire.
There is no one left in the world that supports the continuation of this aggression and killing except the American administration and its small English subordinate. The Americans began to talk about feeling isolated in the world. The odd one out in the world today is the American voice, which was not the case in the first few weeks.
However, because of this aggression, bloodshed, massacres, the children’s body parts, and the bombing of hospitals, the world can no longer tolerate this matter. This, of course, will constitute a factor of pressure on the Americans and the “Israelis” and limit their time. In fact, the one who can prevent and stop this aggression is the one managing it – America. It is the one that can stop this aggression.
In “Israel” today, there is a group of fools, crazy people, angry people who are only thinking about their personal future and fate, like Netanyahu, Gallant, and others like them.
The one who is managing this battle, making decisions, waging it, and supporting it is the US administration, and all condemnation, denunciation, and pressure must be directed at the US administration and the Americans.
Political, popular, military, security and economic pressure, if possible, must be focused here and primarily on the US administration because it is the first and last decision-maker.
As I speak to you, I do not know if the Arab-Islamic summit has ended or not. Today, there is a summit bringing together 57 Arab and Islamic countries – i.e. 22 Arab countries, and if we add to it the non-Arab Islamic countries, we will have 57 Arab and Islamic countries. The world, the peoples of the region, and the Palestinian people are looking forward to this summit, regardless of the expectations.
Today, the Palestinians said what they wanted to say. They are not asking this summit to send armies to liberate Palestine and lift the siege on Gaza. They are not demanding from them what they say they cannot do. However, they are asking it to do the bare minimum – for the Islamic and Arab world to express a one-man stance in the face of the Americans and rightly demand that they stop this aggression and war and these crimes.
They want it to demand them seriously and threaten them with measures. No one is asking you for armies; do not bother yourself; do not liberate Palestine; do not liberate Al-Aqsa Mosque, just stop the aggression, even if Gaza was the only one left fighting.
Can't 57 Arab and Islamic countries open the crossing into Gaza to bring in aid, medicine, water, and fuel and rescue the wounded? The world is waiting for this decision, position, and procedure. How things will move forward is based on this decision.
2- The second development is the performance of the resistance in Gaza – Hamas, the Islamic Jihad, and other Palestinian resistance factions, depending on their ability, energy, and capabilities.
The fighting in Gaza is taking place under very harsh conditions, with continuous aerial bombardment and a great psychological burden. We must be aware that the families and homes of these mujahideen are being killed and bombed. Their loved ones are being displaced. They are facing a very difficult reality psychologically. They are fighting proudly, powerfully, courageously, and steadfastly, facing tanks, armored vehicles, soldiers, and elite forces.
The strongest “Israeli” elite brigades are the ones fighting in Gaza today. This is evidence of “Israel’s” inability – the strongest elite brigades fighting in Gaza, yet they did not present the great image of victory required and expected by the “Israelis”.
The number of [destroyed] tanks and vehicles as well as the number of dead soldiers and wounded in Gaza that the resistance announced is greater than what the Zionists announced. One hospital reported hundreds of wounded, several of whom were in serious condition. They were evacuated from the battlefield in Gaza.
This courage, boldness, and creativity in combat tactics, this dazzling, creative, and legendary field, contributes today to a great extent to the course of things. The real wager is on the field. Since October 7, there has bombing, destruction, killing, and targeting. A few days ago, there was a ground operation, yet the “Israelis” are still unable to present an image of victory or to present an image of defeat and surrender by the resistance fighters in Palestine, in Gaza. Therefore, hopes are pinned here.
When talking about the support fronts – that is what the “Israelis” call them – the “Israelis” today say that we are facing multiple fronts, including the West Bank support front, which is heading toward more confrontation and combustion and offering martyrs.
The West Bank support front:
The “Israeli” concern is clear about the possibilities of an explosion in the West Bank, and they say that this situation may force them to withdraw some forces from the north of occupied Palestine, from the front with Lebanon, and even from the south of the front with Gaza to confront what they fear in the West Bank.
The Yemen support front:
The second front is Yemen. The Yemeni leadership and people – the government in Sana’a and the Yemeni army – adopted a bold, courageous, strong, public, and official stance. They launched batches of missiles and drones towards targets in occupied Palestine. This was faced with an American military interception through US battleships, aircraft carriers, and capabilities.
Unfortunately, there is talk about an Arab interception of these missiles and drones, but what the brothers in Yemen did have very important and significant effects.
