Political Segment of Sayyed Nasrallah’s Speech on 5th Night of Muharram

Translated by Al-Ahed News, Hezbollah Media Relations
The political segment of the speech delivered by Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on the fifth night of Muharram 1445 AH.
To start with, I would like to thank all our dear and honorable people, all the brothers and sisters across Lebanon, who gathered yesterday inside and outside mosques, embracing the noble Quran and letting the whole world hear their voices. They answered the call to support Allah’s Book which is being subjected to assault, desecration, and burning.
We’ve seen extensive participation in the programs that were implemented yesterday in all councils across various regions. The programs are based on the statement issued by the Amal Movement and Hezbollah. They expressed great sanctification of the Holy Quran. This was a great initiative from all the faithful men and women.
We must also acknowledge everything that took place across the world in response to the incident a few days ago. The Yemeni and Iraqi people were the initiators. Yesterday, we witnessed strong and appropriate popular movement in Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, and many Arab and Islamic countries.
I will return shortly to the position of His Eminence, the Leader, Sayyed [Ali] Khamenei. The stance of the Iraqi government headed by Mr. [Mohammed] Al-Sudani was great. It is still the most important at the official level. It includes recalling the Iraqi chargé d’affaires from Sweden and expelling the Swedish ambassador from Iraq. The Iraqis also threatened to sever diplomatic relations, in addition to freezing out a number of Swedish companies operating in Iraq.
Concerning the official Iranian position, it just so happened that Iran appointed an ambassador to Sweden and was going to send him there before the previous incident [the desecration of the Quran] took place. The Iranians then held off on sending their ambassador to Sweden. Sweden had also appointed a new ambassador and wanted to send him to Iran. Yesterday, the Iranian government informed Sweden that it will not receive the new Swedish ambassador until the Swedish government handles this situation appropriately.
In Lebanon, following the position yesterday and the day before yesterday, the appropriate contacts were made. As a result, the Swedish ambassador left.
There is a debate on whether someone sent after her or not and whether someone spoke to her or not. I will not go into details. Others said that she left on holiday. In any case, the Lebanese are known for fixing things their way.
The departure of the Swedish ambassador from Lebanon is an important matter for us as Lebanese people, and it is our demand as Lebanese. We were told that the Lebanese ambassador to Sweden is now in Lebanon. He will not return to Sweden at the current stage, but we will follow up on this matter in an appropriate official manner.
Amid the insistence of the Swedish government [to permit the desecration of the Quran], the least we can do is expel the Swedish ambassadors and withdraw the ambassadors of Arab and Islamic countries from Sweden as a first step. This must evolve into severing diplomatic and economic relations with this aggressor country.
Of course, in the past two days, Swedish ambassadors in many Arab and Islamic countries were summoned. They were informed about the condemnation, denunciation, and protest of the Arab and Islamic governments. This is a good and important matter, but it is not sufficient and not a deterrent. This situation must evolve.
There is an invitation officially announced today by the Iraqi government for a soon-to-be-organized meeting for foreign ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation where the appropriate position will be explored.
We should not be deceived by apologies; the Swedish Foreign Minister and the Swedish government issued a statement yesterday saying they condemn, protest, and do not accept the offense. Yet, they allow it, guard it, and protect it, as they did both times.
What happened in Denmark, of course, must be examined. Did the Danish government, as the Swedish government, authorize this assault?
A while ago, statements were issued by the Danish government denouncing, condemning, deploring, etc. This is also not enough. These governments must prevent any attack on the Holy Quran and our sacred symbols. If they do not, they are all in the same position and belong to one front.
I must refer here to the statement issued by His Eminence Imam Sayyid Khamenei today. There is a sentence in the statement that carries a high degree of importance, and I advise the Swedish government to consult experts in law and Islamic jurisprudence and ask them about this sentence to know where things are heading. This is also addressed to the government of Denmark if it fails to address the situation.
His Eminence, Imam Khamenei, said in his statement: “The Swedish government should also know that by supporting the criminal [i.e., the one who assaulted the Quran], it has gone into battle-array for war on the Muslim world and created feelings of hatred and animosity toward them in all the Muslim nations and many of their governments.”
The expression “battle-array for war” means that if the Swedish government continues in this manner, it will be classified as a state at war with Islam, a state at war with Muslims, a state at war with Islam and Muslims. I advise the Swedish government to consult and ask what it would mean to have Sweden designated as a country at war with Islam. What does this mean? What are the consequences?
The tone of the speech is very serious. This speech is greater than issuing a fatwa against the perpetrator. His Eminence the Leader said that all Islamic scholars are unanimous in handing down the most severe punishment against the perpetrator.
This speech is addressing states and governments that sponsor these attacks under the guise of ‘freedom of expression and freedom of opinion’.
In any case, it seems that this battle has commenced. If the assessment about the “Israeli” Mossad being behind this is correct, we are facing a steady movement that will require us to keep pace with it. We will also need clear and strong positions from the Muslim peoples and governments and Islamic and Arab countries.
We, God willing, must keep pace with any development.
I would like to make a remark. Yesterday, the position in Lebanon was very harmonious, very disciplined, and very committed. It confidently expressed the required position.
I am talking about Lebanon. The rest of the countries have scholars and wise men who know how to act. The political and security conditions in Lebanon are sensitive, and the country does not tolerate any small or large clashes or confrontations.
Therefore, I say to all the Lebanese, especially to the Muslims and the youth who are enthusiastic or who may become fervent in the future if bad developments occur, that there are religious and political authorities that carry responsibilities and are tasked with leading this confrontation.
I call on you not to take any individual actions outside the directives, because some individual actiona, even if they are well-intentioned, may harm the goal and the course of confrontation. This battle is not for emotions but for victory. The only way to achieve victory is through calculated, studied, strong, useful, and productive steps.
We must not open Lebanon’s door to anyone who wants to fish in troubled waters or exploit the sensitive circumstances in our country.
This is sufficient for tonight, and I say: We, God willing, will remain as yesterday in a very high state of alert. There should be a very large crowd and notable presence across all Lebanese regions, through stances and movements.
God willing, together, we will be able to keep pace with this battle and get to a day when we prevent these hands and tongues from attacking our symbols and sanctities.