Let us assume that the missiles and drones did not reach – this a hypothesis. Another hypothesis says they reached Eilat and other targets in the south of occupied Palestine. However, the “Israeli” enemy is concealing this. It is in their interest to conceal this.
One of the most important results of this exceptional position when we talk in terms of the Arab world is that today Yemen is a state with a government and an army. It is not just a resistance movement like the Iraqi resistance or Hezbollah in Lebanon.
First off, this provided very great moral and psychological support for the Palestinian fighters and resistance and those who need it and are demanding such support.
Those demanding such support are asking the peoples of the world to demonstrate and hold sit-ins because this constitutes moral support. The Yemeni army and resistance are doing more – they are launching missiles and drones.
Secondly, this threat also forced the “Israeli” enemy to shift part of its air defenses, iron domes, and Patriot missiles from northern and southern Palestine to Eilat.
Another effect is that this threat has also made this region unsafe. This means more “Israeli” displacement of those displaced from the Gaza envelope. This in turn helps in putting more pressure on the enemy’s government.
As I said a little while ago, the mounting political, military, security, and economic pressures on the “Israeli” government are what make the enemy, with limited time, retreat and reconsider their arrogance and decision.
We are grateful for the great, blessed, and very commendable steps that Yemen is taking, knowing that threats were directed at them before and after. They were threatened with bringing back the war to them, which was and still is an American war par excellence against Yemen and the Yemeni people. However, they did not listen to these threats as is the case with the rest of the resistance forces in the region. Sana’a continued with steadfastness. This is, of course, alongside the popular presence, which is unparalleled in the Arab and Islamic worlds and even the world.
So far, we have not witnessed popular demonstrations and mobilizations anywhere in the world like those in the Yemeni cities on more than one day and on more than one occasion. This is one of the support fronts.
The Iraq support front:
The third is the Iraq front or the Iraqi resistance front. Targeting American bases in Iraq and Syria basically stemmed from the idea of solidarity with Gaza.
Unfortunately, I heard some Palestinian officials saying that this has nothing to do with what is happening in Gaza. No, before October 7, these fronts were calm. The Iraqi resistance front was calm, especially inside Iraq. The real reason the Islamic resistance launched activities in Iraq is because of what is happening in Gaza and the aggression against it.
This position is declared in military statements and in the political position. They are the ones saying that stop the war on Gaza for us to stop these operations. This is the equation they proposed. However, these operations without a doubt serve the idea of liberating Iraq and Syria from the rest of the American occupation bases in the countries. It undoubtedly serves this goal.
It [this equation] must also be used by the Iraqis and Syrians to achieve this goal, but the basic premise from which it started is solidarity with and support for Gaza, the people of Gaza, and the resistance of Gaza. Until yesterday morning, the Americans have acknowledged 46 attacks on their bases in Iraq and Syria and 56 injured soldiers – either wounds or concussions. A strange thing is these soldiers always suffer from concussions. Either way, having a concussion means they are out of service. This is what the Iraqi resistance did and is doing. This action expresses courage and bravery. Why?
Because they are fighting the Americans who have fleets, aircraft carriers, and bases in the region. However, these brave men and children are standing up to and challenging the Americans and the US armed forces. They are challenging them with fire.
Having a political position – the demonstration – is very important and needed. But when you go to the point of confrontation with fire, you are entering into the heart of danger.
According to our information, the Americans sent threats and asked countries to put pressure on the brothers in Yemen. They are putting pressure on the brothers in Iraq, and they are putting pressure on us in Lebanon.
The US ambassador said, “No, we did not threaten Hezbollah.” She is either lying or ignorant, who does not know anything. The Americans resorted to all Western, Arab, and Lebanese channels they know to deliver threats. However, this intimidation and threat did not stop the operations of the Iraqi resistance, our Yemeni brothers, or the resistance in Lebanon.
Despite the recent American attacks in Syria – I will come back to them shortly – and the discourse of the Iraqi, Yemeni, and Lebanese resistance, if the Americans want these operations to stop on the support fronts and for the region not to go into a regional war, you must stop the aggression and war on Gaza. This is the equation.
No one will be able to pressure the resistance movements from not standing up to, to remain silent, or to abandon their responsibilities. The same goes to our front.
The Syria support front:
I move to another front – Syria.
Syria, in fact, along with the axis of resistance and in the heart of the axis of resistance shoulders a very heavy burden. Syria has displayed firm, strong, clear, and non-negotiable political position in the Arab League and international forums.
What is most important today is that Syria, despite its difficult circumstances, embraces resistance fighters and resistance movements. It also bears the brunt of the confrontation and position.
Any missile or rocket launched regardless of whoever launches it towards the Golan, the enemy bombs Damascus Airport, Aleppo Airport, and other targets, resulting in martyrs from the Syrian army and the forces supporting it. They bear the consequences of the limited “Israeli” options.
For example, two days ago, a drone reached Eilat. This was acknowledged by the “Israelis”, and it caused great terror in Eilat and put it in the circle of danger. This was a big and very important move. Eilat enjoys American and “Israeli” protection, and it is said that it has Arab protection as well.
“Israel” failed to identify the party that launched the drone. Could it be from Yemen, Iraq, or somewhere else?
In the end, the “Israelis” accused one of the Hezbollah formations operating in Syria. Where was the response? The response was in Syria. To what [was the response]? To the drone that bombed Eilat, and as you know yesterday, several of our fighters were martyred. Here, Syria bears these great burdens.
Amid this confrontation, I do not think that anyone today would demand more from Syria as a state and as a people. Let us be realistic and objective in a time of trivial and malicious wrangling.
Syria was subjected to a 12-year global and continues to do so. Syria is being besieged by the Caesar Act that is strangling it economically. Syria’s army is still spreading from Albukamal to the mountains of Latakia, facing armed groups over an area and distance of hundreds of kilometers. A few days ago, Daesh attacked Syria’s Badiya, and dozens of Syrian army soldiers were in the Sukhna region. What Daesh is committing there is with American protection and support. This is one of the faces of American hypocrisy – they say ‘we in Syria are fighting Daesh. In reality, they are in Syria sponsoring Daesh, gathering Daesh fighters, and reviving it in order to exhaust the state, the army, and the people in Syria.
So, despite all these wounds over the past 12 years, Syria is still steadfast and an incubator for the resistance. Therefore, it is in the natural and logical position in this confrontation.
The Iran support front:
I will talk about another front in a couple of words before I elaborate about the final front – Iran.
The Islamic Republic of Iran’s firm position on the Palestinian issue and its permanent, continuous, and unlimited political, moral, and diplomatic support, as well as financial, material, and military support are no longer a secret.
They were hidden in the past, but today this is known. If there is a resistance force in Lebanon, Palestine, or this region, the first and foremost form of support is non-political and moral, which it shares with Syria and other countries.
However, when it comes to material, military, and financial capabilities, this is known. If there are achievements, victories, and deterrence force in our region, they are because of this courageous and decisive stance of the leadership of the Islamic Revolution and the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The martyr and great commander Hajj Qassem Soleimani and many martyred leaders spent most of their lives who working in this regard; they did not spare any money, weapons, experience, training, effort, advice, and support for the resistance movements, so that the peoples of this region could remain defiant.
The Islamic Republic is still in this position despite all the threats. Today, when the Iraqi resistance strikes the American occupation, America threatens Iran. When the resistance in Lebanon strikes the Zionists in northern occupied Palestine, America threatens Iran. Iran, the Islamic Republic, does not change its position at all.
Of course, it does not decide, as we said, on behalf of the resistance movements, but it will always and forever remain the protector, defender, and supporter of the resistance movements and at the heart of this battle.
The Lebanon support front:
I reach our Lebanese front. I will not repeat what I said during my Friday speech. The operations have been ongoing since October 8. The operations continued on a daily basis, as they were, after Friday’s speech against tanks, armored vehicles, equipment, and the movement and gathering of soldiers.
Despite all the preventive measures that the enemy naturally took – disappearing, hiding in holes, withdrawing to the back – the resistance continued.
I want you to know that in light of the constant presence of “Israeli” armed drones, which is a new factor that was not present in the July War and in the confrontation, the operations nevertheless continued.
Today, when your sons and brothers, the Mujahideen fighters in the front, launch anti-tank missiles, Burkan missiles, or other missiles, or carry out sniping operations or any form of military targeting, any step forward is tantamount to an act of martyrdom in every sense of the word.
The scale of daily operations in southern Lebanon expresses the courage, resilience, bravery, and presence of these brave mujahideen, martyrs, heroes, and believers.
In the past week, that is between Friday and Saturday, there is no doubt that there has been an advancement in the work of the resistance in the Lebanese front – a quantitative advancement in terms of the number of operations and the number of targets and an advancement in terms of the type of weapons.
For the first time in the history of the resistance in Lebanon, we are using strike drones. The brothers used it a few days ago and yesterday as well. A few days ago and today, the Burkan missiles, used to target outposts, entered the battle a few days ago and today.
The explosives a Burkan missile weighs between 300 kilograms and 500 kilograms, i.e. half a ton. You can only imagine half a ton of explosives falling on “Israeli” outposts in the front area and on the borders and the damage they leave behind.
Whether or not the “Israelis” talk about losses is a separate topic that I will refer to shortly. The resistance also used Katyusha rockets, which have not been used since October 8, in responding to the attacks on Iqlim al-Tuffah. They were also used in the response that struck in depth the artillery positions near the occupied Syrian Golan.
Two salvoes, i.e. two batches, of Katyusha rockets and 107 rockets were launched at Kiryat Shmona in response to the massacre and brutal killing in Ainata.
There is also advancement in terms of depth. The operations carried out yesterday, using Katyusha rockets and drones, struck areas deeper in “Israel” than ever before.
Hence, we were at a certain level of progress in terms of quantity, quality, and depth. This was of course necessitated by the nature of the battle and what I mentioned in Friday’s speech which is related to Gaza and the existing escalation in Lebanon.
Yesterday, the vice president of the medical center in the Galilee, and this is one of the hospitals in the Galilee – I am not talking about the other hospitals, some of which are basic hospitals – said that more than 350 wounded soldiers and civilians arrived at their hospital. We are talking here about the northern front and not the other hospitals.
He said that many arrive with serious and even hopeless injuries, but as I said, they are trying to hide their injuries and deaths or include them in the general numbers that they announce daily.
Last week, civilians were targeted. The first attack caused severe harm. Some attacks target the vicinity of villages. Sometimes some outlying houses are responded to within certain limits. But last week, in the past few days, cars belonging to the dear brothers in the Islamic Risala Scout were attacked. Some of them were wounded.
We thank the brothers for their sacrifices and brave presence in those dangerous areas. In any case, the resistance responded to this aggression by launching an attack on one of the “Israeli” outposts. The “Israelis” acknowledges two injuries.
But the most dangerous is the attack on the car of the honorable Shour family. The attack led to the martyrdom of the beloved grandmother, Samira Ayoub, and her three granddaughters, Layan, Talin, and Remas, the daughters of Mr. Mahmoud Shour.
The Islamic Resistance responded quickly and without hesitation. This was the first time that Kiryat Shmona and a settlement were bombed with Katyusha rockets. We informed the enemy, in an official statement, that we will not tolerate harming civilians. We affirm our commitment to this.
Today, brothers and sisters, we on this front continue to work. There are some actions that were not previously announced, including the daily entry of reconnaissance drones into the north of occupied Palestine. Some of which reach Haifa, Akka, Safad, and Tiberias, sometimes crossing the north. Some of them return with the required photos, while others do not return.
We want some of them not to return. Why? Because the Iron Dome and the Patriot missiles are being exhausted, and sometimes the Iron Dome and the Patriot missiles are unable to intercept these drones, so they bring out the helicopters, the F-16s, and the F-35s. This is daily work. Every day, we send one or two drones, and sometimes three drones. These are apart from the strike drones. Of course, we do not issue daily statements on these.
The “Israeli” admit that the overall performance on the Lebanon front has advanced to a certain degree. This has increased their level of anxiety, which is the intention. That is why we have witnessed a new wave of threats, from Netanyahu, Gallant, Gantz, and others towards Lebanon in the past few days.
The reason for this is the high level of concern regarding what is happening on this front and its development in quantity, quality, and depth.
Of course, we will continue with this performance, and as I said on Friday, this is the general path. Day by day, we evaluate, decide, and act accordingly, and this front, God willing, will remain exerting pressure.
Here, I must once again pay tribute to the heroic mujahideen resistance fighters, especially those on the frontlines and in all resistance sites. We must praise the incubating environment, the direct incubating environment that bears the burden of this confrontation on the Lebanese front, the burden of providing martyrs and wounded, the burden of displacement from the border villages, and the burden of material losses as well.
We must also praise the general stance in Lebanon that is in solidarity with Gaza, with the oppressed in Gaza, and supports or understands what the Islamic resistance is doing in southern Lebanon. This is with the exception of some voices and positions that, if measured against the total Lebanese and popular political position, are truly anomalous, few, and limited. I do not want to comment on them because then I would be giving them value. This general position is also helpful, good, and strong, and it makes this front effective and influential.
Brothers and sisters, the battlefield in Lebanon determines the next steps. This battle is not like other battles – I do not announce the steps and the brothers executing them. Our policy in the current battle is based on the field developments. Based on the developments of the field, we act accordingly. That is why eyes must always be on the field and not the words the come from us.
If we bring together all the scene that we started from Gaza to the West Bank, to Yemen, to Iraq, to Iran, to Syria, to Lebanon, we say that we are in a battle of resistance, steadfastness, patience, accumulation of achievements, collection of points, and a battle of time. Time is always a need for resistance movements and peoples. Time is what helps defeat invaders and tyrants. This has been the case throughout history.
When we talked about resistance movements throughout history, we are not talking about a conflict between countries and a conflict between armies. All peoples and resistance movements that fought the occupying invaders always needed long years, the accumulation of achievements, and continuous sacrifices until they brought the enemy to the point where it was forced to accept defeat. This is what happened in every conflict with occupiers and invaders throughout history, in our region, in Lebanon, in Palestine, and in Gaza.
Today, here in this battle, when these pressures – steadfastness, patience, action, field, politics, global presence, popular presence, etc. – combine, the enemy is forced to retreat and flounder.
This confusion is clear. Netanyahu says one thing at noon and another thing in the afternoon. When he meets with settlement leaders in the Gaza envelope, he tells them one thing, and when he holds a press conference, he says another thing. He tells them we will occupy the Gaza Strip and remain in Gaza, and in the afternoon press conference, he says we do not want to occupy or stay there. This is confusion. There is not even a gap in days, but rather on the same day, with a couple of hours apart. The defense minister also says a different thing every hour. This is confusion.
Time is not in the enemy's favor. There is military failure on the ground. The “Israelis” have failed to subjugate the people of Gaza despite the horrific massacres they committed against them.
The shift, as we said, in world public opinion, in international public opinion, in the position of states, the military failure on the ground, and the fear of the fronts broadening are all factors.
There is also pressure from internally displaced people. These people are not like us. They do not go to camps and schools. They stay in hotels, and if they do not stay in hotels, they get angry and demonstrate.
There is pressure from the economic situation – the direct and indirect economic losses on this entity. They are talking about tens of billions of dollars. This means that $ 14 billion will not solve its problem. There is also the pressure from the families of the “Israeli” captives held by the resistance in Gaza.
All these factors will limit their time and put pressure on this enemy. Therefore, these factors must continue. Pressure must continue; this patience and steadfastness must continue. We must all bear, and the people of Gaza and the resistance are the ones bearing most.
Therefore, we look forward to a horizon in which the resistance, the Gaza Strip, and Palestine will triumph. We look forward to a horizon in which this enemy fails to achieve any of their goals despite all the major wounds and massacres they’ve committed thus far.
{If you are suffering, they too are suffering. But you can hope to receive from Allah what they can never hope for.} Today, in addition to the fighting, the resistance, the martyrs, and the blood, I also call on you to pray, do not underestimate supplication, to pray for victory, to pray for hastening victory, to pray for shortening time, to pray for your brothers and sisters, your families, and your loved ones in Gaza, in the West Bank, in the fronts for God Almighty to give them victory as He sees their sincerity, jihad, and sacrifices.
Dear brothers and sisters, on Martyr’s Day, you and I pledge to our martyrs, all our righteous, dear, beloved martyrs, including Sayyed Abbas, Sheikh Ragheb, Hajj Imad, Sayyed Mustafa, Hajj Hassan, that we will continue on this path as a resistance, environment, people, families, and people who make sacrifices. We will preserve and protect their goals; we will accumulate their achievements so that we can attain victory. The final victory is coming, God willing.
Our future generations will witness the liberation of Palestine and Al-Quds. They are the ones that will pray, God willing, in Al-Aqsa Mosque. No matter what the Zionists do and commit, “Israel” after October 7 will never be the same as “Israel” before this date – the existential, strategic, historic, and security sense.
This amazing truth will be proven by the coming days, weeks, months, and years. All we have to do is take responsibility and go to the end of the road and join the martyrs.
May God bless you and accept your martyrs and sacrifices. May Allah’s peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you.